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flexiblesusy Namespace Reference


namespace  amm_loop_functions
namespace  anonymous_namespace{betafunction.cpp}
namespace  anonymous_namespace{ckm.cpp}
namespace  anonymous_namespace{coupling_monitor.cpp}
namespace  anonymous_namespace{decay.cpp}
namespace  anonymous_namespace{decay_functions.cpp}
namespace  anonymous_namespace{eigen_utils.hpp}
namespace  anonymous_namespace{eta.cpp}
namespace  anonymous_namespace{factorial.cpp}
namespace  anonymous_namespace{flexibledecay_settings.cpp}
namespace  anonymous_namespace{global_thread_pool.cpp}
namespace  anonymous_namespace{harmonic.cpp}
namespace  anonymous_namespace{Li.cpp}
namespace  anonymous_namespace{Li2.cpp}
namespace  anonymous_namespace{Li3.cpp}
namespace  anonymous_namespace{Li4.cpp}
namespace  anonymous_namespace{Li5.cpp}
namespace  anonymous_namespace{Li6.cpp}
namespace  anonymous_namespace{logger.cpp}
namespace  anonymous_namespace{one_loop_decay_diagrams.cpp}
namespace  anonymous_namespace{pmns.cpp}
namespace  anonymous_namespace{problems.cpp}
namespace  anonymous_namespace{settings.cpp}
namespace  anonymous_namespace{sfermions.cpp}
namespace  anonymous_namespace{slha_format.hpp}
namespace  anonymous_namespace{slha_io.cpp}
namespace  anonymous_namespace{spectrum_generator_settings.cpp}
namespace  anonymous_namespace{threshold_corrections.cpp}
namespace  anonymous_namespace{wrappers.hpp}
namespace  anonymous_namespace{zeta.cpp}
namespace  cxx_diagrams
namespace  database
namespace  depgen
namespace  detail
namespace  Electroweak_constants
namespace  ffv_loop_functions
namespace  fixed_point_iterator
namespace  futils
namespace  gsl
namespace  looplibrary
namespace  meta
namespace  observable_problems
namespace  observables
namespace  runge_kutta
namespace  sfermions
namespace  threshold_loop_functions


struct  _power
struct  _power< 0, true, T >
struct  _power< 1, false, T >
struct  _power< p, false, T >
struct  _power< p, true, T >
class  AnyNumericalConstraint
class  AnyNumericalMatching
class  AnySingleSiteConstraint
class  band_matrix
class  Beta_function
 beta function interface More...
class  BVP_solver_problems
class  Chop
 function object, whose operator() returns zero if the value it is applied to is smaller than the given threshold More...
struct  CKM_parameters
class  Command_line_options
 parses the command line options More...
struct  Complex
 Class representing complex a number. More...
class  Composite_convergence_tester
 A composite convergence tester. More...
class  CompoundConstraint
class  CompoundConstraint< Lattice >
class  CompoundMatching
class  CompoundMatching< Lattice >
class  Constraint
class  Constraint< Lattice >
class  Convergence_tester
class  Convergence_tester< Lattice >
class  Convergence_tester_DRbar
class  Coupling_monitor
 records model parameters at different scales More...
struct  create_zero
struct  create_zero< T, true >
class  Decay
class  Decay_amplitude_FFS
 generic amplitude for the decay of a fermion into a fermion and scalar More...
class  Decay_amplitude_FFV
 generic amplitude for the decay of a fermion into a fermion and vector More...
class  Decay_amplitude_SFF
 generic amplitude for the decay of a scalar into two fermions More...
class  Decay_amplitude_SSS
 generic amplitude for the decay of a scalar into two scalars More...
class  Decay_amplitude_SSV
 generic amplitude for the decay of a scalar into a scalar and vector More...
class  Decay_amplitude_SVV
 generic amplitude for the decay of a scalar into two vectors More...
class  Decay_amplitude_type
 helper class to determine amplitude type for a given set of fields More...
class  Decays_list
class  Dynamic_array_view
 secure array wrapper More...
class  Error
struct  EvalEigenXprImpl
struct  EvalEigenXprImpl< Idx, Function, true >
class  EWSB_solver
 interface for numeric EWSB solvers More...
class  FatalError
class  Fixed_point_iterator
 Does fixed point iteration. More...
class  Fixed_t
class  Fixed_x
class  FlexibleDecay_problems
class  FlexibleDecay_settings
struct  FlipSignOp
class  ForeignConstraint
class  ForeignMatching
class  GM2Calc_MSSMNoFV_data
 data to be passed to GM2Calc More...
class  GM2Calc_THDM_data
 data to be passed to GM2Calc More...
class  GSL_multimin_fminimizer
class  GSL_multiroot_fsolver
class  GSL_vector
class  HimalayaError
struct  hVV_4body_params
class  Initial_guesser
class  Initial_guesser< Lattice >
class  IntraTheoryConstraint
struct  is_eigen_type
class  Lattice_constraint
class  Lattice_model
class  Lattice_RGE
class  Lattice_RKRGE
class  Lattice_translator
struct  Loop_corrections
class  Loop_library
class  LToLConversion_settings
class  Match_t
class  Matching
class  Matching< Lattice >
class  Minimizer
 Function minimizer. More...
class  Model
class  multiindex
class  Names
 Generic interface to access names of parameters and particles. More...
class  NoConvergenceError
 No convergence while solving the RGEs. More...
class  NoGFermiConvergenceError
 No convergence while calculating G_Fermi. More...
class  NonPerturbativeRunningError
 Non-perturbative RG running. More...
class  NonPerturbativeRunningQedQcdError
class  NonPerturbativeSinThetaW
 Calculation of sin(theta) became non-perturbative. More...
class  NoSinThetaWConvergenceError
 No convergence while calculating the sinThetaW parameter. More...
class  NumericalConstraint
struct  NumericalConstraintCommon
class  NumericalMatching
class  Observable_problems
class  OutOfBoundsError
 Out of bounds access. More...
class  OutOfMemoryError
 Not enough memory. More...
struct  ParWilson
class  Physical_input
 stores physical input parameters More...
class  PhysicalError
 Exception class to be used in the FlexibleSUSY model file. More...
struct  PMNS_parameters
class  Problems
 stores problem flags for the spectrum generator More...
class  RAII_guard
 Carries out provided clean-up actions at destruction. More...
class  RAII_save
 Saves value of variable and restores it at destruction. More...
class  ReadError
class  RGFlow
class  RGFlow< Lattice >
class  RGFlow< Semi_analytic >
 Boundary condition solver (semi-analytic algorithm) More...
class  RGFlow< Two_scale >
 Boundary condition solver (two-scale algorithm) More...
class  Root_finder
 Function root finder. More...
class  SetupError
 Spectrum generator was not setup correctly. More...
class  Single_scale_constraint
class  Single_scale_matching
class  SingleSiteInterTheoryConstraint
class  SLHA_io
 Handles reading and writing of SLHA files. More...
class  Spectrum_generator_problems
class  Spectrum_generator_settings
 stores the spectrum generator settings More...
class  Thread_pool
 A pool of threads. More...
struct  Threshold_corrections
class  Two_scale
class  Two_scale_constant_precision
class  Two_scale_increasing_precision
class  Two_scale_running_precision
class  Unified_xi_xj
class  Uniform_dt
struct  UnitarityInfiniteS
struct  Wilson
class  ZeroTensor3
class  ZeroTensor4


using CM22 = Eigen::Matrix< Comp, 2, 2 >
using CM33 = Eigen::Matrix< Comp, 3, 3 >
using CM44 = Eigen::Matrix< Comp, 4, 4 >
using CM66 = Eigen::Matrix< Comp, 6, 6 >
using Comp = std::complex< Real >
using InterTheoryConstraint = Matching< Lattice >
using Real = double
using RM22 = Eigen::Matrix< Real, 2, 2 >
using RM33 = Eigen::Matrix< Real, 3, 3 >
using RM44 = Eigen::Matrix< Real, 4, 4 >
using RM66 = Eigen::Matrix< Real, 6, 6 >
using RVe2 = Eigen::Matrix< Real, 2, 1 >
using RVe3 = Eigen::Matrix< Real, 3, 1 >
using RVe4 = Eigen::Matrix< Real, 4, 1 >
using RVe6 = Eigen::Matrix< Real, 6, 1 >
using RVec = std::vector< Real >
using SingleSiteConstraint = Constraint< Lattice >


template<typename Derived >
auto Abs (const Eigen::ArrayBase< Derived > &x) -> decltype(x.cwiseAbs().eval())
template<typename Derived >
auto Abs (const Eigen::MatrixBase< Derived > &x) -> decltype(x.cwiseAbs().eval())
double Abs (const std::complex< double > &x) noexcept
float Abs (const std::complex< float > &x) noexcept
long double Abs (const std::complex< long double > &x) noexcept
double Abs (double x) noexcept
float Abs (float x) noexcept
int Abs (int x) noexcept
long double Abs (long double x) noexcept
long long Abs (long long x) noexcept
long Abs (long x) noexcept
template<typename Derived >
auto AbsSqr (const Eigen::ArrayBase< Derived > &x) -> decltype(x.cwiseAbs().eval().square().eval())
template<typename Derived >
auto AbsSqr (const Eigen::MatrixBase< Derived > &x) -> decltype(AbsSqr(x.array()).matrix().eval())
double AbsSqr (const std::complex< double > &x) noexcept
float AbsSqr (const std::complex< float > &x) noexcept
long double AbsSqr (const std::complex< long double > &x) noexcept
double AbsSqr (double x) noexcept
float AbsSqr (float x) noexcept
int AbsSqr (int x) noexcept
long double AbsSqr (long double x) noexcept
long long AbsSqr (long long x) noexcept
long AbsSqr (long x) noexcept
template<typename Derived >
auto AbsSqrt (const Eigen::ArrayBase< Derived > &x) -> decltype(x.cwiseAbs().cwiseSqrt())
template<typename Derived >
auto AbsSqrt (const Eigen::MatrixBase< Derived > &x) -> decltype(x.cwiseAbs().cwiseSqrt())
double AbsSqrt (const std::complex< double > &x) noexcept
double AbsSqrt (double x) noexcept
std::complex< double > ArcCos (const std::complex< double > &x) noexcept
double ArcCos (double x) noexcept
std::complex< double > ArcSin (const std::complex< double > &x) noexcept
double ArcSin (double x) noexcept
std::complex< double > ArcTan (const std::complex< double > &x) noexcept
double ArcTan (double x) noexcept
template<typename T >
constexpr T arg (const Complex< T > &z) noexcept
double Arg (const std::complex< double > &x) noexcept
double Arg (double x) noexcept
double * begin (GSL_vector &)
 iterator to begin of GSL_vector More...
template<class BinaryOp , class Derived >
Derived binary_map (const Eigen::DenseBase< Derived > &a, const Eigen::DenseBase< Derived > &b, BinaryOp op)
double calc_DeltaAh (double b) noexcept
double calc_DeltaH (double b) noexcept
 Eq.(2.6) of hep-ph/0503173. More...
double calc_Deltaqq (double alpha_s_red, double Nf, FlexibleDecay_settings const &) noexcept
 Eq.(2.11) of hep-ph/0503173, 2-loop and higher order. More...
Decay_amplitude_SFF calculate_diagram_SFF_t1g1n1_FFS (double mext1, double mext2, double mext3, double mLF4, double mLF5, double mLS6, const std::complex< double > &CpF2F4cS6PL, const std::complex< double > &CpF2F4cS6PR, const std::complex< double > &CpcF4cF5S1PL, const std::complex< double > &CpcF4cF5S1PR, const std::complex< double > &CpF5F3S6PL, const std ::complex< double > &CpF5F3S6PR, double scale)
 Evaluates T1G1N1 diagram for process S -> FF. More...
Decay_amplitude_SFF calculate_diagram_SFF_t1g1n1_FFS (double, double, double, double, double, double, const std::complex< double > &, const std::complex< double > &, const std::complex< double > &, const std::complex< double > &, const std::complex< double > &, const std::complex< double > &, double)
Decay_amplitude_SFF calculate_diagram_SFF_t1g2n2_SSF (double mext1, double mext2, double mext3, double mLS4, double mLS5, double mLF6, const std::complex< double > &CpF2cF6S4PL, const std::complex< double > &CpF2cF6S4PR, const std::complex< double > &CpF6F3S5PL, const std::complex< double > &CpF6F3S5PR, const std::complex< double > &CpS1cS4cS5, double scale)
 Evaluates T1G2N2 diagram for process S -> FF. More...
Decay_amplitude_SFF calculate_diagram_SFF_t1g3n3_FFV (double mext1, double mext2, double mext3, double mLF4, double mLF5, double mLV6, const std::complex< double > &CpF2F4cV6PR, const std::complex< double > &CpF2F4cV6PL, const std::complex< double > &CpcF4cF5S1PL, const std::complex< double > &CpcF4cF5S1PR, const std::complex< double > &CpF5F3V6PL, const std ::complex< double > &CpF5F3V6PR, double scale, double finite)
 Evaluates T1G3N3 diagram for process S -> FF. More...
Decay_amplitude_SFF calculate_diagram_SFF_t1g3n3_FFV (double, double, double, double, double, double, const std::complex< double > &, const std::complex< double > &, const std::complex< double > &, const std::complex< double > &, const std::complex< double > &, const std::complex< double > &, double, double)
Decay_amplitude_SFF calculate_diagram_SFF_t1g4n4_SVF (double mext1, double mext2, double mext3, double mLS4, double mLV5, double mLF6, const std::complex< double > &CpF2cF6S4PL, const std::complex< double > &CpF2cF6S4PR, const std::complex< double > &CpF6F3V5PL, const std::complex< double > &CpF6F3V5PR, const std::complex< double > &CpS1cS4cV5, double scale)
 Evaluates T1G4N4 diagram for process S -> FF. More...
Decay_amplitude_SFF calculate_diagram_SFF_t1g5n5_VSF (double mext1, double mext2, double mext3, double mLV4, double mLS5, double mLF6, const std::complex< double > &CpF2cF6V4PR, const std::complex< double > &CpF2cF6V4PL, const std::complex< double > &CpF6F3S5PL, const std::complex< double > &CpF6F3S5PR, const std::complex< double > &CpS1cS5cV4, double scale)
 Evaluates T1G5N5 diagram for process S -> FF. More...
Decay_amplitude_SFF calculate_diagram_SFF_t1g6n6_VVF (double mext1, double mext2, double mext3, double mLV4, double mLV5, double mLF6, const std::complex< double > &CpF2cF6V4PL, const std::complex< double > &CpF2cF6V4PR, const std::complex< double > &CpF6F3V5PL, const std::complex< double > &CpF6F3V5PR, const std::complex< double > &CpS1cV4cV5, double scale)
 Evaluates T1G6N6 diagram for process S -> FF. More...
Decay_amplitude_SFF calculate_diagram_SFF_t2g1n7_SS (double mext1, double mext2, double mext3, double mIS4, double mLS5, const std::complex< double > &CpF2F3cS4PL, const std::complex< double > &CpF2F3cS4PR, const std::complex< double > &CpS1S4cS5S5, double scale)
 Evaluates T2G1N7 diagram for process S -> FF. More...
Decay_amplitude_SFF calculate_diagram_SFF_t2g2n8_SV (double mext1, double mext2, double mext3, double mIS4, double mLV5, const std::complex< double > &CpF2F3cS4PL, const std::complex< double > &CpF2F3cS4PR, const std::complex< double > &CpS1S4cV5V5, double scale, double finite)
 Evaluates T2G2N8 diagram for process S -> FF. More...
Decay_amplitude_SFF calculate_diagram_SFF_t3g1n9_FFS (double mext1, double mext2, double mext3, double mIF4, double mLF5, double mLS6, const std::complex< double > &CpF2cF4S1PL, const std::complex< double > &CpF2cF4S1PR, const std::complex< double > &CpF4F5S6PL, const std::complex< double > &CpF4F5S6PR, const std::complex< double > &CpcF5F3cS6PL, const std ::complex< double > &CpcF5F3cS6PR, double scale)
 Evaluates T3G1N9 diagram for process S -> FF. More...
Decay_amplitude_SFF calculate_diagram_SFF_t3g1n9_FFS (double, double, double, double, double, double, const std::complex< double > &, const std::complex< double > &, const std::complex< double > &, const std::complex< double > &, const std::complex< double > &, const std::complex< double > &, double)
Decay_amplitude_SFF calculate_diagram_SFF_t3g2n10_FFV (double mext1, double mext2, double mext3, double mIF4, double mLF5, double mLV6, const std::complex< double > &CpF2cF4S1PL, const std::complex< double > &CpF2cF4S1PR, const std::complex< double > &CpF4F5V6PL, const std::complex< double > &CpF4F5V6PR, const std::complex< double > &CpcF5F3cV6PL, const std ::complex< double > &CpcF5F3cV6PR, double scale, double finite)
 Evaluates T3G2N10 diagram for process S -> FF. More...
Decay_amplitude_SFF calculate_diagram_SFF_t3g2n10_FFV (double, double, double, double, double, double, const std::complex< double > &, const std::complex< double > &, const std::complex< double > &, const std::complex< double > &, const std::complex< double > &, const std::complex< double > &, double, double)
Decay_amplitude_SFF calculate_diagram_SFF_t4g1n11_FFS (double mext1, double mext2, double mext3, double mIF4, double mLF5, double mLS6, const std::complex< double > &CpcF4F3S1PL, const std::complex< double > &CpcF4F3S1PR, const std::complex< double > &CpF2cF5cS6PL, const std::complex< double > &CpF2cF5cS6PR, const std::complex< double > &CpF5F4S6PL, const std ::complex< double > &CpF5F4S6PR, double scale)
 Evaluates T4G1N11 diagram for process S -> FF. More...
Decay_amplitude_SFF calculate_diagram_SFF_t4g1n11_FFS (double, double, double, double, double, double, const std::complex< double > &, const std::complex< double > &, const std::complex< double > &, const std::complex< double > &, const std::complex< double > &, const std::complex< double > &, double)
Decay_amplitude_SFF calculate_diagram_SFF_t4g2n12_FFV (double mext1, double mext2, double mext3, double mIF4, double mLF5, double mLV6, const std::complex< double > &CpcF4F3S1PL, const std::complex< double > &CpcF4F3S1PR, const std::complex< double > &CpF2cF5cV6PL, const std::complex< double > &CpF2cF5cV6PR, const std::complex< double > &CpF5F4V6PL, const std ::complex< double > &CpF5F4V6PR, double scale, double finite)
 Evaluates T4G2N12 diagram for process S -> FF. More...
Decay_amplitude_SFF calculate_diagram_SFF_t4g2n12_FFV (double, double, double, double, double, double, const std::complex< double > &, const std::complex< double > &, const std::complex< double > &, const std::complex< double > &, const std::complex< double > &, const std::complex< double > &, double, double)
Decay_amplitude_SFF calculate_diagram_SFF_t5g10n22_VVV (double mext1, double mext2, double mext3, double mIV4, double mLV5, double mLV6, const std::complex< double > &CpF2F3cV4PL, const std::complex< double > &CpF2F3cV4PR, const std::complex< double > &CpS1cV5cV6, const std::complex< double > &CpV4V5V6, double scale)
 Evaluates T5G10N22 diagram for process S -> FF. More...
Decay_amplitude_SFF calculate_diagram_SFF_t5g1n13_SFF (double mext1, double mext2, double mext3, double mIS4, double mLF5, double mLF6, const std::complex< double > &CpF2F3cS4PL, const std::complex< double > &CpF2F3cS4PR, const std::complex< double > &CpF5F6S4PL, const std::complex< double > &CpF5F6S4PR, const std::complex< double > &CpcF6cF5S1PL, const std ::complex< double > &CpcF6cF5S1PR, double scale)
 Evaluates T5G1N13 diagram for process S -> FF. More...
Decay_amplitude_SFF calculate_diagram_SFF_t5g1n13_SFF (double, double, double, double, double, double, const std::complex< double > &, const std::complex< double > &, const std::complex< double > &, const std::complex< double > &, const std::complex< double > &, const std::complex< double > &, double)
Decay_amplitude_SFF calculate_diagram_SFF_t5g2n14_SSS (double mext1, double mext2, double mext3, double mIS4, double mLS5, double mLS6, const std::complex< double > &CpF2F3cS4PL, const std::complex< double > &CpF2F3cS4PR, const std::complex< double > &CpS1cS5cS6, const std::complex< double > &CpS4S5S6, double scale)
 Evaluates T5G2N14 diagram for process S -> FF. More...
Decay_amplitude_SFF calculate_diagram_SFF_t5g3n15_SUU (double mext1, double mext2, double mext3, double mIS4, double mLU5, double mLU6, const std::complex< double > &CpF2F3cS4PL, const std::complex< double > &CpF2F3cS4PR, const std::complex< double > &CpS1cU6cU5, const std::complex< double > &CpS4U5U6, double scale)
 Evaluates T5G3N15 diagram for process S -> FF. More...
Decay_amplitude_SFF calculate_diagram_SFF_t5g4n16_SSV (double mext1, double mext2, double mext3, double mIS4, double mLS5, double mLV6, const std::complex< double > &CpF2F3cS4PL, const std::complex< double > &CpF2F3cS4PR, const std::complex< double > &CpS1cS5cV6, const std::complex< double > &CpS4S5V6, double scale)
 Evaluates T5G4N16 diagram for process S -> FF. More...
Decay_amplitude_SFF calculate_diagram_SFF_t5g5n17_SVV (double mext1, double mext2, double mext3, double mIS4, double mLV5, double mLV6, const std::complex< double > &CpF2F3cS4PL, const std::complex< double > &CpF2F3cS4PR, const std::complex< double > &CpS1cV5cV6, const std::complex< double > &CpS4V5V6, double scale, double finite)
 Evaluates T5G5N17 diagram for process S -> FF. More...
Decay_amplitude_SFF calculate_diagram_SFF_t5g6n18_VFF (double mext1, double mext2, double mext3, double mIV4, double mLF5, double mLF6, const std::complex< double > &CpF2F3cV4PL, const std::complex< double > &CpF2F3cV4PR, const std::complex< double > &CpF5F6V4PR, const std::complex< double > &CpF5F6V4PL, const std::complex< double > &CpcF6cF5S1PL, const std ::complex< double > &CpcF6cF5S1PR, double scale)
 Evaluates T5G6N18 diagram for process S -> FF. More...
Decay_amplitude_SFF calculate_diagram_SFF_t5g6n18_VFF (double, double, double, double, double, double, const std::complex< double > &, const std::complex< double > &, const std::complex< double > &, const std::complex< double > &, const std::complex< double > &, const std::complex< double > &, double)
Decay_amplitude_SFF calculate_diagram_SFF_t5g7n19_VSS (double mext1, double mext2, double mext3, double mIV4, double mLS5, double mLS6, const std::complex< double > &CpF2F3cV4PL, const std::complex< double > &CpF2F3cV4PR, const std::complex< double > &CpS1cS5cS6, const std::complex< double > &CpS5S6V4, double scale)
 Evaluates T5G7N19 diagram for process S -> FF. More...
Decay_amplitude_SFF calculate_diagram_SFF_t5g8n20_VUU (double mext1, double mext2, double mext3, double mIV4, double mLU5, double mLU6, const std::complex< double > &CpF2F3cV4PL, const std::complex< double > &CpF2F3cV4PR, const std::complex< double > &CpS1cU6cU5, const std::complex< double > &CpU5U6V4, double scale)
 Evaluates T5G8N20 diagram for process S -> FF. More...
Decay_amplitude_SFF calculate_diagram_SFF_t5g9n21_VSV (double mext1, double mext2, double mext3, double mIV4, double mLS5, double mLV6, const std::complex< double > &CpF2F3cV4PL, const std::complex< double > &CpF2F3cV4PR, const std::complex< double > &CpS1cS5cV6, const std::complex< double > &CpS5V4V6, double scale)
 Evaluates T5G9N21 diagram for process S -> FF. More...
Decay_amplitude_SSS calculate_diagram_SSS_t10g10n52_VVV (double mext1, double mext2, double mext3, double mIV4, double mLV5, double mLV6, const std::complex< double > &CpS1cV5cV6, const std::complex< double > &CpS2S3cV4, const std::complex< double > &CpV4V5V6, double scale)
 Evaluates T10G10N52 diagram for process S -> SS. More...
Decay_amplitude_SSS calculate_diagram_SSS_t10g1n43_SFF (double mext1, double mext2, double mext3, double mIS4, double mLF5, double mLF6, const std::complex< double > &CpF5F6S4PL, const std::complex< double > &CpF5F6S4PR, const std::complex< double > &CpcF6cF5S1PL, const std::complex< double > &CpcF6cF5S1PR, const std::complex< double > &CpS2S3cS4, double scale)
 Evaluates T10G1N43 diagram for process S -> SS. More...
Decay_amplitude_SSS calculate_diagram_SSS_t10g2n44_SSS (double mext1, double mext2, double mext3, double mIS4, double mLS5, double mLS6, const std::complex< double > &CpS1cS5cS6, const std::complex< double > &CpS2S3cS4, const std::complex< double > &CpS4S5S6, double scale)
 Evaluates T10G2N44 diagram for process S -> SS. More...
Decay_amplitude_SSS calculate_diagram_SSS_t10g3n45_SUU (double mext1, double mext2, double mext3, double mIS4, double mLU5, double mLU6, const std::complex< double > &CpS1cU6cU5, const std::complex< double > &CpS2S3cS4, const std::complex< double > &CpS4U5U6, double scale)
 Evaluates T10G3N45 diagram for process S -> SS. More...
Decay_amplitude_SSS calculate_diagram_SSS_t10g4n46_SSV (double mext1, double mext2, double mext3, double mIS4, double mLS5, double mLV6, const std::complex< double > &CpS1cS5cV6, const std::complex< double > &CpS2S3cS4, const std::complex< double > &CpS4S5V6, double scale)
 Evaluates T10G4N46 diagram for process S -> SS. More...
Decay_amplitude_SSS calculate_diagram_SSS_t10g5n47_SVV (double mext1, double mext2, double mext3, double mIS4, double mLV5, double mLV6, const std::complex< double > &CpS1cV5cV6, const std::complex< double > &CpS2S3cS4, const std::complex< double > &CpS4V5V6, double scale, double finite)
 Evaluates T10G5N47 diagram for process S -> SS. More...
Decay_amplitude_SSS calculate_diagram_SSS_t10g6n48_VFF (double mext1, double mext2, double mext3, double mIV4, double mLF5, double mLF6, const std::complex< double > &CpF5F6V4PR, const std::complex< double > &CpF5F6V4PL, const std::complex< double > &CpcF6cF5S1PL, const std::complex< double > &CpcF6cF5S1PR, const std::complex< double > &CpS2S3cV4, double scale)
 Evaluates T10G6N48 diagram for process S -> SS. More...
Decay_amplitude_SSS calculate_diagram_SSS_t10g7n49_VSS (double mext1, double mext2, double mext3, double mIV4, double mLS5, double mLS6, const std::complex< double > &CpS1cS5cS6, const std::complex< double > &CpS2S3cV4, const std::complex< double > &CpS5S6V4, double scale)
 Evaluates T10G7N49 diagram for process S -> SS. More...
Decay_amplitude_SSS calculate_diagram_SSS_t10g8n50_VUU (double mext1, double mext2, double mext3, double mIV4, double mLU5, double mLU6, const std::complex< double > &CpS1cU6cU5, const std::complex< double > &CpS2S3cV4, const std::complex< double > &CpU5U6V41, const std::complex< double > &CpU5U6V42, double scale)
 Evaluates T10G8N50 diagram for process S -> SS. More...
Decay_amplitude_SSS calculate_diagram_SSS_t10g9n51_VSV (double mext1, double mext2, double mext3, double mIV4, double mLS5, double mLV6, const std::complex< double > &CpS1cS5cV6, const std::complex< double > &CpS2S3cV4, const std::complex< double > &CpS5V4V6, double scale)
 Evaluates T10G9N51 diagram for process S -> SS. More...
Decay_amplitude_SSS calculate_diagram_SSS_t1g10n10_VVV (double mext1, double mext2, double mext3, double mLV4, double mLV5, double mLV6, const std::complex< double > &CpS1cV4cV5, const std::complex< double > &CpS2V4cV6, const std::complex< double > &CpS3V5V6, double scale)
 Evaluates T1G10N10 diagram for process S -> SS. More...
Decay_amplitude_SSS calculate_diagram_SSS_t1g1n1_FFF (double mext1, double mext2, double mext3, double mLF4, double mLF5, double mLF6, const std::complex< double > &CpcF4cF5S1PL, const std::complex< double > &CpcF4cF5S1PR, const std::complex< double > &CpF5F6S3PL, const std::complex< double > &CpF5F6S3PR, const std::complex< double > &CpcF6F4S2PL, const std::complex< double > &CpcF6F4S2PR, double scale)
 Evaluates T1G1N1 diagram for process S -> SS. More...
Decay_amplitude_SSS calculate_diagram_SSS_t1g2n2_SSS (double mext1, double mext2, double mext3, double mLS4, double mLS5, double mLS6, const std::complex< double > &CpS1cS4cS5, const std::complex< double > &CpS2S4cS6, const std::complex< double > &CpS3S5S6, double scale)
 Evaluates T1G2N2 diagram for process S -> SS. More...
Decay_amplitude_SSS calculate_diagram_SSS_t1g3n3_UUU (double mext1, double mext2, double mext3, double mLU4, double mLU5, double mLU6, const std::complex< double > &CpS1cU4cU5, const std::complex< double > &CpS2cU6U4, const std::complex< double > &CpS3U5U6, double scale)
 Evaluates T1G3N3 diagram for process S -> SS. More...
Decay_amplitude_SSS calculate_diagram_SSS_t1g4n4_SSV (double mext1, double mext2, double mext3, double mLS4, double mLS5, double mLV6, const std::complex< double > &CpS1cS4cS5, const std::complex< double > &CpS2S4cV6, const std::complex< double > &CpS3S5V6, double scale)
 Evaluates T1G4N4 diagram for process S -> SS. More...
Decay_amplitude_SSS calculate_diagram_SSS_t1g5n5_SVS (double mext1, double mext2, double mext3, double mLS4, double mLV5, double mLS6, const std::complex< double > &CpS1cS4cV5, const std::complex< double > &CpS2S4cS6, const std::complex< double > &CpS3S6V5, double scale)
 Evaluates T1G5N5 diagram for process S -> SS. More...
Decay_amplitude_SSS calculate_diagram_SSS_t1g6n6_VSS (double mext1, double mext2, double mext3, double mLV4, double mLS5, double mLS6, const std::complex< double > &CpS1cS5cV4, const std::complex< double > &CpS2cS6V4, const std::complex< double > &CpS3S5S6, double scale)
 Evaluates T1G6N6 diagram for process S -> SS. More...
Decay_amplitude_SSS calculate_diagram_SSS_t1g7n7_SVV (double mext1, double mext2, double mext3, double mLS4, double mLV5, double mLV6, const std::complex< double > &CpS1cS4cV5, const std::complex< double > &CpS2S4cV6, const std::complex< double > &CpS3V5V6, double scale)
 Evaluates T1G7N7 diagram for process S -> SS. More...
Decay_amplitude_SSS calculate_diagram_SSS_t1g8n8_VSV (double mext1, double mext2, double mext3, double mLV4, double mLS5, double mLV6, const std::complex< double > &CpS1cS5cV4, const std::complex< double > &CpS2V4cV6, const std::complex< double > &CpS3S5V6, double scale)
 Evaluates T1G8N8 diagram for process S -> SS. More...
Decay_amplitude_SSS calculate_diagram_SSS_t1g9n9_VVS (double mext1, double mext2, double mext3, double mLV4, double mLV5, double mLS6, const std::complex< double > &CpS1cV4cV5, const std::complex< double > &CpS2cS6V4, const std::complex< double > &CpS3S6V5, double scale)
 Evaluates T1G9N9 diagram for process S -> SS. More...
Decay_amplitude_SSS calculate_diagram_SSS_t2g1n11_SS (double mext1, double mext2, double mext3, double mIS4, double mLS5, const std::complex< double > &CpS1S2cS4, const std::complex< double > &CpS3S4cS5S5, double scale)
 Evaluates T2G1N11 diagram for process S -> SS. More...
Decay_amplitude_SSS calculate_diagram_SSS_t2g2n12_SV (double mext1, double mext2, double mext3, double mIS4, double mLV5, const std::complex< double > &CpS1S2cS4, const std::complex< double > &CpS3S4cV5V5, double scale, double finite)
 Evaluates T2G2N12 diagram for process S -> SS. More...
Decay_amplitude_SSS calculate_diagram_SSS_t3g1n13_SS (double mext1, double mext2, double mext3, double mIS4, double mLS5, const std::complex< double > &CpS1S3cS4, const std::complex< double > &CpS2S4cS5S5, double scale)
 Evaluates T3G1N13 diagram for process S -> SS. More...
Decay_amplitude_SSS calculate_diagram_SSS_t3g2n14_SV (double mext1, double mext2, double mext3, double mIS4, double mLV5, const std::complex< double > &CpS1S3cS4, const std::complex< double > &CpS2S4cV5V5, double scale, double finite)
 Evaluates T3G2N14 diagram for process S -> SS. More...
Decay_amplitude_SSS calculate_diagram_SSS_t4g1n15_SS (double mext1, double mext2, double mext3, double mLS4, double mLS5, const std::complex< double > &CpS1cS4cS5, const std::complex< double > &CpS2S3S4S5, double scale)
 Evaluates T4G1N15 diagram for process S -> SS. More...
Decay_amplitude_SSS calculate_diagram_SSS_t4g2n16_VV (double mext1, double mext2, double mext3, double mLV4, double mLV5, const std::complex< double > &CpS1cV4cV5, const std::complex< double > &CpS2S3V4V5, double scale, double finite)
 Evaluates T4G2N16 diagram for process S -> SS. More...
Decay_amplitude_SSS calculate_diagram_SSS_t5g1n17_SS (double mext1, double mext2, double mext3, double mIS4, double mLS5, const std::complex< double > &CpS2S3cS4, const std::complex< double > &CpS1S4cS5S5, double scale)
 Evaluates T5G1N17 diagram for process S -> SS. More...
Decay_amplitude_SSS calculate_diagram_SSS_t5g2n18_SV (double mext1, double mext2, double mext3, double mIS4, double mLV5, const std::complex< double > &CpS2S3cS4, const std::complex< double > &CpS1S4cV5V5, double scale, double finite)
 Evaluates T5G2N18 diagram for process S -> SS. More...
Decay_amplitude_SSS calculate_diagram_SSS_t6g1n19_SS (double mext1, double mext2, double mext3, double mLS4, double mLS5, const std::complex< double > &CpS2cS4cS5, const std::complex< double > &CpS1S3S4S5, double scale)
 Evaluates T6G1N19 diagram for process S -> SS. More...
Decay_amplitude_SSS calculate_diagram_SSS_t6g2n20_VV (double mext1, double mext2, double mext3, double mLV4, double mLV5, const std::complex< double > &CpS2cV4cV5, const std::complex< double > &CpS1S3V4V5, double scale, double finite)
 Evaluates T6G2N20 diagram for process S -> SS. More...
Decay_amplitude_SSS calculate_diagram_SSS_t7g1n21_SS (double mext1, double mext2, double mext3, double mLS4, double mLS5, const std::complex< double > &CpS3cS4cS5, const std::complex< double > &CpS1S2S4S5, double scale)
 Evaluates T7G1N21 diagram for process S -> SS. More...
Decay_amplitude_SSS calculate_diagram_SSS_t7g2n22_VV (double mext1, double mext2, double mext3, double mLV4, double mLV5, const std::complex< double > &CpS3cV4cV5, const std::complex< double > &CpS1S2V4V5, double scale, double finite)
 Evaluates T7G2N22 diagram for process S -> SS. More...
Decay_amplitude_SSS calculate_diagram_SSS_t8g10n32_VVV (double mext1, double mext2, double mext3, double mIV4, double mLV5, double mLV6, const std::complex< double > &CpS1S2cV4, const std::complex< double > &CpS3cV5cV6, const std::complex< double > &CpV4V5V6, double scale)
 Evaluates T8G10N32 diagram for process S -> SS. More...
Decay_amplitude_SSS calculate_diagram_SSS_t8g1n23_SFF (double mext1, double mext2, double mext3, double mIS4, double mLF5, double mLF6, const std::complex< double > &CpF5F6S4PL, const std::complex< double > &CpF5F6S4PR, const std::complex< double > &CpcF6cF5S3PL, const std::complex< double > &CpcF6cF5S3PR, const std::complex< double > &CpS1S2cS4, double scale)
 Evaluates T8G1N23 diagram for process S -> SS. More...
Decay_amplitude_SSS calculate_diagram_SSS_t8g2n24_SSS (double mext1, double mext2, double mext3, double mIS4, double mLS5, double mLS6, const std::complex< double > &CpS1S2cS4, const std::complex< double > &CpS3cS5cS6, const std::complex< double > &CpS4S5S6, double scale)
 Evaluates T8G2N24 diagram for process S -> SS. More...
Decay_amplitude_SSS calculate_diagram_SSS_t8g3n25_SUU (double mext1, double mext2, double mext3, double mIS4, double mLU5, double mLU6, const std::complex< double > &CpS1S2cS4, const std::complex< double > &CpS3cU6cU5, const std::complex< double > &CpS4U5U6, double scale)
 Evaluates T8G3N25 diagram for process S -> SS. More...
Decay_amplitude_SSS calculate_diagram_SSS_t8g4n26_SSV (double mext1, double mext2, double mext3, double mIS4, double mLS5, double mLV6, const std::complex< double > &CpS1S2cS4, const std::complex< double > &CpS3cS5cV6, const std::complex< double > &CpS4S5V6, double scale)
 Evaluates T8G4N26 diagram for process S -> SS. More...
Decay_amplitude_SSS calculate_diagram_SSS_t8g5n27_SVV (double mext1, double mext2, double mext3, double mIS4, double mLV5, double mLV6, const std::complex< double > &CpS1S2cS4, const std::complex< double > &CpS3cV5cV6, const std::complex< double > &CpS4V5V6, double scale, double finite)
 Evaluates T8G5N27 diagram for process S -> SS. More...
Decay_amplitude_SSS calculate_diagram_SSS_t8g6n28_VFF (double mext1, double mext2, double mext3, double mIV4, double mLF5, double mLF6, const std::complex< double > &CpF5F6V4PR, const std::complex< double > &CpF5F6V4PL, const std::complex< double > &CpcF6cF5S3PL, const std::complex< double > &CpcF6cF5S3PR, const std::complex< double > &CpS1S2cV4, double scale)
 Evaluates T8G6N28 diagram for process S -> SS. More...
Decay_amplitude_SSS calculate_diagram_SSS_t8g7n29_VSS (double mext1, double mext2, double mext3, double mIV4, double mLS5, double mLS6, const std::complex< double > &CpS1S2cV4, const std::complex< double > &CpS3cS5cS6, const std::complex< double > &CpS5S6V4, double scale)
 Evaluates T8G7N29 diagram for process S -> SS. More...
Decay_amplitude_SSS calculate_diagram_SSS_t8g8n30_VUU (double mext1, double mext2, double mext3, double mIV4, double mLU5, double mLU6, const std::complex< double > &CpS1S2cV4, const std::complex< double > &CpS3cU6cU5, const std::complex< double > &CpU5U6V41, const std::complex< double > &CpU5U6V42, double scale)
 Evaluates T8G8N30 diagram for process S -> SS. More...
Decay_amplitude_SSS calculate_diagram_SSS_t8g9n31_VSV (double mext1, double mext2, double mext3, double mIV4, double mLS5, double mLV6, const std::complex< double > &CpS1S2cV4, const std::complex< double > &CpS3cS5cV6, const std::complex< double > &CpS5V4V6, double scale)
 Evaluates T8G9N31 diagram for process S -> SS. More...
Decay_amplitude_SSS calculate_diagram_SSS_t9g10n42_VVV (double mext1, double mext2, double mext3, double mIV4, double mLV5, double mLV6, const std::complex< double > &CpS1S3cV4, const std::complex< double > &CpS2cV5cV6, const std::complex< double > &CpV4V5V6, double scale)
 Evaluates T9G10N42 diagram for process S -> SS. More...
Decay_amplitude_SSS calculate_diagram_SSS_t9g1n33_SFF (double mext1, double mext2, double mext3, double mIS4, double mLF5, double mLF6, const std::complex< double > &CpF5F6S4PL, const std::complex< double > &CpF5F6S4PR, const std::complex< double > &CpcF6cF5S2PL, const std::complex< double > &CpcF6cF5S2PR, const std::complex< double > &CpS1S3cS4, double scale)
 Evaluates T9G1N33 diagram for process S -> SS. More...
Decay_amplitude_SSS calculate_diagram_SSS_t9g2n34_SSS (double mext1, double mext2, double mext3, double mIS4, double mLS5, double mLS6, const std::complex< double > &CpS1S3cS4, const std::complex< double > &CpS2cS5cS6, const std::complex< double > &CpS4S5S6, double scale)
 Evaluates T9G2N34 diagram for process S -> SS. More...
Decay_amplitude_SSS calculate_diagram_SSS_t9g3n35_SUU (double mext1, double mext2, double mext3, double mIS4, double mLU5, double mLU6, const std::complex< double > &CpS1S3cS4, const std::complex< double > &CpS2cU6cU5, const std::complex< double > &CpS4U5U6, double scale)
 Evaluates T9G3N35 diagram for process S -> SS. More...
Decay_amplitude_SSS calculate_diagram_SSS_t9g4n36_SSV (double mext1, double mext2, double mext3, double mIS4, double mLS5, double mLV6, const std::complex< double > &CpS1S3cS4, const std::complex< double > &CpS2cS5cV6, const std::complex< double > &CpS4S5V6, double scale)
 Evaluates T9G4N36 diagram for process S -> SS. More...
Decay_amplitude_SSS calculate_diagram_SSS_t9g5n37_SVV (double mext1, double mext2, double mext3, double mIS4, double mLV5, double mLV6, const std::complex< double > &CpS1S3cS4, const std::complex< double > &CpS2cV5cV6, const std::complex< double > &CpS4V5V6, double scale, double finite)
 Evaluates T9G5N37 diagram for process S -> SS. More...
Decay_amplitude_SSS calculate_diagram_SSS_t9g6n38_VFF (double mext1, double mext2, double mext3, double mIV4, double mLF5, double mLF6, const std::complex< double > &CpF5F6V4PR, const std::complex< double > &CpF5F6V4PL, const std::complex< double > &CpcF6cF5S2PL, const std::complex< double > &CpcF6cF5S2PR, const std::complex< double > &CpS1S3cV4, double scale)
 Evaluates T9G6N38 diagram for process S -> SS. More...
Decay_amplitude_SSS calculate_diagram_SSS_t9g7n39_VSS (double mext1, double mext2, double mext3, double mIV4, double mLS5, double mLS6, const std::complex< double > &CpS1S3cV4, const std::complex< double > &CpS2cS5cS6, const std::complex< double > &CpS5S6V4, double scale)
 Evaluates T9G7N39 diagram for process S -> SS. More...
Decay_amplitude_SSS calculate_diagram_SSS_t9g8n40_VUU (double mext1, double mext2, double mext3, double mIV4, double mLU5, double mLU6, const std::complex< double > &CpS1S3cV4, const std::complex< double > &CpS2cU6cU5, const std::complex< double > &CpU5U6V41, const std::complex< double > &CpU5U6V42, double scale)
 Evaluates T9G8N40 diagram for process S -> SS. More...
Decay_amplitude_SSS calculate_diagram_SSS_t9g9n41_VSV (double mext1, double mext2, double mext3, double mIV4, double mLS5, double mLV6, const std::complex< double > &CpS1S3cV4, const std::complex< double > &CpS2cS5cV6, const std::complex< double > &CpS5V4V6, double scale)
 Evaluates T9G9N41 diagram for process S -> SS. More...
Decay_amplitude_SSV calculate_diagram_SSV_t10g10n50_VVV (double mext1, double mext2, double mext3, double mIV4, double mLV5, double mLV6, const std::complex< double > &CpS1cV5cV6, const std::complex< double > &CpS2V3cV4, const std::complex< double > &CpV4V5V6, double scale)
 Evaluates T10G10N50 diagram for process S -> SV. More...
Decay_amplitude_SSV calculate_diagram_SSV_t10g1n41_SFF (double mext1, double mext2, double mext3, double mIS4, double mLF5, double mLF6, const std::complex< double > &CpF5F6S4PL, const std::complex< double > &CpF5F6S4PR, const std::complex< double > &CpcF6cF5S1PL, const std::complex< double > &CpcF6cF5S1PR, const std::complex< double > &CpS2cS4V3, double scale)
 Evaluates T10G1N41 diagram for process S -> SV. More...
Decay_amplitude_SSV calculate_diagram_SSV_t10g2n42_SSS (double mext1, double mext2, double mext3, double mIS4, double mLS5, double mLS6, const std::complex< double > &CpS1cS5cS6, const std::complex< double > &CpS2cS4V3, const std::complex< double > &CpS4S5S6, double scale)
 Evaluates T10G2N42 diagram for process S -> SV. More...
Decay_amplitude_SSV calculate_diagram_SSV_t10g3n43_SUU (double mext1, double mext2, double mext3, double mIS4, double mLU5, double mLU6, const std::complex< double > &CpS1cU6cU5, const std::complex< double > &CpS2cS4V3, const std::complex< double > &CpS4U5U6, double scale)
 Evaluates T10G3N43 diagram for process S -> SV. More...
Decay_amplitude_SSV calculate_diagram_SSV_t10g4n44_SSV (double mext1, double mext2, double mext3, double mIS4, double mLS5, double mLV6, const std::complex< double > &CpS1cS5cV6, const std::complex< double > &CpS2cS4V3, const std::complex< double > &CpS4S5V6, double scale)
 Evaluates T10G4N44 diagram for process S -> SV. More...
Decay_amplitude_SSV calculate_diagram_SSV_t10g5n45_SVV (double mext1, double mext2, double mext3, double mIS4, double mLV5, double mLV6, const std::complex< double > &CpS1cV5cV6, const std::complex< double > &CpS2cS4V3, const std::complex< double > &CpS4V5V6, double scale, double finite)
 Evaluates T10G5N45 diagram for process S -> SV. More...
Decay_amplitude_SSV calculate_diagram_SSV_t10g6n46_VFF (double mext1, double mext2, double mext3, double mIV4, double mLF5, double mLF6, const std::complex< double > &CpF5F6V4PR, const std::complex< double > &CpF5F6V4PL, const std::complex< double > &CpcF6cF5S1PL, const std::complex< double > &CpcF6cF5S1PR, const std::complex< double > &CpS2V3cV4, double scale)
 Evaluates T10G6N46 diagram for process S -> SV. More...
Decay_amplitude_SSV calculate_diagram_SSV_t10g7n47_VSS (double mext1, double mext2, double mext3, double mIV4, double mLS5, double mLS6, const std::complex< double > &CpS1cS5cS6, const std::complex< double > &CpS2V3cV4, const std::complex< double > &CpS5S6V4, double scale)
 Evaluates T10G7N47 diagram for process S -> SV. More...
Decay_amplitude_SSV calculate_diagram_SSV_t10g8n48_VUU (double mext1, double mext2, double mext3, double mIV4, double mLU5, double mLU6, const std::complex< double > &CpS1cU6cU5, const std::complex< double > &CpS2V3cV4, const std::complex< double > &CpU5U6V4, double scale)
 Evaluates T10G8N48 diagram for process S -> SV. More...
Decay_amplitude_SSV calculate_diagram_SSV_t10g9n49_VSV (double mext1, double mext2, double mext3, double mIV4, double mLS5, double mLV6, const std::complex< double > &CpS1cS5cV6, const std::complex< double > &CpS2V3cV4, const std::complex< double > &CpS5V4V6, double scale)
 Evaluates T10G9N49 diagram for process S -> SV. More...
Decay_amplitude_SSV calculate_diagram_SSV_t1g10n10_VVV (double mext1, double mext2, double mext3, double mLV4, double mLV5, double mLV6, const std::complex< double > &CpS1cV4cV5, const std::complex< double > &CpS2V4cV6, const std::complex< double > &CpV3V5V6, double scale)
 Evaluates T1G10N10 diagram for process S -> SV. More...
Decay_amplitude_SSV calculate_diagram_SSV_t1g1n1_FFF (double mext1, double mext2, double mext3, double mLF4, double mLF5, double mLF6, const std::complex< double > &CpcF4cF5S1PL, const std::complex< double > &CpcF4cF5S1PR, const std::complex< double > &CpF5F6V3PL, const std::complex< double > &CpF5F6V3PR, const std::complex< double > &CpcF6F4S2PL, const std::complex< double > &CpcF6F4S2PR, double scale)
 Evaluates T1G1N1 diagram for process S -> SV. More...
Decay_amplitude_SSV calculate_diagram_SSV_t1g2n2_SSS (double mext1, double mext2, double mext3, double mLS4, double mLS5, double mLS6, const std::complex< double > &CpS1cS4cS5, const std::complex< double > &CpS2S4cS6, const std::complex< double > &CpS5S6V3, double scale)
 Evaluates T1G2N2 diagram for process S -> SV. More...
Decay_amplitude_SSV calculate_diagram_SSV_t1g3n3_UUU (double mext1, double mext2, double mext3, double mLU4, double mLU5, double mLU6, const std::complex< double > &CpS1cU4cU5, const std::complex< double > &CpS2cU6U4, const std::complex< double > &CpU5U6V3, double scale)
 Evaluates T1G3N3 diagram for process S -> SV. More...
Decay_amplitude_SSV calculate_diagram_SSV_t1g4n4_SSV (double mext1, double mext2, double mext3, double mLS4, double mLS5, double mLV6, const std::complex< double > &CpS1cS4cS5, const std::complex< double > &CpS2S4cV6, const std::complex< double > &CpS5V3V6, double scale)
 Evaluates T1G4N4 diagram for process S -> SV. More...
Decay_amplitude_SSV calculate_diagram_SSV_t1g5n5_SVS (double mext1, double mext2, double mext3, double mLS4, double mLV5, double mLS6, const std::complex< double > &CpS1cS4cV5, const std::complex< double > &CpS2S4cS6, const std::complex< double > &CpS6V3V5, double scale)
 Evaluates T1G5N5 diagram for process S -> SV. More...
Decay_amplitude_SSV calculate_diagram_SSV_t1g6n6_VSS (double mext1, double mext2, double mext3, double mLV4, double mLS5, double mLS6, const std::complex< double > &CpS1cS5cV4, const std::complex< double > &CpS2cS6V4, const std::complex< double > &CpS5S6V3, double scale)
 Evaluates T1G6N6 diagram for process S -> SV. More...
Decay_amplitude_SSV calculate_diagram_SSV_t1g7n7_SVV (double mext1, double mext2, double mext3, double mLS4, double mLV5, double mLV6, const std::complex< double > &CpS1cS4cV5, const std::complex< double > &CpS2S4cV6, const std::complex< double > &CpV3V5V6, double scale)
 Evaluates T1G7N7 diagram for process S -> SV. More...
Decay_amplitude_SSV calculate_diagram_SSV_t1g8n8_VSV (double mext1, double mext2, double mext3, double mLV4, double mLS5, double mLV6, const std::complex< double > &CpS1cS5cV4, const std::complex< double > &CpS2V4cV6, const std::complex< double > &CpS5V3V6, double scale)
 Evaluates T1G8N8 diagram for process S -> SV. More...
Decay_amplitude_SSV calculate_diagram_SSV_t1g9n9_VVS (double mext1, double mext2, double mext3, double mLV4, double mLV5, double mLS6, const std::complex< double > &CpS1cV4cV5, const std::complex< double > &CpS2cS6V4, const std::complex< double > &CpS6V3V5, double scale)
 Evaluates T1G9N9 diagram for process S -> SV. More...
Decay_amplitude_SSV calculate_diagram_SSV_t2g1n11_VS (double mext1, double mext2, double mext3, double mIV4, double mLS5, const std::complex< double > &CpS1S2cV4, const std::complex< double > &CpcS5S5V3V4, double scale)
 Evaluates T2G1N11 diagram for process S -> SV. More...
Decay_amplitude_SSV calculate_diagram_SSV_t2g2n12_VV (double mext1, double mext2, double mext3, double mIV4, double mLV5, const std::complex< double > &CpS1S2cV4, const std::complex< double > &CpV3V4cV5V51, const std::complex< double > &CpV3V4cV5V52, const std::complex< double > &CpV3V4cV5V53, double scale, double finite)
 Evaluates T2G2N12 diagram for process S -> SV. More...
Decay_amplitude_SSV calculate_diagram_SSV_t3g1n13_SS (double mext1, double mext2, double mext3, double mIS4, double mLS5, const std::complex< double > &CpS1cS4V3, const std::complex< double > &CpS2S4cS5S5, double scale)
 Evaluates T3G1N13 diagram for process S -> SV. More...
Decay_amplitude_SSV calculate_diagram_SSV_t3g2n14_SV (double mext1, double mext2, double mext3, double mIS4, double mLV5, const std::complex< double > &CpS1cS4V3, const std::complex< double > &CpS2S4cV5V5, double scale, double finite)
 Evaluates T3G2N14 diagram for process S -> SV. More...
Decay_amplitude_SSV calculate_diagram_SSV_t4g1n15_SV (double mext1, double mext2, double mext3, double mLS4, double mLV5, const std::complex< double > &CpS1cS4cV5, const std::complex< double > &CpS2S4V3V5, double scale)
 Evaluates T4G1N15 diagram for process S -> SV. More...
Decay_amplitude_SSV calculate_diagram_SSV_t5g1n16_SS (double mext1, double mext2, double mext3, double mIS4, double mLS5, const std::complex< double > &CpS2cS4V3, const std::complex< double > &CpS1S4cS5S5, double scale)
 Evaluates T5G1N16 diagram for process S -> SV. More...
Decay_amplitude_SSV calculate_diagram_SSV_t5g2n17_SV (double mext1, double mext2, double mext3, double mIS4, double mLV5, const std::complex< double > &CpS2cS4V3, const std::complex< double > &CpS1S4cV5V5, double scale, double finite)
 Evaluates T5G2N17 diagram for process S -> SV. More...
Decay_amplitude_SSV calculate_diagram_SSV_t6g1n18_SV (double mext1, double mext2, double mext3, double mLS4, double mLV5, const std::complex< double > &CpS2cS4cV5, const std::complex< double > &CpS1S4V3V5, double scale)
 Evaluates T6G1N18 diagram for process S -> SV. More...
Decay_amplitude_SSV calculate_diagram_SSV_t8g10n30_VVV (double mext1, double mext2, double mext3, double mIV4, double mLV5, double mLV6, const std::complex< double > &CpS1S2cV4, const std::complex< double > &CpV3cV5cV6, const std::complex< double > &CpV4V5V6, double scale, double finite)
 Evaluates T8G10N30 diagram for process S -> SV. More...
Decay_amplitude_SSV calculate_diagram_SSV_t8g6n26_VFF (double mext1, double mext2, double mext3, double mIV4, double mLF5, double mLF6, const std::complex< double > &CpF5F6V4PL, const std::complex< double > &CpF5F6V4PR, const std::complex< double > &CpcF6cF5V3PL, const std::complex< double > &CpcF6cF5V3PR, const std::complex< double > &CpS1S2cV4, double scale)
 Evaluates T8G6N26 diagram for process S -> SV. More...
Decay_amplitude_SSV calculate_diagram_SSV_t8g7n27_VSS (double mext1, double mext2, double mext3, double mIV4, double mLS5, double mLS6, const std::complex< double > &CpS1S2cV4, const std::complex< double > &CpcS5cS6V3, const std::complex< double > &CpS5S6V4, double scale)
 Evaluates T8G7N27 diagram for process S -> SV. More...
Decay_amplitude_SSV calculate_diagram_SSV_t8g9n29_VSV (double mext1, double mext2, double mext3, double mIV4, double mLS5, double mLV6, const std::complex< double > &CpS1S2cV4, const std::complex< double > &CpcS5V3cV6, const std::complex< double > &CpS5V4V6, double scale)
 Evaluates T8G9N29 diagram for process S -> SV. More...
Decay_amplitude_SSV calculate_diagram_SSV_t9g10n40_VVV (double mext1, double mext2, double mext3, double mIV4, double mLV5, double mLV6, const std::complex< double > &CpS1V3cV4, const std::complex< double > &CpS2cV5cV6, const std::complex< double > &CpV4V5V6, double scale)
 Evaluates T9G10N40 diagram for process S -> SV. More...
Decay_amplitude_SSV calculate_diagram_SSV_t9g1n31_SFF (double mext1, double mext2, double mext3, double mIS4, double mLF5, double mLF6, const std::complex< double > &CpF5F6S4PL, const std::complex< double > &CpF5F6S4PR, const std::complex< double > &CpcF6cF5S2PL, const std::complex< double > &CpcF6cF5S2PR, const std::complex< double > &CpS1cS4V3, double scale)
 Evaluates T9G1N31 diagram for process S -> SV. More...
Decay_amplitude_SSV calculate_diagram_SSV_t9g2n32_SSS (double mext1, double mext2, double mext3, double mIS4, double mLS5, double mLS6, const std::complex< double > &CpS1cS4V3, const std::complex< double > &CpS2cS5cS6, const std::complex< double > &CpS4S5S6, double scale)
 Evaluates T9G2N32 diagram for process S -> SV. More...
Decay_amplitude_SSV calculate_diagram_SSV_t9g3n33_SUU (double mext1, double mext2, double mext3, double mIS4, double mLU5, double mLU6, const std::complex< double > &CpS1cS4V3, const std::complex< double > &CpS2cU6cU5, const std::complex< double > &CpS4U5U6, double scale)
 Evaluates T9G3N33 diagram for process S -> SV. More...
Decay_amplitude_SSV calculate_diagram_SSV_t9g4n34_SSV (double mext1, double mext2, double mext3, double mIS4, double mLS5, double mLV6, const std::complex< double > &CpS1cS4V3, const std::complex< double > &CpS2cS5cV6, const std::complex< double > &CpS4S5V6, double scale)
 Evaluates T9G4N34 diagram for process S -> SV. More...
Decay_amplitude_SSV calculate_diagram_SSV_t9g5n35_SVV (double mext1, double mext2, double mext3, double mIS4, double mLV5, double mLV6, const std::complex< double > &CpS1cS4V3, const std::complex< double > &CpS2cV5cV6, const std::complex< double > &CpS4V5V6, double scale, double finite)
 Evaluates T9G5N35 diagram for process S -> SV. More...
Decay_amplitude_SSV calculate_diagram_SSV_t9g6n36_VFF (double mext1, double mext2, double mext3, double mIV4, double mLF5, double mLF6, const std::complex< double > &CpF5F6V4PR, const std::complex< double > &CpF5F6V4PL, const std::complex< double > &CpcF6cF5S2PL, const std::complex< double > &CpcF6cF5S2PR, const std::complex< double > &CpS1V3cV4, double scale)
 Evaluates T9G6N36 diagram for process S -> SV. More...
Decay_amplitude_SSV calculate_diagram_SSV_t9g7n37_VSS (double mext1, double mext2, double mext3, double mIV4, double mLS5, double mLS6, const std::complex< double > &CpS1V3cV4, const std::complex< double > &CpS2cS5cS6, const std::complex< double > &CpS5S6V4, double scale)
 Evaluates T9G7N37 diagram for process S -> SV. More...
Decay_amplitude_SSV calculate_diagram_SSV_t9g8n38_VUU (double mext1, double mext2, double mext3, double mIV4, double mLU5, double mLU6, const std::complex< double > &CpS1V3cV4, const std::complex< double > &CpS2cU6cU5, const std::complex< double > &CpU5U6V4, double scale)
 Evaluates T9G8N38 diagram for process S -> SV. More...
Decay_amplitude_SSV calculate_diagram_SSV_t9g9n39_VSV (double mext1, double mext2, double mext3, double mIV4, double mLS5, double mLV6, const std::complex< double > &CpS1V3cV4, const std::complex< double > &CpS2cS5cV6, const std::complex< double > &CpS5V4V6, double scale)
 Evaluates T9G9N39 diagram for process S -> SV. More...
Decay_amplitude_SVV calculate_diagram_SVV_t10g10n50_VVV (double mext1, double mext2, double mext3, double mIV4, double mLV5, double mLV6, const std::complex< double > &CpS1cV5cV6, const std::complex< double > &CpV2V3cV4, const std::complex< double > &CpV4V5V6, double scale)
 Evaluates T10G10N50 diagram for process S -> VV. More...
Decay_amplitude_SVV calculate_diagram_SVV_t10g1n41_SFF (double mext1, double mext2, double mext3, double mIS4, double mLF5, double mLF6, const std::complex< double > &CpF5F6S4PL, const std::complex< double > &CpF5F6S4PR, const std::complex< double > &CpcF6cF5S1PL, const std::complex< double > &CpcF6cF5S1PR, const std::complex< double > &CpcS4V2V3, double scale)
 Evaluates T10G1N41 diagram for process S -> VV. More...
Decay_amplitude_SVV calculate_diagram_SVV_t10g2n42_SSS (double mext1, double mext2, double mext3, double mIS4, double mLS5, double mLS6, const std::complex< double > &CpS1cS5cS6, const std::complex< double > &CpcS4V2V3, const std::complex< double > &CpS4S5S6, double scale)
 Evaluates T10G2N42 diagram for process S -> VV. More...
Decay_amplitude_SVV calculate_diagram_SVV_t10g3n43_SUU (double mext1, double mext2, double mext3, double mIS4, double mLU5, double mLU6, const std::complex< double > &CpS1cU6cU5, const std::complex< double > &CpcS4V2V3, const std::complex< double > &CpS4U5U6, double scale)
 Evaluates T10G3N43 diagram for process S -> VV. More...
Decay_amplitude_SVV calculate_diagram_SVV_t10g4n44_SSV (double mext1, double mext2, double mext3, double mIS4, double mLS5, double mLV6, const std::complex< double > &CpS1cS5cV6, const std::complex< double > &CpcS4V2V3, const std::complex< double > &CpS4S5V6, double scale)
 Evaluates T10G4N44 diagram for process S -> VV. More...
Decay_amplitude_SVV calculate_diagram_SVV_t10g5n45_SVV (double mext1, double mext2, double mext3, double mIS4, double mLV5, double mLV6, const std::complex< double > &CpS1cV5cV6, const std::complex< double > &CpcS4V2V3, const std::complex< double > &CpS4V5V6, double scale, double finite)
 Evaluates T10G5N45 diagram for process S -> VV. More...
Decay_amplitude_SVV calculate_diagram_SVV_t10g6n46_VFF (double mext1, double mext2, double mext3, double mIV4, double mLF5, double mLF6, const std::complex< double > &CpF5F6V4PR, const std::complex< double > &CpF5F6V4PL, const std::complex< double > &CpcF6cF5S1PL, const std::complex< double > &CpcF6cF5S1PR, const std::complex< double > &CpV2V3cV4, double scale)
 Evaluates T10G6N46 diagram for process S -> VV. More...
Decay_amplitude_SVV calculate_diagram_SVV_t10g7n47_VSS (double mext1, double mext2, double mext3, double mIV4, double mLS5, double mLS6, const std::complex< double > &CpS1cS5cS6, const std::complex< double > &CpS5S6V4, const std::complex< double > &CpV2V3cV4, double scale)
 Evaluates T10G7N47 diagram for process S -> VV. More...
Decay_amplitude_SVV calculate_diagram_SVV_t10g8n48_VUU (double mext1, double mext2, double mext3, double mIV4, double mLU5, double mLU6, const std::complex< double > &CpS1cU6cU5, const std::complex< double > &CpU5U6V4, const std::complex< double > &CpV2V3cV4, double scale)
 Evaluates T10G8N48 diagram for process S -> VV. More...
Decay_amplitude_SVV calculate_diagram_SVV_t10g9n49_VSV (double mext1, double mext2, double mext3, double mIV4, double mLS5, double mLV6, const std::complex< double > &CpS1cS5cV6, const std::complex< double > &CpS5V4V6, const std::complex< double > &CpV2V3cV4, double scale)
 Evaluates T10G9N49 diagram for process S -> VV. More...
Decay_amplitude_SVV calculate_diagram_SVV_t1g10n10_VVV (double mext1, double mext2, double mext3, double mLV4, double mLV5, double mLV6, const std::complex< double > &CpS1cV4cV5, const std::complex< double > &CpV2V4cV6, const std::complex< double > &CpV3V5V6, double scale, double finite)
 Evaluates T1G10N10 diagram for process S -> VV. More...
Decay_amplitude_SVV calculate_diagram_SVV_t1g1n1_FFF (double mext1, double mext2, double mext3, double mLF4, double mLF5, double mLF6, const std::complex< double > &CpcF4cF5S1PL, const std::complex< double > &CpcF4cF5S1PR, const std::complex< double > &CpF5F6V3PL, const std::complex< double > &CpF5F6V3PR, const std::complex< double > &CpcF6F4V2PL, const std::complex< double > &CpcF6F4V2PR, double scale)
 Evaluates T1G1N1 diagram for process S -> VV. More...
Decay_amplitude_SVV calculate_diagram_SVV_t1g2n2_SSS (double mext1, double mext2, double mext3, double mLS4, double mLS5, double mLS6, const std::complex< double > &CpS1cS4cS5, const std::complex< double > &CpS4cS6V2, const std::complex< double > &CpS5S6V3, double scale)
 Evaluates T1G2N2 diagram for process S -> VV. More...
Decay_amplitude_SVV calculate_diagram_SVV_t1g3n3_UUU (double mext1, double mext2, double mext3, double mLU4, double mLU5, double mLU6, const std::complex< double > &CpS1cU4cU5, const std::complex< double > &CpU5U6V3, const std::complex< double > &CpcU6U4V2, double scale)
 Evaluates T1G3N3 diagram for process S -> VV. More...
Decay_amplitude_SVV calculate_diagram_SVV_t1g4n4_SSV (double mext1, double mext2, double mext3, double mLS4, double mLS5, double mLV6, const std::complex< double > &CpS1cS4cS5, const std::complex< double > &CpS4V2cV6, const std::complex< double > &CpS5V3V6, double scale)
 Evaluates T1G4N4 diagram for process S -> VV. More...
Decay_amplitude_SVV calculate_diagram_SVV_t1g5n5_SVS (double mext1, double mext2, double mext3, double mLS4, double mLV5, double mLS6, const std::complex< double > &CpS1cS4cV5, const std::complex< double > &CpS4cS6V2, const std::complex< double > &CpS6V3V5, double scale)
 Evaluates T1G5N5 diagram for process S -> VV. More...
Decay_amplitude_SVV calculate_diagram_SVV_t1g6n6_VSS (double mext1, double mext2, double mext3, double mLV4, double mLS5, double mLS6, const std::complex< double > &CpS1cS5cV4, const std::complex< double > &CpS5S6V3, const std::complex< double > &CpcS6V2V4, double scale)
 Evaluates T1G6N6 diagram for process S -> VV. More...
Decay_amplitude_SVV calculate_diagram_SVV_t1g7n7_SVV (double mext1, double mext2, double mext3, double mLS4, double mLV5, double mLV6, const std::complex< double > &CpS1cS4cV5, const std::complex< double > &CpS4V2cV6, const std::complex< double > &CpV3V5V6, double scale)
 Evaluates T1G7N7 diagram for process S -> VV. More...
Decay_amplitude_SVV calculate_diagram_SVV_t1g8n8_VSV (double mext1, double mext2, double mext3, double mLV4, double mLS5, double mLV6, const std::complex< double > &CpS1cS5cV4, const std::complex< double > &CpS5V3V6, const std::complex< double > &CpV2V4cV6, double scale)
 Evaluates T1G8N8 diagram for process S -> VV. More...
Decay_amplitude_SVV calculate_diagram_SVV_t1g9n9_VVS (double mext1, double mext2, double mext3, double mLV4, double mLV5, double mLS6, const std::complex< double > &CpS1cV4cV5, const std::complex< double > &CpcS6V2V4, const std::complex< double > &CpS6V3V5, double scale)
 Evaluates T1G9N9 diagram for process S -> VV. More...
Decay_amplitude_SVV calculate_diagram_SVV_t2g1n11_VS (double mext1, double mext2, double mext3, double mIV4, double mLS5, const std::complex< double > &CpS1V2cV4, const std::complex< double > &CpcS5S5V3V4, double scale)
 Evaluates T2G1N11 diagram for process S -> VV. More...
Decay_amplitude_SVV calculate_diagram_SVV_t2g2n12_VV (double mext1, double mext2, double mext3, double mIV4, double mLV5, const std::complex< double > &CpS1V2cV4, const std::complex< double > &CpV3V4cV5V51, const std::complex< double > &CpV3V4cV5V52, const std::complex< double > &CpV3V4cV5V53, double scale, double finite)
 Evaluates T2G2N12 diagram for process S -> VV. More...
Decay_amplitude_SVV calculate_diagram_SVV_t3g1n13_VS (double mext1, double mext2, double mext3, double mIV4, double mLS5, const std::complex< double > &CpS1V3cV4, const std::complex< double > &CpcS5S5V2V4, double scale)
 Evaluates T3G1N13 diagram for process S -> VV. More...
Decay_amplitude_SVV calculate_diagram_SVV_t3g2n14_VV (double mext1, double mext2, double mext3, double mIV4, double mLV5, const std::complex< double > &CpS1V3cV4, const std::complex< double > &CpV2V4cV5V51, const std::complex< double > &CpV2V4cV5V52, const std::complex< double > &CpV2V4cV5V53, double scale, double finite)
 Evaluates T3G2N14 diagram for process S -> VV. More...
Decay_amplitude_SVV calculate_diagram_SVV_t4g1n15_SS (double mext1, double mext2, double mext3, double mLS4, double mLS5, const std::complex< double > &CpS1cS4cS5, const std::complex< double > &CpS4S5V2V3, double scale)
 Evaluates T4G1N15 diagram for process S -> VV. More...
Decay_amplitude_SVV calculate_diagram_SVV_t4g2n16_VV (double mext1, double mext2, double mext3, double mLV4, double mLV5, const std::complex< double > &CpS1cV4cV5, const std::complex< double > &CpV2V3V4V51, const std::complex< double > &CpV2V3V4V52, const std::complex< double > &CpV2V3V4V53, double scale, double finite)
 Evaluates T4G2N16 diagram for process S -> VV. More...
Decay_amplitude_SVV calculate_diagram_SVV_t5g1n17_SS (double mext1, double mext2, double mext3, double mIS4, double mLS5, const std::complex< double > &CpcS4V2V3, const std::complex< double > &CpS1S4cS5S5, double scale)
 Evaluates T5G1N17 diagram for process S -> VV. More...
Decay_amplitude_SVV calculate_diagram_SVV_t5g2n18_SV (double mext1, double mext2, double mext3, double mIS4, double mLV5, const std::complex< double > &CpcS4V2V3, const std::complex< double > &CpS1S4cV5V5, double scale, double finite)
 Evaluates T5G2N18 diagram for process S -> VV. More...
Decay_amplitude_SVV calculate_diagram_SVV_t6g1n19_SV (double mext1, double mext2, double mext3, double mLS4, double mLV5, const std::complex< double > &CpcS4V2cV5, const std::complex< double > &CpS1S4V3V5, double scale)
 Evaluates T6G1N19 diagram for process S -> VV. More...
Decay_amplitude_SVV calculate_diagram_SVV_t7g1n20_SV (double mext1, double mext2, double mext3, double mLS4, double mLV5, const std::complex< double > &CpcS4V3cV5, const std::complex< double > &CpS1S4V2V5, double scale)
 Evaluates T7G1N20 diagram for process S -> VV. More...
Decay_amplitude_SVV calculate_diagram_SVV_t8g10n30_VVV (double mext1, double mext2, double mext3, double mIV4, double mLV5, double mLV6, const std::complex< double > &CpS1V2cV4, const std::complex< double > &CpV3cV5cV6, const std::complex< double > &CpV4V5V6, double scale, double finite)
 Evaluates T8G10N30 diagram for process S -> VV. More...
Decay_amplitude_SVV calculate_diagram_SVV_t8g6n26_VFF (double mext1, double mext2, double mext3, double mIV4, double mLF5, double mLF6, const std::complex< double > &CpF5F6V4PL, const std::complex< double > &CpF5F6V4PR, const std::complex< double > &CpcF6cF5V3PL, const std::complex< double > &CpcF6cF5V3PR, const std::complex< double > &CpS1V2cV4, double scale)
 Evaluates T8G6N26 diagram for process S -> VV. More...
Decay_amplitude_SVV calculate_diagram_SVV_t8g7n27_VSS (double mext1, double mext2, double mext3, double mIV4, double mLS5, double mLS6, const std::complex< double > &CpS1V2cV4, const std::complex< double > &CpcS5cS6V3, const std::complex< double > &CpS5S6V4, double scale)
 Evaluates T8G7N27 diagram for process S -> VV. More...
Decay_amplitude_SVV calculate_diagram_SVV_t8g8n28_VUU (double mext1, double mext2, double mext3, double mIV4, double mLU5, double mLU6, const std::complex< double > &CpS1V2cV4, const std::complex< double > &CpU5U6V4, const std::complex< double > &CpcU6cU5V3, double scale)
 Evaluates T8G8N28 diagram for process S -> VV. More...
Decay_amplitude_SVV calculate_diagram_SVV_t8g9n29_VSV (double mext1, double mext2, double mext3, double mIV4, double mLS5, double mLV6, const std::complex< double > &CpS1V2cV4, const std::complex< double > &CpcS5V3cV6, const std::complex< double > &CpS5V4V6, double scale)
 Evaluates T8G9N29 diagram for process S -> VV. More...
Decay_amplitude_SVV calculate_diagram_SVV_t9g10n40_VVV (double mext1, double mext2, double mext3, double mIV4, double mLV5, double mLV6, const std::complex< double > &CpS1V3cV4, const std::complex< double > &CpV2cV5cV6, const std::complex< double > &CpV4V5V6, double scale, double finite)
 Evaluates T9G10N40 diagram for process S -> VV. More...
Decay_amplitude_SVV calculate_diagram_SVV_t9g6n36_VFF (double mext1, double mext2, double mext3, double mIV4, double mLF5, double mLF6, const std::complex< double > &CpF5F6V4PL, const std::complex< double > &CpF5F6V4PR, const std::complex< double > &CpcF6cF5V2PL, const std::complex< double > &CpcF6cF5V2PR, const std::complex< double > &CpS1V3cV4, double scale)
 Evaluates T9G6N36 diagram for process S -> VV. More...
Decay_amplitude_SVV calculate_diagram_SVV_t9g7n37_VSS (double mext1, double mext2, double mext3, double mIV4, double mLS5, double mLS6, const std::complex< double > &CpS1V3cV4, const std::complex< double > &CpcS5cS6V2, const std::complex< double > &CpS5S6V4, double scale)
 Evaluates T9G7N37 diagram for process S -> VV. More...
Decay_amplitude_SVV calculate_diagram_SVV_t9g8n38_VUU (double mext1, double mext2, double mext3, double mIV4, double mLU5, double mLU6, const std::complex< double > &CpS1V3cV4, const std::complex< double > &CpU5U6V4, const std::complex< double > &CpcU6cU5V2, double scale)
 Evaluates T9G8N38 diagram for process S -> VV. More...
Decay_amplitude_SVV calculate_diagram_SVV_t9g9n39_VSV (double mext1, double mext2, double mext3, double mIV4, double mLS5, double mLV6, const std::complex< double > &CpS1V3cV4, const std::complex< double > &CpcS5V2cV6, const std::complex< double > &CpS5V4V6, double scale)
 Evaluates T9G9N39 diagram for process S -> VV. More...
template<typename T >
double calculate_dirac_singlet_mass (T value, std::complex< double > &phase)
template<typename T >
double calculate_majorana_singlet_mass (T value, std::complex< double > &phase)
template<typename T >
double calculate_singlet_mass (T value) noexcept
template<class TargetModel , class InputModel >
TargetModel cast_model (InputModel abstract_model)
const double * cbegin (const GSL_vector &)
 const iterator to begin of GSL_vector More...
double Cbrt (double x) noexcept
const double * cend (const GSL_vector &)
 const iterator to end of GSL_vector More...
double Cl2 (double x) noexcept
 Clausen function $\mathrm{Cl}_2(\theta) = \mathrm{Im}(\mathrm{Li}_2(e^{i\theta}))$. More...
long double Cl2 (long double x) noexcept
 Clausen function $\mathrm{Cl}_2(\theta) = \mathrm{Im}(\mathrm{Li}_2(e^{i\theta}))$ with long double precision. More...
static int close (Real m1, Real m2, Real tol)
template<typename Derived >
int closest_index (double mass, const Eigen::ArrayBase< Derived > &v)
std::complex< double > ComplexLog (const std::complex< double > &z) noexcept
std::complex< double > ComplexLog (double a) noexcept
std::string concat (const std::vector< std::string > &)
 concatenate strings More...
std::string concat (const std::vector< std::string > &, char)
 concatenate strings with separator More...
std::string concat (const std::vector< std::string > &, const std::string &)
 concatenate strings with separator More...
template<class InputIterator >
std::string concat (InputIterator start, InputIterator end, char separator)
 concatenate strings with separator More...
template<class InputIterator >
std::string concat (InputIterator start, InputIterator end, const std::string &separator)
 concatenate strings with separator More...
template<class... Args>
detail::result_of::concatenate< Args... >::type concatenate (Args &&... args)
template<typename T >
constexpr Complex< T > conj (const Complex< T > &z) noexcept
template<typename Derived >
auto Conj (const Eigen::ArrayBase< Derived > &x) -> decltype(x.conjugate())
template<typename Derived >
auto Conj (const Eigen::MatrixBase< Derived > &x) -> decltype(x.conjugate())
std::complex< double > Conj (const std::complex< double > &x) noexcept
std::complex< float > Conj (const std::complex< float > &x) noexcept
std::complex< long double > Conj (const std::complex< long double > &x) noexcept
double Conj (double x) noexcept
float Conj (float x) noexcept
int Conj (int x) noexcept
long double Conj (long double x) noexcept
long long Conj (long long x) noexcept
long Conj (long x) noexcept
void convert_symmetric_fermion_mixings_to_hk (double &, Eigen::Matrix< double, 1, 1 > &)
void convert_symmetric_fermion_mixings_to_hk (double &m, Eigen::Matrix< std::complex< double >, 1, 1 > &z)
template<int N>
void convert_symmetric_fermion_mixings_to_hk (Eigen::Array< double, N, 1 > &, Eigen::Matrix< double, N, N > &)
template<int N>
void convert_symmetric_fermion_mixings_to_hk (Eigen::Array< double, N, 1 > &m, Eigen::Matrix< std::complex< double >, N, N > &z)
void convert_symmetric_fermion_mixings_to_slha (double &, Eigen::Matrix< double, 1, 1 > &)
void convert_symmetric_fermion_mixings_to_slha (double &m, Eigen::Matrix< std::complex< double >, 1, 1 > &z)
template<int N>
void convert_symmetric_fermion_mixings_to_slha (Eigen::Array< double, N, 1 > &, Eigen::Matrix< double, N, N > &)
template<int N>
void convert_symmetric_fermion_mixings_to_slha (Eigen::Array< double, N, 1 > &m, Eigen::Matrix< std::complex< double >, N, N > &z)
template<typename OutputIterator >
void copy_problem_strings (const Observable_problems &op, OutputIterator oi)
 copies problem strings to output iterator More...
double Cos (double x) noexcept
double Cot (double a) noexcept
template<typename FieldIn , typename FieldOut1 , typename FieldOut2 >
std::string create_process_string (std::array< int, FieldIn::numberOfFieldIndices > const in, std::array< int, FieldOut1::numberOfFieldIndices > const out1, std::array< int, FieldOut2::numberOfFieldIndices > const out2)
double Csc (double x) noexcept
template<typename T >
constexpr T Cube (T a) noexcept
template<class T >
cube (T x)
int Delta (int i, int j) noexcept
std::complex< double > delta_AhAA_2loopQCD_for_quark_loop (double mAh, double mq, double mu) noexcept
std::complex< double > delta_AhAA_2loopQCD_for_squark_loop (double mAh, double msq, double mu) noexcept
std::complex< double > delta_hAA_2loopQCD_for_quark_loop (double mH, double mq, double mu) noexcept
std::complex< double > delta_hAA_2loopQCD_for_squark_loop (double mH, double msq, double mu) noexcept
template<int Order, class F , class A >
auto derivative_backward (const F &f, A x, A eps=std::numeric_limits< A >::epsilon()) -> decltype(f(x))
template<class F , class A >
auto derivative_backward_fx (const F &f, A x, decltype(f(x)) fx, A eps=std::numeric_limits< A >::epsilon()) -> decltype(f(x))
template<int Order, class F , class A >
auto derivative_central (const F &f, A x, A eps=std::numeric_limits< A >::epsilon()) -> decltype(f(x))
template<int Order, class F , class A >
auto derivative_forward (const F &f, A x, A eps=std::numeric_limits< A >::epsilon()) -> decltype(f(x))
template<class F , class A >
auto derivative_forward_fx (const F &f, A x, decltype(f(x)) fx, A eps=std::numeric_limits< A >::epsilon()) -> decltype(f(x))
template<int Order, int sign, class F , class A >
auto derivative_one_sided (const F &f, A x, A eps=std::numeric_limits< A >::epsilon()) -> decltype(f(x))
void dgbsv_ (const int &N, const int &KL, const int &KU, const int &NRHS, double *AB, const int &LDAB, int *IPIV, double *B, const int &LDB, int *INFO)
template<class Derived >
Eigen::MatrixBase< Derived >::PlainObject Diag (const Eigen::MatrixBase< Derived > &m)
template<class Real , class Scalar , int N>
void diagonalize_hermitian (const Eigen::Matrix< Scalar, N, N > &m, Eigen::Array< Real, N, 1 > &w)
template<class Real , class Scalar , int N>
void diagonalize_hermitian (const Eigen::Matrix< Scalar, N, N > &m, Eigen::Array< Real, N, 1 > &w, Eigen::Matrix< Scalar, N, N > &z)
template<class Real , class Scalar , int N>
void diagonalize_hermitian (const Eigen::Matrix< Scalar, N, N > &m, Eigen::Array< Real, N, 1 > &w, Eigen::Matrix< Scalar, N, N > &z, Real &w_errbd)
template<class Real , class Scalar , int N>
void diagonalize_hermitian (const Eigen::Matrix< Scalar, N, N > &m, Eigen::Array< Real, N, 1 > &w, Eigen::Matrix< Scalar, N, N > &z, Real &w_errbd, Eigen::Array< Real, N, 1 > &z_errbd)
template<class Real , class Scalar , int N>
void diagonalize_hermitian (const Eigen::Matrix< Scalar, N, N > &m, Eigen::Array< Real, N, 1 > &w, Real &w_errbd)
template<class Real , class Scalar , int N>
void diagonalize_hermitian_errbd (const Eigen::Matrix< Scalar, N, N > &m, Eigen::Array< Real, N, 1 > &w, Eigen::Matrix< Scalar, N, N > *z=0, Real *w_errbd=0, Eigen::Array< Real, N, 1 > *z_errbd=0)
template<class Real , class Scalar , int N>
void diagonalize_hermitian_internal (const Eigen::Matrix< Scalar, N, N > &m, Eigen::Array< Real, N, 1 > &w, Eigen::Matrix< Scalar, N, N > *z)
template<class Real , int N>
void diagonalize_symmetric (const Eigen::Matrix< Real, N, N > &m, Eigen::Array< Real, N, 1 > &s)
template<class Real , int N>
void diagonalize_symmetric (const Eigen::Matrix< Real, N, N > &m, Eigen::Array< Real, N, 1 > &s, Eigen::Matrix< std::complex< Real >, N, N > &u)
template<class Real , int N>
void diagonalize_symmetric (const Eigen::Matrix< Real, N, N > &m, Eigen::Array< Real, N, 1 > &s, Eigen::Matrix< std::complex< Real >, N, N > &u, Real &s_errbd)
template<class Real , int N>
void diagonalize_symmetric (const Eigen::Matrix< Real, N, N > &m, Eigen::Array< Real, N, 1 > &s, Eigen::Matrix< std::complex< Real >, N, N > &u, Real &s_errbd, Eigen::Array< Real, N, 1 > &u_errbd)
template<class Real , int N>
void diagonalize_symmetric (const Eigen::Matrix< Real, N, N > &m, Eigen::Array< Real, N, 1 > &s, Real &s_errbd)
template<class Real , int N>
void diagonalize_symmetric (const Eigen::Matrix< std::complex< Real >, N, N > &m, Eigen::Array< Real, N, 1 > &s)
template<class Real , int N>
void diagonalize_symmetric (const Eigen::Matrix< std::complex< Real >, N, N > &m, Eigen::Array< Real, N, 1 > &s, Eigen::Matrix< std::complex< Real >, N, N > &u)
template<class Real , int N>
void diagonalize_symmetric (const Eigen::Matrix< std::complex< Real >, N, N > &m, Eigen::Array< Real, N, 1 > &s, Eigen::Matrix< std::complex< Real >, N, N > &u, Real &s_errbd)
template<class Real , int N>
void diagonalize_symmetric (const Eigen::Matrix< std::complex< Real >, N, N > &m, Eigen::Array< Real, N, 1 > &s, Eigen::Matrix< std::complex< Real >, N, N > &u, Real &s_errbd, Eigen::Array< Real, N, 1 > &u_errbd)
template<class Real , int N>
void diagonalize_symmetric (const Eigen::Matrix< std::complex< Real >, N, N > &m, Eigen::Array< Real, N, 1 > &s, Real &s_errbd)
template<class Real , int N>
void diagonalize_symmetric_errbd (const Eigen::Matrix< Real, N, N > &m, Eigen::Array< Real, N, 1 > &s, Eigen::Matrix< std::complex< Real >, N, N > *u=0, Real *s_errbd=0, Eigen::Array< Real, N, 1 > *u_errbd=0)
template<class Real , int N>
void diagonalize_symmetric_errbd (const Eigen::Matrix< std::complex< Real >, N, N > &m, Eigen::Array< Real, N, 1 > &s, Eigen::Matrix< std::complex< Real >, N, N > *u=0, Real *s_errbd=0, Eigen::Array< Real, N, 1 > *u_errbd=0)
template<int M, int N, class Real >
void disna (const char &JOB, const Eigen::Array< Real,(((M)<(N)) ?(M) :(N)), 1 > &D, Eigen::Array< Real,(((M)<(N)) ?(M) :(N)), 1 > &SEP, int &INFO)
template<class Derived >
Derived div_safe (const Eigen::DenseBase< Derived > &a, const Eigen::DenseBase< Derived > &b)
double * end (GSL_vector &)
 iterator to end of GSL_vector More...
template<typename Idx , typename Function >
auto EvalEigenXpr (Idx i, Function f) -> decltype(EvalEigenXprImpl< Idx, Function, is_eigen_type< decltype(f(i))>::value >::eval(i, f))
template<typename T >
Exp (T z) noexcept
std::complex< double > f (double tau) noexcept
template<class T >
std::complex< T > fast_log (const std::complex< T > &z) noexcept
 fast implementation of complex logarithm More...
template<typename Field >
std::string field_as_string (std::array< int, Field::numberOfFieldIndices > const &idx)
template<typename Field1 , typename Field2 >
double final_state_symmetry_factor (typename cxx_diagrams::field_indices< Field1 >::type const &idx1, typename cxx_diagrams::field_indices< Field2 >::type const &idx2)
double FiniteLog (double a) noexcept
std::vector< double > float_range (double start, double stop, std::size_t number_of_steps)
 returns range of floating point values between start (included) and stop (excluded) More...
std::vector< double > float_range_log (double start, double stop, std::size_t number_of_steps)
 returns range of floating point values between start (included) and stop (excluded) with logarithmic spacing More...
template<typename... Ts, typename F >
void for_each_in_tuple (std::tuple< Ts... > const &t, F f)
 applies f on each element of the tuple More...
template<typename Container >
std::string format_decay (double br, const Container &pids, const std::string &name)
std::complex< double > fprime (double tau) noexcept
template<class Real , class Scalar , int N>
void fs_diagonalize_hermitian (const Eigen::Matrix< Scalar, N, N > &m, Eigen::Array< Real, N, 1 > &w)
template<class Real , class Scalar , int N>
void fs_diagonalize_hermitian (const Eigen::Matrix< Scalar, N, N > &m, Eigen::Array< Real, N, 1 > &w, Eigen::Matrix< Scalar, N, N > &z)
template<class Real , class Scalar , int N>
void fs_diagonalize_hermitian (const Eigen::Matrix< Scalar, N, N > &m, Eigen::Array< Real, N, 1 > &w, Eigen::Matrix< Scalar, N, N > &z, Real &w_errbd)
template<class Real , class Scalar , int N>
void fs_diagonalize_hermitian (const Eigen::Matrix< Scalar, N, N > &m, Eigen::Array< Real, N, 1 > &w, Eigen::Matrix< Scalar, N, N > &z, Real &w_errbd, Eigen::Array< Real, N, 1 > &z_errbd)
template<class Real , class Scalar , int N>
void fs_diagonalize_hermitian (const Eigen::Matrix< Scalar, N, N > &m, Eigen::Array< Real, N, 1 > &w, Real &w_errbd)
template<class Real , class Scalar , int N>
void fs_diagonalize_hermitian_errbd (const Eigen::Matrix< Scalar, N, N > &m, Eigen::Array< Real, N, 1 > &w, Eigen::Matrix< Scalar, N, N > *z=0, Real *w_errbd=0, Eigen::Array< Real, N, 1 > *z_errbd=0)
template<class Real , class Scalar , int N>
void fs_diagonalize_symmetric (const Eigen::Matrix< Scalar, N, N > &m, Eigen::Array< Real, N, 1 > &s)
template<class Real , class Scalar , int N>
void fs_diagonalize_symmetric (const Eigen::Matrix< Scalar, N, N > &m, Eigen::Array< Real, N, 1 > &s, Eigen::Matrix< std::complex< Real >, N, N > &u)
template<class Real , class Scalar , int N>
void fs_diagonalize_symmetric (const Eigen::Matrix< Scalar, N, N > &m, Eigen::Array< Real, N, 1 > &s, Eigen::Matrix< std::complex< Real >, N, N > &u, Real &s_errbd)
template<class Real , class Scalar , int N>
void fs_diagonalize_symmetric (const Eigen::Matrix< Scalar, N, N > &m, Eigen::Array< Real, N, 1 > &s, Eigen::Matrix< std::complex< Real >, N, N > &u, Real &s_errbd, Eigen::Array< Real, N, 1 > &u_errbd)
template<class Real , class Scalar , int N>
void fs_diagonalize_symmetric (const Eigen::Matrix< Scalar, N, N > &m, Eigen::Array< Real, N, 1 > &s, Real &s_errbd)
template<class Real , class Scalar , int N>
void fs_diagonalize_symmetric_errbd (const Eigen::Matrix< Scalar, N, N > &m, Eigen::Array< Real, N, 1 > &s, Eigen::Matrix< std::complex< Real >, N, N > *u=0, Real *s_errbd=0, Eigen::Array< Real, N, 1 > *u_errbd=0)
template<class Real , int M, int N>
void fs_svd (const Eigen::Matrix< Real, M, N > &m, Eigen::Array< Real,(((M)<(N)) ?(M) :(N)), 1 > &s, Eigen::Matrix< std::complex< Real >, M, M > &u, Eigen::Matrix< std::complex< Real >, N, N > &v)
template<class Real , int M, int N>
void fs_svd (const Eigen::Matrix< Real, M, N > &m, Eigen::Array< Real,(((M)<(N)) ?(M) :(N)), 1 > &s, Eigen::Matrix< std::complex< Real >, M, M > &u, Eigen::Matrix< std::complex< Real >, N, N > &v, Real &s_errbd)
template<class Real , int M, int N>
void fs_svd (const Eigen::Matrix< Real, M, N > &m, Eigen::Array< Real,(((M)<(N)) ?(M) :(N)), 1 > &s, Eigen::Matrix< std::complex< Real >, M, M > &u, Eigen::Matrix< std::complex< Real >, N, N > &v, Real &s_errbd, Eigen::Array< Real,(((M)<(N)) ?(M) :(N)), 1 > &u_errbd, Eigen::Array< Real,(((M)<(N)) ?(M) :(N)), 1 > &v_errbd)
template<class Real , class Scalar , int M, int N>
void fs_svd (const Eigen::Matrix< Scalar, M, N > &m, Eigen::Array< Real,(((M)<(N)) ?(M) :(N)), 1 > &s)
template<class Real , class Scalar , int M, int N>
void fs_svd (const Eigen::Matrix< Scalar, M, N > &m, Eigen::Array< Real,(((M)<(N)) ?(M) :(N)), 1 > &s, Eigen::Matrix< Scalar, M, M > &u, Eigen::Matrix< Scalar, N, N > &v)
template<class Real , class Scalar , int M, int N>
void fs_svd (const Eigen::Matrix< Scalar, M, N > &m, Eigen::Array< Real,(((M)<(N)) ?(M) :(N)), 1 > &s, Eigen::Matrix< Scalar, M, M > &u, Eigen::Matrix< Scalar, N, N > &v, Real &s_errbd)
template<class Real , class Scalar , int M, int N>
void fs_svd (const Eigen::Matrix< Scalar, M, N > &m, Eigen::Array< Real,(((M)<(N)) ?(M) :(N)), 1 > &s, Eigen::Matrix< Scalar, M, M > &u, Eigen::Matrix< Scalar, N, N > &v, Real &s_errbd, Eigen::Array< Real,(((M)<(N)) ?(M) :(N)), 1 > &u_errbd, Eigen::Array< Real,(((M)<(N)) ?(M) :(N)), 1 > &v_errbd)
template<class Real , class Scalar , int M, int N>
void fs_svd (const Eigen::Matrix< Scalar, M, N > &m, Eigen::Array< Real,(((M)<(N)) ?(M) :(N)), 1 > &s, Real &s_errbd)
template<class Real , class Scalar , int M, int N>
void fs_svd_errbd (const Eigen::Matrix< Scalar, M, N > &m, Eigen::Array< Real,(((M)<(N)) ?(M) :(N)), 1 > &s, Eigen::Matrix< Scalar, M, M > *u=0, Eigen::Matrix< Scalar, N, N > *v=0, Real *s_errbd=0, Eigen::Array< Real,(((M)<(N)) ?(M) :(N)), 1 > *u_errbd=0, Eigen::Array< Real,(((M)<(N)) ?(M) :(N)), 1 > *v_errbd=0)
double FSThrow (const std::string &s)
Thread_poolglobal_thread_pool ()
 returns instance to global thread pool More...
double gm2calc_calculate_amu (const GM2Calc_MSSMNoFV_data &)
 calculates amu using GM2Calc in the MSSMNoFV More...
double gm2calc_calculate_amu (const GM2Calc_THDM_data &)
 calculates amu using GM2Calc in the THDM More...
double gm2calc_calculate_amu_uncertainty (const GM2Calc_MSSMNoFV_data &)
 calculates uncertainty of amu using GM2Calc in the MSSMNoFV More...
double gm2calc_calculate_amu_uncertainty (const GM2Calc_THDM_data &)
 calculates uncertainty of amu using GM2Calc in the THDM More...
double harmonic (int64_t n) noexcept
 harmonic number n More...
std::size_t hash_decay (const Decay &decay)
template<class Real , class Scalar , int N>
void hermitian_eigen (const Eigen::Matrix< Scalar, N, N > &m, Eigen::Array< Real, N, 1 > &w, Eigen::Matrix< Scalar, N, N > *z)
template<typename Derived >
void Hermitianize (Eigen::PlainObjectBase< Derived > &m)
std::complex< double > hgg_SM_loop_function (double x) noexcept
double hVV_4body (double *q2, size_t, void *params)
template<class Derived >
auto Im (const Eigen::MatrixBase< Derived > &x) noexcept -> decltype(x.imag().eval())
double Im (const std::complex< double > &x) noexcept
double Im (double) noexcept
template<class ObjectWithIndexBounds >
static decltype(boost::make_iterator_range(multiindex< typename meta::index_bounds< ObjectWithIndexBounds >::type::first, typename meta::index_bounds< ObjectWithIndexBounds >::type::second >::begin(), multiindex< typename meta::index_bounds< ObjectWithIndexBounds >::type::first, typename meta::index_bounds< ObjectWithIndexBounds >::type::second >::end())) index_range ()
double inv_fac (int64_t n) noexcept
 negative Dirichlet eta function More...
template<typename T >
bool is_equal (std::complex< T > a, std::complex< T > b, T prec=std::numeric_limits< T >::epsilon()) noexcept
 compares two complex numbers for (absolute) equality More...
template<typename T >
bool is_equal (T a, T b, T prec=std::numeric_limits< T >::epsilon()) noexcept
 compares two numbers for (absolute) equality More...
template<typename T >
std::enable_if_t<!std::is_unsigned< T >::value, bool > is_equal_fraction (T a, T b, T prec=std::numeric_limits< T >::epsilon()) noexcept
 compares two numbers for relative equality More...
template<class Derived >
bool is_equal_rel (const Eigen::PlainObjectBase< Derived > &a, const Eigen::PlainObjectBase< Derived > &b, double eps)
template<typename T >
std::enable_if_t<!std::is_unsigned< T >::value, bool > is_equal_rel (T a, T b, T prec=std::numeric_limits< T >::epsilon()) noexcept
template<typename T >
std::enable_if_t< std::is_unsigned< T >::value, bool > is_equal_rel (T a, T b, T prec=std::numeric_limits< T >::epsilon()) noexcept
bool is_finite (const double *, long) noexcept
 returns true if all array elements are finite More...
bool is_finite (const GSL_vector &)
 Returns true if GSL_vector contains only finite elements, false otherwise. More...
bool is_finite (const gsl_vector *)
 Returns true if GSL vector contains only finite elements, false otherwise. More...
template<typename T , std::size_t N>
bool is_finite (const std::array< T, N > &v) noexcept
 returns true if all array elements are finite More...
template<typename T , std::size_t N>
bool is_finite (const T(&v)[N]) noexcept
 returns true if all array elements are finite More...
bool is_integer (double value)
template<typename T >
std::enable_if_t< std::is_unsigned< T >::value, bool > is_zero (T a, T prec=std::numeric_limits< T >::epsilon()) noexcept
 compares a number for being close to zero More...
template<typename T >
std::enable_if_t<!std::is_unsigned< T >::value &&!detail::is_complex< T >::value, bool > is_zero (T a, T prec=std::numeric_limits< T >::epsilon()) noexcept
 compares a number for being close to zero More...
template<typename T >
std::enable_if_t< detail::is_complex< T >::value, bool > is_zero (T a, typename T::value_type prec=std::numeric_limits< typename T::value_type >::epsilon()) noexcept
 compares a complex number for being close to zero More...
bool IsClose (double a, double b, double eps) noexcept
bool IsCloseRel (double a, double b, double eps) noexcept
template<class Derived >
bool IsFinite (const Eigen::DenseBase< Derived > &m)
bool IsFinite (const std::complex< double > &x) noexcept
bool IsFinite (double x) noexcept
template<typename T >
KallenLambda (T x, T y, T z) noexcept
int KroneckerDelta (int i, int j) noexcept
template<typename If , typename Then >
auto lazy_which (If &&cif, Then &&cthen) -> decltype(cthen())
template<typename If , typename Then , typename... Elses>
auto lazy_which (If &&cif, Then &&cthen, Elses &&... celses) -> typename std::common_type< decltype(cthen()), decltype(celses())... >::type
std::complex< double > Li (int64_t n, const std::complex< double > &z) noexcept
 Complex polylogarithm $\operatorname{Li}_n(z)$. More...
std::complex< double > Li2 (const std::complex< double > &z_) noexcept
 Complex dilogarithm $\mathrm{Li}_2(z)$. More...
std::complex< long double > Li2 (const std::complex< long double > &z_) noexcept
 Complex dilogarithm $\mathrm{Li}_2(z)$ with long double precision. More...
double Li2 (double x) noexcept
 Real dilogarithm $\mathrm{Li}_2(x)$. More...
long double Li2 (long double x) noexcept
 Real dilogarithm $\mathrm{Li}_2(z)$ with long double precision. More...
std::complex< double > Li3 (const std::complex< double > &z_) noexcept
 Complex trilogarithm $\operatorname{Li}_3(z)$. More...
std::complex< long double > Li3 (const std::complex< long double > &z_) noexcept
 Complex trilogarithm $\mathrm{Li}_3(z)$ with long double precision. More...
double Li3 (double x) noexcept
 Real trilogarithm $\operatorname{Li}_3(x)$. More...
std::complex< double > Li4 (const std::complex< double > &z_) noexcept
 Complex polylogarithm $\operatorname{Li}_4(z)$. More...
std::complex< long double > Li4 (const std::complex< long double > &z_) noexcept
 Complex polylogarithm $\mathrm{Li}_4(z)$ with long double precision. More...
double Li4 (double x) noexcept
 Real 4-th order polylogarithm $\operatorname{Li}_4(x)$. More...
std::complex< double > Li5 (const std::complex< double > &z_) noexcept
 Complex polylogarithm $\operatorname{Li}_5(z)$. More...
std::complex< long double > Li5 (const std::complex< long double > &z_) noexcept
 Complex polylogarithm $\operatorname{Li}_5(z)$ with long double precision. More...
std::complex< double > Li6 (const std::complex< double > &z_) noexcept
 Complex polylogarithm $\operatorname{Li}_6(z)$. More...
std::complex< long double > Li6 (const std::complex< long double > &z_) noexcept
 Complex polylogarithm $\operatorname{Li}_6(z)$ with long double precision. More...
template<typename T >
Complex< T > log (const Complex< T > &z) noexcept
double Log (double a) noexcept
template<typename ElementType >
constexpr Dynamic_array_view< ElementType > make_dynamic_array_view (ElementType *first, ElementType *last)
template<typename ElementType >
constexpr Dynamic_array_view< ElementType > make_dynamic_array_view (ElementType *ptr, std::ptrdiff_t len)
template<typename ElementType , std::size_t N>
constexpr Dynamic_array_view< ElementType > make_dynamic_array_view (ElementType(&arr)[N])
template<typename F >
constexpr RAII_guard< F > make_raii_guard (F f)
template<typename T >
constexpr RAII_save< T > make_raii_save (T &var)
void mathlink_format_problems (MLINK link, const BVP_solver_problems &sp)
 format BVP solver problems to MathLink output More...
void mathlink_format_problems (MLINK link, const Observable_problems &op)
 format observable problems to MathLink output More...
void mathlink_format_problems (MLINK link, const Problems &pr)
 format problems to MathLink output More...
void mathlink_format_warnings (MLINK link, const BVP_solver_problems &sp)
 format BVP solver warnings to MathLink output More...
void mathlink_format_warnings (MLINK link, const Problems &pr)
 format warnings to MathLink output More...
template<int M, int N, int i, int j, typename Scalar = double>
auto MatrixProjector () noexcept -> Eigen::Matrix< Scalar, M, N >
 matrix projector of size MxN into direction i, j More...
template<int M, int N, typename Scalar = double>
auto MatrixProjector (int i, int j) noexcept -> Eigen::Matrix< Scalar, M, N >
 matrix projector of size MxN into direction i, j More...
Eigen::MatrixXd MatrixProjector (int M, int N, int i, int j) noexcept
 unit matrix projector of size MxN into direction i, j More...
template<typename T >
Max (T &&t) noexcept
template<typename T0 , typename T1 , typename... Ts>
std::common_type< T0, T1, Ts... >::type Max (T0 &&val1, T1 &&val2, Ts &&... vs) noexcept
template<class Derived >
auto MaxAbsValue (const Eigen::ArrayBase< Derived > &x) noexcept -> decltype(x.cwiseAbs().maxCoeff())
template<class Derived >
auto MaxAbsValue (const Eigen::MatrixBase< Derived > &x) noexcept -> decltype(x.cwiseAbs().maxCoeff())
double MaxAbsValue (const std::complex< double > &x) noexcept
double MaxAbsValue (double x) noexcept
template<class Derived >
auto MaxRelDiff (const Eigen::PlainObjectBase< Derived > &a, const Eigen::PlainObjectBase< Derived > &b) -> decltype(MaxRelDiff(a.data()[0], b.data()[0]))
double MaxRelDiff (const std::complex< double > &a, const std::complex< double > &b) noexcept
double MaxRelDiff (double a, double b) noexcept
template<typename T >
Min (T &&t) noexcept
template<typename T0 , typename T1 , typename... Ts>
std::common_type< T0, T1, Ts... >::type Min (T0 &&val1, T1 &&val2, Ts &&... vs) noexcept
template<typename DerivedArray , typename DerivedMatrix >
void move_goldstone_to (int idx, double mass, Eigen::ArrayBase< DerivedArray > &v, Eigen::MatrixBase< DerivedMatrix > &z)
double neg_eta (int64_t n) noexcept
 negative Dirichlet eta function More...
template<typename T >
constexpr T norm (const Complex< T > &z) noexcept
template<typename T >
constexpr T norm_sqr (const Complex< T > &z) noexcept
template<int M, int N>
void normalize_to_interval (Eigen::Matrix< double, M, N > &m, double min=-1., double max=1.)
template<int M, int N>
void normalize_to_interval (Eigen::Matrix< std::complex< double >, M, N > &m, double max_mag=1.)
unsigned int number_of_active_flavours (softsusy::QedQcd const &qedqcd, double m) noexcept
template<typename T >
constexpr Complex< T > operator* (const Complex< T > &a, const Complex< T > &b) noexcept
template<typename T >
constexpr Complex< T > operator* (const Complex< T > &z, T x) noexcept
template<typename T >
std::complex< T > operator* (const std::complex< T > &lhs, int rhs)
Decay_amplitude_FFS operator* (Decay_amplitude_FFS const &, std::complex< double >)
Decay_amplitude_FFV operator* (Decay_amplitude_FFV const &, std::complex< double >)
Decay_amplitude_SFF operator* (Decay_amplitude_SFF const &amp, std::complex< double > factor)
Decay_amplitude_SSS operator* (Decay_amplitude_SSS const &amp2, std::complex< double > factor)
Decay_amplitude_SSV operator* (Decay_amplitude_SSV const &amp2, std::complex< double > factor)
Decay_amplitude_SVV operator* (Decay_amplitude_SVV const &amp2, std::complex< double > factors)
template<typename T >
std::complex< T > operator* (int lhs, const std::complex< T > &rhs)
Decay_amplitude_SFF operator* (std::complex< double > factor, Decay_amplitude_SFF const &amp2)
Decay_amplitude_SSS operator* (std::complex< double > factor, Decay_amplitude_SSS const &amp2)
Decay_amplitude_SSV operator* (std::complex< double > factor, Decay_amplitude_SSV const &amp2)
Decay_amplitude_SVV operator* (std::complex< double > factor, Decay_amplitude_SVV const &amp2)
Decay_amplitude_FFS operator* (std::complex< double >, Decay_amplitude_FFS const &)
Decay_amplitude_FFV operator* (std::complex< double >, Decay_amplitude_FFV const &)
template<typename T >
constexpr Complex< T > operator* (T x, const Complex< T > &z) noexcept
template<typename T >
constexpr Complex< T > operator+ (const Complex< T > &a, const Complex< T > &b) noexcept
template<typename T >
constexpr Complex< T > operator+ (const Complex< T > &z, T x) noexcept
template<typename T >
std::complex< T > operator+ (const std::complex< T > &lhs, int rhs)
template<typename T >
std::complex< T > operator+ (int lhs, const std::complex< T > &rhs)
template<typename T >
constexpr Complex< T > operator+ (T x, const Complex< T > &z) noexcept
template<typename T >
constexpr Complex< T > operator- (const Complex< T > &a, const Complex< T > &b) noexcept
template<typename T >
constexpr Complex< T > operator- (const Complex< T > &z) noexcept
template<typename T >
constexpr Complex< T > operator- (const Complex< T > &z, T x) noexcept
template<typename T >
std::complex< T > operator- (const std::complex< T > &lhs, int rhs)
template<typename T >
std::complex< T > operator- (int lhs, const std::complex< T > &rhs)
template<typename T >
constexpr Complex< T > operator- (T x, const Complex< T > &z) noexcept
template<typename T >
constexpr Complex< T > operator/ (const Complex< T > &z, T x) noexcept
template<typename T >
std::complex< T > operator/ (const std::complex< T > &lhs, int rhs)
template<typename T >
std::complex< T > operator/ (int lhs, const std::complex< T > &rhs)
template<typename T >
constexpr Complex< T > operator/ (T x, const Complex< T > &z) noexcept
ostream & operator<< (ostream &out, const RGFlow< Lattice > &f)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &, const FlexibleDecay_settings &)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &, const LToLConversion_settings &)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &, const Observable_problems &)
 write observable problems to stream More...
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &ostr, const BVP_solver_problems &problems)
template<typename ElementType >
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &ostr, const Dynamic_array_view< ElementType > &av)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &ostr, const GSL_vector &vec)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &ostr, const Problems &problems)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &ostr, const Spectrum_generator_problems &problems)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &ostr, const Spectrum_generator_settings &sgs)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &ostr, const Threshold_corrections &tc)
std::complex< double > PolyLog (int, const std::complex< double > &) noexcept
 complex polylogarithm More...
double PolyLog (int, double) noexcept
 real polylogarithm More...
template<unsigned p, class T >
Pow (T x)
template<class T >
Pow2 (T x)
template<class T >
Pow3 (T x)
template<class T >
Pow4 (T x)
template<class T >
Pow5 (T x)
template<typename Base , typename Exponent >
Base Power (Base base, Exponent exp) noexcept
template<typename Base >
constexpr Base Power10 (Base b) noexcept
template<typename Base >
constexpr Base Power11 (Base b) noexcept
template<typename Base >
constexpr Base Power12 (Base b) noexcept
template<typename Base >
constexpr Base Power2 (Base b) noexcept
template<typename Base >
constexpr Base Power3 (Base b) noexcept
template<typename Base >
constexpr Base Power4 (Base b) noexcept
template<typename Base >
constexpr Base Power5 (Base b) noexcept
template<typename Base >
constexpr Base Power6 (Base b) noexcept
template<typename Base >
constexpr Base Power7 (Base b) noexcept
template<typename Base >
constexpr Base Power8 (Base b) noexcept
template<typename Base >
constexpr Base Power9 (Base b) noexcept
void print_all_info (std::ostream &ostr)
void print_build_info (std::ostream &ostr)
void print_debug (std::function< void()> &&, const char *, int)
void print_error (std::function< void()> &&f, const char *, int)
void print_fatal (std::function< void()> &&f, const char *filename, int line)
void print_flexiblesusy_version (std::ostream &ostr)
void print_info (std::function< void()> &&f, const char *, int)
void print_system_info (std::ostream &ostr)
void print_verbose (std::function< void()> &&, const char *, int)
void print_version_info (std::ostream &ostr)
void print_warning (std::function< void()> &&f, const char *, int)
template<typename... Ts>
double PrintDEBUG (Ts &&... vs)
 print debug information to cerr More...
template<typename... Ts>
double PrintERROR (Ts &&... vs)
 print error to cerr More...
template<typename... Ts>
double PrintFATAL (Ts &&... vs)
 print error to cerr and stop program More...
template<typename... Ts>
double PrintINFO (Ts &&... vs)
 print an information message More...
template<typename... Ts>
double PrintVERBOSE (Ts &&... vs)
 print verbose information to cerr More...
template<typename... Ts>
double PrintWARNING (Ts &&... vs)
 print warning to cerr More...
template<typename T >
constexpr T Quad (T a) noexcept
template<class Derived >
auto Re (const Eigen::MatrixBase< Derived > &x) noexcept -> decltype(x.real().eval())
double Re (const std::complex< double > &x) noexcept
double Re (double x) noexcept
template<typename T >
RelDiff (T a, T b, T eps=std::numeric_limits< T >::epsilon()) noexcept
template<class Real , int Nsrc, int Ncmp>
Eigen::Array< Real, Nsrc - Ncmp, 1 > remove_if_equal (const Eigen::Array< Real, Nsrc, 1 > &src, const Eigen::Array< Real, Ncmp, 1 > &cmp)
template<class Real , class Scalar , int N>
void reorder_diagonalize_symmetric (const Eigen::Matrix< Scalar, N, N > &m, Eigen::Array< Real, N, 1 > &s)
template<class Real , class Scalar , int N>
void reorder_diagonalize_symmetric (const Eigen::Matrix< Scalar, N, N > &m, Eigen::Array< Real, N, 1 > &s, Eigen::Matrix< std::complex< Real >, N, N > &u)
template<class Real , class Scalar , int N>
void reorder_diagonalize_symmetric (const Eigen::Matrix< Scalar, N, N > &m, Eigen::Array< Real, N, 1 > &s, Eigen::Matrix< std::complex< Real >, N, N > &u, Real &s_errbd)
template<class Real , class Scalar , int N>
void reorder_diagonalize_symmetric (const Eigen::Matrix< Scalar, N, N > &m, Eigen::Array< Real, N, 1 > &s, Eigen::Matrix< std::complex< Real >, N, N > &u, Real &s_errbd, Eigen::Array< Real, N, 1 > &u_errbd)
template<class Real , class Scalar , int N>
void reorder_diagonalize_symmetric (const Eigen::Matrix< Scalar, N, N > &m, Eigen::Array< Real, N, 1 > &s, Real &s_errbd)
template<class Real , int N>
void reorder_diagonalize_symmetric_errbd (const Eigen::Matrix< Real, N, N > &m, Eigen::Array< Real, N, 1 > &s, Eigen::Matrix< std::complex< Real >, N, N > *u=0, Real *s_errbd=0, Eigen::Array< Real, N, 1 > *u_errbd=0)
template<class Real , int N>
void reorder_diagonalize_symmetric_errbd (const Eigen::Matrix< std::complex< Real >, N, N > &m, Eigen::Array< Real, N, 1 > &s, Eigen::Matrix< std::complex< Real >, N, N > *u=0, Real *s_errbd=0, Eigen::Array< Real, N, 1 > *u_errbd=0)
template<class Real , class Scalar , int M, int N>
void reorder_svd (const Eigen::Matrix< Scalar, M, N > &m, Eigen::Array< Real,(((M)<(N)) ?(M) :(N)), 1 > &s)
template<class Real , class Scalar , int M, int N>
void reorder_svd (const Eigen::Matrix< Scalar, M, N > &m, Eigen::Array< Real,(((M)<(N)) ?(M) :(N)), 1 > &s, Eigen::Matrix< Scalar, M, M > &u, Eigen::Matrix< Scalar, N, N > &vh)
template<class Real , class Scalar , int M, int N>
void reorder_svd (const Eigen::Matrix< Scalar, M, N > &m, Eigen::Array< Real,(((M)<(N)) ?(M) :(N)), 1 > &s, Eigen::Matrix< Scalar, M, M > &u, Eigen::Matrix< Scalar, N, N > &vh, Real &s_errbd)
template<class Real , class Scalar , int M, int N>
void reorder_svd (const Eigen::Matrix< Scalar, M, N > &m, Eigen::Array< Real,(((M)<(N)) ?(M) :(N)), 1 > &s, Eigen::Matrix< Scalar, M, M > &u, Eigen::Matrix< Scalar, N, N > &vh, Real &s_errbd, Eigen::Array< Real,(((M)<(N)) ?(M) :(N)), 1 > &u_errbd, Eigen::Array< Real,(((M)<(N)) ?(M) :(N)), 1 > &v_errbd)
template<class Real , class Scalar , int M, int N>
void reorder_svd (const Eigen::Matrix< Scalar, M, N > &m, Eigen::Array< Real,(((M)<(N)) ?(M) :(N)), 1 > &s, Real &s_errbd)
template<class Real , class Scalar , int M, int N>
void reorder_svd_errbd (const Eigen::Matrix< Scalar, M, N > &m, Eigen::Array< Real,(((M)<(N)) ?(M) :(N)), 1 > &s, Eigen::Matrix< Scalar, M, M > *u=0, Eigen::Matrix< Scalar, N, N > *vh=0, Real *s_errbd=0, Eigen::Array< Real,(((M)<(N)) ?(M) :(N)), 1 > *u_errbd=0, Eigen::Array< Real,(((M)<(N)) ?(M) :(N)), 1 > *v_errbd=0)
template<class Derived >
void reorder_vector (Eigen::Array< double, Eigen::MatrixBase< Derived >::RowsAtCompileTime, 1 > &v, const Eigen::MatrixBase< Derived > &matrix)
 reorders vector v according to ordering of the magitude of the diagonal elements in matrix More...
template<class Real , int N>
void reorder_vector (Eigen::Array< Real, N, 1 > &v, const Eigen::Array< Real, N, 1 > &v2)
 reorders vector v according to ordering in vector v2 More...
int Round (double a) noexcept
double RT (double x) noexcept
 Eq.(2.31) of hep-ph/0503172, including edge cases. More...
double Sec (double x) noexcept
int Sign (double x) noexcept
int Sign (int x) noexcept
template<class T >
sign (T x)
template<typename Derived >
auto SignedAbsSqrt (const Eigen::ArrayBase< Derived > &a) noexcept -> typename Derived::PlainObject
 component-wise signed square root of absolute More...
double SignedAbsSqrt (double a) noexcept
 signed square root of absolute More...
double Sin (double x) noexcept
template<typename OutputIterator >
void slha_format_problems_and_warnings (const Observable_problems &op, OutputIterator oi)
 copies problem strings to output iterator More...
template<int N>
void sort (Eigen::Array< double, N, 1 > &v)
 sorts an Eigen array More...
std::vector< Decaysort_decays_list (const Decays_list &)
 sort decays w.r.t. their width More...
template<typename Derived >
auto Sqr (const Eigen::ArrayBase< Derived > &a) noexcept -> typename Derived::PlainObject
 component-wise square More...
template<typename Derived >
auto Sqr (const Eigen::MatrixBase< Derived > &a) noexcept -> typename Derived::PlainObject
 matrix square More...
template<typename T >
constexpr std::complex< T > Sqr (const std::complex< T > &a) noexcept
template<typename T , class = std::enable_if_t<std::is_arithmetic<T>::value,T>>
constexpr T Sqr (T a) noexcept
template<class T >
sqr (T x)
template<typename Derived >
auto Sqrt (const Eigen::ArrayBase< Derived > &a) noexcept -> typename Derived::PlainObject
 component-wise square root More...
template<class T , typename = std::enable_if_t<std::is_floating_point<T>::value,T>>
Sqrt (T a) noexcept
template<class T , typename = std::enable_if_t<std::is_integral<T>::value,T>>
double Sqrt (T a) noexcept
template<typename Amplitude >
double square_amplitude (const Amplitude &a)
template<typename FieldIn , typename FieldOut1 , typename FieldOut2 >
constexpr double squared_color_generator () noexcept
CM33 standard_unitary_matrix (Real s12, Real s13, Real s23, Real delta)
CM33 standard_VCKM (Real gamma)
CM33 standard_VCKM (Real gamma, Real Vub)
std::string strip_field_namespace (std::string const &s)
std::vector< double > subdivide (double start, double stop, std::size_t number_of_divisions)
 returns range of (number_of_divisions + 1) floating point values between (including) start and (including) stop More...
std::vector< double > subdivide_log (double start, double stop, std::size_t number_of_divisions)
 returns range of (number_of_divisions + 1) floating point values between (including) start and (including) stop with logarithmic spacing More...
template<class Idx , class Function >
auto sum (Idx ini, Idx fin, Function f) -> decltype(EvalEigenXpr< Idx >(ini, f))
template<class Real , class Scalar , int M, int N>
void svd (const Eigen::Matrix< Scalar, M, N > &m, Eigen::Array< Real,(((M)<(N)) ?(M) :(N)), 1 > &s)
template<class Real , class Scalar , int M, int N>
void svd (const Eigen::Matrix< Scalar, M, N > &m, Eigen::Array< Real,(((M)<(N)) ?(M) :(N)), 1 > &s, Eigen::Matrix< Scalar, M, M > &u, Eigen::Matrix< Scalar, N, N > &vh)
template<class Real , class Scalar , int M, int N>
void svd (const Eigen::Matrix< Scalar, M, N > &m, Eigen::Array< Real,(((M)<(N)) ?(M) :(N)), 1 > &s, Eigen::Matrix< Scalar, M, M > &u, Eigen::Matrix< Scalar, N, N > &vh, Real &s_errbd)
template<class Real , class Scalar , int M, int N>
void svd (const Eigen::Matrix< Scalar, M, N > &m, Eigen::Array< Real,(((M)<(N)) ?(M) :(N)), 1 > &s, Eigen::Matrix< Scalar, M, M > &u, Eigen::Matrix< Scalar, N, N > &vh, Real &s_errbd, Eigen::Array< Real,(((M)<(N)) ?(M) :(N)), 1 > &u_errbd, Eigen::Array< Real,(((M)<(N)) ?(M) :(N)), 1 > &v_errbd)
template<class Real , class Scalar , int M, int N>
void svd (const Eigen::Matrix< Scalar, M, N > &m, Eigen::Array< Real,(((M)<(N)) ?(M) :(N)), 1 > &s, Real &s_errbd)
template<class Real , class Scalar , int M, int N>
void svd_eigen (const Eigen::Matrix< Scalar, M, N > &m, Eigen::Array< Real,(((M)<(N)) ?(M) :(N)), 1 > &s, Eigen::Matrix< Scalar, M, M > *u, Eigen::Matrix< Scalar, N, N > *vh)
template<class Real , class Scalar , int M, int N>
void svd_errbd (const Eigen::Matrix< Scalar, M, N > &m, Eigen::Array< Real,(((M)<(N)) ?(M) :(N)), 1 > &s, Eigen::Matrix< Scalar, M, M > *u=0, Eigen::Matrix< Scalar, N, N > *vh=0, Real *s_errbd=0, Eigen::Array< Real,(((M)<(N)) ?(M) :(N)), 1 > *u_errbd=0, Eigen::Array< Real,(((M)<(N)) ?(M) :(N)), 1 > *v_errbd=0)
template<class Real , class Scalar , int M, int N>
void svd_internal (const Eigen::Matrix< Scalar, M, N > &m, Eigen::Array< Real,(((M)<(N)) ?(M) :(N)), 1 > &s, Eigen::Matrix< Scalar, M, M > *u, Eigen::Matrix< Scalar, N, N > *vh)
template<typename Derived >
void Symmetrize (Eigen::PlainObjectBase< Derived > &m)
double Tan (double a) noexcept
std::complex< double > taum1fprime (double tau) noexcept
double to_double (const char *s)
template<int Size>
Eigen::Matrix< double, Size, 1 > to_eigen_vector (const gsl_vector *v)
template<typename Derived >
GSL_vector to_GSL_vector (const Eigen::DenseBase< Derived > &v)
int to_int (const char *s)
long to_long (const char *s)
std::string to_string (char a)
std::string to_string (const std::complex< double > &a)
std::string to_string (double a)
std::string to_string (signed char a)
std::string to_string (signed int a)
std::string to_string (signed long a)
std::string to_string (signed long long a)
std::string to_string (signed short a)
std::string to_string (unsigned char a)
std::string to_string (unsigned int a)
std::string to_string (unsigned long a)
std::string to_string (unsigned long long a)
std::string to_string (unsigned short a)
template<class Scalar , int M>
Eigen::Matrix< Scalar, M, MToMatrix (const Eigen::Array< Scalar, M, 1 > &a) noexcept
template<class Scalar , int M, int N>
Eigen::Matrix< Scalar, M, N > ToMatrix (const Eigen::Matrix< Scalar, M, N > &a) noexcept
std::string ToString (char a)
std::string ToString (const std::complex< double > &a)
std::string ToString (double a)
std::string ToString (signed char a)
std::string ToString (signed int a)
std::string ToString (signed long a)
std::string ToString (signed long long a)
std::string ToString (signed short a)
std::string ToString (unsigned char a)
std::string ToString (unsigned int a)
std::string ToString (unsigned long a)
std::string ToString (unsigned long long a)
std::string ToString (unsigned short a)
template<typename Derived >
auto Total (const Eigen::DenseBase< Derived > &a) noexcept -> typename Derived::Scalar
 sum of elements More...
std::complex< double > Total (const std::complex< double > &) noexcept
 sum of all arguments More...
double Total (double) noexcept
 sum of all arguments More...
template<typename T >
constexpr int UnitStep (T x) noexcept
 step function (0 for x < 0, 1 otherwise) More...
template<int N, int i, typename Scalar = double>
constexpr auto UnitVector () noexcept -> Eigen::Matrix< Scalar, N, 1 >
 unit vector of length N into direction i More...
template<int N, typename Scalar = double>
constexpr auto UnitVector (int i) noexcept -> Eigen::Matrix< Scalar, N, 1 >
 unit vector of length N into direction i More...
Eigen::VectorXd UnitVector (int N, int i) noexcept
 unit vector of length N into direction i More...
template<typename Derived >
Derived ZeroSqrt (const Eigen::ArrayBase< Derived > &m) noexcept
 sqrt(x) for x >= 0; 0 for x < 0 More...
double ZeroSqrt (double x) noexcept
 sqrt(x) for x >= 0; 0 for x < 0 More...
double zeta (int64_t n) noexcept
 Riemann zeta function for integer arguments. More...


const double al = 1 / 137.035
const double almZ = 1.0/129
const double alsmt = 0.108979
template<typename... T>
constexpr bool always_false = false
const double B1_cent = 0.87
const double B1K = 0.6
const double B1s_cent = B1_cent
const double B2_cent = 0.82
const double B2K = 0.66
const double B2s_cent = B2_cent
const double B3_cent = 1.02
const double B3K = 1.05
const double B3s_cent = B3_cent
const double B4_cent = 1.16
const double B4K = 1.03
const double B4s_cent = B4_cent
const double B5_cent = 1.91
const double B5K = 0.73
const double B5s_cent = B5_cent
const double BsBdscale = 1.21
const double c_m_s = 299792458
const double cm = 1e13 / (hbarc_MeVfm*MeV)
const double deg = pi / 180
static constexpr double deltaqq_QCDxQED = 691/24. - 6*zeta3 - Sqr(Pi)
const Real epsilon = std::numeric_limits<Real>::epsilon()
const Real EPSTOL = 1.0e-11
 underflow accuracy More...
const double fBd_cent = 200*MeV
const double fBd_err = 30*MeV
const double fBs_cent = fBd_cent*BsBdscale
static constexpr double fiveLoop = 1.018360064207223307e-11
const double FK = 160*MeV
const char *const format_effectivecouplings = "%9d %9d %9d %16.8E # %s\n"
 SLHA line formatter for the EFFECTIVECOUPLINGS block. More...
const char *const format_total_width = "%9d %16.8E # %s\n"
 SLHA line formatter for the DECAY block. More...
static constexpr double fourLoop = 1.608129755454920543e-09
const double g1mZ = sqrt(5.0/3) * gYmZ
const double g2mZ = sqrt(4*pi * almZ/sinSqThetaW)
const double g3mt = sqrt(4*pi * alsmt)
const double GeV = 1e-3 * TeV
const double GF = 1.16639e-5 / sqr(GeV)
const double Gyear = 1e9*year
const double gYmZ = sqrt(4*pi * almZ/(1-sinSqThetaW))
const double hbarc_MeVfm = 197.3269602
const double ips = hbarc_MeVfm / (1e6*c_m_s) * GeV
static constexpr double ln2 = 0.69314718055994531
const char *const mass_formatter = " %9d %16.8E # %s\n"
 SLHA line formatter for the MASS block entries. More...
const double mb = 4.6*GeV
const double mb_MSbar = 4.23*GeV
const double mb_MSbar_mW = 2.906*GeV
const double mb_pole = 4.6*GeV
const double mBd = 5.279*GeV
const double mbMW = 2.906*GeV
const double mBs = 5.370*GeV
const double mc = 1.25*GeV
const double mcMW = 0.667*GeV
const double md = 5.4*MeV
const double md_MSbar = 6*MeV
const double md_MSbar_mW = 3.7*MeV
const double mdMW = 3.7 *MeV
const double me = 0.51099892*MeV
const double MeV = 1e-3 * GeV
const char *const mixing_matrix_formatter = " %2d %2d %16.8E # %s\n"
 SLHA line formatter for the mixing matrix entries = NMIX, UMIX, VMIX, ... More...
const double mK = 497.648*MeV
const double mmu = 105.658369*MeV
const Real modVub_cent = 4.31e-3
const double ms = 100*MeV
const double ms_MSbar = 115*MeV
const double ms_MSbar_mW = 0.072*GeV
const double msMW = 0.072*GeV
const double mt_MSbar = 167*GeV
const double mtau = 1776.99*MeV
const double mtMW = 175.3 *GeV
const double muMW = 1.7 *MeV
const double mW = 80.419 * GeV
const double mZ = 91.1876 * GeV
const char *const number_formatter = " %16.8E # %s\n"
 SLHA number formatter. More...
const char *const obsinfo_formatter = " %5d %5d %s\n"
 SLHA line formatter for the OBSINFO block entries. More...
static constexpr double oneLoop = 6.332573977646110963e-03
static constexpr double oneOver16Pi = 0.019894367886486917
static constexpr double oneOver16PiSqr = 6.332573977646110963e-03
static constexpr double oneOverSqrt2 = 0.70710678118654752
constexpr double pi = Pi
static constexpr double Pi = 3.141592653589793
constexpr double r2 = 1.4142135623730950
const char *const scale_formatter = "%9.8E"
 SLHA scale formatter. More...
const double sec = c_m_s * 1e15 / (hbarc_MeVfm*MeV)
const double sigmambMW = 0.047*GeV
const double sigmamcMW = 0.027*GeV
const double sigmamdMW = 0.9 *MeV
const double sigmame = 0.00000004*MeV
const double sigmammu = 0.000009*MeV
const double sigmamsMW = 0.017*GeV
const double sigmamtau = 0.275*MeV
const double sigmamtMW = 5.1 *GeV
const double sigmamuMW = 0.5 *MeV
const char *const single_element_formatter = " %5d %16.8E # %s\n"
 SLHA line formatter for the one-element entries = HMIX, GAUGE, MSOFT, ... More...
const double sinSqThetaW = 0.23117
const char *const spinfo_formatter = " %5d %s\n"
 SLHA line formatter for the SPINFO block entries. More...
const char *const tensor_formatter = " %8d %8d %8d %16.8E # %s\n"
 SLHA line formatter for entries with three indices. More...
const double TeV = 1
static constexpr double threeLoop = 2.539456721913701978e-07
Real TOLERANCE = 1.0e-3
static constexpr bool True = true
static constexpr double twoLoop = 4.010149318236068752e-05
const char *const vector_formatter = " %5d %16.8E # %s\n"
 SLHA line formatter for vector entries. More...
const double vv = sqrt(2*sqr(mZ)/(sqr(g2mZ)+sqr(gYmZ)))
const char *const wilson_formatter = " %8s %8s %1d%1d %1d %16.8E # %s\n"
 FLHA line formatter for FWCOEF, IMFCOEF block entries. More...
const double year = 365*24*60*60*sec
static constexpr double zeta2 = 1.6449340668482264
static constexpr double zeta3 = 1.2020569031595943
static constexpr double zeta4 = 1.0823232337111382
static constexpr double zeta5 = 1.0369277551433699

Detailed Description

implement formulas for most general forms of amplitudes

The following message logger macros are available:

VERBOSE_MSG(message) only printed if VERBOSE is defined DEBUG_MSG(message) only printed if DEBUG is defined INFO(message) WARNING(message) ERROR(message) FATAL(message) aborts program execution

All macros print to std::cerr .

All output can be disabled if ENABLE_SILENT is defined.

The preprocessor symbols ENABLE_DEBUG, ENABLE_SILENT and ENABLE_VERBOSE are defined/undefined in config.h, which is generated by the configure script. Please refer to the configure script options to control the definition/undefinition of the preprocessor symbols.

Typedef Documentation

◆ CM22

using flexiblesusy::CM22 = typedef Eigen::Matrix<Comp, 2, 2>

Definition at line 17 of file small_matrices.hpp.

◆ CM33

using flexiblesusy::CM33 = typedef Eigen::Matrix<Comp, 3, 3>

Definition at line 18 of file small_matrices.hpp.

◆ CM44

using flexiblesusy::CM44 = typedef Eigen::Matrix<Comp, 4, 4>

Definition at line 19 of file small_matrices.hpp.

◆ CM66

using flexiblesusy::CM66 = typedef Eigen::Matrix<Comp, 6, 6>

Definition at line 20 of file small_matrices.hpp.

◆ Comp

using flexiblesusy::Comp = typedef std::complex<Real>

Definition at line 13 of file mathdefs.hpp.

◆ InterTheoryConstraint

Definition at line 61 of file lattice_constraint.hpp.

◆ Real

using flexiblesusy::Real = typedef double

Definition at line 12 of file mathdefs.hpp.

◆ RM22

using flexiblesusy::RM22 = typedef Eigen::Matrix<Real, 2, 2>

Definition at line 13 of file small_matrices.hpp.

◆ RM33

using flexiblesusy::RM33 = typedef Eigen::Matrix<Real, 3, 3>

Definition at line 14 of file small_matrices.hpp.

◆ RM44

using flexiblesusy::RM44 = typedef Eigen::Matrix<Real, 4, 4>

Definition at line 15 of file small_matrices.hpp.

◆ RM66

using flexiblesusy::RM66 = typedef Eigen::Matrix<Real, 6, 6>

Definition at line 16 of file small_matrices.hpp.

◆ RVe2

using flexiblesusy::RVe2 = typedef Eigen::Matrix<Real, 2, 1>

Definition at line 21 of file small_matrices.hpp.

◆ RVe3

using flexiblesusy::RVe3 = typedef Eigen::Matrix<Real, 3, 1>

Definition at line 22 of file small_matrices.hpp.

◆ RVe4

using flexiblesusy::RVe4 = typedef Eigen::Matrix<Real, 4, 1>

Definition at line 23 of file small_matrices.hpp.

◆ RVe6

using flexiblesusy::RVe6 = typedef Eigen::Matrix<Real, 6, 1>

Definition at line 24 of file small_matrices.hpp.

◆ RVec

using flexiblesusy::RVec = typedef std::vector<Real>

Definition at line 58 of file lattice_solver.hpp.

◆ SingleSiteConstraint

Definition at line 121 of file lattice_constraint.hpp.

Function Documentation

◆ Abs() [1/11]

template<typename Derived >
auto flexiblesusy::Abs ( const Eigen::ArrayBase< Derived > &  x) -> decltype(x.cwiseAbs().eval())

Definition at line 73 of file wrappers.hpp.

◆ Abs() [2/11]

template<typename Derived >
auto flexiblesusy::Abs ( const Eigen::MatrixBase< Derived > &  x) -> decltype(x.cwiseAbs().eval())

Definition at line 79 of file wrappers.hpp.

◆ Abs() [3/11]

double flexiblesusy::Abs ( const std::complex< double > &  x)

Definition at line 69 of file wrappers.hpp.

◆ Abs() [4/11]

float flexiblesusy::Abs ( const std::complex< float > &  x)

Definition at line 68 of file wrappers.hpp.

◆ Abs() [5/11]

long double flexiblesusy::Abs ( const std::complex< long double > &  x)

Definition at line 70 of file wrappers.hpp.

◆ Abs() [6/11]

double flexiblesusy::Abs ( double  x)

Definition at line 66 of file wrappers.hpp.

◆ Abs() [7/11]

float flexiblesusy::Abs ( float  x)

Definition at line 65 of file wrappers.hpp.

◆ Abs() [8/11]

int flexiblesusy::Abs ( int  x)

Definition at line 62 of file wrappers.hpp.

Referenced by MaxAbsValue().

◆ Abs() [9/11]

long double flexiblesusy::Abs ( long double  x)

Definition at line 67 of file wrappers.hpp.

◆ Abs() [10/11]

long long flexiblesusy::Abs ( long long  x)

Definition at line 64 of file wrappers.hpp.

◆ Abs() [11/11]

long flexiblesusy::Abs ( long  x)

Definition at line 63 of file wrappers.hpp.

◆ AbsSqr() [1/11]

template<typename Derived >
auto flexiblesusy::AbsSqr ( const Eigen::ArrayBase< Derived > &  x) -> decltype(x.cwiseAbs().eval().square().eval())

Definition at line 97 of file wrappers.hpp.

◆ AbsSqr() [2/11]

template<typename Derived >
auto flexiblesusy::AbsSqr ( const Eigen::MatrixBase< Derived > &  x) -> decltype(AbsSqr(x.array()).matrix().eval())

Definition at line 103 of file wrappers.hpp.

References AbsSqr().

◆ AbsSqr() [3/11]

double flexiblesusy::AbsSqr ( const std::complex< double > &  x)

Definition at line 93 of file wrappers.hpp.

References norm().

◆ AbsSqr() [4/11]

float flexiblesusy::AbsSqr ( const std::complex< float > &  x)

Definition at line 92 of file wrappers.hpp.

References norm().

◆ AbsSqr() [5/11]

long double flexiblesusy::AbsSqr ( const std::complex< long double > &  x)

Definition at line 94 of file wrappers.hpp.

References norm().

◆ AbsSqr() [6/11]

double flexiblesusy::AbsSqr ( double  x)

Definition at line 90 of file wrappers.hpp.

◆ AbsSqr() [7/11]

float flexiblesusy::AbsSqr ( float  x)

Definition at line 89 of file wrappers.hpp.

◆ AbsSqr() [8/11]

◆ AbsSqr() [9/11]

long double flexiblesusy::AbsSqr ( long double  x)

Definition at line 91 of file wrappers.hpp.

◆ AbsSqr() [10/11]

long long flexiblesusy::AbsSqr ( long long  x)

Definition at line 88 of file wrappers.hpp.

◆ AbsSqr() [11/11]

long flexiblesusy::AbsSqr ( long  x)

Definition at line 87 of file wrappers.hpp.

◆ AbsSqrt() [1/4]

template<typename Derived >
auto flexiblesusy::AbsSqrt ( const Eigen::ArrayBase< Derived > &  x) -> decltype(x.cwiseAbs().cwiseSqrt())

Definition at line 115 of file wrappers.hpp.

◆ AbsSqrt() [2/4]

template<typename Derived >
auto flexiblesusy::AbsSqrt ( const Eigen::MatrixBase< Derived > &  x) -> decltype(x.cwiseAbs().cwiseSqrt())

Definition at line 121 of file wrappers.hpp.

◆ AbsSqrt() [3/4]

double flexiblesusy::AbsSqrt ( const std::complex< double > &  x)

Definition at line 112 of file wrappers.hpp.

◆ AbsSqrt() [4/4]

double flexiblesusy::AbsSqrt ( double  x)

Definition at line 110 of file wrappers.hpp.

Referenced by SignedAbsSqrt().

◆ ArcCos() [1/2]

std::complex< double > flexiblesusy::ArcCos ( const std::complex< double > &  x)

Definition at line 129 of file wrappers.hpp.

◆ ArcCos() [2/2]

double flexiblesusy::ArcCos ( double  x)

Definition at line 128 of file wrappers.hpp.

◆ ArcSin() [1/2]

std::complex< double > flexiblesusy::ArcSin ( const std::complex< double > &  x)

Definition at line 134 of file wrappers.hpp.

◆ ArcSin() [2/2]

double flexiblesusy::ArcSin ( double  x)

Definition at line 133 of file wrappers.hpp.

◆ ArcTan() [1/2]

std::complex< double > flexiblesusy::ArcTan ( const std::complex< double > &  x)

Definition at line 139 of file wrappers.hpp.

◆ ArcTan() [2/2]

double flexiblesusy::ArcTan ( double  x)

Definition at line 138 of file wrappers.hpp.

◆ arg()

◆ Arg() [1/2]

double flexiblesusy::Arg ( const std::complex< double > &  x)

Definition at line 144 of file wrappers.hpp.

References arg().

◆ Arg() [2/2]

double flexiblesusy::Arg ( double  x)

Definition at line 143 of file wrappers.hpp.

References arg().

◆ begin()

double * flexiblesusy::begin ( GSL_vector v)

◆ binary_map()

template<class BinaryOp , class Derived >
Derived flexiblesusy::binary_map ( const Eigen::DenseBase< Derived > &  a,
const Eigen::DenseBase< Derived > &  b,
BinaryOp  op 

Definition at line 44 of file eigen_utils.hpp.

Referenced by div_safe().

◆ calc_DeltaAh()

double flexiblesusy::calc_DeltaAh ( double  b)

◆ calc_DeltaH()

double flexiblesusy::calc_DeltaH ( double  b)

Eq.(2.6) of hep-ph/0503173.

Definition at line 63 of file decay_functions.cpp.

References flexiblesusy::anonymous_namespace{decay_functions.cpp}::calc_A(), and log().

◆ calc_Deltaqq()

double flexiblesusy::calc_Deltaqq ( double  alpha_s_red,
double  Nf,
FlexibleDecay_settings const &  settings 

Eq.(2.11) of hep-ph/0503173, 2-loop and higher order.

Definition at line 82 of file decay_functions.cpp.

References flexiblesusy::FlexibleDecay_settings::include_higher_order_corrections, Pi, settings, Sqr(), WARNING, zeta3, zeta4, and zeta5.

◆ calculate_diagram_SFF_t1g1n1_FFS() [1/2]

Decay_amplitude_SFF flexiblesusy::calculate_diagram_SFF_t1g1n1_FFS ( double  mext1,
double  mext2,
double  mext3,
double  mLF4,
double  mLF5,
double  mLS6,
const std::complex< double > &  CpF2F4cS6PL,
const std::complex< double > &  CpF2F4cS6PR,
const std::complex< double > &  CpcF4cF5S1PL,
const std::complex< double > &  CpcF4cF5S1PR,
const std::complex< double > &  CpF5F3S6PL,
const std ::complex< double > &  CpF5F3S6PR,
double  scale 

Evaluates T1G1N1 diagram for process S -> FF.

[in]mext1mass of external field S[1]
[in]mext2mass of external field F[2]
[in]mext3mass of external field F[3]
[in]mLF4mass of internal field F[4]
[in]mLF5mass of internal field F[5]
[in]mLS6mass of internal field S[6]
[in]CpF2F4cS6PLcoupling Cp[F[2], F[4], -S[6]][PL]
[in]CpF2F4cS6PRcoupling Cp[F[2], F[4], -S[6]][PR]
[in]CpcF4cF5S1PLcoupling Cp[-F[4], -F[5], S[1]][PL]
[in]CpcF4cF5S1PRcoupling Cp[-F[4], -F[5], S[1]][PR]
[in]CpF5F3S6PLcoupling Cp[F[5], F[3], S[6]][PL]
[in]CpF5F3S6PRcoupling Cp[F[5], F[3], S[6]][PR]
value of the one-loop diagram

Definition at line 6300 of file one_loop_decay_diagrams.cpp.

References flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SFF::form_factor_left, flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SFF::form_factor_right, flexiblesusy::Loop_library::get(), flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SFF::m_decay, flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SFF::m_fermion_1, flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SFF::m_fermion_2, oneOver16PiSqr, and Sqr().

◆ calculate_diagram_SFF_t1g1n1_FFS() [2/2]

Decay_amplitude_SFF flexiblesusy::calculate_diagram_SFF_t1g1n1_FFS ( double  ,
double  ,
double  ,
double  ,
double  ,
double  ,
const std::complex< double > &  ,
const std::complex< double > &  ,
const std::complex< double > &  ,
const std::complex< double > &  ,
const std::complex< double > &  ,
const std::complex< double > &  ,

◆ calculate_diagram_SFF_t1g2n2_SSF()

Decay_amplitude_SFF flexiblesusy::calculate_diagram_SFF_t1g2n2_SSF ( double  mext1,
double  mext2,
double  mext3,
double  mLS4,
double  mLS5,
double  mLF6,
const std::complex< double > &  CpF2cF6S4PL,
const std::complex< double > &  CpF2cF6S4PR,
const std::complex< double > &  CpF6F3S5PL,
const std::complex< double > &  CpF6F3S5PR,
const std::complex< double > &  CpS1cS4cS5,
double  scale 

Evaluates T1G2N2 diagram for process S -> FF.

[in]mext1mass of external field S[1]
[in]mext2mass of external field F[2]
[in]mext3mass of external field F[3]
[in]mLS4mass of internal field S[4]
[in]mLS5mass of internal field S[5]
[in]mLF6mass of internal field F[6]
[in]CpF2cF6S4PLcoupling Cp[F[2], -F[6], S[4]][PL]
[in]CpF2cF6S4PRcoupling Cp[F[2], -F[6], S[4]][PR]
[in]CpF6F3S5PLcoupling Cp[F[6], F[3], S[5]][PL]
[in]CpF6F3S5PRcoupling Cp[F[6], F[3], S[5]][PR]
[in]CpS1cS4cS5coupling Cp[S[1], -S[4], -S[5]]
value of the one-loop diagram

Definition at line 6371 of file one_loop_decay_diagrams.cpp.

References flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SFF::form_factor_left, flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SFF::form_factor_right, flexiblesusy::Loop_library::get(), flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SFF::m_decay, flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SFF::m_fermion_1, flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SFF::m_fermion_2, and oneOver16PiSqr.

◆ calculate_diagram_SFF_t1g3n3_FFV() [1/2]

Decay_amplitude_SFF flexiblesusy::calculate_diagram_SFF_t1g3n3_FFV ( double  mext1,
double  mext2,
double  mext3,
double  mLF4,
double  mLF5,
double  mLV6,
const std::complex< double > &  CpF2F4cV6PR,
const std::complex< double > &  CpF2F4cV6PL,
const std::complex< double > &  CpcF4cF5S1PL,
const std::complex< double > &  CpcF4cF5S1PR,
const std::complex< double > &  CpF5F3V6PL,
const std ::complex< double > &  CpF5F3V6PR,
double  scale,
double  finite 

Evaluates T1G3N3 diagram for process S -> FF.

[in]mext1mass of external field S[1]
[in]mext2mass of external field F[2]
[in]mext3mass of external field F[3]
[in]mLF4mass of internal field F[4]
[in]mLF5mass of internal field F[5]
[in]mLV6mass of internal field V[6]
[in]CpF2F4cV6PRcoupling Cp[F[2], F[4], -V[6]][LorentzProduct[gamma[ lt3], PR]]
[in]CpF2F4cV6PLcoupling Cp[F[2], F[4], -V[6]][LorentzProduct[gamma[ lt3], PL]]
[in]CpcF4cF5S1PLcoupling Cp[-F[4], -F[5], S[1]][PL]
[in]CpcF4cF5S1PRcoupling Cp[-F[4], -F[5], S[1]][PR]
[in]CpF5F3V6PLcoupling Cp[F[5], F[3], V[6]][LorentzProduct[gamma[lt3 ], PL]]
[in]CpF5F3V6PRcoupling Cp[F[5], F[3], V[6]][LorentzProduct[gamma[lt3 ], PR]]
value of the one-loop diagram

Definition at line 6427 of file one_loop_decay_diagrams.cpp.

References flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SFF::form_factor_left, flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SFF::form_factor_right, flexiblesusy::Loop_library::get(), flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SFF::m_decay, flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SFF::m_fermion_1, flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SFF::m_fermion_2, oneOver16PiSqr, and Sqr().

◆ calculate_diagram_SFF_t1g3n3_FFV() [2/2]

Decay_amplitude_SFF flexiblesusy::calculate_diagram_SFF_t1g3n3_FFV ( double  ,
double  ,
double  ,
double  ,
double  ,
double  ,
const std::complex< double > &  ,
const std::complex< double > &  ,
const std::complex< double > &  ,
const std::complex< double > &  ,
const std::complex< double > &  ,
const std::complex< double > &  ,
double  ,

◆ calculate_diagram_SFF_t1g4n4_SVF()

Decay_amplitude_SFF flexiblesusy::calculate_diagram_SFF_t1g4n4_SVF ( double  mext1,
double  mext2,
double  mext3,
double  mLS4,
double  mLV5,
double  mLF6,
const std::complex< double > &  CpF2cF6S4PL,
const std::complex< double > &  CpF2cF6S4PR,
const std::complex< double > &  CpF6F3V5PL,
const std::complex< double > &  CpF6F3V5PR,
const std::complex< double > &  CpS1cS4cV5,
double  scale 

Evaluates T1G4N4 diagram for process S -> FF.

[in]mext1mass of external field S[1]
[in]mext2mass of external field F[2]
[in]mext3mass of external field F[3]
[in]mLS4mass of internal field S[4]
[in]mLV5mass of internal field V[5]
[in]mLF6mass of internal field F[6]
[in]CpF2cF6S4PLcoupling Cp[F[2], -F[6], S[4]][PL]
[in]CpF2cF6S4PRcoupling Cp[F[2], -F[6], S[4]][PR]
[in]CpF6F3V5PLcoupling Cp[F[6], F[3], V[5]][LorentzProduct[gamma[lt3 ], PL]]
[in]CpF6F3V5PRcoupling Cp[F[6], F[3], V[5]][LorentzProduct[gamma[lt3 ], PR]]
[in]CpS1cS4cV5coupling Cp[S[1], -S[4], -V[5]][Mom[S[1]] - Mom[-S[4]] ]
value of the one-loop diagram

Definition at line 6498 of file one_loop_decay_diagrams.cpp.

References flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SFF::form_factor_left, flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SFF::form_factor_right, flexiblesusy::Loop_library::get(), flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SFF::m_decay, flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SFF::m_fermion_1, flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SFF::m_fermion_2, oneOver16PiSqr, and Sqr().

◆ calculate_diagram_SFF_t1g5n5_VSF()

Decay_amplitude_SFF flexiblesusy::calculate_diagram_SFF_t1g5n5_VSF ( double  mext1,
double  mext2,
double  mext3,
double  mLV4,
double  mLS5,
double  mLF6,
const std::complex< double > &  CpF2cF6V4PR,
const std::complex< double > &  CpF2cF6V4PL,
const std::complex< double > &  CpF6F3S5PL,
const std::complex< double > &  CpF6F3S5PR,
const std::complex< double > &  CpS1cS5cV4,
double  scale 

Evaluates T1G5N5 diagram for process S -> FF.

[in]mext1mass of external field S[1]
[in]mext2mass of external field F[2]
[in]mext3mass of external field F[3]
[in]mLV4mass of internal field V[4]
[in]mLS5mass of internal field S[5]
[in]mLF6mass of internal field F[6]
[in]CpF2cF6V4PRcoupling Cp[F[2], -F[6], V[4]][LorentzProduct[gamma[ lt3], PR]]
[in]CpF2cF6V4PLcoupling Cp[F[2], -F[6], V[4]][LorentzProduct[gamma[ lt3], PL]]
[in]CpF6F3S5PLcoupling Cp[F[6], F[3], S[5]][PL]
[in]CpF6F3S5PRcoupling Cp[F[6], F[3], S[5]][PR]
[in]CpS1cS5cV4coupling Cp[S[1], -S[5], -V[4]][Mom[S[1]] - Mom[-S[5]] ]
value of the one-loop diagram

Definition at line 6564 of file one_loop_decay_diagrams.cpp.

References flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SFF::form_factor_left, flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SFF::form_factor_right, flexiblesusy::Loop_library::get(), flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SFF::m_decay, flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SFF::m_fermion_1, flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SFF::m_fermion_2, oneOver16PiSqr, and Sqr().

◆ calculate_diagram_SFF_t1g6n6_VVF()

Decay_amplitude_SFF flexiblesusy::calculate_diagram_SFF_t1g6n6_VVF ( double  mext1,
double  mext2,
double  mext3,
double  mLV4,
double  mLV5,
double  mLF6,
const std::complex< double > &  CpF2cF6V4PL,
const std::complex< double > &  CpF2cF6V4PR,
const std::complex< double > &  CpF6F3V5PL,
const std::complex< double > &  CpF6F3V5PR,
const std::complex< double > &  CpS1cV4cV5,
double  scale 

Evaluates T1G6N6 diagram for process S -> FF.

[in]mext1mass of external field S[1]
[in]mext2mass of external field F[2]
[in]mext3mass of external field F[3]
[in]mLV4mass of internal field V[4]
[in]mLV5mass of internal field V[5]
[in]mLF6mass of internal field F[6]
[in]CpF2cF6V4PLcoupling Cp[F[2], -F[6], V[4]][LorentzProduct[gamma[ lt3], PL]]
[in]CpF2cF6V4PRcoupling Cp[F[2], -F[6], V[4]][LorentzProduct[gamma[ lt3], PR]]
[in]CpF6F3V5PLcoupling Cp[F[6], F[3], V[5]][LorentzProduct[gamma[lt3 ], PL]]
[in]CpF6F3V5PRcoupling Cp[F[6], F[3], V[5]][LorentzProduct[gamma[lt3 ], PR]]
[in]CpS1cV4cV5coupling Cp[S[1], -V[4], -V[5]][g[lt2, lt3]]
value of the one-loop diagram

Definition at line 6635 of file one_loop_decay_diagrams.cpp.

References flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SFF::form_factor_left, flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SFF::form_factor_right, flexiblesusy::Loop_library::get(), flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SFF::m_decay, flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SFF::m_fermion_1, flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SFF::m_fermion_2, and oneOver16PiSqr.

◆ calculate_diagram_SFF_t2g1n7_SS()

Decay_amplitude_SFF flexiblesusy::calculate_diagram_SFF_t2g1n7_SS ( double  mext1,
double  mext2,
double  mext3,
double  mIS4,
double  mLS5,
const std::complex< double > &  CpF2F3cS4PL,
const std::complex< double > &  CpF2F3cS4PR,
const std::complex< double > &  CpS1S4cS5S5,
double  scale 

Evaluates T2G1N7 diagram for process S -> FF.

[in]mext1mass of external field S[1]
[in]mext2mass of external field F[2]
[in]mext3mass of external field F[3]
[in]mIS4mass of internal field S[4]
[in]mLS5mass of internal field S[5]
[in]CpF2F3cS4PLcoupling Cp[F[2], F[3], -S[4]][PL]
[in]CpF2F3cS4PRcoupling Cp[F[2], F[3], -S[4]][PR]
[in]CpS1S4cS5S5coupling Cp[S[1], S[4], -S[5], S[5]]
value of the one-loop diagram

Definition at line 6683 of file one_loop_decay_diagrams.cpp.

References flexiblesusy::anonymous_namespace{one_loop_decay_diagrams.cpp}::Den(), flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SFF::form_factor_left, flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SFF::form_factor_right, flexiblesusy::Loop_library::get(), flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SFF::m_decay, flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SFF::m_fermion_1, flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SFF::m_fermion_2, oneOver16PiSqr, and Sqr().

◆ calculate_diagram_SFF_t2g2n8_SV()

Decay_amplitude_SFF flexiblesusy::calculate_diagram_SFF_t2g2n8_SV ( double  mext1,
double  mext2,
double  mext3,
double  mIS4,
double  mLV5,
const std::complex< double > &  CpF2F3cS4PL,
const std::complex< double > &  CpF2F3cS4PR,
const std::complex< double > &  CpS1S4cV5V5,
double  scale,
double  finite 

Evaluates T2G2N8 diagram for process S -> FF.

[in]mext1mass of external field S[1]
[in]mext2mass of external field F[2]
[in]mext3mass of external field F[3]
[in]mIS4mass of internal field S[4]
[in]mLV5mass of internal field V[5]
[in]CpF2F3cS4PLcoupling Cp[F[2], F[3], -S[4]][PL]
[in]CpF2F3cS4PRcoupling Cp[F[2], F[3], -S[4]][PR]
[in]CpS1S4cV5V5coupling Cp[S[1], S[4], -V[5], V[5]][g[lt3, lt4]]
value of the one-loop diagram

Definition at line 6725 of file one_loop_decay_diagrams.cpp.

References flexiblesusy::anonymous_namespace{one_loop_decay_diagrams.cpp}::Den(), flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SFF::form_factor_left, flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SFF::form_factor_right, flexiblesusy::Loop_library::get(), flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SFF::m_decay, flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SFF::m_fermion_1, flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SFF::m_fermion_2, oneOver16PiSqr, and Sqr().

◆ calculate_diagram_SFF_t3g1n9_FFS() [1/2]

Decay_amplitude_SFF flexiblesusy::calculate_diagram_SFF_t3g1n9_FFS ( double  mext1,
double  mext2,
double  mext3,
double  mIF4,
double  mLF5,
double  mLS6,
const std::complex< double > &  CpF2cF4S1PL,
const std::complex< double > &  CpF2cF4S1PR,
const std::complex< double > &  CpF4F5S6PL,
const std::complex< double > &  CpF4F5S6PR,
const std::complex< double > &  CpcF5F3cS6PL,
const std ::complex< double > &  CpcF5F3cS6PR,
double  scale 

Evaluates T3G1N9 diagram for process S -> FF.

[in]mext1mass of external field S[1]
[in]mext2mass of external field F[2]
[in]mext3mass of external field F[3]
[in]mIF4mass of internal field F[4]
[in]mLF5mass of internal field F[5]
[in]mLS6mass of internal field S[6]
[in]CpF2cF4S1PLcoupling Cp[F[2], -F[4], S[1]][PL]
[in]CpF2cF4S1PRcoupling Cp[F[2], -F[4], S[1]][PR]
[in]CpF4F5S6PLcoupling Cp[F[4], F[5], S[6]][PL]
[in]CpF4F5S6PRcoupling Cp[F[4], F[5], S[6]][PR]
[in]CpcF5F3cS6PLcoupling Cp[-F[5], F[3], -S[6]][PL]
[in]CpcF5F3cS6PRcoupling Cp[-F[5], F[3], -S[6]][PR]
value of the one-loop diagram

Definition at line 6771 of file one_loop_decay_diagrams.cpp.

References flexiblesusy::anonymous_namespace{one_loop_decay_diagrams.cpp}::Den(), flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SFF::form_factor_left, flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SFF::form_factor_right, flexiblesusy::Loop_library::get(), flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SFF::m_decay, flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SFF::m_fermion_1, flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SFF::m_fermion_2, oneOver16PiSqr, and Sqr().

◆ calculate_diagram_SFF_t3g1n9_FFS() [2/2]

Decay_amplitude_SFF flexiblesusy::calculate_diagram_SFF_t3g1n9_FFS ( double  ,
double  ,
double  ,
double  ,
double  ,
double  ,
const std::complex< double > &  ,
const std::complex< double > &  ,
const std::complex< double > &  ,
const std::complex< double > &  ,
const std::complex< double > &  ,
const std::complex< double > &  ,

◆ calculate_diagram_SFF_t3g2n10_FFV() [1/2]

Decay_amplitude_SFF flexiblesusy::calculate_diagram_SFF_t3g2n10_FFV ( double  mext1,
double  mext2,
double  mext3,
double  mIF4,
double  mLF5,
double  mLV6,
const std::complex< double > &  CpF2cF4S1PL,
const std::complex< double > &  CpF2cF4S1PR,
const std::complex< double > &  CpF4F5V6PL,
const std::complex< double > &  CpF4F5V6PR,
const std::complex< double > &  CpcF5F3cV6PL,
const std ::complex< double > &  CpcF5F3cV6PR,
double  scale,
double  finite 

Evaluates T3G2N10 diagram for process S -> FF.

[in]mext1mass of external field S[1]
[in]mext2mass of external field F[2]
[in]mext3mass of external field F[3]
[in]mIF4mass of internal field F[4]
[in]mLF5mass of internal field F[5]
[in]mLV6mass of internal field V[6]
[in]CpF2cF4S1PLcoupling Cp[F[2], -F[4], S[1]][PL]
[in]CpF2cF4S1PRcoupling Cp[F[2], -F[4], S[1]][PR]
[in]CpF4F5V6PLcoupling Cp[F[4], F[5], V[6]][LorentzProduct[gamma[lt3 ], PL]]
[in]CpF4F5V6PRcoupling Cp[F[4], F[5], V[6]][LorentzProduct[gamma[lt3 ], PR]]
[in]CpcF5F3cV6PLcoupling Cp[-F[5], F[3], -V[6]][LorentzProduct[gamma [lt3], PL]]
[in]CpcF5F3cV6PRcoupling Cp[-F[5], F[3], -V[6]][LorentzProduct[gamma [lt3], PR]]
value of the one-loop diagram

Definition at line 6828 of file one_loop_decay_diagrams.cpp.

References flexiblesusy::anonymous_namespace{one_loop_decay_diagrams.cpp}::Den(), flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SFF::form_factor_left, flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SFF::form_factor_right, flexiblesusy::Loop_library::get(), flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SFF::m_decay, flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SFF::m_fermion_1, flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SFF::m_fermion_2, oneOver16PiSqr, and Sqr().

◆ calculate_diagram_SFF_t3g2n10_FFV() [2/2]

Decay_amplitude_SFF flexiblesusy::calculate_diagram_SFF_t3g2n10_FFV ( double  ,
double  ,
double  ,
double  ,
double  ,
double  ,
const std::complex< double > &  ,
const std::complex< double > &  ,
const std::complex< double > &  ,
const std::complex< double > &  ,
const std::complex< double > &  ,
const std::complex< double > &  ,
double  ,

◆ calculate_diagram_SFF_t4g1n11_FFS() [1/2]

Decay_amplitude_SFF flexiblesusy::calculate_diagram_SFF_t4g1n11_FFS ( double  mext1,
double  mext2,
double  mext3,
double  mIF4,
double  mLF5,
double  mLS6,
const std::complex< double > &  CpcF4F3S1PL,
const std::complex< double > &  CpcF4F3S1PR,
const std::complex< double > &  CpF2cF5cS6PL,
const std::complex< double > &  CpF2cF5cS6PR,
const std::complex< double > &  CpF5F4S6PL,
const std ::complex< double > &  CpF5F4S6PR,
double  scale 

Evaluates T4G1N11 diagram for process S -> FF.

[in]mext1mass of external field S[1]
[in]mext2mass of external field F[2]
[in]mext3mass of external field F[3]
[in]mIF4mass of internal field F[4]
[in]mLF5mass of internal field F[5]
[in]mLS6mass of internal field S[6]
[in]CpcF4F3S1PLcoupling Cp[-F[4], F[3], S[1]][PL]
[in]CpcF4F3S1PRcoupling Cp[-F[4], F[3], S[1]][PR]
[in]CpF2cF5cS6PLcoupling Cp[F[2], -F[5], -S[6]][PL]
[in]CpF2cF5cS6PRcoupling Cp[F[2], -F[5], -S[6]][PR]
[in]CpF5F4S6PLcoupling Cp[F[5], F[4], S[6]][PL]
[in]CpF5F4S6PRcoupling Cp[F[5], F[4], S[6]][PR]
value of the one-loop diagram

Definition at line 6883 of file one_loop_decay_diagrams.cpp.

References flexiblesusy::anonymous_namespace{one_loop_decay_diagrams.cpp}::Den(), flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SFF::form_factor_left, flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SFF::form_factor_right, flexiblesusy::Loop_library::get(), flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SFF::m_decay, flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SFF::m_fermion_1, flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SFF::m_fermion_2, oneOver16PiSqr, and Sqr().

◆ calculate_diagram_SFF_t4g1n11_FFS() [2/2]

Decay_amplitude_SFF flexiblesusy::calculate_diagram_SFF_t4g1n11_FFS ( double  ,
double  ,
double  ,
double  ,
double  ,
double  ,
const std::complex< double > &  ,
const std::complex< double > &  ,
const std::complex< double > &  ,
const std::complex< double > &  ,
const std::complex< double > &  ,
const std::complex< double > &  ,

◆ calculate_diagram_SFF_t4g2n12_FFV() [1/2]

Decay_amplitude_SFF flexiblesusy::calculate_diagram_SFF_t4g2n12_FFV ( double  mext1,
double  mext2,
double  mext3,
double  mIF4,
double  mLF5,
double  mLV6,
const std::complex< double > &  CpcF4F3S1PL,
const std::complex< double > &  CpcF4F3S1PR,
const std::complex< double > &  CpF2cF5cV6PL,
const std::complex< double > &  CpF2cF5cV6PR,
const std::complex< double > &  CpF5F4V6PL,
const std ::complex< double > &  CpF5F4V6PR,
double  scale,
double  finite 

Evaluates T4G2N12 diagram for process S -> FF.

[in]mext1mass of external field S[1]
[in]mext2mass of external field F[2]
[in]mext3mass of external field F[3]
[in]mIF4mass of internal field F[4]
[in]mLF5mass of internal field F[5]
[in]mLV6mass of internal field V[6]
[in]CpcF4F3S1PLcoupling Cp[-F[4], F[3], S[1]][PL]
[in]CpcF4F3S1PRcoupling Cp[-F[4], F[3], S[1]][PR]
[in]CpF2cF5cV6PLcoupling Cp[F[2], -F[5], -V[6]][LorentzProduct[gamma [lt3], PL]]
[in]CpF2cF5cV6PRcoupling Cp[F[2], -F[5], -V[6]][LorentzProduct[gamma [lt3], PR]]
[in]CpF5F4V6PLcoupling Cp[F[5], F[4], V[6]][LorentzProduct[gamma[lt3 ], PL]]
[in]CpF5F4V6PRcoupling Cp[F[5], F[4], V[6]][LorentzProduct[gamma[lt3 ], PR]]
value of the one-loop diagram

Definition at line 6940 of file one_loop_decay_diagrams.cpp.

References flexiblesusy::anonymous_namespace{one_loop_decay_diagrams.cpp}::Den(), flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SFF::form_factor_left, flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SFF::form_factor_right, flexiblesusy::Loop_library::get(), flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SFF::m_decay, flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SFF::m_fermion_1, flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SFF::m_fermion_2, oneOver16PiSqr, and Sqr().

◆ calculate_diagram_SFF_t4g2n12_FFV() [2/2]

Decay_amplitude_SFF flexiblesusy::calculate_diagram_SFF_t4g2n12_FFV ( double  ,
double  ,
double  ,
double  ,
double  ,
double  ,
const std::complex< double > &  ,
const std::complex< double > &  ,
const std::complex< double > &  ,
const std::complex< double > &  ,
const std::complex< double > &  ,
const std::complex< double > &  ,
double  ,

◆ calculate_diagram_SFF_t5g10n22_VVV()

Decay_amplitude_SFF flexiblesusy::calculate_diagram_SFF_t5g10n22_VVV ( double  mext1,
double  mext2,
double  mext3,
double  mIV4,
double  mLV5,
double  mLV6,
const std::complex< double > &  CpF2F3cV4PL,
const std::complex< double > &  CpF2F3cV4PR,
const std::complex< double > &  CpS1cV5cV6,
const std::complex< double > &  CpV4V5V6,
double  scale 

Evaluates T5G10N22 diagram for process S -> FF.

[in]mext1mass of external field S[1]
[in]mext2mass of external field F[2]
[in]mext3mass of external field F[3]
[in]mIV4mass of internal field V[4]
[in]mLV5mass of internal field V[5]
[in]mLV6mass of internal field V[6]
[in]CpF2F3cV4PLcoupling Cp[F[2], F[3], -V[4]][LorentzProduct[gamma[ lt3], PL]]
[in]CpF2F3cV4PRcoupling Cp[F[2], F[3], -V[4]][LorentzProduct[gamma[ lt3], PR]]
[in]CpS1cV5cV6coupling Cp[S[1], -V[5], -V[6]][g[lt2, lt3]]
[in]CpV4V5V6coupling Cp[V[4], V[5], V[6]][g[lt1, lt2] (-Mom[V[4]] + Mom[V[5]]) + g[lt1, lt3] (Mom[V[4]] - Mom[V[6]]) + g[lt2, lt3] (-Mom[V[5]]
  • Mom[V[6]])]
value of the one-loop diagram

Definition at line 7455 of file one_loop_decay_diagrams.cpp.

References flexiblesusy::anonymous_namespace{one_loop_decay_diagrams.cpp}::Den(), flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SFF::form_factor_left, flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SFF::form_factor_right, flexiblesusy::Loop_library::get(), flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SFF::m_decay, flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SFF::m_fermion_1, flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SFF::m_fermion_2, oneOver16PiSqr, and Sqr().

◆ calculate_diagram_SFF_t5g1n13_SFF() [1/2]

Decay_amplitude_SFF flexiblesusy::calculate_diagram_SFF_t5g1n13_SFF ( double  mext1,
double  mext2,
double  mext3,
double  mIS4,
double  mLF5,
double  mLF6,
const std::complex< double > &  CpF2F3cS4PL,
const std::complex< double > &  CpF2F3cS4PR,
const std::complex< double > &  CpF5F6S4PL,
const std::complex< double > &  CpF5F6S4PR,
const std::complex< double > &  CpcF6cF5S1PL,
const std ::complex< double > &  CpcF6cF5S1PR,
double  scale 

Evaluates T5G1N13 diagram for process S -> FF.

[in]mext1mass of external field S[1]
[in]mext2mass of external field F[2]
[in]mext3mass of external field F[3]
[in]mIS4mass of internal field S[4]
[in]mLF5mass of internal field F[5]
[in]mLF6mass of internal field F[6]
[in]CpF2F3cS4PLcoupling Cp[F[2], F[3], -S[4]][PL]
[in]CpF2F3cS4PRcoupling Cp[F[2], F[3], -S[4]][PR]
[in]CpF5F6S4PLcoupling Cp[F[5], F[6], S[4]][PL]
[in]CpF5F6S4PRcoupling Cp[F[5], F[6], S[4]][PR]
[in]CpcF6cF5S1PLcoupling Cp[-F[6], -F[5], S[1]][PL]
[in]CpcF6cF5S1PRcoupling Cp[-F[6], -F[5], S[1]][PR]
value of the one-loop diagram

Definition at line 6995 of file one_loop_decay_diagrams.cpp.

References flexiblesusy::anonymous_namespace{one_loop_decay_diagrams.cpp}::Den(), flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SFF::form_factor_left, flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SFF::form_factor_right, flexiblesusy::Loop_library::get(), flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SFF::m_decay, flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SFF::m_fermion_1, flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SFF::m_fermion_2, oneOver16PiSqr, and Sqr().

◆ calculate_diagram_SFF_t5g1n13_SFF() [2/2]

Decay_amplitude_SFF flexiblesusy::calculate_diagram_SFF_t5g1n13_SFF ( double  ,
double  ,
double  ,
double  ,
double  ,
double  ,
const std::complex< double > &  ,
const std::complex< double > &  ,
const std::complex< double > &  ,
const std::complex< double > &  ,
const std::complex< double > &  ,
const std::complex< double > &  ,

◆ calculate_diagram_SFF_t5g2n14_SSS()

Decay_amplitude_SFF flexiblesusy::calculate_diagram_SFF_t5g2n14_SSS ( double  mext1,
double  mext2,
double  mext3,
double  mIS4,
double  mLS5,
double  mLS6,
const std::complex< double > &  CpF2F3cS4PL,
const std::complex< double > &  CpF2F3cS4PR,
const std::complex< double > &  CpS1cS5cS6,
const std::complex< double > &  CpS4S5S6,
double  scale 

Evaluates T5G2N14 diagram for process S -> FF.

[in]mext1mass of external field S[1]
[in]mext2mass of external field F[2]
[in]mext3mass of external field F[3]
[in]mIS4mass of internal field S[4]
[in]mLS5mass of internal field S[5]
[in]mLS6mass of internal field S[6]
[in]CpF2F3cS4PLcoupling Cp[F[2], F[3], -S[4]][PL]
[in]CpF2F3cS4PRcoupling Cp[F[2], F[3], -S[4]][PR]
[in]CpS1cS5cS6coupling Cp[S[1], -S[5], -S[6]]
[in]CpS4S5S6coupling Cp[S[4], S[5], S[6]]
value of the one-loop diagram

Definition at line 7052 of file one_loop_decay_diagrams.cpp.

References flexiblesusy::anonymous_namespace{one_loop_decay_diagrams.cpp}::Den(), flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SFF::form_factor_left, flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SFF::form_factor_right, flexiblesusy::Loop_library::get(), flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SFF::m_decay, flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SFF::m_fermion_1, flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SFF::m_fermion_2, oneOver16PiSqr, and Sqr().

◆ calculate_diagram_SFF_t5g3n15_SUU()

Decay_amplitude_SFF flexiblesusy::calculate_diagram_SFF_t5g3n15_SUU ( double  mext1,
double  mext2,
double  mext3,
double  mIS4,
double  mLU5,
double  mLU6,
const std::complex< double > &  CpF2F3cS4PL,
const std::complex< double > &  CpF2F3cS4PR,
const std::complex< double > &  CpS1cU6cU5,
const std::complex< double > &  CpS4U5U6,
double  scale 

Evaluates T5G3N15 diagram for process S -> FF.

[in]mext1mass of external field S[1]
[in]mext2mass of external field F[2]
[in]mext3mass of external field F[3]
[in]mIS4mass of internal field S[4]
[in]mLU5mass of internal field U[5]
[in]mLU6mass of internal field U[6]
[in]CpF2F3cS4PLcoupling Cp[F[2], F[3], -S[4]][PL]
[in]CpF2F3cS4PRcoupling Cp[F[2], F[3], -S[4]][PR]
[in]CpS1cU6cU5coupling Cp[S[1], -U[6], -U[5]]
[in]CpS4U5U6coupling Cp[S[4], U[5], U[6]]
value of the one-loop diagram

Definition at line 7097 of file one_loop_decay_diagrams.cpp.

References flexiblesusy::anonymous_namespace{one_loop_decay_diagrams.cpp}::Den(), flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SFF::form_factor_left, flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SFF::form_factor_right, flexiblesusy::Loop_library::get(), flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SFF::m_decay, flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SFF::m_fermion_1, flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SFF::m_fermion_2, oneOver16PiSqr, and Sqr().

◆ calculate_diagram_SFF_t5g4n16_SSV()

Decay_amplitude_SFF flexiblesusy::calculate_diagram_SFF_t5g4n16_SSV ( double  mext1,
double  mext2,
double  mext3,
double  mIS4,
double  mLS5,
double  mLV6,
const std::complex< double > &  CpF2F3cS4PL,
const std::complex< double > &  CpF2F3cS4PR,
const std::complex< double > &  CpS1cS5cV6,
const std::complex< double > &  CpS4S5V6,
double  scale 

Evaluates T5G4N16 diagram for process S -> FF.

[in]mext1mass of external field S[1]
[in]mext2mass of external field F[2]
[in]mext3mass of external field F[3]
[in]mIS4mass of internal field S[4]
[in]mLS5mass of internal field S[5]
[in]mLV6mass of internal field V[6]
[in]CpF2F3cS4PLcoupling Cp[F[2], F[3], -S[4]][PL]
[in]CpF2F3cS4PRcoupling Cp[F[2], F[3], -S[4]][PR]
[in]CpS1cS5cV6coupling Cp[S[1], -S[5], -V[6]][Mom[S[1]] - Mom[-S[5]] ]
[in]CpS4S5V6coupling Cp[S[4], S[5], V[6]][Mom[S[4]] - Mom[S[5]]]
value of the one-loop diagram

Definition at line 7143 of file one_loop_decay_diagrams.cpp.

References flexiblesusy::anonymous_namespace{one_loop_decay_diagrams.cpp}::Den(), flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SFF::form_factor_left, flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SFF::form_factor_right, flexiblesusy::Loop_library::get(), flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SFF::m_decay, flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SFF::m_fermion_1, flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SFF::m_fermion_2, oneOver16PiSqr, and Sqr().

◆ calculate_diagram_SFF_t5g5n17_SVV()

Decay_amplitude_SFF flexiblesusy::calculate_diagram_SFF_t5g5n17_SVV ( double  mext1,
double  mext2,
double  mext3,
double  mIS4,
double  mLV5,
double  mLV6,
const std::complex< double > &  CpF2F3cS4PL,
const std::complex< double > &  CpF2F3cS4PR,
const std::complex< double > &  CpS1cV5cV6,
const std::complex< double > &  CpS4V5V6,
double  scale,
double  finite 

Evaluates T5G5N17 diagram for process S -> FF.

[in]mext1mass of external field S[1]
[in]mext2mass of external field F[2]
[in]mext3mass of external field F[3]
[in]mIS4mass of internal field S[4]
[in]mLV5mass of internal field V[5]
[in]mLV6mass of internal field V[6]
[in]CpF2F3cS4PLcoupling Cp[F[2], F[3], -S[4]][PL]
[in]CpF2F3cS4PRcoupling Cp[F[2], F[3], -S[4]][PR]
[in]CpS1cV5cV6coupling Cp[S[1], -V[5], -V[6]][g[lt2, lt3]]
[in]CpS4V5V6coupling Cp[S[4], V[5], V[6]][g[lt2, lt3]]
value of the one-loop diagram

Definition at line 7195 of file one_loop_decay_diagrams.cpp.

References flexiblesusy::anonymous_namespace{one_loop_decay_diagrams.cpp}::Den(), flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SFF::form_factor_left, flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SFF::form_factor_right, flexiblesusy::Loop_library::get(), flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SFF::m_decay, flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SFF::m_fermion_1, flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SFF::m_fermion_2, oneOver16PiSqr, and Sqr().

◆ calculate_diagram_SFF_t5g6n18_VFF() [1/2]

Decay_amplitude_SFF flexiblesusy::calculate_diagram_SFF_t5g6n18_VFF ( double  mext1,
double  mext2,
double  mext3,
double  mIV4,
double  mLF5,
double  mLF6,
const std::complex< double > &  CpF2F3cV4PL,
const std::complex< double > &  CpF2F3cV4PR,
const std::complex< double > &  CpF5F6V4PR,
const std::complex< double > &  CpF5F6V4PL,
const std::complex< double > &  CpcF6cF5S1PL,
const std ::complex< double > &  CpcF6cF5S1PR,
double  scale 

Evaluates T5G6N18 diagram for process S -> FF.

[in]mext1mass of external field S[1]
[in]mext2mass of external field F[2]
[in]mext3mass of external field F[3]
[in]mIV4mass of internal field V[4]
[in]mLF5mass of internal field F[5]
[in]mLF6mass of internal field F[6]
[in]CpF2F3cV4PLcoupling Cp[F[2], F[3], -V[4]][LorentzProduct[gamma[ lt3], PL]]
[in]CpF2F3cV4PRcoupling Cp[F[2], F[3], -V[4]][LorentzProduct[gamma[ lt3], PR]]
[in]CpF5F6V4PRcoupling Cp[F[5], F[6], V[4]][LorentzProduct[gamma[lt3 ], PR]]
[in]CpF5F6V4PLcoupling Cp[F[5], F[6], V[4]][LorentzProduct[gamma[lt3 ], PL]]
[in]CpcF6cF5S1PLcoupling Cp[-F[6], -F[5], S[1]][PL]
[in]CpcF6cF5S1PRcoupling Cp[-F[6], -F[5], S[1]][PR]
value of the one-loop diagram

Definition at line 7248 of file one_loop_decay_diagrams.cpp.

References flexiblesusy::anonymous_namespace{one_loop_decay_diagrams.cpp}::Den(), flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SFF::form_factor_left, flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SFF::form_factor_right, flexiblesusy::Loop_library::get(), flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SFF::m_decay, flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SFF::m_fermion_1, flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SFF::m_fermion_2, oneOver16PiSqr, and Sqr().

◆ calculate_diagram_SFF_t5g6n18_VFF() [2/2]

Decay_amplitude_SFF flexiblesusy::calculate_diagram_SFF_t5g6n18_VFF ( double  ,
double  ,
double  ,
double  ,
double  ,
double  ,
const std::complex< double > &  ,
const std::complex< double > &  ,
const std::complex< double > &  ,
const std::complex< double > &  ,
const std::complex< double > &  ,
const std::complex< double > &  ,

◆ calculate_diagram_SFF_t5g7n19_VSS()

Decay_amplitude_SFF flexiblesusy::calculate_diagram_SFF_t5g7n19_VSS ( double  mext1,
double  mext2,
double  mext3,
double  mIV4,
double  mLS5,
double  mLS6,
const std::complex< double > &  CpF2F3cV4PL,
const std::complex< double > &  CpF2F3cV4PR,
const std::complex< double > &  CpS1cS5cS6,
const std::complex< double > &  CpS5S6V4,
double  scale 

Evaluates T5G7N19 diagram for process S -> FF.

[in]mext1mass of external field S[1]
[in]mext2mass of external field F[2]
[in]mext3mass of external field F[3]
[in]mIV4mass of internal field V[4]
[in]mLS5mass of internal field S[5]
[in]mLS6mass of internal field S[6]
[in]CpF2F3cV4PLcoupling Cp[F[2], F[3], -V[4]][LorentzProduct[gamma[ lt3], PL]]
[in]CpF2F3cV4PRcoupling Cp[F[2], F[3], -V[4]][LorentzProduct[gamma[ lt3], PR]]
[in]CpS1cS5cS6coupling Cp[S[1], -S[5], -S[6]]
[in]CpS5S6V4coupling Cp[S[5], S[6], V[4]][Mom[S[5]] - Mom[S[6]]]
value of the one-loop diagram

Definition at line 7303 of file one_loop_decay_diagrams.cpp.

References flexiblesusy::anonymous_namespace{one_loop_decay_diagrams.cpp}::Den(), flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SFF::form_factor_left, flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SFF::form_factor_right, flexiblesusy::Loop_library::get(), flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SFF::m_decay, flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SFF::m_fermion_1, flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SFF::m_fermion_2, oneOver16PiSqr, and Sqr().

◆ calculate_diagram_SFF_t5g8n20_VUU()

Decay_amplitude_SFF flexiblesusy::calculate_diagram_SFF_t5g8n20_VUU ( double  mext1,
double  mext2,
double  mext3,
double  mIV4,
double  mLU5,
double  mLU6,
const std::complex< double > &  CpF2F3cV4PL,
const std::complex< double > &  CpF2F3cV4PR,
const std::complex< double > &  CpS1cU6cU5,
const std::complex< double > &  CpU5U6V4,
double  scale 

Evaluates T5G8N20 diagram for process S -> FF.

[in]mext1mass of external field S[1]
[in]mext2mass of external field F[2]
[in]mext3mass of external field F[3]
[in]mIV4mass of internal field V[4]
[in]mLU5mass of internal field U[5]
[in]mLU6mass of internal field U[6]
[in]CpF2F3cV4PLcoupling Cp[F[2], F[3], -V[4]][LorentzProduct[gamma[ lt3], PL]]
[in]CpF2F3cV4PRcoupling Cp[F[2], F[3], -V[4]][LorentzProduct[gamma[ lt3], PR]]
[in]CpS1cU6cU5coupling Cp[S[1], -U[6], -U[5]]
[in]CpU5U6V4coupling Cp[U[5], U[6], V[4]][Mom[U[5]]]
value of the one-loop diagram

Definition at line 7353 of file one_loop_decay_diagrams.cpp.

References flexiblesusy::anonymous_namespace{one_loop_decay_diagrams.cpp}::Den(), flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SFF::form_factor_left, flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SFF::form_factor_right, flexiblesusy::Loop_library::get(), flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SFF::m_decay, flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SFF::m_fermion_1, flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SFF::m_fermion_2, oneOver16PiSqr, and Sqr().

◆ calculate_diagram_SFF_t5g9n21_VSV()

Decay_amplitude_SFF flexiblesusy::calculate_diagram_SFF_t5g9n21_VSV ( double  mext1,
double  mext2,
double  mext3,
double  mIV4,
double  mLS5,
double  mLV6,
const std::complex< double > &  CpF2F3cV4PL,
const std::complex< double > &  CpF2F3cV4PR,
const std::complex< double > &  CpS1cS5cV6,
const std::complex< double > &  CpS5V4V6,
double  scale 

Evaluates T5G9N21 diagram for process S -> FF.

[in]mext1mass of external field S[1]
[in]mext2mass of external field F[2]
[in]mext3mass of external field F[3]
[in]mIV4mass of internal field V[4]
[in]mLS5mass of internal field S[5]
[in]mLV6mass of internal field V[6]
[in]CpF2F3cV4PLcoupling Cp[F[2], F[3], -V[4]][LorentzProduct[gamma[ lt3], PL]]
[in]CpF2F3cV4PRcoupling Cp[F[2], F[3], -V[4]][LorentzProduct[gamma[ lt3], PR]]
[in]CpS1cS5cV6coupling Cp[S[1], -S[5], -V[6]][Mom[S[1]] - Mom[-S[5]] ]
[in]CpS5V4V6coupling Cp[S[5], V[4], V[6]][g[lt2, lt3]]
value of the one-loop diagram

Definition at line 7403 of file one_loop_decay_diagrams.cpp.

References flexiblesusy::anonymous_namespace{one_loop_decay_diagrams.cpp}::Den(), flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SFF::form_factor_left, flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SFF::form_factor_right, flexiblesusy::Loop_library::get(), flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SFF::m_decay, flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SFF::m_fermion_1, flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SFF::m_fermion_2, oneOver16PiSqr, and Sqr().

◆ calculate_diagram_SSS_t10g10n52_VVV()

Decay_amplitude_SSS flexiblesusy::calculate_diagram_SSS_t10g10n52_VVV ( double  mext1,
double  mext2,
double  mext3,
double  mIV4,
double  mLV5,
double  mLV6,
const std::complex< double > &  CpS1cV5cV6,
const std::complex< double > &  CpS2S3cV4,
const std::complex< double > &  CpV4V5V6,
double  scale 

Evaluates T10G10N52 diagram for process S -> SS.

[in]mext1mass of external field S[1]
[in]mext2mass of external field S[2]
[in]mext3mass of external field S[3]
[in]mIV4mass of internal field V[4]
[in]mLV5mass of internal field V[5]
[in]mLV6mass of internal field V[6]
[in]CpS1cV5cV6coupling Cp[S[1], -V[5], -V[6]][g[lt2, lt3]]
[in]CpS2S3cV4coupling Cp[S[2], S[3], -V[4]][Mom[S[2]] - Mom[S[3]]]
[in]CpV4V5V6coupling Cp[V[4], V[5], V[6]][g[lt1, lt2] (-Mom[V[4]] + Mom[V[5]]) + g[lt1, lt3] (Mom[V[4]] - Mom[V[6]]) + g[lt2, lt3] (-Mom[V[5]]
  • Mom[V[6]])]
value of the one-loop diagram

Definition at line 2338 of file one_loop_decay_diagrams.cpp.

References flexiblesusy::anonymous_namespace{one_loop_decay_diagrams.cpp}::Den(), flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SSS::form_factor, flexiblesusy::Loop_library::get(), flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SSS::m_decay, flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SSS::m_scalar_1, flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SSS::m_scalar_2, oneOver16PiSqr, and Sqr().

◆ calculate_diagram_SSS_t10g1n43_SFF()

Decay_amplitude_SSS flexiblesusy::calculate_diagram_SSS_t10g1n43_SFF ( double  mext1,
double  mext2,
double  mext3,
double  mIS4,
double  mLF5,
double  mLF6,
const std::complex< double > &  CpF5F6S4PL,
const std::complex< double > &  CpF5F6S4PR,
const std::complex< double > &  CpcF6cF5S1PL,
const std::complex< double > &  CpcF6cF5S1PR,
const std::complex< double > &  CpS2S3cS4,
double  scale 

Evaluates T10G1N43 diagram for process S -> SS.

[in]mext1mass of external field S[1]
[in]mext2mass of external field S[2]
[in]mext3mass of external field S[3]
[in]mIS4mass of internal field S[4]
[in]mLF5mass of internal field F[5]
[in]mLF6mass of internal field F[6]
[in]CpF5F6S4PLcoupling Cp[F[5], F[6], S[4]][PL]
[in]CpF5F6S4PRcoupling Cp[F[5], F[6], S[4]][PR]
[in]CpcF6cF5S1PLcoupling Cp[-F[6], -F[5], S[1]][PL]
[in]CpcF6cF5S1PRcoupling Cp[-F[6], -F[5], S[1]][PR]
[in]CpS2S3cS4coupling Cp[S[2], S[3], -S[4]]
value of the one-loop diagram

Definition at line 1933 of file one_loop_decay_diagrams.cpp.

References flexiblesusy::anonymous_namespace{one_loop_decay_diagrams.cpp}::Den(), flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SSS::form_factor, flexiblesusy::Loop_library::get(), flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SSS::m_decay, flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SSS::m_scalar_1, flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SSS::m_scalar_2, oneOver16PiSqr, and Sqr().

◆ calculate_diagram_SSS_t10g2n44_SSS()

Decay_amplitude_SSS flexiblesusy::calculate_diagram_SSS_t10g2n44_SSS ( double  mext1,
double  mext2,
double  mext3,
double  mIS4,
double  mLS5,
double  mLS6,
const std::complex< double > &  CpS1cS5cS6,
const std::complex< double > &  CpS2S3cS4,
const std::complex< double > &  CpS4S5S6,
double  scale 

Evaluates T10G2N44 diagram for process S -> SS.

[in]mext1mass of external field S[1]
[in]mext2mass of external field S[2]
[in]mext3mass of external field S[3]
[in]mIS4mass of internal field S[4]
[in]mLS5mass of internal field S[5]
[in]mLS6mass of internal field S[6]
[in]CpS1cS5cS6coupling Cp[S[1], -S[5], -S[6]]
[in]CpS2S3cS4coupling Cp[S[2], S[3], -S[4]]
[in]CpS4S5S6coupling Cp[S[4], S[5], S[6]]
value of the one-loop diagram

Definition at line 1983 of file one_loop_decay_diagrams.cpp.

References flexiblesusy::anonymous_namespace{one_loop_decay_diagrams.cpp}::Den(), flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SSS::form_factor, flexiblesusy::Loop_library::get(), flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SSS::m_decay, flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SSS::m_scalar_1, flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SSS::m_scalar_2, oneOver16PiSqr, and Sqr().

◆ calculate_diagram_SSS_t10g3n45_SUU()

Decay_amplitude_SSS flexiblesusy::calculate_diagram_SSS_t10g3n45_SUU ( double  mext1,
double  mext2,
double  mext3,
double  mIS4,
double  mLU5,
double  mLU6,
const std::complex< double > &  CpS1cU6cU5,
const std::complex< double > &  CpS2S3cS4,
const std::complex< double > &  CpS4U5U6,
double  scale 

Evaluates T10G3N45 diagram for process S -> SS.

[in]mext1mass of external field S[1]
[in]mext2mass of external field S[2]
[in]mext3mass of external field S[3]
[in]mIS4mass of internal field S[4]
[in]mLU5mass of internal field U[5]
[in]mLU6mass of internal field U[6]
[in]CpS1cU6cU5coupling Cp[S[1], -U[6], -U[5]]
[in]CpS2S3cS4coupling Cp[S[2], S[3], -S[4]]
[in]CpS4U5U6coupling Cp[S[4], U[5], U[6]]
value of the one-loop diagram

Definition at line 2024 of file one_loop_decay_diagrams.cpp.

References flexiblesusy::anonymous_namespace{one_loop_decay_diagrams.cpp}::Den(), flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SSS::form_factor, flexiblesusy::Loop_library::get(), flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SSS::m_decay, flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SSS::m_scalar_1, flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SSS::m_scalar_2, oneOver16PiSqr, and Sqr().

◆ calculate_diagram_SSS_t10g4n46_SSV()

Decay_amplitude_SSS flexiblesusy::calculate_diagram_SSS_t10g4n46_SSV ( double  mext1,
double  mext2,
double  mext3,
double  mIS4,
double  mLS5,
double  mLV6,
const std::complex< double > &  CpS1cS5cV6,
const std::complex< double > &  CpS2S3cS4,
const std::complex< double > &  CpS4S5V6,
double  scale 

Evaluates T10G4N46 diagram for process S -> SS.

[in]mext1mass of external field S[1]
[in]mext2mass of external field S[2]
[in]mext3mass of external field S[3]
[in]mIS4mass of internal field S[4]
[in]mLS5mass of internal field S[5]
[in]mLV6mass of internal field V[6]
[in]CpS1cS5cV6coupling Cp[S[1], -S[5], -V[6]][Mom[S[1]] - Mom[-S[5]] ]
[in]CpS2S3cS4coupling Cp[S[2], S[3], -S[4]]
[in]CpS4S5V6coupling Cp[S[4], S[5], V[6]][Mom[S[4]] - Mom[S[5]]]
value of the one-loop diagram

Definition at line 2066 of file one_loop_decay_diagrams.cpp.

References flexiblesusy::anonymous_namespace{one_loop_decay_diagrams.cpp}::Den(), flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SSS::form_factor, flexiblesusy::Loop_library::get(), flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SSS::m_decay, flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SSS::m_scalar_1, flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SSS::m_scalar_2, oneOver16PiSqr, and Sqr().

◆ calculate_diagram_SSS_t10g5n47_SVV()

Decay_amplitude_SSS flexiblesusy::calculate_diagram_SSS_t10g5n47_SVV ( double  mext1,
double  mext2,
double  mext3,
double  mIS4,
double  mLV5,
double  mLV6,
const std::complex< double > &  CpS1cV5cV6,
const std::complex< double > &  CpS2S3cS4,
const std::complex< double > &  CpS4V5V6,
double  scale,
double  finite 

Evaluates T10G5N47 diagram for process S -> SS.

[in]mext1mass of external field S[1]
[in]mext2mass of external field S[2]
[in]mext3mass of external field S[3]
[in]mIS4mass of internal field S[4]
[in]mLV5mass of internal field V[5]
[in]mLV6mass of internal field V[6]
[in]CpS1cV5cV6coupling Cp[S[1], -V[5], -V[6]][g[lt2, lt3]]
[in]CpS2S3cS4coupling Cp[S[2], S[3], -S[4]]
[in]CpS4V5V6coupling Cp[S[4], V[5], V[6]][g[lt2, lt3]]
value of the one-loop diagram

Definition at line 2113 of file one_loop_decay_diagrams.cpp.

References flexiblesusy::anonymous_namespace{one_loop_decay_diagrams.cpp}::Den(), flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SSS::form_factor, flexiblesusy::Loop_library::get(), flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SSS::m_decay, flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SSS::m_scalar_1, flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SSS::m_scalar_2, oneOver16PiSqr, and Sqr().

◆ calculate_diagram_SSS_t10g6n48_VFF()

Decay_amplitude_SSS flexiblesusy::calculate_diagram_SSS_t10g6n48_VFF ( double  mext1,
double  mext2,
double  mext3,
double  mIV4,
double  mLF5,
double  mLF6,
const std::complex< double > &  CpF5F6V4PR,
const std::complex< double > &  CpF5F6V4PL,
const std::complex< double > &  CpcF6cF5S1PL,
const std::complex< double > &  CpcF6cF5S1PR,
const std::complex< double > &  CpS2S3cV4,
double  scale 

Evaluates T10G6N48 diagram for process S -> SS.

[in]mext1mass of external field S[1]
[in]mext2mass of external field S[2]
[in]mext3mass of external field S[3]
[in]mIV4mass of internal field V[4]
[in]mLF5mass of internal field F[5]
[in]mLF6mass of internal field F[6]
[in]CpF5F6V4PRcoupling Cp[F[5], F[6], V[4]][LorentzProduct[gamma[lt3 ], PR]]
[in]CpF5F6V4PLcoupling Cp[F[5], F[6], V[4]][LorentzProduct[gamma[lt3 ], PL]]
[in]CpcF6cF5S1PLcoupling Cp[-F[6], -F[5], S[1]][PL]
[in]CpcF6cF5S1PRcoupling Cp[-F[6], -F[5], S[1]][PR]
[in]CpS2S3cV4coupling Cp[S[2], S[3], -V[4]][Mom[S[2]] - Mom[S[3]]]
value of the one-loop diagram

Definition at line 2158 of file one_loop_decay_diagrams.cpp.

References flexiblesusy::anonymous_namespace{one_loop_decay_diagrams.cpp}::Den(), flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SSS::form_factor, flexiblesusy::Loop_library::get(), flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SSS::m_decay, flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SSS::m_scalar_1, flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SSS::m_scalar_2, oneOver16PiSqr, and Sqr().

◆ calculate_diagram_SSS_t10g7n49_VSS()

Decay_amplitude_SSS flexiblesusy::calculate_diagram_SSS_t10g7n49_VSS ( double  mext1,
double  mext2,
double  mext3,
double  mIV4,
double  mLS5,
double  mLS6,
const std::complex< double > &  CpS1cS5cS6,
const std::complex< double > &  CpS2S3cV4,
const std::complex< double > &  CpS5S6V4,
double  scale 

Evaluates T10G7N49 diagram for process S -> SS.

[in]mext1mass of external field S[1]
[in]mext2mass of external field S[2]
[in]mext3mass of external field S[3]
[in]mIV4mass of internal field V[4]
[in]mLS5mass of internal field S[5]
[in]mLS6mass of internal field S[6]
[in]CpS1cS5cS6coupling Cp[S[1], -S[5], -S[6]]
[in]CpS2S3cV4coupling Cp[S[2], S[3], -V[4]][Mom[S[2]] - Mom[S[3]]]
[in]CpS5S6V4coupling Cp[S[5], S[6], V[4]][Mom[S[5]] - Mom[S[6]]]
value of the one-loop diagram

Definition at line 2204 of file one_loop_decay_diagrams.cpp.

References flexiblesusy::anonymous_namespace{one_loop_decay_diagrams.cpp}::Den(), flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SSS::form_factor, flexiblesusy::Loop_library::get(), flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SSS::m_decay, flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SSS::m_scalar_1, flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SSS::m_scalar_2, oneOver16PiSqr, and Sqr().

◆ calculate_diagram_SSS_t10g8n50_VUU()

Decay_amplitude_SSS flexiblesusy::calculate_diagram_SSS_t10g8n50_VUU ( double  mext1,
double  mext2,
double  mext3,
double  mIV4,
double  mLU5,
double  mLU6,
const std::complex< double > &  CpS1cU6cU5,
const std::complex< double > &  CpS2S3cV4,
const std::complex< double > &  CpU5U6V41,
const std::complex< double > &  CpU5U6V42,
double  scale 

Evaluates T10G8N50 diagram for process S -> SS.

[in]mext1mass of external field S[1]
[in]mext2mass of external field S[2]
[in]mext3mass of external field S[3]
[in]mIV4mass of internal field V[4]
[in]mLU5mass of internal field U[5]
[in]mLU6mass of internal field U[6]
[in]CpS1cU6cU5coupling Cp[S[1], -U[6], -U[5]]
[in]CpS2S3cV4coupling Cp[S[2], S[3], -V[4]][Mom[S[2]] - Mom[S[3]]]
[in]CpU5U6V41coupling Cp[U[5], U[6], V[4]][Mom[U[5]]]
[in]CpU5U6V42coupling Cp[U[5], U[6], V[4]][Mom[U[6]]]
value of the one-loop diagram

Definition at line 2248 of file one_loop_decay_diagrams.cpp.

References flexiblesusy::anonymous_namespace{one_loop_decay_diagrams.cpp}::Den(), flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SSS::form_factor, flexiblesusy::Loop_library::get(), flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SSS::m_decay, flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SSS::m_scalar_1, flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SSS::m_scalar_2, oneOver16PiSqr, and Sqr().

◆ calculate_diagram_SSS_t10g9n51_VSV()

Decay_amplitude_SSS flexiblesusy::calculate_diagram_SSS_t10g9n51_VSV ( double  mext1,
double  mext2,
double  mext3,
double  mIV4,
double  mLS5,
double  mLV6,
const std::complex< double > &  CpS1cS5cV6,
const std::complex< double > &  CpS2S3cV4,
const std::complex< double > &  CpS5V4V6,
double  scale 

Evaluates T10G9N51 diagram for process S -> SS.

[in]mext1mass of external field S[1]
[in]mext2mass of external field S[2]
[in]mext3mass of external field S[3]
[in]mIV4mass of internal field V[4]
[in]mLS5mass of internal field S[5]
[in]mLV6mass of internal field V[6]
[in]CpS1cS5cV6coupling Cp[S[1], -S[5], -V[6]][Mom[S[1]] - Mom[-S[5]] ]
[in]CpS2S3cV4coupling Cp[S[2], S[3], -V[4]][Mom[S[2]] - Mom[S[3]]]
[in]CpS5V4V6coupling Cp[S[5], V[4], V[6]][g[lt2, lt3]]
value of the one-loop diagram

Definition at line 2293 of file one_loop_decay_diagrams.cpp.

References flexiblesusy::anonymous_namespace{one_loop_decay_diagrams.cpp}::Den(), flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SSS::form_factor, flexiblesusy::Loop_library::get(), flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SSS::m_decay, flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SSS::m_scalar_1, flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SSS::m_scalar_2, oneOver16PiSqr, and Sqr().

◆ calculate_diagram_SSS_t1g10n10_VVV()

Decay_amplitude_SSS flexiblesusy::calculate_diagram_SSS_t1g10n10_VVV ( double  mext1,
double  mext2,
double  mext3,
double  mLV4,
double  mLV5,
double  mLV6,
const std::complex< double > &  CpS1cV4cV5,
const std::complex< double > &  CpS2V4cV6,
const std::complex< double > &  CpS3V5V6,
double  scale 

Evaluates T1G10N10 diagram for process S -> SS.

[in]mext1mass of external field S[1]
[in]mext2mass of external field S[2]
[in]mext3mass of external field S[3]
[in]mLV4mass of internal field V[4]
[in]mLV5mass of internal field V[5]
[in]mLV6mass of internal field V[6]
[in]CpS1cV4cV5coupling Cp[S[1], -V[4], -V[5]][g[lt2, lt3]]
[in]CpS2V4cV6coupling Cp[S[2], V[4], -V[6]][g[lt2, lt3]]
[in]CpS3V5V6coupling Cp[S[3], V[5], V[6]][g[lt2, lt3]]
value of the one-loop diagram

Definition at line 524 of file one_loop_decay_diagrams.cpp.

References flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SSS::form_factor, flexiblesusy::Loop_library::get(), flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SSS::m_decay, flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SSS::m_scalar_1, flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SSS::m_scalar_2, and oneOver16PiSqr.

◆ calculate_diagram_SSS_t1g1n1_FFF()

Decay_amplitude_SSS flexiblesusy::calculate_diagram_SSS_t1g1n1_FFF ( double  mext1,
double  mext2,
double  mext3,
double  mLF4,
double  mLF5,
double  mLF6,
const std::complex< double > &  CpcF4cF5S1PL,
const std::complex< double > &  CpcF4cF5S1PR,
const std::complex< double > &  CpF5F6S3PL,
const std::complex< double > &  CpF5F6S3PR,
const std::complex< double > &  CpcF6F4S2PL,
const std::complex< double > &  CpcF6F4S2PR,
double  scale 

Evaluates T1G1N1 diagram for process S -> SS.

[in]mext1mass of external field S[1]
[in]mext2mass of external field S[2]
[in]mext3mass of external field S[3]
[in]mLF4mass of internal field F[4]
[in]mLF5mass of internal field F[5]
[in]mLF6mass of internal field F[6]
[in]CpcF4cF5S1PLcoupling Cp[-F[4], -F[5], S[1]][PL]
[in]CpcF4cF5S1PRcoupling Cp[-F[4], -F[5], S[1]][PR]
[in]CpF5F6S3PLcoupling Cp[F[5], F[6], S[3]][PL]
[in]CpF5F6S3PRcoupling Cp[F[5], F[6], S[3]][PR]
[in]CpcF6F4S2PLcoupling Cp[-F[6], F[4], S[2]][PL]
[in]CpcF6F4S2PRcoupling Cp[-F[6], F[4], S[2]][PR]
value of the one-loop diagram

Definition at line 51 of file one_loop_decay_diagrams.cpp.

References flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SSS::form_factor, flexiblesusy::Loop_library::get(), flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SSS::m_decay, flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SSS::m_scalar_1, flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SSS::m_scalar_2, oneOver16PiSqr, and Sqr().

◆ calculate_diagram_SSS_t1g2n2_SSS()

Decay_amplitude_SSS flexiblesusy::calculate_diagram_SSS_t1g2n2_SSS ( double  mext1,
double  mext2,
double  mext3,
double  mLS4,
double  mLS5,
double  mLS6,
const std::complex< double > &  CpS1cS4cS5,
const std::complex< double > &  CpS2S4cS6,
const std::complex< double > &  CpS3S5S6,
double  scale 

Evaluates T1G2N2 diagram for process S -> SS.

[in]mext1mass of external field S[1]
[in]mext2mass of external field S[2]
[in]mext3mass of external field S[3]
[in]mLS4mass of internal field S[4]
[in]mLS5mass of internal field S[5]
[in]mLS6mass of internal field S[6]
[in]CpS1cS4cS5coupling Cp[S[1], -S[4], -S[5]]
[in]CpS2S4cS6coupling Cp[S[2], S[4], -S[6]]
[in]CpS3S5S6coupling Cp[S[3], S[5], S[6]]
value of the one-loop diagram

Definition at line 134 of file one_loop_decay_diagrams.cpp.

References flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SSS::form_factor, flexiblesusy::Loop_library::get(), flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SSS::m_decay, flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SSS::m_scalar_1, flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SSS::m_scalar_2, and oneOver16PiSqr.

◆ calculate_diagram_SSS_t1g3n3_UUU()

Decay_amplitude_SSS flexiblesusy::calculate_diagram_SSS_t1g3n3_UUU ( double  mext1,
double  mext2,
double  mext3,
double  mLU4,
double  mLU5,
double  mLU6,
const std::complex< double > &  CpS1cU4cU5,
const std::complex< double > &  CpS2cU6U4,
const std::complex< double > &  CpS3U5U6,
double  scale 

Evaluates T1G3N3 diagram for process S -> SS.

[in]mext1mass of external field S[1]
[in]mext2mass of external field S[2]
[in]mext3mass of external field S[3]
[in]mLU4mass of internal field U[4]
[in]mLU5mass of internal field U[5]
[in]mLU6mass of internal field U[6]
[in]CpS1cU4cU5coupling Cp[S[1], -U[4], -U[5]]
[in]CpS2cU6U4coupling Cp[S[2], -U[6], U[4]]
[in]CpS3U5U6coupling Cp[S[3], U[5], U[6]]
value of the one-loop diagram

Definition at line 176 of file one_loop_decay_diagrams.cpp.

References flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SSS::form_factor, flexiblesusy::Loop_library::get(), flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SSS::m_decay, flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SSS::m_scalar_1, flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SSS::m_scalar_2, and oneOver16PiSqr.

◆ calculate_diagram_SSS_t1g4n4_SSV()

Decay_amplitude_SSS flexiblesusy::calculate_diagram_SSS_t1g4n4_SSV ( double  mext1,
double  mext2,
double  mext3,
double  mLS4,
double  mLS5,
double  mLV6,
const std::complex< double > &  CpS1cS4cS5,
const std::complex< double > &  CpS2S4cV6,
const std::complex< double > &  CpS3S5V6,
double  scale 

Evaluates T1G4N4 diagram for process S -> SS.

[in]mext1mass of external field S[1]
[in]mext2mass of external field S[2]
[in]mext3mass of external field S[3]
[in]mLS4mass of internal field S[4]
[in]mLS5mass of internal field S[5]
[in]mLV6mass of internal field V[6]
[in]CpS1cS4cS5coupling Cp[S[1], -S[4], -S[5]]
[in]CpS2S4cV6coupling Cp[S[2], S[4], -V[6]][Mom[S[2]] - Mom[S[4]]]
[in]CpS3S5V6coupling Cp[S[3], S[5], V[6]][Mom[S[3]] - Mom[S[5]]]
value of the one-loop diagram

Definition at line 218 of file one_loop_decay_diagrams.cpp.

References flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SSS::form_factor, flexiblesusy::Loop_library::get(), flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SSS::m_decay, flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SSS::m_scalar_1, flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SSS::m_scalar_2, oneOver16PiSqr, and Sqr().

◆ calculate_diagram_SSS_t1g5n5_SVS()

Decay_amplitude_SSS flexiblesusy::calculate_diagram_SSS_t1g5n5_SVS ( double  mext1,
double  mext2,
double  mext3,
double  mLS4,
double  mLV5,
double  mLS6,
const std::complex< double > &  CpS1cS4cV5,
const std::complex< double > &  CpS2S4cS6,
const std::complex< double > &  CpS3S6V5,
double  scale 

Evaluates T1G5N5 diagram for process S -> SS.

[in]mext1mass of external field S[1]
[in]mext2mass of external field S[2]
[in]mext3mass of external field S[3]
[in]mLS4mass of internal field S[4]
[in]mLV5mass of internal field V[5]
[in]mLS6mass of internal field S[6]
[in]CpS1cS4cV5coupling Cp[S[1], -S[4], -V[5]][Mom[S[1]] - Mom[-S[4]] ]
[in]CpS2S4cS6coupling Cp[S[2], S[4], -S[6]]
[in]CpS3S6V5coupling Cp[S[3], S[6], V[5]][Mom[S[3]] - Mom[S[6]]]
value of the one-loop diagram

Definition at line 269 of file one_loop_decay_diagrams.cpp.

References flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SSS::form_factor, flexiblesusy::Loop_library::get(), flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SSS::m_decay, flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SSS::m_scalar_1, flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SSS::m_scalar_2, oneOver16PiSqr, and Sqr().

◆ calculate_diagram_SSS_t1g6n6_VSS()

Decay_amplitude_SSS flexiblesusy::calculate_diagram_SSS_t1g6n6_VSS ( double  mext1,
double  mext2,
double  mext3,
double  mLV4,
double  mLS5,
double  mLS6,
const std::complex< double > &  CpS1cS5cV4,
const std::complex< double > &  CpS2cS6V4,
const std::complex< double > &  CpS3S5S6,
double  scale 

Evaluates T1G6N6 diagram for process S -> SS.

[in]mext1mass of external field S[1]
[in]mext2mass of external field S[2]
[in]mext3mass of external field S[3]
[in]mLV4mass of internal field V[4]
[in]mLS5mass of internal field S[5]
[in]mLS6mass of internal field S[6]
[in]CpS1cS5cV4coupling Cp[S[1], -S[5], -V[4]][Mom[S[1]] - Mom[-S[5]] ]
[in]CpS2cS6V4coupling Cp[S[2], -S[6], V[4]][Mom[S[2]] - Mom[-S[6]]]
[in]CpS3S5S6coupling Cp[S[3], S[5], S[6]]
value of the one-loop diagram

Definition at line 320 of file one_loop_decay_diagrams.cpp.

References flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SSS::form_factor, flexiblesusy::Loop_library::get(), flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SSS::m_decay, flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SSS::m_scalar_1, flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SSS::m_scalar_2, oneOver16PiSqr, and Sqr().

◆ calculate_diagram_SSS_t1g7n7_SVV()

Decay_amplitude_SSS flexiblesusy::calculate_diagram_SSS_t1g7n7_SVV ( double  mext1,
double  mext2,
double  mext3,
double  mLS4,
double  mLV5,
double  mLV6,
const std::complex< double > &  CpS1cS4cV5,
const std::complex< double > &  CpS2S4cV6,
const std::complex< double > &  CpS3V5V6,
double  scale 

Evaluates T1G7N7 diagram for process S -> SS.

[in]mext1mass of external field S[1]
[in]mext2mass of external field S[2]
[in]mext3mass of external field S[3]
[in]mLS4mass of internal field S[4]
[in]mLV5mass of internal field V[5]
[in]mLV6mass of internal field V[6]
[in]CpS1cS4cV5coupling Cp[S[1], -S[4], -V[5]][Mom[S[1]] - Mom[-S[4]] ]
[in]CpS2S4cV6coupling Cp[S[2], S[4], -V[6]][Mom[S[2]] - Mom[S[4]]]
[in]CpS3V5V6coupling Cp[S[3], V[5], V[6]][g[lt2, lt3]]
value of the one-loop diagram

Definition at line 371 of file one_loop_decay_diagrams.cpp.

References flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SSS::form_factor, flexiblesusy::Loop_library::get(), flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SSS::m_decay, flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SSS::m_scalar_1, flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SSS::m_scalar_2, oneOver16PiSqr, and Sqr().

◆ calculate_diagram_SSS_t1g8n8_VSV()

Decay_amplitude_SSS flexiblesusy::calculate_diagram_SSS_t1g8n8_VSV ( double  mext1,
double  mext2,
double  mext3,
double  mLV4,
double  mLS5,
double  mLV6,
const std::complex< double > &  CpS1cS5cV4,
const std::complex< double > &  CpS2V4cV6,
const std::complex< double > &  CpS3S5V6,
double  scale 

Evaluates T1G8N8 diagram for process S -> SS.

[in]mext1mass of external field S[1]
[in]mext2mass of external field S[2]
[in]mext3mass of external field S[3]
[in]mLV4mass of internal field V[4]
[in]mLS5mass of internal field S[5]
[in]mLV6mass of internal field V[6]
[in]CpS1cS5cV4coupling Cp[S[1], -S[5], -V[4]][Mom[S[1]] - Mom[-S[5]] ]
[in]CpS2V4cV6coupling Cp[S[2], V[4], -V[6]][g[lt2, lt3]]
[in]CpS3S5V6coupling Cp[S[3], S[5], V[6]][Mom[S[3]] - Mom[S[5]]]
value of the one-loop diagram

Definition at line 422 of file one_loop_decay_diagrams.cpp.

References flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SSS::form_factor, flexiblesusy::Loop_library::get(), flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SSS::m_decay, flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SSS::m_scalar_1, flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SSS::m_scalar_2, oneOver16PiSqr, and Sqr().

◆ calculate_diagram_SSS_t1g9n9_VVS()

Decay_amplitude_SSS flexiblesusy::calculate_diagram_SSS_t1g9n9_VVS ( double  mext1,
double  mext2,
double  mext3,
double  mLV4,
double  mLV5,
double  mLS6,
const std::complex< double > &  CpS1cV4cV5,
const std::complex< double > &  CpS2cS6V4,
const std::complex< double > &  CpS3S6V5,
double  scale 

Evaluates T1G9N9 diagram for process S -> SS.

[in]mext1mass of external field S[1]
[in]mext2mass of external field S[2]
[in]mext3mass of external field S[3]
[in]mLV4mass of internal field V[4]
[in]mLV5mass of internal field V[5]
[in]mLS6mass of internal field S[6]
[in]CpS1cV4cV5coupling Cp[S[1], -V[4], -V[5]][g[lt2, lt3]]
[in]CpS2cS6V4coupling Cp[S[2], -S[6], V[4]][Mom[S[2]] - Mom[-S[6]]]
[in]CpS3S6V5coupling Cp[S[3], S[6], V[5]][Mom[S[3]] - Mom[S[6]]]
value of the one-loop diagram

Definition at line 473 of file one_loop_decay_diagrams.cpp.

References flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SSS::form_factor, flexiblesusy::Loop_library::get(), flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SSS::m_decay, flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SSS::m_scalar_1, flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SSS::m_scalar_2, oneOver16PiSqr, and Sqr().

◆ calculate_diagram_SSS_t2g1n11_SS()

Decay_amplitude_SSS flexiblesusy::calculate_diagram_SSS_t2g1n11_SS ( double  mext1,
double  mext2,
double  mext3,
double  mIS4,
double  mLS5,
const std::complex< double > &  CpS1S2cS4,
const std::complex< double > &  CpS3S4cS5S5,
double  scale 

Evaluates T2G1N11 diagram for process S -> SS.

[in]mext1mass of external field S[1]
[in]mext2mass of external field S[2]
[in]mext3mass of external field S[3]
[in]mIS4mass of internal field S[4]
[in]mLS5mass of internal field S[5]
[in]CpS1S2cS4coupling Cp[S[1], S[2], -S[4]]
[in]CpS3S4cS5S5coupling Cp[S[3], S[4], -S[5], S[5]]
value of the one-loop diagram

Definition at line 564 of file one_loop_decay_diagrams.cpp.

References flexiblesusy::anonymous_namespace{one_loop_decay_diagrams.cpp}::Den(), flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SSS::form_factor, flexiblesusy::Loop_library::get(), flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SSS::m_decay, flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SSS::m_scalar_1, flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SSS::m_scalar_2, oneOver16PiSqr, and Sqr().

◆ calculate_diagram_SSS_t2g2n12_SV()

Decay_amplitude_SSS flexiblesusy::calculate_diagram_SSS_t2g2n12_SV ( double  mext1,
double  mext2,
double  mext3,
double  mIS4,
double  mLV5,
const std::complex< double > &  CpS1S2cS4,
const std::complex< double > &  CpS3S4cV5V5,
double  scale,
double  finite 

Evaluates T2G2N12 diagram for process S -> SS.

[in]mext1mass of external field S[1]
[in]mext2mass of external field S[2]
[in]mext3mass of external field S[3]
[in]mIS4mass of internal field S[4]
[in]mLV5mass of internal field V[5]
[in]CpS1S2cS4coupling Cp[S[1], S[2], -S[4]]
[in]CpS3S4cV5V5coupling Cp[S[3], S[4], -V[5], V[5]][g[lt3, lt4]]
value of the one-loop diagram

Definition at line 603 of file one_loop_decay_diagrams.cpp.

References flexiblesusy::anonymous_namespace{one_loop_decay_diagrams.cpp}::Den(), flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SSS::form_factor, flexiblesusy::Loop_library::get(), flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SSS::m_decay, flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SSS::m_scalar_1, flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SSS::m_scalar_2, oneOver16PiSqr, and Sqr().

◆ calculate_diagram_SSS_t3g1n13_SS()

Decay_amplitude_SSS flexiblesusy::calculate_diagram_SSS_t3g1n13_SS ( double  mext1,
double  mext2,
double  mext3,
double  mIS4,
double  mLS5,
const std::complex< double > &  CpS1S3cS4,
const std::complex< double > &  CpS2S4cS5S5,
double  scale 

Evaluates T3G1N13 diagram for process S -> SS.

[in]mext1mass of external field S[1]
[in]mext2mass of external field S[2]
[in]mext3mass of external field S[3]
[in]mIS4mass of internal field S[4]
[in]mLS5mass of internal field S[5]
[in]CpS1S3cS4coupling Cp[S[1], S[3], -S[4]]
[in]CpS2S4cS5S5coupling Cp[S[2], S[4], -S[5], S[5]]
value of the one-loop diagram

Definition at line 642 of file one_loop_decay_diagrams.cpp.

References flexiblesusy::anonymous_namespace{one_loop_decay_diagrams.cpp}::Den(), flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SSS::form_factor, flexiblesusy::Loop_library::get(), flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SSS::m_decay, flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SSS::m_scalar_1, flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SSS::m_scalar_2, oneOver16PiSqr, and Sqr().

◆ calculate_diagram_SSS_t3g2n14_SV()

Decay_amplitude_SSS flexiblesusy::calculate_diagram_SSS_t3g2n14_SV ( double  mext1,
double  mext2,
double  mext3,
double  mIS4,
double  mLV5,
const std::complex< double > &  CpS1S3cS4,
const std::complex< double > &  CpS2S4cV5V5,
double  scale,
double  finite 

Evaluates T3G2N14 diagram for process S -> SS.

[in]mext1mass of external field S[1]
[in]mext2mass of external field S[2]
[in]mext3mass of external field S[3]
[in]mIS4mass of internal field S[4]
[in]mLV5mass of internal field V[5]
[in]CpS1S3cS4coupling Cp[S[1], S[3], -S[4]]
[in]CpS2S4cV5V5coupling Cp[S[2], S[4], -V[5], V[5]][g[lt3, lt4]]
value of the one-loop diagram

Definition at line 681 of file one_loop_decay_diagrams.cpp.

References flexiblesusy::anonymous_namespace{one_loop_decay_diagrams.cpp}::Den(), flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SSS::form_factor, flexiblesusy::Loop_library::get(), flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SSS::m_decay, flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SSS::m_scalar_1, flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SSS::m_scalar_2, oneOver16PiSqr, and Sqr().

◆ calculate_diagram_SSS_t4g1n15_SS()

Decay_amplitude_SSS flexiblesusy::calculate_diagram_SSS_t4g1n15_SS ( double  mext1,
double  mext2,
double  mext3,
double  mLS4,
double  mLS5,
const std::complex< double > &  CpS1cS4cS5,
const std::complex< double > &  CpS2S3S4S5,
double  scale 

Evaluates T4G1N15 diagram for process S -> SS.

[in]mext1mass of external field S[1]
[in]mext2mass of external field S[2]
[in]mext3mass of external field S[3]
[in]mLS4mass of internal field S[4]
[in]mLS5mass of internal field S[5]
[in]CpS1cS4cS5coupling Cp[S[1], -S[4], -S[5]]
[in]CpS2S3S4S5coupling Cp[S[2], S[3], S[4], S[5]]
value of the one-loop diagram

Definition at line 720 of file one_loop_decay_diagrams.cpp.

References flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SSS::form_factor, flexiblesusy::Loop_library::get(), flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SSS::m_decay, flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SSS::m_scalar_1, flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SSS::m_scalar_2, and oneOver16PiSqr.

◆ calculate_diagram_SSS_t4g2n16_VV()

Decay_amplitude_SSS flexiblesusy::calculate_diagram_SSS_t4g2n16_VV ( double  mext1,
double  mext2,
double  mext3,
double  mLV4,
double  mLV5,
const std::complex< double > &  CpS1cV4cV5,
const std::complex< double > &  CpS2S3V4V5,
double  scale,
double  finite 

Evaluates T4G2N16 diagram for process S -> SS.

[in]mext1mass of external field S[1]
[in]mext2mass of external field S[2]
[in]mext3mass of external field S[3]
[in]mLV4mass of internal field V[4]
[in]mLV5mass of internal field V[5]
[in]CpS1cV4cV5coupling Cp[S[1], -V[4], -V[5]][g[lt2, lt3]]
[in]CpS2S3V4V5coupling Cp[S[2], S[3], V[4], V[5]][g[lt3, lt4]]
value of the one-loop diagram

Definition at line 758 of file one_loop_decay_diagrams.cpp.

References flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SSS::form_factor, flexiblesusy::Loop_library::get(), flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SSS::m_decay, flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SSS::m_scalar_1, flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SSS::m_scalar_2, and oneOver16PiSqr.

◆ calculate_diagram_SSS_t5g1n17_SS()

Decay_amplitude_SSS flexiblesusy::calculate_diagram_SSS_t5g1n17_SS ( double  mext1,
double  mext2,
double  mext3,
double  mIS4,
double  mLS5,
const std::complex< double > &  CpS2S3cS4,
const std::complex< double > &  CpS1S4cS5S5,
double  scale 

Evaluates T5G1N17 diagram for process S -> SS.

[in]mext1mass of external field S[1]
[in]mext2mass of external field S[2]
[in]mext3mass of external field S[3]
[in]mIS4mass of internal field S[4]
[in]mLS5mass of internal field S[5]
[in]CpS2S3cS4coupling Cp[S[2], S[3], -S[4]]
[in]CpS1S4cS5S5coupling Cp[S[1], S[4], -S[5], S[5]]
value of the one-loop diagram

Definition at line 797 of file one_loop_decay_diagrams.cpp.

References flexiblesusy::anonymous_namespace{one_loop_decay_diagrams.cpp}::Den(), flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SSS::form_factor, flexiblesusy::Loop_library::get(), flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SSS::m_decay, flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SSS::m_scalar_1, flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SSS::m_scalar_2, oneOver16PiSqr, and Sqr().

◆ calculate_diagram_SSS_t5g2n18_SV()

Decay_amplitude_SSS flexiblesusy::calculate_diagram_SSS_t5g2n18_SV ( double  mext1,
double  mext2,
double  mext3,
double  mIS4,
double  mLV5,
const std::complex< double > &  CpS2S3cS4,
const std::complex< double > &  CpS1S4cV5V5,
double  scale,
double  finite 

Evaluates T5G2N18 diagram for process S -> SS.

[in]mext1mass of external field S[1]
[in]mext2mass of external field S[2]
[in]mext3mass of external field S[3]
[in]mIS4mass of internal field S[4]
[in]mLV5mass of internal field V[5]
[in]CpS2S3cS4coupling Cp[S[2], S[3], -S[4]]
[in]CpS1S4cV5V5coupling Cp[S[1], S[4], -V[5], V[5]][g[lt3, lt4]]
value of the one-loop diagram

Definition at line 836 of file one_loop_decay_diagrams.cpp.

References flexiblesusy::anonymous_namespace{one_loop_decay_diagrams.cpp}::Den(), flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SSS::form_factor, flexiblesusy::Loop_library::get(), flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SSS::m_decay, flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SSS::m_scalar_1, flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SSS::m_scalar_2, oneOver16PiSqr, and Sqr().

◆ calculate_diagram_SSS_t6g1n19_SS()

Decay_amplitude_SSS flexiblesusy::calculate_diagram_SSS_t6g1n19_SS ( double  mext1,
double  mext2,
double  mext3,
double  mLS4,
double  mLS5,
const std::complex< double > &  CpS2cS4cS5,
const std::complex< double > &  CpS1S3S4S5,
double  scale 

Evaluates T6G1N19 diagram for process S -> SS.

[in]mext1mass of external field S[1]
[in]mext2mass of external field S[2]
[in]mext3mass of external field S[3]
[in]mLS4mass of internal field S[4]
[in]mLS5mass of internal field S[5]
[in]CpS2cS4cS5coupling Cp[S[2], -S[4], -S[5]]
[in]CpS1S3S4S5coupling Cp[S[1], S[3], S[4], S[5]]
value of the one-loop diagram

Definition at line 875 of file one_loop_decay_diagrams.cpp.

References flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SSS::form_factor, flexiblesusy::Loop_library::get(), flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SSS::m_decay, flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SSS::m_scalar_1, flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SSS::m_scalar_2, and oneOver16PiSqr.

◆ calculate_diagram_SSS_t6g2n20_VV()

Decay_amplitude_SSS flexiblesusy::calculate_diagram_SSS_t6g2n20_VV ( double  mext1,
double  mext2,
double  mext3,
double  mLV4,
double  mLV5,
const std::complex< double > &  CpS2cV4cV5,
const std::complex< double > &  CpS1S3V4V5,
double  scale,
double  finite 

Evaluates T6G2N20 diagram for process S -> SS.

[in]mext1mass of external field S[1]
[in]mext2mass of external field S[2]
[in]mext3mass of external field S[3]
[in]mLV4mass of internal field V[4]
[in]mLV5mass of internal field V[5]
[in]CpS2cV4cV5coupling Cp[S[2], -V[4], -V[5]][g[lt2, lt3]]
[in]CpS1S3V4V5coupling Cp[S[1], S[3], V[4], V[5]][g[lt3, lt4]]
value of the one-loop diagram

Definition at line 913 of file one_loop_decay_diagrams.cpp.

References flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SSS::form_factor, flexiblesusy::Loop_library::get(), flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SSS::m_decay, flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SSS::m_scalar_1, flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SSS::m_scalar_2, and oneOver16PiSqr.

◆ calculate_diagram_SSS_t7g1n21_SS()

Decay_amplitude_SSS flexiblesusy::calculate_diagram_SSS_t7g1n21_SS ( double  mext1,
double  mext2,
double  mext3,
double  mLS4,
double  mLS5,
const std::complex< double > &  CpS3cS4cS5,
const std::complex< double > &  CpS1S2S4S5,
double  scale 

Evaluates T7G1N21 diagram for process S -> SS.

[in]mext1mass of external field S[1]
[in]mext2mass of external field S[2]
[in]mext3mass of external field S[3]
[in]mLS4mass of internal field S[4]
[in]mLS5mass of internal field S[5]
[in]CpS3cS4cS5coupling Cp[S[3], -S[4], -S[5]]
[in]CpS1S2S4S5coupling Cp[S[1], S[2], S[4], S[5]]
value of the one-loop diagram

Definition at line 952 of file one_loop_decay_diagrams.cpp.

References flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SSS::form_factor, flexiblesusy::Loop_library::get(), flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SSS::m_decay, flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SSS::m_scalar_1, flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SSS::m_scalar_2, and oneOver16PiSqr.

◆ calculate_diagram_SSS_t7g2n22_VV()

Decay_amplitude_SSS flexiblesusy::calculate_diagram_SSS_t7g2n22_VV ( double  mext1,
double  mext2,
double  mext3,
double  mLV4,
double  mLV5,
const std::complex< double > &  CpS3cV4cV5,
const std::complex< double > &  CpS1S2V4V5,
double  scale,
double  finite 

Evaluates T7G2N22 diagram for process S -> SS.

[in]mext1mass of external field S[1]
[in]mext2mass of external field S[2]
[in]mext3mass of external field S[3]
[in]mLV4mass of internal field V[4]
[in]mLV5mass of internal field V[5]
[in]CpS3cV4cV5coupling Cp[S[3], -V[4], -V[5]][g[lt2, lt3]]
[in]CpS1S2V4V5coupling Cp[S[1], S[2], V[4], V[5]][g[lt3, lt4]]
value of the one-loop diagram

Definition at line 990 of file one_loop_decay_diagrams.cpp.

References flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SSS::form_factor, flexiblesusy::Loop_library::get(), flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SSS::m_decay, flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SSS::m_scalar_1, flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SSS::m_scalar_2, and oneOver16PiSqr.

◆ calculate_diagram_SSS_t8g10n32_VVV()

Decay_amplitude_SSS flexiblesusy::calculate_diagram_SSS_t8g10n32_VVV ( double  mext1,
double  mext2,
double  mext3,
double  mIV4,
double  mLV5,
double  mLV6,
const std::complex< double > &  CpS1S2cV4,
const std::complex< double > &  CpS3cV5cV6,
const std::complex< double > &  CpV4V5V6,
double  scale 

Evaluates T8G10N32 diagram for process S -> SS.

[in]mext1mass of external field S[1]
[in]mext2mass of external field S[2]
[in]mext3mass of external field S[3]
[in]mIV4mass of internal field V[4]
[in]mLV5mass of internal field V[5]
[in]mLV6mass of internal field V[6]
[in]CpS1S2cV4coupling Cp[S[1], S[2], -V[4]][Mom[S[1]] - Mom[S[2]]]
[in]CpS3cV5cV6coupling Cp[S[3], -V[5], -V[6]][g[lt2, lt3]]
[in]CpV4V5V6coupling Cp[V[4], V[5], V[6]][g[lt1, lt2] (-Mom[V[4]] + Mom[V[5]]) + g[lt1, lt3] (Mom[V[4]] - Mom[V[6]]) + g[lt2, lt3] (-Mom[V[5]]
  • Mom[V[6]])]
value of the one-loop diagram

Definition at line 1438 of file one_loop_decay_diagrams.cpp.

References flexiblesusy::anonymous_namespace{one_loop_decay_diagrams.cpp}::Den(), flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SSS::form_factor, flexiblesusy::Loop_library::get(), flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SSS::m_decay, flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SSS::m_scalar_1, flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SSS::m_scalar_2, oneOver16PiSqr, and Sqr().

◆ calculate_diagram_SSS_t8g1n23_SFF()

Decay_amplitude_SSS flexiblesusy::calculate_diagram_SSS_t8g1n23_SFF ( double  mext1,
double  mext2,
double  mext3,
double  mIS4,
double  mLF5,
double  mLF6,
const std::complex< double > &  CpF5F6S4PL,
const std::complex< double > &  CpF5F6S4PR,
const std::complex< double > &  CpcF6cF5S3PL,
const std::complex< double > &  CpcF6cF5S3PR,
const std::complex< double > &  CpS1S2cS4,
double  scale 

Evaluates T8G1N23 diagram for process S -> SS.

[in]mext1mass of external field S[1]
[in]mext2mass of external field S[2]
[in]mext3mass of external field S[3]
[in]mIS4mass of internal field S[4]
[in]mLF5mass of internal field F[5]
[in]mLF6mass of internal field F[6]
[in]CpF5F6S4PLcoupling Cp[F[5], F[6], S[4]][PL]
[in]CpF5F6S4PRcoupling Cp[F[5], F[6], S[4]][PR]
[in]CpcF6cF5S3PLcoupling Cp[-F[6], -F[5], S[3]][PL]
[in]CpcF6cF5S3PRcoupling Cp[-F[6], -F[5], S[3]][PR]
[in]CpS1S2cS4coupling Cp[S[1], S[2], -S[4]]
value of the one-loop diagram

Definition at line 1033 of file one_loop_decay_diagrams.cpp.

References flexiblesusy::anonymous_namespace{one_loop_decay_diagrams.cpp}::Den(), flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SSS::form_factor, flexiblesusy::Loop_library::get(), flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SSS::m_decay, flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SSS::m_scalar_1, flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SSS::m_scalar_2, oneOver16PiSqr, and Sqr().

◆ calculate_diagram_SSS_t8g2n24_SSS()

Decay_amplitude_SSS flexiblesusy::calculate_diagram_SSS_t8g2n24_SSS ( double  mext1,
double  mext2,
double  mext3,
double  mIS4,
double  mLS5,
double  mLS6,
const std::complex< double > &  CpS1S2cS4,
const std::complex< double > &  CpS3cS5cS6,
const std::complex< double > &  CpS4S5S6,
double  scale 

Evaluates T8G2N24 diagram for process S -> SS.

[in]mext1mass of external field S[1]
[in]mext2mass of external field S[2]
[in]mext3mass of external field S[3]
[in]mIS4mass of internal field S[4]
[in]mLS5mass of internal field S[5]
[in]mLS6mass of internal field S[6]
[in]CpS1S2cS4coupling Cp[S[1], S[2], -S[4]]
[in]CpS3cS5cS6coupling Cp[S[3], -S[5], -S[6]]
[in]CpS4S5S6coupling Cp[S[4], S[5], S[6]]
value of the one-loop diagram

Definition at line 1083 of file one_loop_decay_diagrams.cpp.

References flexiblesusy::anonymous_namespace{one_loop_decay_diagrams.cpp}::Den(), flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SSS::form_factor, flexiblesusy::Loop_library::get(), flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SSS::m_decay, flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SSS::m_scalar_1, flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SSS::m_scalar_2, oneOver16PiSqr, and Sqr().

◆ calculate_diagram_SSS_t8g3n25_SUU()

Decay_amplitude_SSS flexiblesusy::calculate_diagram_SSS_t8g3n25_SUU ( double  mext1,
double  mext2,
double  mext3,
double  mIS4,
double  mLU5,
double  mLU6,
const std::complex< double > &  CpS1S2cS4,
const std::complex< double > &  CpS3cU6cU5,
const std::complex< double > &  CpS4U5U6,
double  scale 

Evaluates T8G3N25 diagram for process S -> SS.

[in]mext1mass of external field S[1]
[in]mext2mass of external field S[2]
[in]mext3mass of external field S[3]
[in]mIS4mass of internal field S[4]
[in]mLU5mass of internal field U[5]
[in]mLU6mass of internal field U[6]
[in]CpS1S2cS4coupling Cp[S[1], S[2], -S[4]]
[in]CpS3cU6cU5coupling Cp[S[3], -U[6], -U[5]]
[in]CpS4U5U6coupling Cp[S[4], U[5], U[6]]
value of the one-loop diagram

Definition at line 1124 of file one_loop_decay_diagrams.cpp.

References flexiblesusy::anonymous_namespace{one_loop_decay_diagrams.cpp}::Den(), flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SSS::form_factor, flexiblesusy::Loop_library::get(), flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SSS::m_decay, flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SSS::m_scalar_1, flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SSS::m_scalar_2, oneOver16PiSqr, and Sqr().

◆ calculate_diagram_SSS_t8g4n26_SSV()

Decay_amplitude_SSS flexiblesusy::calculate_diagram_SSS_t8g4n26_SSV ( double  mext1,
double  mext2,
double  mext3,
double  mIS4,
double  mLS5,
double  mLV6,
const std::complex< double > &  CpS1S2cS4,
const std::complex< double > &  CpS3cS5cV6,
const std::complex< double > &  CpS4S5V6,
double  scale 

Evaluates T8G4N26 diagram for process S -> SS.

[in]mext1mass of external field S[1]
[in]mext2mass of external field S[2]
[in]mext3mass of external field S[3]
[in]mIS4mass of internal field S[4]
[in]mLS5mass of internal field S[5]
[in]mLV6mass of internal field V[6]
[in]CpS1S2cS4coupling Cp[S[1], S[2], -S[4]]
[in]CpS3cS5cV6coupling Cp[S[3], -S[5], -V[6]][Mom[S[3]] - Mom[-S[5]] ]
[in]CpS4S5V6coupling Cp[S[4], S[5], V[6]][Mom[S[4]] - Mom[S[5]]]
value of the one-loop diagram

Definition at line 1166 of file one_loop_decay_diagrams.cpp.

References flexiblesusy::anonymous_namespace{one_loop_decay_diagrams.cpp}::Den(), flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SSS::form_factor, flexiblesusy::Loop_library::get(), flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SSS::m_decay, flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SSS::m_scalar_1, flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SSS::m_scalar_2, oneOver16PiSqr, and Sqr().

◆ calculate_diagram_SSS_t8g5n27_SVV()

Decay_amplitude_SSS flexiblesusy::calculate_diagram_SSS_t8g5n27_SVV ( double  mext1,
double  mext2,
double  mext3,
double  mIS4,
double  mLV5,
double  mLV6,
const std::complex< double > &  CpS1S2cS4,
const std::complex< double > &  CpS3cV5cV6,
const std::complex< double > &  CpS4V5V6,
double  scale,
double  finite 

Evaluates T8G5N27 diagram for process S -> SS.

[in]mext1mass of external field S[1]
[in]mext2mass of external field S[2]
[in]mext3mass of external field S[3]
[in]mIS4mass of internal field S[4]
[in]mLV5mass of internal field V[5]
[in]mLV6mass of internal field V[6]
[in]CpS1S2cS4coupling Cp[S[1], S[2], -S[4]]
[in]CpS3cV5cV6coupling Cp[S[3], -V[5], -V[6]][g[lt2, lt3]]
[in]CpS4V5V6coupling Cp[S[4], V[5], V[6]][g[lt2, lt3]]
value of the one-loop diagram

Definition at line 1213 of file one_loop_decay_diagrams.cpp.

References flexiblesusy::anonymous_namespace{one_loop_decay_diagrams.cpp}::Den(), flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SSS::form_factor, flexiblesusy::Loop_library::get(), flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SSS::m_decay, flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SSS::m_scalar_1, flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SSS::m_scalar_2, oneOver16PiSqr, and Sqr().

◆ calculate_diagram_SSS_t8g6n28_VFF()

Decay_amplitude_SSS flexiblesusy::calculate_diagram_SSS_t8g6n28_VFF ( double  mext1,
double  mext2,
double  mext3,
double  mIV4,
double  mLF5,
double  mLF6,
const std::complex< double > &  CpF5F6V4PR,
const std::complex< double > &  CpF5F6V4PL,
const std::complex< double > &  CpcF6cF5S3PL,
const std::complex< double > &  CpcF6cF5S3PR,
const std::complex< double > &  CpS1S2cV4,
double  scale 

Evaluates T8G6N28 diagram for process S -> SS.

[in]mext1mass of external field S[1]
[in]mext2mass of external field S[2]
[in]mext3mass of external field S[3]
[in]mIV4mass of internal field V[4]
[in]mLF5mass of internal field F[5]
[in]mLF6mass of internal field F[6]
[in]CpF5F6V4PRcoupling Cp[F[5], F[6], V[4]][LorentzProduct[gamma[lt3 ], PR]]
[in]CpF5F6V4PLcoupling Cp[F[5], F[6], V[4]][LorentzProduct[gamma[lt3 ], PL]]
[in]CpcF6cF5S3PLcoupling Cp[-F[6], -F[5], S[3]][PL]
[in]CpcF6cF5S3PRcoupling Cp[-F[6], -F[5], S[3]][PR]
[in]CpS1S2cV4coupling Cp[S[1], S[2], -V[4]][Mom[S[1]] - Mom[S[2]]]
value of the one-loop diagram

Definition at line 1258 of file one_loop_decay_diagrams.cpp.

References flexiblesusy::anonymous_namespace{one_loop_decay_diagrams.cpp}::Den(), flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SSS::form_factor, flexiblesusy::Loop_library::get(), flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SSS::m_decay, flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SSS::m_scalar_1, flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SSS::m_scalar_2, oneOver16PiSqr, and Sqr().

◆ calculate_diagram_SSS_t8g7n29_VSS()

Decay_amplitude_SSS flexiblesusy::calculate_diagram_SSS_t8g7n29_VSS ( double  mext1,
double  mext2,
double  mext3,
double  mIV4,
double  mLS5,
double  mLS6,
const std::complex< double > &  CpS1S2cV4,
const std::complex< double > &  CpS3cS5cS6,
const std::complex< double > &  CpS5S6V4,
double  scale 

Evaluates T8G7N29 diagram for process S -> SS.

[in]mext1mass of external field S[1]
[in]mext2mass of external field S[2]
[in]mext3mass of external field S[3]
[in]mIV4mass of internal field V[4]
[in]mLS5mass of internal field S[5]
[in]mLS6mass of internal field S[6]
[in]CpS1S2cV4coupling Cp[S[1], S[2], -V[4]][Mom[S[1]] - Mom[S[2]]]
[in]CpS3cS5cS6coupling Cp[S[3], -S[5], -S[6]]
[in]CpS5S6V4coupling Cp[S[5], S[6], V[4]][Mom[S[5]] - Mom[S[6]]]
value of the one-loop diagram

Definition at line 1304 of file one_loop_decay_diagrams.cpp.

References flexiblesusy::anonymous_namespace{one_loop_decay_diagrams.cpp}::Den(), flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SSS::form_factor, flexiblesusy::Loop_library::get(), flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SSS::m_decay, flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SSS::m_scalar_1, flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SSS::m_scalar_2, oneOver16PiSqr, and Sqr().

◆ calculate_diagram_SSS_t8g8n30_VUU()

Decay_amplitude_SSS flexiblesusy::calculate_diagram_SSS_t8g8n30_VUU ( double  mext1,
double  mext2,
double  mext3,
double  mIV4,
double  mLU5,
double  mLU6,
const std::complex< double > &  CpS1S2cV4,
const std::complex< double > &  CpS3cU6cU5,
const std::complex< double > &  CpU5U6V41,
const std::complex< double > &  CpU5U6V42,
double  scale 

Evaluates T8G8N30 diagram for process S -> SS.

[in]mext1mass of external field S[1]
[in]mext2mass of external field S[2]
[in]mext3mass of external field S[3]
[in]mIV4mass of internal field V[4]
[in]mLU5mass of internal field U[5]
[in]mLU6mass of internal field U[6]
[in]CpS1S2cV4coupling Cp[S[1], S[2], -V[4]][Mom[S[1]] - Mom[S[2]]]
[in]CpS3cU6cU5coupling Cp[S[3], -U[6], -U[5]]
[in]CpU5U6V41coupling Cp[U[5], U[6], V[4]][Mom[U[5]]]
[in]CpU5U6V42coupling Cp[U[5], U[6], V[4]][Mom[U[6]]]
value of the one-loop diagram

Definition at line 1348 of file one_loop_decay_diagrams.cpp.

References flexiblesusy::anonymous_namespace{one_loop_decay_diagrams.cpp}::Den(), flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SSS::form_factor, flexiblesusy::Loop_library::get(), flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SSS::m_decay, flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SSS::m_scalar_1, flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SSS::m_scalar_2, oneOver16PiSqr, and Sqr().

◆ calculate_diagram_SSS_t8g9n31_VSV()

Decay_amplitude_SSS flexiblesusy::calculate_diagram_SSS_t8g9n31_VSV ( double  mext1,
double  mext2,
double  mext3,
double  mIV4,
double  mLS5,
double  mLV6,
const std::complex< double > &  CpS1S2cV4,
const std::complex< double > &  CpS3cS5cV6,
const std::complex< double > &  CpS5V4V6,
double  scale 

Evaluates T8G9N31 diagram for process S -> SS.

[in]mext1mass of external field S[1]
[in]mext2mass of external field S[2]
[in]mext3mass of external field S[3]
[in]mIV4mass of internal field V[4]
[in]mLS5mass of internal field S[5]
[in]mLV6mass of internal field V[6]
[in]CpS1S2cV4coupling Cp[S[1], S[2], -V[4]][Mom[S[1]] - Mom[S[2]]]
[in]CpS3cS5cV6coupling Cp[S[3], -S[5], -V[6]][Mom[S[3]] - Mom[-S[5]] ]
[in]CpS5V4V6coupling Cp[S[5], V[4], V[6]][g[lt2, lt3]]
value of the one-loop diagram

Definition at line 1393 of file one_loop_decay_diagrams.cpp.

References flexiblesusy::anonymous_namespace{one_loop_decay_diagrams.cpp}::Den(), flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SSS::form_factor, flexiblesusy::Loop_library::get(), flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SSS::m_decay, flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SSS::m_scalar_1, flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SSS::m_scalar_2, oneOver16PiSqr, and Sqr().

◆ calculate_diagram_SSS_t9g10n42_VVV()

Decay_amplitude_SSS flexiblesusy::calculate_diagram_SSS_t9g10n42_VVV ( double  mext1,
double  mext2,
double  mext3,
double  mIV4,
double  mLV5,
double  mLV6,
const std::complex< double > &  CpS1S3cV4,
const std::complex< double > &  CpS2cV5cV6,
const std::complex< double > &  CpV4V5V6,
double  scale 

Evaluates T9G10N42 diagram for process S -> SS.

[in]mext1mass of external field S[1]
[in]mext2mass of external field S[2]
[in]mext3mass of external field S[3]
[in]mIV4mass of internal field V[4]
[in]mLV5mass of internal field V[5]
[in]mLV6mass of internal field V[6]
[in]CpS1S3cV4coupling Cp[S[1], S[3], -V[4]][Mom[S[1]] - Mom[S[3]]]
[in]CpS2cV5cV6coupling Cp[S[2], -V[5], -V[6]][g[lt2, lt3]]
[in]CpV4V5V6coupling Cp[V[4], V[5], V[6]][g[lt1, lt2] (-Mom[V[4]] + Mom[V[5]]) + g[lt1, lt3] (Mom[V[4]] - Mom[V[6]]) + g[lt2, lt3] (-Mom[V[5]]
  • Mom[V[6]])]
value of the one-loop diagram

Definition at line 1888 of file one_loop_decay_diagrams.cpp.

References flexiblesusy::anonymous_namespace{one_loop_decay_diagrams.cpp}::Den(), flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SSS::form_factor, flexiblesusy::Loop_library::get(), flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SSS::m_decay, flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SSS::m_scalar_1, flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SSS::m_scalar_2, oneOver16PiSqr, and Sqr().

◆ calculate_diagram_SSS_t9g1n33_SFF()

Decay_amplitude_SSS flexiblesusy::calculate_diagram_SSS_t9g1n33_SFF ( double  mext1,
double  mext2,
double  mext3,
double  mIS4,
double  mLF5,
double  mLF6,
const std::complex< double > &  CpF5F6S4PL,
const std::complex< double > &  CpF5F6S4PR,
const std::complex< double > &  CpcF6cF5S2PL,
const std::complex< double > &  CpcF6cF5S2PR,
const std::complex< double > &  CpS1S3cS4,
double  scale 

Evaluates T9G1N33 diagram for process S -> SS.

[in]mext1mass of external field S[1]
[in]mext2mass of external field S[2]
[in]mext3mass of external field S[3]
[in]mIS4mass of internal field S[4]
[in]mLF5mass of internal field F[5]
[in]mLF6mass of internal field F[6]
[in]CpF5F6S4PLcoupling Cp[F[5], F[6], S[4]][PL]
[in]CpF5F6S4PRcoupling Cp[F[5], F[6], S[4]][PR]
[in]CpcF6cF5S2PLcoupling Cp[-F[6], -F[5], S[2]][PL]
[in]CpcF6cF5S2PRcoupling Cp[-F[6], -F[5], S[2]][PR]
[in]CpS1S3cS4coupling Cp[S[1], S[3], -S[4]]
value of the one-loop diagram

Definition at line 1483 of file one_loop_decay_diagrams.cpp.

References flexiblesusy::anonymous_namespace{one_loop_decay_diagrams.cpp}::Den(), flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SSS::form_factor, flexiblesusy::Loop_library::get(), flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SSS::m_decay, flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SSS::m_scalar_1, flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SSS::m_scalar_2, oneOver16PiSqr, and Sqr().

◆ calculate_diagram_SSS_t9g2n34_SSS()

Decay_amplitude_SSS flexiblesusy::calculate_diagram_SSS_t9g2n34_SSS ( double  mext1,
double  mext2,
double  mext3,
double  mIS4,
double  mLS5,
double  mLS6,
const std::complex< double > &  CpS1S3cS4,
const std::complex< double > &  CpS2cS5cS6,
const std::complex< double > &  CpS4S5S6,
double  scale 

Evaluates T9G2N34 diagram for process S -> SS.

[in]mext1mass of external field S[1]
[in]mext2mass of external field S[2]
[in]mext3mass of external field S[3]
[in]mIS4mass of internal field S[4]
[in]mLS5mass of internal field S[5]
[in]mLS6mass of internal field S[6]
[in]CpS1S3cS4coupling Cp[S[1], S[3], -S[4]]
[in]CpS2cS5cS6coupling Cp[S[2], -S[5], -S[6]]
[in]CpS4S5S6coupling Cp[S[4], S[5], S[6]]
value of the one-loop diagram

Definition at line 1533 of file one_loop_decay_diagrams.cpp.

References flexiblesusy::anonymous_namespace{one_loop_decay_diagrams.cpp}::Den(), flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SSS::form_factor, flexiblesusy::Loop_library::get(), flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SSS::m_decay, flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SSS::m_scalar_1, flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SSS::m_scalar_2, oneOver16PiSqr, and Sqr().

◆ calculate_diagram_SSS_t9g3n35_SUU()

Decay_amplitude_SSS flexiblesusy::calculate_diagram_SSS_t9g3n35_SUU ( double  mext1,
double  mext2,
double  mext3,
double  mIS4,
double  mLU5,
double  mLU6,
const std::complex< double > &  CpS1S3cS4,
const std::complex< double > &  CpS2cU6cU5,
const std::complex< double > &  CpS4U5U6,
double  scale 

Evaluates T9G3N35 diagram for process S -> SS.

[in]mext1mass of external field S[1]
[in]mext2mass of external field S[2]
[in]mext3mass of external field S[3]
[in]mIS4mass of internal field S[4]
[in]mLU5mass of internal field U[5]
[in]mLU6mass of internal field U[6]
[in]CpS1S3cS4coupling Cp[S[1], S[3], -S[4]]
[in]CpS2cU6cU5coupling Cp[S[2], -U[6], -U[5]]
[in]CpS4U5U6coupling Cp[S[4], U[5], U[6]]
value of the one-loop diagram

Definition at line 1574 of file one_loop_decay_diagrams.cpp.

References flexiblesusy::anonymous_namespace{one_loop_decay_diagrams.cpp}::Den(), flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SSS::form_factor, flexiblesusy::Loop_library::get(), flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SSS::m_decay, flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SSS::m_scalar_1, flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SSS::m_scalar_2, oneOver16PiSqr, and Sqr().

◆ calculate_diagram_SSS_t9g4n36_SSV()

Decay_amplitude_SSS flexiblesusy::calculate_diagram_SSS_t9g4n36_SSV ( double  mext1,
double  mext2,
double  mext3,
double  mIS4,
double  mLS5,
double  mLV6,
const std::complex< double > &  CpS1S3cS4,
const std::complex< double > &  CpS2cS5cV6,
const std::complex< double > &  CpS4S5V6,
double  scale 

Evaluates T9G4N36 diagram for process S -> SS.

[in]mext1mass of external field S[1]
[in]mext2mass of external field S[2]
[in]mext3mass of external field S[3]
[in]mIS4mass of internal field S[4]
[in]mLS5mass of internal field S[5]
[in]mLV6mass of internal field V[6]
[in]CpS1S3cS4coupling Cp[S[1], S[3], -S[4]]
[in]CpS2cS5cV6coupling Cp[S[2], -S[5], -V[6]][Mom[S[2]] - Mom[-S[5]] ]
[in]CpS4S5V6coupling Cp[S[4], S[5], V[6]][Mom[S[4]] - Mom[S[5]]]
value of the one-loop diagram

Definition at line 1616 of file one_loop_decay_diagrams.cpp.

References flexiblesusy::anonymous_namespace{one_loop_decay_diagrams.cpp}::Den(), flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SSS::form_factor, flexiblesusy::Loop_library::get(), flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SSS::m_decay, flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SSS::m_scalar_1, flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SSS::m_scalar_2, oneOver16PiSqr, and Sqr().

◆ calculate_diagram_SSS_t9g5n37_SVV()

Decay_amplitude_SSS flexiblesusy::calculate_diagram_SSS_t9g5n37_SVV ( double  mext1,
double  mext2,
double  mext3,
double  mIS4,
double  mLV5,
double  mLV6,
const std::complex< double > &  CpS1S3cS4,
const std::complex< double > &  CpS2cV5cV6,
const std::complex< double > &  CpS4V5V6,
double  scale,
double  finite 

Evaluates T9G5N37 diagram for process S -> SS.

[in]mext1mass of external field S[1]
[in]mext2mass of external field S[2]
[in]mext3mass of external field S[3]
[in]mIS4mass of internal field S[4]
[in]mLV5mass of internal field V[5]
[in]mLV6mass of internal field V[6]
[in]CpS1S3cS4coupling Cp[S[1], S[3], -S[4]]
[in]CpS2cV5cV6coupling Cp[S[2], -V[5], -V[6]][g[lt2, lt3]]
[in]CpS4V5V6coupling Cp[S[4], V[5], V[6]][g[lt2, lt3]]
value of the one-loop diagram

Definition at line 1663 of file one_loop_decay_diagrams.cpp.

References flexiblesusy::anonymous_namespace{one_loop_decay_diagrams.cpp}::Den(), flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SSS::form_factor, flexiblesusy::Loop_library::get(), flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SSS::m_decay, flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SSS::m_scalar_1, flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SSS::m_scalar_2, oneOver16PiSqr, and Sqr().

◆ calculate_diagram_SSS_t9g6n38_VFF()

Decay_amplitude_SSS flexiblesusy::calculate_diagram_SSS_t9g6n38_VFF ( double  mext1,
double  mext2,
double  mext3,
double  mIV4,
double  mLF5,
double  mLF6,
const std::complex< double > &  CpF5F6V4PR,
const std::complex< double > &  CpF5F6V4PL,
const std::complex< double > &  CpcF6cF5S2PL,
const std::complex< double > &  CpcF6cF5S2PR,
const std::complex< double > &  CpS1S3cV4,
double  scale 

Evaluates T9G6N38 diagram for process S -> SS.

[in]mext1mass of external field S[1]
[in]mext2mass of external field S[2]
[in]mext3mass of external field S[3]
[in]mIV4mass of internal field V[4]
[in]mLF5mass of internal field F[5]
[in]mLF6mass of internal field F[6]
[in]CpF5F6V4PRcoupling Cp[F[5], F[6], V[4]][LorentzProduct[gamma[lt3 ], PR]]
[in]CpF5F6V4PLcoupling Cp[F[5], F[6], V[4]][LorentzProduct[gamma[lt3 ], PL]]
[in]CpcF6cF5S2PLcoupling Cp[-F[6], -F[5], S[2]][PL]
[in]CpcF6cF5S2PRcoupling Cp[-F[6], -F[5], S[2]][PR]
[in]CpS1S3cV4coupling Cp[S[1], S[3], -V[4]][Mom[S[1]] - Mom[S[3]]]
value of the one-loop diagram

Definition at line 1708 of file one_loop_decay_diagrams.cpp.

References flexiblesusy::anonymous_namespace{one_loop_decay_diagrams.cpp}::Den(), flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SSS::form_factor, flexiblesusy::Loop_library::get(), flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SSS::m_decay, flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SSS::m_scalar_1, flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SSS::m_scalar_2, oneOver16PiSqr, and Sqr().

◆ calculate_diagram_SSS_t9g7n39_VSS()

Decay_amplitude_SSS flexiblesusy::calculate_diagram_SSS_t9g7n39_VSS ( double  mext1,
double  mext2,
double  mext3,
double  mIV4,
double  mLS5,
double  mLS6,
const std::complex< double > &  CpS1S3cV4,
const std::complex< double > &  CpS2cS5cS6,
const std::complex< double > &  CpS5S6V4,
double  scale 

Evaluates T9G7N39 diagram for process S -> SS.

[in]mext1mass of external field S[1]
[in]mext2mass of external field S[2]
[in]mext3mass of external field S[3]
[in]mIV4mass of internal field V[4]
[in]mLS5mass of internal field S[5]
[in]mLS6mass of internal field S[6]
[in]CpS1S3cV4coupling Cp[S[1], S[3], -V[4]][Mom[S[1]] - Mom[S[3]]]
[in]CpS2cS5cS6coupling Cp[S[2], -S[5], -S[6]]
[in]CpS5S6V4coupling Cp[S[5], S[6], V[4]][Mom[S[5]] - Mom[S[6]]]
value of the one-loop diagram

Definition at line 1754 of file one_loop_decay_diagrams.cpp.

References flexiblesusy::anonymous_namespace{one_loop_decay_diagrams.cpp}::Den(), flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SSS::form_factor, flexiblesusy::Loop_library::get(), flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SSS::m_decay, flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SSS::m_scalar_1, flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SSS::m_scalar_2, oneOver16PiSqr, and Sqr().

◆ calculate_diagram_SSS_t9g8n40_VUU()

Decay_amplitude_SSS flexiblesusy::calculate_diagram_SSS_t9g8n40_VUU ( double  mext1,
double  mext2,
double  mext3,
double  mIV4,
double  mLU5,
double  mLU6,
const std::complex< double > &  CpS1S3cV4,
const std::complex< double > &  CpS2cU6cU5,
const std::complex< double > &  CpU5U6V41,
const std::complex< double > &  CpU5U6V42,
double  scale 

Evaluates T9G8N40 diagram for process S -> SS.

[in]mext1mass of external field S[1]
[in]mext2mass of external field S[2]
[in]mext3mass of external field S[3]
[in]mIV4mass of internal field V[4]
[in]mLU5mass of internal field U[5]
[in]mLU6mass of internal field U[6]
[in]CpS1S3cV4coupling Cp[S[1], S[3], -V[4]][Mom[S[1]] - Mom[S[3]]]
[in]CpS2cU6cU5coupling Cp[S[2], -U[6], -U[5]]
[in]CpU5U6V41coupling Cp[U[5], U[6], V[4]][Mom[U[5]]]
[in]CpU5U6V42coupling Cp[U[5], U[6], V[4]][Mom[U[6]]]
value of the one-loop diagram

Definition at line 1798 of file one_loop_decay_diagrams.cpp.

References flexiblesusy::anonymous_namespace{one_loop_decay_diagrams.cpp}::Den(), flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SSS::form_factor, flexiblesusy::Loop_library::get(), flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SSS::m_decay, flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SSS::m_scalar_1, flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SSS::m_scalar_2, oneOver16PiSqr, and Sqr().

◆ calculate_diagram_SSS_t9g9n41_VSV()

Decay_amplitude_SSS flexiblesusy::calculate_diagram_SSS_t9g9n41_VSV ( double  mext1,
double  mext2,
double  mext3,
double  mIV4,
double  mLS5,
double  mLV6,
const std::complex< double > &  CpS1S3cV4,
const std::complex< double > &  CpS2cS5cV6,
const std::complex< double > &  CpS5V4V6,
double  scale 

Evaluates T9G9N41 diagram for process S -> SS.

[in]mext1mass of external field S[1]
[in]mext2mass of external field S[2]
[in]mext3mass of external field S[3]
[in]mIV4mass of internal field V[4]
[in]mLS5mass of internal field S[5]
[in]mLV6mass of internal field V[6]
[in]CpS1S3cV4coupling Cp[S[1], S[3], -V[4]][Mom[S[1]] - Mom[S[3]]]
[in]CpS2cS5cV6coupling Cp[S[2], -S[5], -V[6]][Mom[S[2]] - Mom[-S[5]] ]
[in]CpS5V4V6coupling Cp[S[5], V[4], V[6]][g[lt2, lt3]]
value of the one-loop diagram

Definition at line 1843 of file one_loop_decay_diagrams.cpp.

References flexiblesusy::anonymous_namespace{one_loop_decay_diagrams.cpp}::Den(), flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SSS::form_factor, flexiblesusy::Loop_library::get(), flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SSS::m_decay, flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SSS::m_scalar_1, flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SSS::m_scalar_2, oneOver16PiSqr, and Sqr().

◆ calculate_diagram_SSV_t10g10n50_VVV()

Decay_amplitude_SSV flexiblesusy::calculate_diagram_SSV_t10g10n50_VVV ( double  mext1,
double  mext2,
double  mext3,
double  mIV4,
double  mLV5,
double  mLV6,
const std::complex< double > &  CpS1cV5cV6,
const std::complex< double > &  CpS2V3cV4,
const std::complex< double > &  CpV4V5V6,
double  scale 

Evaluates T10G10N50 diagram for process S -> SV.

[in]mext1mass of external field S[1]
[in]mext2mass of external field S[2]
[in]mext3mass of external field V[3]
[in]mIV4mass of internal field V[4]
[in]mLV5mass of internal field V[5]
[in]mLV6mass of internal field V[6]
[in]CpS1cV5cV6coupling Cp[S[1], -V[5], -V[6]][g[lt2, lt3]]
[in]CpS2V3cV4coupling Cp[S[2], V[3], -V[4]][g[lt2, lt3]]
[in]CpV4V5V6coupling Cp[V[4], V[5], V[6]][g[lt1, lt2] (-Mom[V[4]] + Mom[V[5]]) + g[lt1, lt3] (Mom[V[4]] - Mom[V[6]]) + g[lt2, lt3] (-Mom[V[5]]
  • Mom[V[6]])]
value of the one-loop diagram

Definition at line 6255 of file one_loop_decay_diagrams.cpp.

References flexiblesusy::anonymous_namespace{one_loop_decay_diagrams.cpp}::Den(), flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SSV::form_factor, flexiblesusy::Loop_library::get(), flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SSV::m_decay, flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SSV::m_scalar, flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SSV::m_vector, oneOver16PiSqr, and Sqr().

◆ calculate_diagram_SSV_t10g1n41_SFF()

Decay_amplitude_SSV flexiblesusy::calculate_diagram_SSV_t10g1n41_SFF ( double  mext1,
double  mext2,
double  mext3,
double  mIS4,
double  mLF5,
double  mLF6,
const std::complex< double > &  CpF5F6S4PL,
const std::complex< double > &  CpF5F6S4PR,
const std::complex< double > &  CpcF6cF5S1PL,
const std::complex< double > &  CpcF6cF5S1PR,
const std::complex< double > &  CpS2cS4V3,
double  scale 

Evaluates T10G1N41 diagram for process S -> SV.

[in]mext1mass of external field S[1]
[in]mext2mass of external field S[2]
[in]mext3mass of external field V[3]
[in]mIS4mass of internal field S[4]
[in]mLF5mass of internal field F[5]
[in]mLF6mass of internal field F[6]
[in]CpF5F6S4PLcoupling Cp[F[5], F[6], S[4]][PL]
[in]CpF5F6S4PRcoupling Cp[F[5], F[6], S[4]][PR]
[in]CpcF6cF5S1PLcoupling Cp[-F[6], -F[5], S[1]][PL]
[in]CpcF6cF5S1PRcoupling Cp[-F[6], -F[5], S[1]][PR]
[in]CpS2cS4V3coupling Cp[S[2], -S[4], V[3]][Mom[S[2]] - Mom[-S[4]]]
value of the one-loop diagram

Definition at line 5856 of file one_loop_decay_diagrams.cpp.

References flexiblesusy::anonymous_namespace{one_loop_decay_diagrams.cpp}::Den(), flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SSV::form_factor, flexiblesusy::Loop_library::get(), flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SSV::m_decay, flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SSV::m_scalar, flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SSV::m_vector, oneOver16PiSqr, and Sqr().

◆ calculate_diagram_SSV_t10g2n42_SSS()

Decay_amplitude_SSV flexiblesusy::calculate_diagram_SSV_t10g2n42_SSS ( double  mext1,
double  mext2,
double  mext3,
double  mIS4,
double  mLS5,
double  mLS6,
const std::complex< double > &  CpS1cS5cS6,
const std::complex< double > &  CpS2cS4V3,
const std::complex< double > &  CpS4S5S6,
double  scale 

Evaluates T10G2N42 diagram for process S -> SV.

[in]mext1mass of external field S[1]
[in]mext2mass of external field S[2]
[in]mext3mass of external field V[3]
[in]mIS4mass of internal field S[4]
[in]mLS5mass of internal field S[5]
[in]mLS6mass of internal field S[6]
[in]CpS1cS5cS6coupling Cp[S[1], -S[5], -S[6]]
[in]CpS2cS4V3coupling Cp[S[2], -S[4], V[3]][Mom[S[2]] - Mom[-S[4]]]
[in]CpS4S5S6coupling Cp[S[4], S[5], S[6]]
value of the one-loop diagram

Definition at line 5906 of file one_loop_decay_diagrams.cpp.

References flexiblesusy::anonymous_namespace{one_loop_decay_diagrams.cpp}::Den(), flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SSV::form_factor, flexiblesusy::Loop_library::get(), flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SSV::m_decay, flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SSV::m_scalar, flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SSV::m_vector, oneOver16PiSqr, and Sqr().

◆ calculate_diagram_SSV_t10g3n43_SUU()

Decay_amplitude_SSV flexiblesusy::calculate_diagram_SSV_t10g3n43_SUU ( double  mext1,
double  mext2,
double  mext3,
double  mIS4,
double  mLU5,
double  mLU6,
const std::complex< double > &  CpS1cU6cU5,
const std::complex< double > &  CpS2cS4V3,
const std::complex< double > &  CpS4U5U6,
double  scale 

Evaluates T10G3N43 diagram for process S -> SV.

[in]mext1mass of external field S[1]
[in]mext2mass of external field S[2]
[in]mext3mass of external field V[3]
[in]mIS4mass of internal field S[4]
[in]mLU5mass of internal field U[5]
[in]mLU6mass of internal field U[6]
[in]CpS1cU6cU5coupling Cp[S[1], -U[6], -U[5]]
[in]CpS2cS4V3coupling Cp[S[2], -S[4], V[3]][Mom[S[2]] - Mom[-S[4]]]
[in]CpS4U5U6coupling Cp[S[4], U[5], U[6]]
value of the one-loop diagram

Definition at line 5947 of file one_loop_decay_diagrams.cpp.

References flexiblesusy::anonymous_namespace{one_loop_decay_diagrams.cpp}::Den(), flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SSV::form_factor, flexiblesusy::Loop_library::get(), flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SSV::m_decay, flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SSV::m_scalar, flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SSV::m_vector, oneOver16PiSqr, and Sqr().

◆ calculate_diagram_SSV_t10g4n44_SSV()

Decay_amplitude_SSV flexiblesusy::calculate_diagram_SSV_t10g4n44_SSV ( double  mext1,
double  mext2,
double  mext3,
double  mIS4,
double  mLS5,
double  mLV6,
const std::complex< double > &  CpS1cS5cV6,
const std::complex< double > &  CpS2cS4V3,
const std::complex< double > &  CpS4S5V6,
double  scale 

Evaluates T10G4N44 diagram for process S -> SV.

[in]mext1mass of external field S[1]
[in]mext2mass of external field S[2]
[in]mext3mass of external field V[3]
[in]mIS4mass of internal field S[4]
[in]mLS5mass of internal field S[5]
[in]mLV6mass of internal field V[6]
[in]CpS1cS5cV6coupling Cp[S[1], -S[5], -V[6]][Mom[S[1]] - Mom[-S[5]] ]
[in]CpS2cS4V3coupling Cp[S[2], -S[4], V[3]][Mom[S[2]] - Mom[-S[4]]]
[in]CpS4S5V6coupling Cp[S[4], S[5], V[6]][Mom[S[4]] - Mom[S[5]]]
value of the one-loop diagram

Definition at line 5989 of file one_loop_decay_diagrams.cpp.

References flexiblesusy::anonymous_namespace{one_loop_decay_diagrams.cpp}::Den(), flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SSV::form_factor, flexiblesusy::Loop_library::get(), flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SSV::m_decay, flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SSV::m_scalar, flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SSV::m_vector, oneOver16PiSqr, and Sqr().

◆ calculate_diagram_SSV_t10g5n45_SVV()

Decay_amplitude_SSV flexiblesusy::calculate_diagram_SSV_t10g5n45_SVV ( double  mext1,
double  mext2,
double  mext3,
double  mIS4,
double  mLV5,
double  mLV6,
const std::complex< double > &  CpS1cV5cV6,
const std::complex< double > &  CpS2cS4V3,
const std::complex< double > &  CpS4V5V6,
double  scale,
double  finite 

Evaluates T10G5N45 diagram for process S -> SV.

[in]mext1mass of external field S[1]
[in]mext2mass of external field S[2]
[in]mext3mass of external field V[3]
[in]mIS4mass of internal field S[4]
[in]mLV5mass of internal field V[5]
[in]mLV6mass of internal field V[6]
[in]CpS1cV5cV6coupling Cp[S[1], -V[5], -V[6]][g[lt2, lt3]]
[in]CpS2cS4V3coupling Cp[S[2], -S[4], V[3]][Mom[S[2]] - Mom[-S[4]]]
[in]CpS4V5V6coupling Cp[S[4], V[5], V[6]][g[lt2, lt3]]
value of the one-loop diagram

Definition at line 6036 of file one_loop_decay_diagrams.cpp.

References flexiblesusy::anonymous_namespace{one_loop_decay_diagrams.cpp}::Den(), flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SSV::form_factor, flexiblesusy::Loop_library::get(), flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SSV::m_decay, flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SSV::m_scalar, flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SSV::m_vector, oneOver16PiSqr, and Sqr().

◆ calculate_diagram_SSV_t10g6n46_VFF()

Decay_amplitude_SSV flexiblesusy::calculate_diagram_SSV_t10g6n46_VFF ( double  mext1,
double  mext2,
double  mext3,
double  mIV4,
double  mLF5,
double  mLF6,
const std::complex< double > &  CpF5F6V4PR,
const std::complex< double > &  CpF5F6V4PL,
const std::complex< double > &  CpcF6cF5S1PL,
const std::complex< double > &  CpcF6cF5S1PR,
const std::complex< double > &  CpS2V3cV4,
double  scale 

Evaluates T10G6N46 diagram for process S -> SV.

[in]mext1mass of external field S[1]
[in]mext2mass of external field S[2]
[in]mext3mass of external field V[3]
[in]mIV4mass of internal field V[4]
[in]mLF5mass of internal field F[5]
[in]mLF6mass of internal field F[6]
[in]CpF5F6V4PRcoupling Cp[F[5], F[6], V[4]][LorentzProduct[gamma[lt3 ], PR]]
[in]CpF5F6V4PLcoupling Cp[F[5], F[6], V[4]][LorentzProduct[gamma[lt3 ], PL]]
[in]CpcF6cF5S1PLcoupling Cp[-F[6], -F[5], S[1]][PL]
[in]CpcF6cF5S1PRcoupling Cp[-F[6], -F[5], S[1]][PR]
[in]CpS2V3cV4coupling Cp[S[2], V[3], -V[4]][g[lt2, lt3]]
value of the one-loop diagram

Definition at line 6081 of file one_loop_decay_diagrams.cpp.

References flexiblesusy::anonymous_namespace{one_loop_decay_diagrams.cpp}::Den(), flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SSV::form_factor, flexiblesusy::Loop_library::get(), flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SSV::m_decay, flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SSV::m_scalar, flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SSV::m_vector, oneOver16PiSqr, and Sqr().

◆ calculate_diagram_SSV_t10g7n47_VSS()

Decay_amplitude_SSV flexiblesusy::calculate_diagram_SSV_t10g7n47_VSS ( double  mext1,
double  mext2,
double  mext3,
double  mIV4,
double  mLS5,
double  mLS6,
const std::complex< double > &  CpS1cS5cS6,
const std::complex< double > &  CpS2V3cV4,
const std::complex< double > &  CpS5S6V4,
double  scale 

Evaluates T10G7N47 diagram for process S -> SV.

[in]mext1mass of external field S[1]
[in]mext2mass of external field S[2]
[in]mext3mass of external field V[3]
[in]mIV4mass of internal field V[4]
[in]mLS5mass of internal field S[5]
[in]mLS6mass of internal field S[6]
[in]CpS1cS5cS6coupling Cp[S[1], -S[5], -S[6]]
[in]CpS2V3cV4coupling Cp[S[2], V[3], -V[4]][g[lt2, lt3]]
[in]CpS5S6V4coupling Cp[S[5], S[6], V[4]][Mom[S[5]] - Mom[S[6]]]
value of the one-loop diagram

Definition at line 6127 of file one_loop_decay_diagrams.cpp.

References flexiblesusy::anonymous_namespace{one_loop_decay_diagrams.cpp}::Den(), flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SSV::form_factor, flexiblesusy::Loop_library::get(), flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SSV::m_decay, flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SSV::m_scalar, flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SSV::m_vector, oneOver16PiSqr, and Sqr().

◆ calculate_diagram_SSV_t10g8n48_VUU()

Decay_amplitude_SSV flexiblesusy::calculate_diagram_SSV_t10g8n48_VUU ( double  mext1,
double  mext2,
double  mext3,
double  mIV4,
double  mLU5,
double  mLU6,
const std::complex< double > &  CpS1cU6cU5,
const std::complex< double > &  CpS2V3cV4,
const std::complex< double > &  CpU5U6V4,
double  scale 

Evaluates T10G8N48 diagram for process S -> SV.

[in]mext1mass of external field S[1]
[in]mext2mass of external field S[2]
[in]mext3mass of external field V[3]
[in]mIV4mass of internal field V[4]
[in]mLU5mass of internal field U[5]
[in]mLU6mass of internal field U[6]
[in]CpS1cU6cU5coupling Cp[S[1], -U[6], -U[5]]
[in]CpS2V3cV4coupling Cp[S[2], V[3], -V[4]][g[lt2, lt3]]
[in]CpU5U6V4coupling Cp[U[5], U[6], V[4]][Mom[U[5]]]
value of the one-loop diagram

Definition at line 6169 of file one_loop_decay_diagrams.cpp.

References flexiblesusy::anonymous_namespace{one_loop_decay_diagrams.cpp}::Den(), flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SSV::form_factor, flexiblesusy::Loop_library::get(), flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SSV::m_decay, flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SSV::m_scalar, flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SSV::m_vector, oneOver16PiSqr, and Sqr().

◆ calculate_diagram_SSV_t10g9n49_VSV()

Decay_amplitude_SSV flexiblesusy::calculate_diagram_SSV_t10g9n49_VSV ( double  mext1,
double  mext2,
double  mext3,
double  mIV4,
double  mLS5,
double  mLV6,
const std::complex< double > &  CpS1cS5cV6,
const std::complex< double > &  CpS2V3cV4,
const std::complex< double > &  CpS5V4V6,
double  scale 

Evaluates T10G9N49 diagram for process S -> SV.

[in]mext1mass of external field S[1]
[in]mext2mass of external field S[2]
[in]mext3mass of external field V[3]
[in]mIV4mass of internal field V[4]
[in]mLS5mass of internal field S[5]
[in]mLV6mass of internal field V[6]
[in]CpS1cS5cV6coupling Cp[S[1], -S[5], -V[6]][Mom[S[1]] - Mom[-S[5]] ]
[in]CpS2V3cV4coupling Cp[S[2], V[3], -V[4]][g[lt2, lt3]]
[in]CpS5V4V6coupling Cp[S[5], V[4], V[6]][g[lt2, lt3]]
value of the one-loop diagram

Definition at line 6211 of file one_loop_decay_diagrams.cpp.

References flexiblesusy::anonymous_namespace{one_loop_decay_diagrams.cpp}::Den(), flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SSV::form_factor, flexiblesusy::Loop_library::get(), flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SSV::m_decay, flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SSV::m_scalar, flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SSV::m_vector, oneOver16PiSqr, and Sqr().

◆ calculate_diagram_SSV_t1g10n10_VVV()

Decay_amplitude_SSV flexiblesusy::calculate_diagram_SSV_t1g10n10_VVV ( double  mext1,
double  mext2,
double  mext3,
double  mLV4,
double  mLV5,
double  mLV6,
const std::complex< double > &  CpS1cV4cV5,
const std::complex< double > &  CpS2V4cV6,
const std::complex< double > &  CpV3V5V6,
double  scale 

Evaluates T1G10N10 diagram for process S -> SV.

[in]mext1mass of external field S[1]
[in]mext2mass of external field S[2]
[in]mext3mass of external field V[3]
[in]mLV4mass of internal field V[4]
[in]mLV5mass of internal field V[5]
[in]mLV6mass of internal field V[6]
[in]CpS1cV4cV5coupling Cp[S[1], -V[4], -V[5]][g[lt2, lt3]]
[in]CpS2V4cV6coupling Cp[S[2], V[4], -V[6]][g[lt2, lt3]]
[in]CpV3V5V6coupling Cp[V[3], V[5], V[6]][g[lt1, lt2] (-Mom[V[3]] + Mom[V[5]]) + g[lt1, lt3] (Mom[V[3]] - Mom[V[6]]) + g[lt2, lt3] (-Mom[V[5]]
  • Mom[V[6]])]
value of the one-loop diagram

Definition at line 4848 of file one_loop_decay_diagrams.cpp.

References flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SSV::form_factor, flexiblesusy::Loop_library::get(), flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SSV::m_decay, flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SSV::m_scalar, flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SSV::m_vector, and oneOver16PiSqr.

◆ calculate_diagram_SSV_t1g1n1_FFF()

Decay_amplitude_SSV flexiblesusy::calculate_diagram_SSV_t1g1n1_FFF ( double  mext1,
double  mext2,
double  mext3,
double  mLF4,
double  mLF5,
double  mLF6,
const std::complex< double > &  CpcF4cF5S1PL,
const std::complex< double > &  CpcF4cF5S1PR,
const std::complex< double > &  CpF5F6V3PL,
const std::complex< double > &  CpF5F6V3PR,
const std::complex< double > &  CpcF6F4S2PL,
const std::complex< double > &  CpcF6F4S2PR,
double  scale 

Evaluates T1G1N1 diagram for process S -> SV.

[in]mext1mass of external field S[1]
[in]mext2mass of external field S[2]
[in]mext3mass of external field V[3]
[in]mLF4mass of internal field F[4]
[in]mLF5mass of internal field F[5]
[in]mLF6mass of internal field F[6]
[in]CpcF4cF5S1PLcoupling Cp[-F[4], -F[5], S[1]][PL]
[in]CpcF4cF5S1PRcoupling Cp[-F[4], -F[5], S[1]][PR]
[in]CpF5F6V3PLcoupling Cp[F[5], F[6], V[3]][LorentzProduct[gamma[lt3 ], PL]]
[in]CpF5F6V3PRcoupling Cp[F[5], F[6], V[3]][LorentzProduct[gamma[lt3 ], PR]]
[in]CpcF6F4S2PLcoupling Cp[-F[6], F[4], S[2]][PL]
[in]CpcF6F4S2PRcoupling Cp[-F[6], F[4], S[2]][PR]
value of the one-loop diagram

Definition at line 4398 of file one_loop_decay_diagrams.cpp.

References flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SSV::form_factor, flexiblesusy::Loop_library::get(), flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SSV::m_decay, flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SSV::m_scalar, flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SSV::m_vector, oneOver16PiSqr, and Sqr().

◆ calculate_diagram_SSV_t1g2n2_SSS()

Decay_amplitude_SSV flexiblesusy::calculate_diagram_SSV_t1g2n2_SSS ( double  mext1,
double  mext2,
double  mext3,
double  mLS4,
double  mLS5,
double  mLS6,
const std::complex< double > &  CpS1cS4cS5,
const std::complex< double > &  CpS2S4cS6,
const std::complex< double > &  CpS5S6V3,
double  scale 

Evaluates T1G2N2 diagram for process S -> SV.

[in]mext1mass of external field S[1]
[in]mext2mass of external field S[2]
[in]mext3mass of external field V[3]
[in]mLS4mass of internal field S[4]
[in]mLS5mass of internal field S[5]
[in]mLS6mass of internal field S[6]
[in]CpS1cS4cS5coupling Cp[S[1], -S[4], -S[5]]
[in]CpS2S4cS6coupling Cp[S[2], S[4], -S[6]]
[in]CpS5S6V3coupling Cp[S[5], S[6], V[3]][Mom[S[5]] - Mom[S[6]]]
value of the one-loop diagram

Definition at line 4465 of file one_loop_decay_diagrams.cpp.

References flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SSV::form_factor, flexiblesusy::Loop_library::get(), flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SSV::m_decay, flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SSV::m_scalar, flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SSV::m_vector, and oneOver16PiSqr.

◆ calculate_diagram_SSV_t1g3n3_UUU()

Decay_amplitude_SSV flexiblesusy::calculate_diagram_SSV_t1g3n3_UUU ( double  mext1,
double  mext2,
double  mext3,
double  mLU4,
double  mLU5,
double  mLU6,
const std::complex< double > &  CpS1cU4cU5,
const std::complex< double > &  CpS2cU6U4,
const std::complex< double > &  CpU5U6V3,
double  scale 

Evaluates T1G3N3 diagram for process S -> SV.

[in]mext1mass of external field S[1]
[in]mext2mass of external field S[2]
[in]mext3mass of external field V[3]
[in]mLU4mass of internal field U[4]
[in]mLU5mass of internal field U[5]
[in]mLU6mass of internal field U[6]
[in]CpS1cU4cU5coupling Cp[S[1], -U[4], -U[5]]
[in]CpS2cU6U4coupling Cp[S[2], -U[6], U[4]]
[in]CpU5U6V3coupling Cp[U[5], U[6], V[3]][Mom[U[5]]]
value of the one-loop diagram

Definition at line 4509 of file one_loop_decay_diagrams.cpp.

References flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SSV::form_factor, flexiblesusy::Loop_library::get(), flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SSV::m_decay, flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SSV::m_scalar, flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SSV::m_vector, and oneOver16PiSqr.

◆ calculate_diagram_SSV_t1g4n4_SSV()

Decay_amplitude_SSV flexiblesusy::calculate_diagram_SSV_t1g4n4_SSV ( double  mext1,
double  mext2,
double  mext3,
double  mLS4,
double  mLS5,
double  mLV6,
const std::complex< double > &  CpS1cS4cS5,
const std::complex< double > &  CpS2S4cV6,
const std::complex< double > &  CpS5V3V6,
double  scale 

Evaluates T1G4N4 diagram for process S -> SV.

[in]mext1mass of external field S[1]
[in]mext2mass of external field S[2]
[in]mext3mass of external field V[3]
[in]mLS4mass of internal field S[4]
[in]mLS5mass of internal field S[5]
[in]mLV6mass of internal field V[6]
[in]CpS1cS4cS5coupling Cp[S[1], -S[4], -S[5]]
[in]CpS2S4cV6coupling Cp[S[2], S[4], -V[6]][Mom[S[2]] - Mom[S[4]]]
[in]CpS5V3V6coupling Cp[S[5], V[3], V[6]][g[lt2, lt3]]
value of the one-loop diagram

Definition at line 4553 of file one_loop_decay_diagrams.cpp.

References flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SSV::form_factor, flexiblesusy::Loop_library::get(), flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SSV::m_decay, flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SSV::m_scalar, flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SSV::m_vector, and oneOver16PiSqr.

◆ calculate_diagram_SSV_t1g5n5_SVS()

Decay_amplitude_SSV flexiblesusy::calculate_diagram_SSV_t1g5n5_SVS ( double  mext1,
double  mext2,
double  mext3,
double  mLS4,
double  mLV5,
double  mLS6,
const std::complex< double > &  CpS1cS4cV5,
const std::complex< double > &  CpS2S4cS6,
const std::complex< double > &  CpS6V3V5,
double  scale 

Evaluates T1G5N5 diagram for process S -> SV.

[in]mext1mass of external field S[1]
[in]mext2mass of external field S[2]
[in]mext3mass of external field V[3]
[in]mLS4mass of internal field S[4]
[in]mLV5mass of internal field V[5]
[in]mLS6mass of internal field S[6]
[in]CpS1cS4cV5coupling Cp[S[1], -S[4], -V[5]][Mom[S[1]] - Mom[-S[4]] ]
[in]CpS2S4cS6coupling Cp[S[2], S[4], -S[6]]
[in]CpS6V3V5coupling Cp[S[6], V[3], V[5]][g[lt2, lt3]]
value of the one-loop diagram

Definition at line 4598 of file one_loop_decay_diagrams.cpp.

References flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SSV::form_factor, flexiblesusy::Loop_library::get(), flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SSV::m_decay, flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SSV::m_scalar, flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SSV::m_vector, and oneOver16PiSqr.

◆ calculate_diagram_SSV_t1g6n6_VSS()

Decay_amplitude_SSV flexiblesusy::calculate_diagram_SSV_t1g6n6_VSS ( double  mext1,
double  mext2,
double  mext3,
double  mLV4,
double  mLS5,
double  mLS6,
const std::complex< double > &  CpS1cS5cV4,
const std::complex< double > &  CpS2cS6V4,
const std::complex< double > &  CpS5S6V3,
double  scale 

Evaluates T1G6N6 diagram for process S -> SV.

[in]mext1mass of external field S[1]
[in]mext2mass of external field S[2]
[in]mext3mass of external field V[3]
[in]mLV4mass of internal field V[4]
[in]mLS5mass of internal field S[5]
[in]mLS6mass of internal field S[6]
[in]CpS1cS5cV4coupling Cp[S[1], -S[5], -V[4]][Mom[S[1]] - Mom[-S[5]] ]
[in]CpS2cS6V4coupling Cp[S[2], -S[6], V[4]][Mom[S[2]] - Mom[-S[6]]]
[in]CpS5S6V3coupling Cp[S[5], S[6], V[3]][Mom[S[5]] - Mom[S[6]]]
value of the one-loop diagram

Definition at line 4643 of file one_loop_decay_diagrams.cpp.

References flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SSV::form_factor, flexiblesusy::Loop_library::get(), flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SSV::m_decay, flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SSV::m_scalar, flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SSV::m_vector, oneOver16PiSqr, and Sqr().

◆ calculate_diagram_SSV_t1g7n7_SVV()

Decay_amplitude_SSV flexiblesusy::calculate_diagram_SSV_t1g7n7_SVV ( double  mext1,
double  mext2,
double  mext3,
double  mLS4,
double  mLV5,
double  mLV6,
const std::complex< double > &  CpS1cS4cV5,
const std::complex< double > &  CpS2S4cV6,
const std::complex< double > &  CpV3V5V6,
double  scale 

Evaluates T1G7N7 diagram for process S -> SV.

[in]mext1mass of external field S[1]
[in]mext2mass of external field S[2]
[in]mext3mass of external field V[3]
[in]mLS4mass of internal field S[4]
[in]mLV5mass of internal field V[5]
[in]mLV6mass of internal field V[6]
[in]CpS1cS4cV5coupling Cp[S[1], -S[4], -V[5]][Mom[S[1]] - Mom[-S[4]] ]
[in]CpS2S4cV6coupling Cp[S[2], S[4], -V[6]][Mom[S[2]] - Mom[S[4]]]
[in]CpV3V5V6coupling Cp[V[3], V[5], V[6]][g[lt1, lt2] (-Mom[V[3]] + Mom[V[5]]) + g[lt1, lt3] (Mom[V[3]] - Mom[V[6]]) + g[lt2, lt3] (-Mom[V[5]]
  • Mom[V[6]])]
value of the one-loop diagram

Definition at line 4700 of file one_loop_decay_diagrams.cpp.

References flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SSV::form_factor, flexiblesusy::Loop_library::get(), flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SSV::m_decay, flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SSV::m_scalar, flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SSV::m_vector, oneOver16PiSqr, and Sqr().

◆ calculate_diagram_SSV_t1g8n8_VSV()

Decay_amplitude_SSV flexiblesusy::calculate_diagram_SSV_t1g8n8_VSV ( double  mext1,
double  mext2,
double  mext3,
double  mLV4,
double  mLS5,
double  mLV6,
const std::complex< double > &  CpS1cS5cV4,
const std::complex< double > &  CpS2V4cV6,
const std::complex< double > &  CpS5V3V6,
double  scale 

Evaluates T1G8N8 diagram for process S -> SV.

[in]mext1mass of external field S[1]
[in]mext2mass of external field S[2]
[in]mext3mass of external field V[3]
[in]mLV4mass of internal field V[4]
[in]mLS5mass of internal field S[5]
[in]mLV6mass of internal field V[6]
[in]CpS1cS5cV4coupling Cp[S[1], -S[5], -V[4]][Mom[S[1]] - Mom[-S[5]] ]
[in]CpS2V4cV6coupling Cp[S[2], V[4], -V[6]][g[lt2, lt3]]
[in]CpS5V3V6coupling Cp[S[5], V[3], V[6]][g[lt2, lt3]]
value of the one-loop diagram

Definition at line 4758 of file one_loop_decay_diagrams.cpp.

References flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SSV::form_factor, flexiblesusy::Loop_library::get(), flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SSV::m_decay, flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SSV::m_scalar, flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SSV::m_vector, and oneOver16PiSqr.

◆ calculate_diagram_SSV_t1g9n9_VVS()

Decay_amplitude_SSV flexiblesusy::calculate_diagram_SSV_t1g9n9_VVS ( double  mext1,
double  mext2,
double  mext3,
double  mLV4,
double  mLV5,
double  mLS6,
const std::complex< double > &  CpS1cV4cV5,
const std::complex< double > &  CpS2cS6V4,
const std::complex< double > &  CpS6V3V5,
double  scale 

Evaluates T1G9N9 diagram for process S -> SV.

[in]mext1mass of external field S[1]
[in]mext2mass of external field S[2]
[in]mext3mass of external field V[3]
[in]mLV4mass of internal field V[4]
[in]mLV5mass of internal field V[5]
[in]mLS6mass of internal field S[6]
[in]CpS1cV4cV5coupling Cp[S[1], -V[4], -V[5]][g[lt2, lt3]]
[in]CpS2cS6V4coupling Cp[S[2], -S[6], V[4]][Mom[S[2]] - Mom[-S[6]]]
[in]CpS6V3V5coupling Cp[S[6], V[3], V[5]][g[lt2, lt3]]
value of the one-loop diagram

Definition at line 4802 of file one_loop_decay_diagrams.cpp.

References flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SSV::form_factor, flexiblesusy::Loop_library::get(), flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SSV::m_decay, flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SSV::m_scalar, flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SSV::m_vector, and oneOver16PiSqr.

◆ calculate_diagram_SSV_t2g1n11_VS()

Decay_amplitude_SSV flexiblesusy::calculate_diagram_SSV_t2g1n11_VS ( double  mext1,
double  mext2,
double  mext3,
double  mIV4,
double  mLS5,
const std::complex< double > &  CpS1S2cV4,
const std::complex< double > &  CpcS5S5V3V4,
double  scale 

Evaluates T2G1N11 diagram for process S -> SV.

[in]mext1mass of external field S[1]
[in]mext2mass of external field S[2]
[in]mext3mass of external field V[3]
[in]mIV4mass of internal field V[4]
[in]mLS5mass of internal field S[5]
[in]CpS1S2cV4coupling Cp[S[1], S[2], -V[4]][Mom[S[1]] - Mom[S[2]]]
[in]CpcS5S5V3V4coupling Cp[-S[5], S[5], V[3], V[4]][g[lt3, lt4]]
value of the one-loop diagram

Definition at line 4890 of file one_loop_decay_diagrams.cpp.

References flexiblesusy::anonymous_namespace{one_loop_decay_diagrams.cpp}::Den(), flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SSV::form_factor, flexiblesusy::Loop_library::get(), flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SSV::m_decay, flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SSV::m_scalar, flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SSV::m_vector, oneOver16PiSqr, and Sqr().

◆ calculate_diagram_SSV_t2g2n12_VV()

Decay_amplitude_SSV flexiblesusy::calculate_diagram_SSV_t2g2n12_VV ( double  mext1,
double  mext2,
double  mext3,
double  mIV4,
double  mLV5,
const std::complex< double > &  CpS1S2cV4,
const std::complex< double > &  CpV3V4cV5V51,
const std::complex< double > &  CpV3V4cV5V52,
const std::complex< double > &  CpV3V4cV5V53,
double  scale,
double  finite 

Evaluates T2G2N12 diagram for process S -> SV.

[in]mext1mass of external field S[1]
[in]mext2mass of external field S[2]
[in]mext3mass of external field V[3]
[in]mIV4mass of internal field V[4]
[in]mLV5mass of internal field V[5]
[in]CpS1S2cV4coupling Cp[S[1], S[2], -V[4]][Mom[S[1]] - Mom[S[2]]]
[in]CpV3V4cV5V51coupling Cp[V[3], V[4], -V[5], V[5]][g[lt1, lt2] g[ lt3, lt4]]
[in]CpV3V4cV5V52coupling Cp[V[3], V[4], -V[5], V[5]][g[lt1, lt4] g[ lt2, lt3]]
[in]CpV3V4cV5V53coupling Cp[V[3], V[4], -V[5], V[5]][g[lt1, lt3] g[ lt2, lt4]]
value of the one-loop diagram

Definition at line 4934 of file one_loop_decay_diagrams.cpp.

References flexiblesusy::anonymous_namespace{one_loop_decay_diagrams.cpp}::Den(), flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SSV::form_factor, flexiblesusy::Loop_library::get(), flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SSV::m_decay, flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SSV::m_scalar, flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SSV::m_vector, oneOver16PiSqr, and Sqr().

◆ calculate_diagram_SSV_t3g1n13_SS()

Decay_amplitude_SSV flexiblesusy::calculate_diagram_SSV_t3g1n13_SS ( double  mext1,
double  mext2,
double  mext3,
double  mIS4,
double  mLS5,
const std::complex< double > &  CpS1cS4V3,
const std::complex< double > &  CpS2S4cS5S5,
double  scale 

Evaluates T3G1N13 diagram for process S -> SV.

[in]mext1mass of external field S[1]
[in]mext2mass of external field S[2]
[in]mext3mass of external field V[3]
[in]mIS4mass of internal field S[4]
[in]mLS5mass of internal field S[5]
[in]CpS1cS4V3coupling Cp[S[1], -S[4], V[3]][Mom[S[1]] - Mom[-S[4]]]
[in]CpS2S4cS5S5coupling Cp[S[2], S[4], -S[5], S[5]]
value of the one-loop diagram

Definition at line 4975 of file one_loop_decay_diagrams.cpp.

References flexiblesusy::anonymous_namespace{one_loop_decay_diagrams.cpp}::Den(), flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SSV::form_factor, flexiblesusy::Loop_library::get(), flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SSV::m_decay, flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SSV::m_scalar, flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SSV::m_vector, oneOver16PiSqr, and Sqr().

◆ calculate_diagram_SSV_t3g2n14_SV()

Decay_amplitude_SSV flexiblesusy::calculate_diagram_SSV_t3g2n14_SV ( double  mext1,
double  mext2,
double  mext3,
double  mIS4,
double  mLV5,
const std::complex< double > &  CpS1cS4V3,
const std::complex< double > &  CpS2S4cV5V5,
double  scale,
double  finite 

Evaluates T3G2N14 diagram for process S -> SV.

[in]mext1mass of external field S[1]
[in]mext2mass of external field S[2]
[in]mext3mass of external field V[3]
[in]mIS4mass of internal field S[4]
[in]mLV5mass of internal field V[5]
[in]CpS1cS4V3coupling Cp[S[1], -S[4], V[3]][Mom[S[1]] - Mom[-S[4]]]
[in]CpS2S4cV5V5coupling Cp[S[2], S[4], -V[5], V[5]][g[lt3, lt4]]
value of the one-loop diagram

Definition at line 5014 of file one_loop_decay_diagrams.cpp.

References flexiblesusy::anonymous_namespace{one_loop_decay_diagrams.cpp}::Den(), flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SSV::form_factor, flexiblesusy::Loop_library::get(), flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SSV::m_decay, flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SSV::m_scalar, flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SSV::m_vector, oneOver16PiSqr, and Sqr().

◆ calculate_diagram_SSV_t4g1n15_SV()

Decay_amplitude_SSV flexiblesusy::calculate_diagram_SSV_t4g1n15_SV ( double  mext1,
double  mext2,
double  mext3,
double  mLS4,
double  mLV5,
const std::complex< double > &  CpS1cS4cV5,
const std::complex< double > &  CpS2S4V3V5,
double  scale 

Evaluates T4G1N15 diagram for process S -> SV.

[in]mext1mass of external field S[1]
[in]mext2mass of external field S[2]
[in]mext3mass of external field V[3]
[in]mLS4mass of internal field S[4]
[in]mLV5mass of internal field V[5]
[in]CpS1cS4cV5coupling Cp[S[1], -S[4], -V[5]][Mom[S[1]] - Mom[-S[4]] ]
[in]CpS2S4V3V5coupling Cp[S[2], S[4], V[3], V[5]][g[lt3, lt4]]
value of the one-loop diagram

Definition at line 5054 of file one_loop_decay_diagrams.cpp.

References flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SSV::form_factor, flexiblesusy::Loop_library::get(), flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SSV::m_decay, flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SSV::m_scalar, flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SSV::m_vector, and oneOver16PiSqr.

◆ calculate_diagram_SSV_t5g1n16_SS()

Decay_amplitude_SSV flexiblesusy::calculate_diagram_SSV_t5g1n16_SS ( double  mext1,
double  mext2,
double  mext3,
double  mIS4,
double  mLS5,
const std::complex< double > &  CpS2cS4V3,
const std::complex< double > &  CpS1S4cS5S5,
double  scale 

Evaluates T5G1N16 diagram for process S -> SV.

[in]mext1mass of external field S[1]
[in]mext2mass of external field S[2]
[in]mext3mass of external field V[3]
[in]mIS4mass of internal field S[4]
[in]mLS5mass of internal field S[5]
[in]CpS2cS4V3coupling Cp[S[2], -S[4], V[3]][Mom[S[2]] - Mom[-S[4]]]
[in]CpS1S4cS5S5coupling Cp[S[1], S[4], -S[5], S[5]]
value of the one-loop diagram

Definition at line 5094 of file one_loop_decay_diagrams.cpp.

References flexiblesusy::anonymous_namespace{one_loop_decay_diagrams.cpp}::Den(), flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SSV::form_factor, flexiblesusy::Loop_library::get(), flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SSV::m_decay, flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SSV::m_scalar, flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SSV::m_vector, oneOver16PiSqr, and Sqr().

◆ calculate_diagram_SSV_t5g2n17_SV()

Decay_amplitude_SSV flexiblesusy::calculate_diagram_SSV_t5g2n17_SV ( double  mext1,
double  mext2,
double  mext3,
double  mIS4,
double  mLV5,
const std::complex< double > &  CpS2cS4V3,
const std::complex< double > &  CpS1S4cV5V5,
double  scale,
double  finite 

Evaluates T5G2N17 diagram for process S -> SV.

[in]mext1mass of external field S[1]
[in]mext2mass of external field S[2]
[in]mext3mass of external field V[3]
[in]mIS4mass of internal field S[4]
[in]mLV5mass of internal field V[5]
[in]CpS2cS4V3coupling Cp[S[2], -S[4], V[3]][Mom[S[2]] - Mom[-S[4]]]
[in]CpS1S4cV5V5coupling Cp[S[1], S[4], -V[5], V[5]][g[lt3, lt4]]
value of the one-loop diagram

Definition at line 5133 of file one_loop_decay_diagrams.cpp.

References flexiblesusy::anonymous_namespace{one_loop_decay_diagrams.cpp}::Den(), flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SSV::form_factor, flexiblesusy::Loop_library::get(), flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SSV::m_decay, flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SSV::m_scalar, flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SSV::m_vector, oneOver16PiSqr, and Sqr().

◆ calculate_diagram_SSV_t6g1n18_SV()

Decay_amplitude_SSV flexiblesusy::calculate_diagram_SSV_t6g1n18_SV ( double  mext1,
double  mext2,
double  mext3,
double  mLS4,
double  mLV5,
const std::complex< double > &  CpS2cS4cV5,
const std::complex< double > &  CpS1S4V3V5,
double  scale 

Evaluates T6G1N18 diagram for process S -> SV.

[in]mext1mass of external field S[1]
[in]mext2mass of external field S[2]
[in]mext3mass of external field V[3]
[in]mLS4mass of internal field S[4]
[in]mLV5mass of internal field V[5]
[in]CpS2cS4cV5coupling Cp[S[2], -S[4], -V[5]][Mom[S[2]] - Mom[-S[4]] ]
[in]CpS1S4V3V5coupling Cp[S[1], S[4], V[3], V[5]][g[lt3, lt4]]
value of the one-loop diagram

Definition at line 5173 of file one_loop_decay_diagrams.cpp.

References flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SSV::form_factor, flexiblesusy::Loop_library::get(), flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SSV::m_decay, flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SSV::m_scalar, flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SSV::m_vector, and oneOver16PiSqr.

◆ calculate_diagram_SSV_t8g10n30_VVV()

Decay_amplitude_SSV flexiblesusy::calculate_diagram_SSV_t8g10n30_VVV ( double  mext1,
double  mext2,
double  mext3,
double  mIV4,
double  mLV5,
double  mLV6,
const std::complex< double > &  CpS1S2cV4,
const std::complex< double > &  CpV3cV5cV6,
const std::complex< double > &  CpV4V5V6,
double  scale,
double  finite 

Evaluates T8G10N30 diagram for process S -> SV.

[in]mext1mass of external field S[1]
[in]mext2mass of external field S[2]
[in]mext3mass of external field V[3]
[in]mIV4mass of internal field V[4]
[in]mLV5mass of internal field V[5]
[in]mLV6mass of internal field V[6]
[in]CpS1S2cV4coupling Cp[S[1], S[2], -V[4]][Mom[S[1]] - Mom[S[2]]]
[in]CpV3cV5cV6coupling Cp[V[3], -V[5], -V[6]][g[lt1, lt2] (-Mom[V[3] ] + Mom[-V[5]]) + g[lt1, lt3] (Mom[V[3]] - Mom[-V[6]]) + g[lt2, lt3] (-Mom[ -V[5]] + Mom[-V[6]])]
[in]CpV4V5V6coupling Cp[V[4], V[5], V[6]][g[lt1, lt2] (-Mom[V[4]] + Mom[V[5]]) + g[lt1, lt3] (Mom[V[4]] - Mom[V[6]]) + g[lt2, lt3] (-Mom[V[5]]
  • Mom[V[6]])]
value of the one-loop diagram

Definition at line 5361 of file one_loop_decay_diagrams.cpp.

References flexiblesusy::anonymous_namespace{one_loop_decay_diagrams.cpp}::Den(), flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SSV::form_factor, flexiblesusy::Loop_library::get(), flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SSV::m_decay, flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SSV::m_scalar, flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SSV::m_vector, oneOver16PiSqr, and Sqr().

◆ calculate_diagram_SSV_t8g6n26_VFF()

Decay_amplitude_SSV flexiblesusy::calculate_diagram_SSV_t8g6n26_VFF ( double  mext1,
double  mext2,
double  mext3,
double  mIV4,
double  mLF5,
double  mLF6,
const std::complex< double > &  CpF5F6V4PL,
const std::complex< double > &  CpF5F6V4PR,
const std::complex< double > &  CpcF6cF5V3PL,
const std::complex< double > &  CpcF6cF5V3PR,
const std::complex< double > &  CpS1S2cV4,
double  scale 

Evaluates T8G6N26 diagram for process S -> SV.

[in]mext1mass of external field S[1]
[in]mext2mass of external field S[2]
[in]mext3mass of external field V[3]
[in]mIV4mass of internal field V[4]
[in]mLF5mass of internal field F[5]
[in]mLF6mass of internal field F[6]
[in]CpF5F6V4PLcoupling Cp[F[5], F[6], V[4]][LorentzProduct[gamma[lt3 ], PL]]
[in]CpF5F6V4PRcoupling Cp[F[5], F[6], V[4]][LorentzProduct[gamma[lt3 ], PR]]
[in]CpcF6cF5V3PLcoupling Cp[-F[6], -F[5], V[3]][LorentzProduct[gamma [lt3], PL]]
[in]CpcF6cF5V3PRcoupling Cp[-F[6], -F[5], V[3]][LorentzProduct[gamma [lt3], PR]]
[in]CpS1S2cV4coupling Cp[S[1], S[2], -V[4]][Mom[S[1]] - Mom[S[2]]]
value of the one-loop diagram

Definition at line 5221 of file one_loop_decay_diagrams.cpp.

References flexiblesusy::anonymous_namespace{one_loop_decay_diagrams.cpp}::Den(), flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SSV::form_factor, flexiblesusy::Loop_library::get(), flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SSV::m_decay, flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SSV::m_scalar, flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SSV::m_vector, oneOver16PiSqr, and Sqr().

◆ calculate_diagram_SSV_t8g7n27_VSS()

Decay_amplitude_SSV flexiblesusy::calculate_diagram_SSV_t8g7n27_VSS ( double  mext1,
double  mext2,
double  mext3,
double  mIV4,
double  mLS5,
double  mLS6,
const std::complex< double > &  CpS1S2cV4,
const std::complex< double > &  CpcS5cS6V3,
const std::complex< double > &  CpS5S6V4,
double  scale 

Evaluates T8G7N27 diagram for process S -> SV.

[in]mext1mass of external field S[1]
[in]mext2mass of external field S[2]
[in]mext3mass of external field V[3]
[in]mIV4mass of internal field V[4]
[in]mLS5mass of internal field S[5]
[in]mLS6mass of internal field S[6]
[in]CpS1S2cV4coupling Cp[S[1], S[2], -V[4]][Mom[S[1]] - Mom[S[2]]]
[in]CpcS5cS6V3coupling Cp[-S[5], -S[6], V[3]][Mom[-S[5]] - Mom[-S[6] ]]
[in]CpS5S6V4coupling Cp[S[5], S[6], V[4]][Mom[S[5]] - Mom[S[6]]]
value of the one-loop diagram

Definition at line 5275 of file one_loop_decay_diagrams.cpp.

References flexiblesusy::anonymous_namespace{one_loop_decay_diagrams.cpp}::Den(), flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SSV::form_factor, flexiblesusy::Loop_library::get(), flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SSV::m_decay, flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SSV::m_scalar, flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SSV::m_vector, oneOver16PiSqr, and Sqr().

◆ calculate_diagram_SSV_t8g9n29_VSV()

Decay_amplitude_SSV flexiblesusy::calculate_diagram_SSV_t8g9n29_VSV ( double  mext1,
double  mext2,
double  mext3,
double  mIV4,
double  mLS5,
double  mLV6,
const std::complex< double > &  CpS1S2cV4,
const std::complex< double > &  CpcS5V3cV6,
const std::complex< double > &  CpS5V4V6,
double  scale 

Evaluates T8G9N29 diagram for process S -> SV.

[in]mext1mass of external field S[1]
[in]mext2mass of external field S[2]
[in]mext3mass of external field V[3]
[in]mIV4mass of internal field V[4]
[in]mLS5mass of internal field S[5]
[in]mLV6mass of internal field V[6]
[in]CpS1S2cV4coupling Cp[S[1], S[2], -V[4]][Mom[S[1]] - Mom[S[2]]]
[in]CpcS5V3cV6coupling Cp[-S[5], V[3], -V[6]][g[lt2, lt3]]
[in]CpS5V4V6coupling Cp[S[5], V[4], V[6]][g[lt2, lt3]]
value of the one-loop diagram

Definition at line 5316 of file one_loop_decay_diagrams.cpp.

References flexiblesusy::anonymous_namespace{one_loop_decay_diagrams.cpp}::Den(), flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SSV::form_factor, flexiblesusy::Loop_library::get(), flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SSV::m_decay, flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SSV::m_scalar, flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SSV::m_vector, oneOver16PiSqr, and Sqr().

◆ calculate_diagram_SSV_t9g10n40_VVV()

Decay_amplitude_SSV flexiblesusy::calculate_diagram_SSV_t9g10n40_VVV ( double  mext1,
double  mext2,
double  mext3,
double  mIV4,
double  mLV5,
double  mLV6,
const std::complex< double > &  CpS1V3cV4,
const std::complex< double > &  CpS2cV5cV6,
const std::complex< double > &  CpV4V5V6,
double  scale 

Evaluates T9G10N40 diagram for process S -> SV.

[in]mext1mass of external field S[1]
[in]mext2mass of external field S[2]
[in]mext3mass of external field V[3]
[in]mIV4mass of internal field V[4]
[in]mLV5mass of internal field V[5]
[in]mLV6mass of internal field V[6]
[in]CpS1V3cV4coupling Cp[S[1], V[3], -V[4]][g[lt2, lt3]]
[in]CpS2cV5cV6coupling Cp[S[2], -V[5], -V[6]][g[lt2, lt3]]
[in]CpV4V5V6coupling Cp[V[4], V[5], V[6]][g[lt1, lt2] (-Mom[V[4]] + Mom[V[5]]) + g[lt1, lt3] (Mom[V[4]] - Mom[V[6]]) + g[lt2, lt3] (-Mom[V[5]]
  • Mom[V[6]])]
value of the one-loop diagram

Definition at line 5812 of file one_loop_decay_diagrams.cpp.

References flexiblesusy::anonymous_namespace{one_loop_decay_diagrams.cpp}::Den(), flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SSV::form_factor, flexiblesusy::Loop_library::get(), flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SSV::m_decay, flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SSV::m_scalar, flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SSV::m_vector, oneOver16PiSqr, and Sqr().

◆ calculate_diagram_SSV_t9g1n31_SFF()

Decay_amplitude_SSV flexiblesusy::calculate_diagram_SSV_t9g1n31_SFF ( double  mext1,
double  mext2,
double  mext3,
double  mIS4,
double  mLF5,
double  mLF6,
const std::complex< double > &  CpF5F6S4PL,
const std::complex< double > &  CpF5F6S4PR,
const std::complex< double > &  CpcF6cF5S2PL,
const std::complex< double > &  CpcF6cF5S2PR,
const std::complex< double > &  CpS1cS4V3,
double  scale 

Evaluates T9G1N31 diagram for process S -> SV.

[in]mext1mass of external field S[1]
[in]mext2mass of external field S[2]
[in]mext3mass of external field V[3]
[in]mIS4mass of internal field S[4]
[in]mLF5mass of internal field F[5]
[in]mLF6mass of internal field F[6]
[in]CpF5F6S4PLcoupling Cp[F[5], F[6], S[4]][PL]
[in]CpF5F6S4PRcoupling Cp[F[5], F[6], S[4]][PR]
[in]CpcF6cF5S2PLcoupling Cp[-F[6], -F[5], S[2]][PL]
[in]CpcF6cF5S2PRcoupling Cp[-F[6], -F[5], S[2]][PR]
[in]CpS1cS4V3coupling Cp[S[1], -S[4], V[3]][Mom[S[1]] - Mom[-S[4]]]
value of the one-loop diagram

Definition at line 5413 of file one_loop_decay_diagrams.cpp.

References flexiblesusy::anonymous_namespace{one_loop_decay_diagrams.cpp}::Den(), flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SSV::form_factor, flexiblesusy::Loop_library::get(), flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SSV::m_decay, flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SSV::m_scalar, flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SSV::m_vector, oneOver16PiSqr, and Sqr().

◆ calculate_diagram_SSV_t9g2n32_SSS()

Decay_amplitude_SSV flexiblesusy::calculate_diagram_SSV_t9g2n32_SSS ( double  mext1,
double  mext2,
double  mext3,
double  mIS4,
double  mLS5,
double  mLS6,
const std::complex< double > &  CpS1cS4V3,
const std::complex< double > &  CpS2cS5cS6,
const std::complex< double > &  CpS4S5S6,
double  scale 

Evaluates T9G2N32 diagram for process S -> SV.

[in]mext1mass of external field S[1]
[in]mext2mass of external field S[2]
[in]mext3mass of external field V[3]
[in]mIS4mass of internal field S[4]
[in]mLS5mass of internal field S[5]
[in]mLS6mass of internal field S[6]
[in]CpS1cS4V3coupling Cp[S[1], -S[4], V[3]][Mom[S[1]] - Mom[-S[4]]]
[in]CpS2cS5cS6coupling Cp[S[2], -S[5], -S[6]]
[in]CpS4S5S6coupling Cp[S[4], S[5], S[6]]
value of the one-loop diagram

Definition at line 5463 of file one_loop_decay_diagrams.cpp.

References flexiblesusy::anonymous_namespace{one_loop_decay_diagrams.cpp}::Den(), flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SSV::form_factor, flexiblesusy::Loop_library::get(), flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SSV::m_decay, flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SSV::m_scalar, flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SSV::m_vector, oneOver16PiSqr, and Sqr().

◆ calculate_diagram_SSV_t9g3n33_SUU()

Decay_amplitude_SSV flexiblesusy::calculate_diagram_SSV_t9g3n33_SUU ( double  mext1,
double  mext2,
double  mext3,
double  mIS4,
double  mLU5,
double  mLU6,
const std::complex< double > &  CpS1cS4V3,
const std::complex< double > &  CpS2cU6cU5,
const std::complex< double > &  CpS4U5U6,
double  scale 

Evaluates T9G3N33 diagram for process S -> SV.

[in]mext1mass of external field S[1]
[in]mext2mass of external field S[2]
[in]mext3mass of external field V[3]
[in]mIS4mass of internal field S[4]
[in]mLU5mass of internal field U[5]
[in]mLU6mass of internal field U[6]
[in]CpS1cS4V3coupling Cp[S[1], -S[4], V[3]][Mom[S[1]] - Mom[-S[4]]]
[in]CpS2cU6cU5coupling Cp[S[2], -U[6], -U[5]]
[in]CpS4U5U6coupling Cp[S[4], U[5], U[6]]
value of the one-loop diagram

Definition at line 5504 of file one_loop_decay_diagrams.cpp.

References flexiblesusy::anonymous_namespace{one_loop_decay_diagrams.cpp}::Den(), flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SSV::form_factor, flexiblesusy::Loop_library::get(), flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SSV::m_decay, flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SSV::m_scalar, flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SSV::m_vector, oneOver16PiSqr, and Sqr().

◆ calculate_diagram_SSV_t9g4n34_SSV()

Decay_amplitude_SSV flexiblesusy::calculate_diagram_SSV_t9g4n34_SSV ( double  mext1,
double  mext2,
double  mext3,
double  mIS4,
double  mLS5,
double  mLV6,
const std::complex< double > &  CpS1cS4V3,
const std::complex< double > &  CpS2cS5cV6,
const std::complex< double > &  CpS4S5V6,
double  scale 

Evaluates T9G4N34 diagram for process S -> SV.

[in]mext1mass of external field S[1]
[in]mext2mass of external field S[2]
[in]mext3mass of external field V[3]
[in]mIS4mass of internal field S[4]
[in]mLS5mass of internal field S[5]
[in]mLV6mass of internal field V[6]
[in]CpS1cS4V3coupling Cp[S[1], -S[4], V[3]][Mom[S[1]] - Mom[-S[4]]]
[in]CpS2cS5cV6coupling Cp[S[2], -S[5], -V[6]][Mom[S[2]] - Mom[-S[5]] ]
[in]CpS4S5V6coupling Cp[S[4], S[5], V[6]][Mom[S[4]] - Mom[S[5]]]
value of the one-loop diagram

Definition at line 5546 of file one_loop_decay_diagrams.cpp.

References flexiblesusy::anonymous_namespace{one_loop_decay_diagrams.cpp}::Den(), flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SSV::form_factor, flexiblesusy::Loop_library::get(), flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SSV::m_decay, flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SSV::m_scalar, flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SSV::m_vector, oneOver16PiSqr, and Sqr().

◆ calculate_diagram_SSV_t9g5n35_SVV()

Decay_amplitude_SSV flexiblesusy::calculate_diagram_SSV_t9g5n35_SVV ( double  mext1,
double  mext2,
double  mext3,
double  mIS4,
double  mLV5,
double  mLV6,
const std::complex< double > &  CpS1cS4V3,
const std::complex< double > &  CpS2cV5cV6,
const std::complex< double > &  CpS4V5V6,
double  scale,
double  finite 

Evaluates T9G5N35 diagram for process S -> SV.

[in]mext1mass of external field S[1]
[in]mext2mass of external field S[2]
[in]mext3mass of external field V[3]
[in]mIS4mass of internal field S[4]
[in]mLV5mass of internal field V[5]
[in]mLV6mass of internal field V[6]
[in]CpS1cS4V3coupling Cp[S[1], -S[4], V[3]][Mom[S[1]] - Mom[-S[4]]]
[in]CpS2cV5cV6coupling Cp[S[2], -V[5], -V[6]][g[lt2, lt3]]
[in]CpS4V5V6coupling Cp[S[4], V[5], V[6]][g[lt2, lt3]]
value of the one-loop diagram

Definition at line 5593 of file one_loop_decay_diagrams.cpp.

References flexiblesusy::anonymous_namespace{one_loop_decay_diagrams.cpp}::Den(), flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SSV::form_factor, flexiblesusy::Loop_library::get(), flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SSV::m_decay, flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SSV::m_scalar, flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SSV::m_vector, oneOver16PiSqr, and Sqr().

◆ calculate_diagram_SSV_t9g6n36_VFF()

Decay_amplitude_SSV flexiblesusy::calculate_diagram_SSV_t9g6n36_VFF ( double  mext1,
double  mext2,
double  mext3,
double  mIV4,
double  mLF5,
double  mLF6,
const std::complex< double > &  CpF5F6V4PR,
const std::complex< double > &  CpF5F6V4PL,
const std::complex< double > &  CpcF6cF5S2PL,
const std::complex< double > &  CpcF6cF5S2PR,
const std::complex< double > &  CpS1V3cV4,
double  scale 

Evaluates T9G6N36 diagram for process S -> SV.

[in]mext1mass of external field S[1]
[in]mext2mass of external field S[2]
[in]mext3mass of external field V[3]
[in]mIV4mass of internal field V[4]
[in]mLF5mass of internal field F[5]
[in]mLF6mass of internal field F[6]
[in]CpF5F6V4PRcoupling Cp[F[5], F[6], V[4]][LorentzProduct[gamma[lt3 ], PR]]
[in]CpF5F6V4PLcoupling Cp[F[5], F[6], V[4]][LorentzProduct[gamma[lt3 ], PL]]
[in]CpcF6cF5S2PLcoupling Cp[-F[6], -F[5], S[2]][PL]
[in]CpcF6cF5S2PRcoupling Cp[-F[6], -F[5], S[2]][PR]
[in]CpS1V3cV4coupling Cp[S[1], V[3], -V[4]][g[lt2, lt3]]
value of the one-loop diagram

Definition at line 5638 of file one_loop_decay_diagrams.cpp.

References flexiblesusy::anonymous_namespace{one_loop_decay_diagrams.cpp}::Den(), flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SSV::form_factor, flexiblesusy::Loop_library::get(), flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SSV::m_decay, flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SSV::m_scalar, flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SSV::m_vector, oneOver16PiSqr, and Sqr().

◆ calculate_diagram_SSV_t9g7n37_VSS()

Decay_amplitude_SSV flexiblesusy::calculate_diagram_SSV_t9g7n37_VSS ( double  mext1,
double  mext2,
double  mext3,
double  mIV4,
double  mLS5,
double  mLS6,
const std::complex< double > &  CpS1V3cV4,
const std::complex< double > &  CpS2cS5cS6,
const std::complex< double > &  CpS5S6V4,
double  scale 

Evaluates T9G7N37 diagram for process S -> SV.

[in]mext1mass of external field S[1]
[in]mext2mass of external field S[2]
[in]mext3mass of external field V[3]
[in]mIV4mass of internal field V[4]
[in]mLS5mass of internal field S[5]
[in]mLS6mass of internal field S[6]
[in]CpS1V3cV4coupling Cp[S[1], V[3], -V[4]][g[lt2, lt3]]
[in]CpS2cS5cS6coupling Cp[S[2], -S[5], -S[6]]
[in]CpS5S6V4coupling Cp[S[5], S[6], V[4]][Mom[S[5]] - Mom[S[6]]]
value of the one-loop diagram

Definition at line 5684 of file one_loop_decay_diagrams.cpp.

References flexiblesusy::anonymous_namespace{one_loop_decay_diagrams.cpp}::Den(), flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SSV::form_factor, flexiblesusy::Loop_library::get(), flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SSV::m_decay, flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SSV::m_scalar, flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SSV::m_vector, oneOver16PiSqr, and Sqr().

◆ calculate_diagram_SSV_t9g8n38_VUU()

Decay_amplitude_SSV flexiblesusy::calculate_diagram_SSV_t9g8n38_VUU ( double  mext1,
double  mext2,
double  mext3,
double  mIV4,
double  mLU5,
double  mLU6,
const std::complex< double > &  CpS1V3cV4,
const std::complex< double > &  CpS2cU6cU5,
const std::complex< double > &  CpU5U6V4,
double  scale 

Evaluates T9G8N38 diagram for process S -> SV.

[in]mext1mass of external field S[1]
[in]mext2mass of external field S[2]
[in]mext3mass of external field V[3]
[in]mIV4mass of internal field V[4]
[in]mLU5mass of internal field U[5]
[in]mLU6mass of internal field U[6]
[in]CpS1V3cV4coupling Cp[S[1], V[3], -V[4]][g[lt2, lt3]]
[in]CpS2cU6cU5coupling Cp[S[2], -U[6], -U[5]]
[in]CpU5U6V4coupling Cp[U[5], U[6], V[4]][Mom[U[5]]]
value of the one-loop diagram

Definition at line 5726 of file one_loop_decay_diagrams.cpp.

References flexiblesusy::anonymous_namespace{one_loop_decay_diagrams.cpp}::Den(), flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SSV::form_factor, flexiblesusy::Loop_library::get(), flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SSV::m_decay, flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SSV::m_scalar, flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SSV::m_vector, oneOver16PiSqr, and Sqr().

◆ calculate_diagram_SSV_t9g9n39_VSV()

Decay_amplitude_SSV flexiblesusy::calculate_diagram_SSV_t9g9n39_VSV ( double  mext1,
double  mext2,
double  mext3,
double  mIV4,
double  mLS5,
double  mLV6,
const std::complex< double > &  CpS1V3cV4,
const std::complex< double > &  CpS2cS5cV6,
const std::complex< double > &  CpS5V4V6,
double  scale 

Evaluates T9G9N39 diagram for process S -> SV.

[in]mext1mass of external field S[1]
[in]mext2mass of external field S[2]
[in]mext3mass of external field V[3]
[in]mIV4mass of internal field V[4]
[in]mLS5mass of internal field S[5]
[in]mLV6mass of internal field V[6]
[in]CpS1V3cV4coupling Cp[S[1], V[3], -V[4]][g[lt2, lt3]]
[in]CpS2cS5cV6coupling Cp[S[2], -S[5], -V[6]][Mom[S[2]] - Mom[-S[5]] ]
[in]CpS5V4V6coupling Cp[S[5], V[4], V[6]][g[lt2, lt3]]
value of the one-loop diagram

Definition at line 5768 of file one_loop_decay_diagrams.cpp.

References flexiblesusy::anonymous_namespace{one_loop_decay_diagrams.cpp}::Den(), flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SSV::form_factor, flexiblesusy::Loop_library::get(), flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SSV::m_decay, flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SSV::m_scalar, flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SSV::m_vector, oneOver16PiSqr, and Sqr().

◆ calculate_diagram_SVV_t10g10n50_VVV()

Decay_amplitude_SVV flexiblesusy::calculate_diagram_SVV_t10g10n50_VVV ( double  mext1,
double  mext2,
double  mext3,
double  mIV4,
double  mLV5,
double  mLV6,
const std::complex< double > &  CpS1cV5cV6,
const std::complex< double > &  CpV2V3cV4,
const std::complex< double > &  CpV4V5V6,
double  scale 

Evaluates T10G10N50 diagram for process S -> VV.

[in]mext1mass of external field S[1]
[in]mext2mass of external field V[2]
[in]mext3mass of external field V[3]
[in]mIV4mass of internal field V[4]
[in]mLV5mass of internal field V[5]
[in]mLV6mass of internal field V[6]
[in]CpS1cV5cV6coupling Cp[S[1], -V[5], -V[6]][g[lt2, lt3]]
[in]CpV2V3cV4coupling Cp[V[2], V[3], -V[4]][g[lt1, lt2] (-Mom[V[2]]
  • Mom[V[3]]) + g[lt1, lt3] (Mom[V[2]] - Mom[-V[4]]) + g[lt2, lt3] (-Mom[V[3 ]] + Mom[-V[4]])]
[in]CpV4V5V6coupling Cp[V[4], V[5], V[6]][g[lt1, lt2] (-Mom[V[4]] + Mom[V[5]]) + g[lt1, lt3] (Mom[V[4]] - Mom[V[6]]) + g[lt2, lt3] (-Mom[V[5]]
  • Mom[V[6]])]
value of the one-loop diagram

Definition at line 4350 of file one_loop_decay_diagrams.cpp.

References flexiblesusy::anonymous_namespace{one_loop_decay_diagrams.cpp}::Den(), flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SVV::form_factor_g, flexiblesusy::Loop_library::get(), flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SVV::m_decay, flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SVV::m_vector_1, flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SVV::m_vector_2, oneOver16PiSqr, and Sqr().

◆ calculate_diagram_SVV_t10g1n41_SFF()

Decay_amplitude_SVV flexiblesusy::calculate_diagram_SVV_t10g1n41_SFF ( double  mext1,
double  mext2,
double  mext3,
double  mIS4,
double  mLF5,
double  mLF6,
const std::complex< double > &  CpF5F6S4PL,
const std::complex< double > &  CpF5F6S4PR,
const std::complex< double > &  CpcF6cF5S1PL,
const std::complex< double > &  CpcF6cF5S1PR,
const std::complex< double > &  CpcS4V2V3,
double  scale 

Evaluates T10G1N41 diagram for process S -> VV.

[in]mext1mass of external field S[1]
[in]mext2mass of external field V[2]
[in]mext3mass of external field V[3]
[in]mIS4mass of internal field S[4]
[in]mLF5mass of internal field F[5]
[in]mLF6mass of internal field F[6]
[in]CpF5F6S4PLcoupling Cp[F[5], F[6], S[4]][PL]
[in]CpF5F6S4PRcoupling Cp[F[5], F[6], S[4]][PR]
[in]CpcF6cF5S1PLcoupling Cp[-F[6], -F[5], S[1]][PL]
[in]CpcF6cF5S1PRcoupling Cp[-F[6], -F[5], S[1]][PR]
[in]CpcS4V2V3coupling Cp[-S[4], V[2], V[3]][g[lt2, lt3]]
value of the one-loop diagram

Definition at line 3938 of file one_loop_decay_diagrams.cpp.

References flexiblesusy::anonymous_namespace{one_loop_decay_diagrams.cpp}::Den(), flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SVV::form_factor_g, flexiblesusy::Loop_library::get(), flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SVV::m_decay, flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SVV::m_vector_1, flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SVV::m_vector_2, oneOver16PiSqr, and Sqr().

◆ calculate_diagram_SVV_t10g2n42_SSS()

Decay_amplitude_SVV flexiblesusy::calculate_diagram_SVV_t10g2n42_SSS ( double  mext1,
double  mext2,
double  mext3,
double  mIS4,
double  mLS5,
double  mLS6,
const std::complex< double > &  CpS1cS5cS6,
const std::complex< double > &  CpcS4V2V3,
const std::complex< double > &  CpS4S5S6,
double  scale 

Evaluates T10G2N42 diagram for process S -> VV.

[in]mext1mass of external field S[1]
[in]mext2mass of external field V[2]
[in]mext3mass of external field V[3]
[in]mIS4mass of internal field S[4]
[in]mLS5mass of internal field S[5]
[in]mLS6mass of internal field S[6]
[in]CpS1cS5cS6coupling Cp[S[1], -S[5], -S[6]]
[in]CpcS4V2V3coupling Cp[-S[4], V[2], V[3]][g[lt2, lt3]]
[in]CpS4S5S6coupling Cp[S[4], S[5], S[6]]
value of the one-loop diagram

Definition at line 3988 of file one_loop_decay_diagrams.cpp.

References flexiblesusy::anonymous_namespace{one_loop_decay_diagrams.cpp}::Den(), flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SVV::form_factor_g, flexiblesusy::Loop_library::get(), flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SVV::m_decay, flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SVV::m_vector_1, flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SVV::m_vector_2, oneOver16PiSqr, and Sqr().

◆ calculate_diagram_SVV_t10g3n43_SUU()

Decay_amplitude_SVV flexiblesusy::calculate_diagram_SVV_t10g3n43_SUU ( double  mext1,
double  mext2,
double  mext3,
double  mIS4,
double  mLU5,
double  mLU6,
const std::complex< double > &  CpS1cU6cU5,
const std::complex< double > &  CpcS4V2V3,
const std::complex< double > &  CpS4U5U6,
double  scale 

Evaluates T10G3N43 diagram for process S -> VV.

[in]mext1mass of external field S[1]
[in]mext2mass of external field V[2]
[in]mext3mass of external field V[3]
[in]mIS4mass of internal field S[4]
[in]mLU5mass of internal field U[5]
[in]mLU6mass of internal field U[6]
[in]CpS1cU6cU5coupling Cp[S[1], -U[6], -U[5]]
[in]CpcS4V2V3coupling Cp[-S[4], V[2], V[3]][g[lt2, lt3]]
[in]CpS4U5U6coupling Cp[S[4], U[5], U[6]]
value of the one-loop diagram

Definition at line 4029 of file one_loop_decay_diagrams.cpp.

References flexiblesusy::anonymous_namespace{one_loop_decay_diagrams.cpp}::Den(), flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SVV::form_factor_g, flexiblesusy::Loop_library::get(), flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SVV::m_decay, flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SVV::m_vector_1, flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SVV::m_vector_2, oneOver16PiSqr, and Sqr().

◆ calculate_diagram_SVV_t10g4n44_SSV()

Decay_amplitude_SVV flexiblesusy::calculate_diagram_SVV_t10g4n44_SSV ( double  mext1,
double  mext2,
double  mext3,
double  mIS4,
double  mLS5,
double  mLV6,
const std::complex< double > &  CpS1cS5cV6,
const std::complex< double > &  CpcS4V2V3,
const std::complex< double > &  CpS4S5V6,
double  scale 

Evaluates T10G4N44 diagram for process S -> VV.

[in]mext1mass of external field S[1]
[in]mext2mass of external field V[2]
[in]mext3mass of external field V[3]
[in]mIS4mass of internal field S[4]
[in]mLS5mass of internal field S[5]
[in]mLV6mass of internal field V[6]
[in]CpS1cS5cV6coupling Cp[S[1], -S[5], -V[6]][Mom[S[1]] - Mom[-S[5]] ]
[in]CpcS4V2V3coupling Cp[-S[4], V[2], V[3]][g[lt2, lt3]]
[in]CpS4S5V6coupling Cp[S[4], S[5], V[6]][Mom[S[4]] - Mom[S[5]]]
value of the one-loop diagram

Definition at line 4071 of file one_loop_decay_diagrams.cpp.

References flexiblesusy::anonymous_namespace{one_loop_decay_diagrams.cpp}::Den(), flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SVV::form_factor_g, flexiblesusy::Loop_library::get(), flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SVV::m_decay, flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SVV::m_vector_1, flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SVV::m_vector_2, oneOver16PiSqr, and Sqr().

◆ calculate_diagram_SVV_t10g5n45_SVV()

Decay_amplitude_SVV flexiblesusy::calculate_diagram_SVV_t10g5n45_SVV ( double  mext1,
double  mext2,
double  mext3,
double  mIS4,
double  mLV5,
double  mLV6,
const std::complex< double > &  CpS1cV5cV6,
const std::complex< double > &  CpcS4V2V3,
const std::complex< double > &  CpS4V5V6,
double  scale,
double  finite 

Evaluates T10G5N45 diagram for process S -> VV.

[in]mext1mass of external field S[1]
[in]mext2mass of external field V[2]
[in]mext3mass of external field V[3]
[in]mIS4mass of internal field S[4]
[in]mLV5mass of internal field V[5]
[in]mLV6mass of internal field V[6]
[in]CpS1cV5cV6coupling Cp[S[1], -V[5], -V[6]][g[lt2, lt3]]
[in]CpcS4V2V3coupling Cp[-S[4], V[2], V[3]][g[lt2, lt3]]
[in]CpS4V5V6coupling Cp[S[4], V[5], V[6]][g[lt2, lt3]]
value of the one-loop diagram

Definition at line 4118 of file one_loop_decay_diagrams.cpp.

References flexiblesusy::anonymous_namespace{one_loop_decay_diagrams.cpp}::Den(), flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SVV::form_factor_g, flexiblesusy::Loop_library::get(), flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SVV::m_decay, flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SVV::m_vector_1, flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SVV::m_vector_2, oneOver16PiSqr, and Sqr().

◆ calculate_diagram_SVV_t10g6n46_VFF()

Decay_amplitude_SVV flexiblesusy::calculate_diagram_SVV_t10g6n46_VFF ( double  mext1,
double  mext2,
double  mext3,
double  mIV4,
double  mLF5,
double  mLF6,
const std::complex< double > &  CpF5F6V4PR,
const std::complex< double > &  CpF5F6V4PL,
const std::complex< double > &  CpcF6cF5S1PL,
const std::complex< double > &  CpcF6cF5S1PR,
const std::complex< double > &  CpV2V3cV4,
double  scale 

Evaluates T10G6N46 diagram for process S -> VV.

[in]mext1mass of external field S[1]
[in]mext2mass of external field V[2]
[in]mext3mass of external field V[3]
[in]mIV4mass of internal field V[4]
[in]mLF5mass of internal field F[5]
[in]mLF6mass of internal field F[6]
[in]CpF5F6V4PRcoupling Cp[F[5], F[6], V[4]][LorentzProduct[gamma[lt3 ], PR]]
[in]CpF5F6V4PLcoupling Cp[F[5], F[6], V[4]][LorentzProduct[gamma[lt3 ], PL]]
[in]CpcF6cF5S1PLcoupling Cp[-F[6], -F[5], S[1]][PL]
[in]CpcF6cF5S1PRcoupling Cp[-F[6], -F[5], S[1]][PR]
[in]CpV2V3cV4coupling Cp[V[2], V[3], -V[4]][g[lt1, lt2] (-Mom[V[2]]
  • Mom[V[3]]) + g[lt1, lt3] (Mom[V[2]] - Mom[-V[4]]) + g[lt2, lt3] (-Mom[V[3 ]] + Mom[-V[4]])]
value of the one-loop diagram

Definition at line 4165 of file one_loop_decay_diagrams.cpp.

References flexiblesusy::anonymous_namespace{one_loop_decay_diagrams.cpp}::Den(), flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SVV::form_factor_g, flexiblesusy::Loop_library::get(), flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SVV::m_decay, flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SVV::m_vector_1, flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SVV::m_vector_2, oneOver16PiSqr, and Sqr().

◆ calculate_diagram_SVV_t10g7n47_VSS()

Decay_amplitude_SVV flexiblesusy::calculate_diagram_SVV_t10g7n47_VSS ( double  mext1,
double  mext2,
double  mext3,
double  mIV4,
double  mLS5,
double  mLS6,
const std::complex< double > &  CpS1cS5cS6,
const std::complex< double > &  CpS5S6V4,
const std::complex< double > &  CpV2V3cV4,
double  scale 

Evaluates T10G7N47 diagram for process S -> VV.

[in]mext1mass of external field S[1]
[in]mext2mass of external field V[2]
[in]mext3mass of external field V[3]
[in]mIV4mass of internal field V[4]
[in]mLS5mass of internal field S[5]
[in]mLS6mass of internal field S[6]
[in]CpS1cS5cS6coupling Cp[S[1], -S[5], -S[6]]
[in]CpS5S6V4coupling Cp[S[5], S[6], V[4]][Mom[S[5]] - Mom[S[6]]]
[in]CpV2V3cV4coupling Cp[V[2], V[3], -V[4]][g[lt1, lt2] (-Mom[V[2]]
  • Mom[V[3]]) + g[lt1, lt3] (Mom[V[2]] - Mom[-V[4]]) + g[lt2, lt3] (-Mom[V[3 ]] + Mom[-V[4]])]
value of the one-loop diagram

Definition at line 4213 of file one_loop_decay_diagrams.cpp.

References flexiblesusy::anonymous_namespace{one_loop_decay_diagrams.cpp}::Den(), flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SVV::form_factor_g, flexiblesusy::Loop_library::get(), flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SVV::m_decay, flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SVV::m_vector_1, flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SVV::m_vector_2, oneOver16PiSqr, and Sqr().

◆ calculate_diagram_SVV_t10g8n48_VUU()

Decay_amplitude_SVV flexiblesusy::calculate_diagram_SVV_t10g8n48_VUU ( double  mext1,
double  mext2,
double  mext3,
double  mIV4,
double  mLU5,
double  mLU6,
const std::complex< double > &  CpS1cU6cU5,
const std::complex< double > &  CpU5U6V4,
const std::complex< double > &  CpV2V3cV4,
double  scale 

Evaluates T10G8N48 diagram for process S -> VV.

[in]mext1mass of external field S[1]
[in]mext2mass of external field V[2]
[in]mext3mass of external field V[3]
[in]mIV4mass of internal field V[4]
[in]mLU5mass of internal field U[5]
[in]mLU6mass of internal field U[6]
[in]CpS1cU6cU5coupling Cp[S[1], -U[6], -U[5]]
[in]CpU5U6V4coupling Cp[U[5], U[6], V[4]][Mom[U[5]]]
[in]CpV2V3cV4coupling Cp[V[2], V[3], -V[4]][g[lt1, lt2] (-Mom[V[2]]
  • Mom[V[3]]) + g[lt1, lt3] (Mom[V[2]] - Mom[-V[4]]) + g[lt2, lt3] (-Mom[V[3 ]] + Mom[-V[4]])]
value of the one-loop diagram

Definition at line 4258 of file one_loop_decay_diagrams.cpp.

References flexiblesusy::anonymous_namespace{one_loop_decay_diagrams.cpp}::Den(), flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SVV::form_factor_g, flexiblesusy::Loop_library::get(), flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SVV::m_decay, flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SVV::m_vector_1, flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SVV::m_vector_2, oneOver16PiSqr, and Sqr().

◆ calculate_diagram_SVV_t10g9n49_VSV()

Decay_amplitude_SVV flexiblesusy::calculate_diagram_SVV_t10g9n49_VSV ( double  mext1,
double  mext2,
double  mext3,
double  mIV4,
double  mLS5,
double  mLV6,
const std::complex< double > &  CpS1cS5cV6,
const std::complex< double > &  CpS5V4V6,
const std::complex< double > &  CpV2V3cV4,
double  scale 

Evaluates T10G9N49 diagram for process S -> VV.

[in]mext1mass of external field S[1]
[in]mext2mass of external field V[2]
[in]mext3mass of external field V[3]
[in]mIV4mass of internal field V[4]
[in]mLS5mass of internal field S[5]
[in]mLV6mass of internal field V[6]
[in]CpS1cS5cV6coupling Cp[S[1], -S[5], -V[6]][Mom[S[1]] - Mom[-S[5]] ]
[in]CpS5V4V6coupling Cp[S[5], V[4], V[6]][g[lt2, lt3]]
[in]CpV2V3cV4coupling Cp[V[2], V[3], -V[4]][g[lt1, lt2] (-Mom[V[2]]
  • Mom[V[3]]) + g[lt1, lt3] (Mom[V[2]] - Mom[-V[4]]) + g[lt2, lt3] (-Mom[V[3 ]] + Mom[-V[4]])]
value of the one-loop diagram

Definition at line 4303 of file one_loop_decay_diagrams.cpp.

References flexiblesusy::anonymous_namespace{one_loop_decay_diagrams.cpp}::Den(), flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SVV::form_factor_g, flexiblesusy::Loop_library::get(), flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SVV::m_decay, flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SVV::m_vector_1, flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SVV::m_vector_2, oneOver16PiSqr, and Sqr().

◆ calculate_diagram_SVV_t1g10n10_VVV()

Decay_amplitude_SVV flexiblesusy::calculate_diagram_SVV_t1g10n10_VVV ( double  mext1,
double  mext2,
double  mext3,
double  mLV4,
double  mLV5,
double  mLV6,
const std::complex< double > &  CpS1cV4cV5,
const std::complex< double > &  CpV2V4cV6,
const std::complex< double > &  CpV3V5V6,
double  scale,
double  finite 

Evaluates T1G10N10 diagram for process S -> VV.

[in]mext1mass of external field S[1]
[in]mext2mass of external field V[2]
[in]mext3mass of external field V[3]
[in]mLV4mass of internal field V[4]
[in]mLV5mass of internal field V[5]
[in]mLV6mass of internal field V[6]
[in]CpS1cV4cV5coupling Cp[S[1], -V[4], -V[5]][g[lt2, lt3]]
[in]CpV2V4cV6coupling Cp[V[2], V[4], -V[6]][g[lt1, lt2] (-Mom[V[2]]
  • Mom[V[4]]) + g[lt1, lt3] (Mom[V[2]] - Mom[-V[6]]) + g[lt2, lt3] (-Mom[V[4 ]] + Mom[-V[6]])]
[in]CpV3V5V6coupling Cp[V[3], V[5], V[6]][g[lt1, lt2] (-Mom[V[3]] + Mom[V[5]]) + g[lt1, lt3] (Mom[V[3]] - Mom[V[6]]) + g[lt2, lt3] (-Mom[V[5]]
  • Mom[V[6]])]
value of the one-loop diagram

Definition at line 2989 of file one_loop_decay_diagrams.cpp.

References flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SVV::form_factor_11, flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SVV::form_factor_12, flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SVV::form_factor_21, flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SVV::form_factor_22, flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SVV::form_factor_g, flexiblesusy::Loop_library::get(), flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SVV::m_decay, flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SVV::m_vector_1, flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SVV::m_vector_2, oneOver16PiSqr, and Sqr().

◆ calculate_diagram_SVV_t1g1n1_FFF()

Decay_amplitude_SVV flexiblesusy::calculate_diagram_SVV_t1g1n1_FFF ( double  mext1,
double  mext2,
double  mext3,
double  mLF4,
double  mLF5,
double  mLF6,
const std::complex< double > &  CpcF4cF5S1PL,
const std::complex< double > &  CpcF4cF5S1PR,
const std::complex< double > &  CpF5F6V3PL,
const std::complex< double > &  CpF5F6V3PR,
const std::complex< double > &  CpcF6F4V2PL,
const std::complex< double > &  CpcF6F4V2PR,
double  scale 

Evaluates T1G1N1 diagram for process S -> VV.

[in]mext1mass of external field S[1]
[in]mext2mass of external field V[2]
[in]mext3mass of external field V[3]
[in]mLF4mass of internal field F[4]
[in]mLF5mass of internal field F[5]
[in]mLF6mass of internal field F[6]
[in]CpcF4cF5S1PLcoupling Cp[-F[4], -F[5], S[1]][PL]
[in]CpcF4cF5S1PRcoupling Cp[-F[4], -F[5], S[1]][PR]
[in]CpF5F6V3PLcoupling Cp[F[5], F[6], V[3]][LorentzProduct[gamma[lt3 ], PL]]
[in]CpF5F6V3PRcoupling Cp[F[5], F[6], V[3]][LorentzProduct[gamma[lt3 ], PR]]
[in]CpcF6F4V2PLcoupling Cp[-F[6], F[4], V[2]][LorentzProduct[gamma[ lt3], PL]]
[in]CpcF6F4V2PRcoupling Cp[-F[6], F[4], V[2]][LorentzProduct[gamma[ lt3], PR]]
value of the one-loop diagram

Definition at line 2388 of file one_loop_decay_diagrams.cpp.

References Cube(), flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SVV::form_factor_11, flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SVV::form_factor_12, flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SVV::form_factor_21, flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SVV::form_factor_22, flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SVV::form_factor_eps, flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SVV::form_factor_g, flexiblesusy::Loop_library::get(), flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SVV::m_decay, flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SVV::m_vector_1, flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SVV::m_vector_2, oneOver16PiSqr, and Sqr().

◆ calculate_diagram_SVV_t1g2n2_SSS()

Decay_amplitude_SVV flexiblesusy::calculate_diagram_SVV_t1g2n2_SSS ( double  mext1,
double  mext2,
double  mext3,
double  mLS4,
double  mLS5,
double  mLS6,
const std::complex< double > &  CpS1cS4cS5,
const std::complex< double > &  CpS4cS6V2,
const std::complex< double > &  CpS5S6V3,
double  scale 

Evaluates T1G2N2 diagram for process S -> VV.

[in]mext1mass of external field S[1]
[in]mext2mass of external field V[2]
[in]mext3mass of external field V[3]
[in]mLS4mass of internal field S[4]
[in]mLS5mass of internal field S[5]
[in]mLS6mass of internal field S[6]
[in]CpS1cS4cS5coupling Cp[S[1], -S[4], -S[5]]
[in]CpS4cS6V2coupling Cp[S[4], -S[6], V[2]][Mom[S[4]] - Mom[-S[6]]]
[in]CpS5S6V3coupling Cp[S[5], S[6], V[3]][Mom[S[5]] - Mom[S[6]]]
value of the one-loop diagram

Definition at line 2547 of file one_loop_decay_diagrams.cpp.

References flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SVV::form_factor_11, flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SVV::form_factor_12, flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SVV::form_factor_21, flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SVV::form_factor_22, flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SVV::form_factor_g, flexiblesusy::Loop_library::get(), flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SVV::m_decay, flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SVV::m_vector_1, flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SVV::m_vector_2, and oneOver16PiSqr.

◆ calculate_diagram_SVV_t1g3n3_UUU()

Decay_amplitude_SVV flexiblesusy::calculate_diagram_SVV_t1g3n3_UUU ( double  mext1,
double  mext2,
double  mext3,
double  mLU4,
double  mLU5,
double  mLU6,
const std::complex< double > &  CpS1cU4cU5,
const std::complex< double > &  CpU5U6V3,
const std::complex< double > &  CpcU6U4V2,
double  scale 

Evaluates T1G3N3 diagram for process S -> VV.

[in]mext1mass of external field S[1]
[in]mext2mass of external field V[2]
[in]mext3mass of external field V[3]
[in]mLU4mass of internal field U[4]
[in]mLU5mass of internal field U[5]
[in]mLU6mass of internal field U[6]
[in]CpS1cU4cU5coupling Cp[S[1], -U[4], -U[5]]
[in]CpU5U6V3coupling Cp[U[5], U[6], V[3]][Mom[U[5]]]
[in]CpcU6U4V2coupling Cp[-U[6], U[4], V[2]][Mom[-U[6]]]
value of the one-loop diagram

Definition at line 2600 of file one_loop_decay_diagrams.cpp.

References flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SVV::form_factor_11, flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SVV::form_factor_12, flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SVV::form_factor_21, flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SVV::form_factor_22, flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SVV::form_factor_g, flexiblesusy::Loop_library::get(), flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SVV::m_decay, flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SVV::m_vector_1, flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SVV::m_vector_2, and oneOver16PiSqr.

◆ calculate_diagram_SVV_t1g4n4_SSV()

Decay_amplitude_SVV flexiblesusy::calculate_diagram_SVV_t1g4n4_SSV ( double  mext1,
double  mext2,
double  mext3,
double  mLS4,
double  mLS5,
double  mLV6,
const std::complex< double > &  CpS1cS4cS5,
const std::complex< double > &  CpS4V2cV6,
const std::complex< double > &  CpS5V3V6,
double  scale 

Evaluates T1G4N4 diagram for process S -> VV.

[in]mext1mass of external field S[1]
[in]mext2mass of external field V[2]
[in]mext3mass of external field V[3]
[in]mLS4mass of internal field S[4]
[in]mLS5mass of internal field S[5]
[in]mLV6mass of internal field V[6]
[in]CpS1cS4cS5coupling Cp[S[1], -S[4], -S[5]]
[in]CpS4V2cV6coupling Cp[S[4], V[2], -V[6]][g[lt2, lt3]]
[in]CpS5V3V6coupling Cp[S[5], V[3], V[6]][g[lt2, lt3]]
value of the one-loop diagram

Definition at line 2653 of file one_loop_decay_diagrams.cpp.

References flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SVV::form_factor_g, flexiblesusy::Loop_library::get(), flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SVV::m_decay, flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SVV::m_vector_1, flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SVV::m_vector_2, and oneOver16PiSqr.

◆ calculate_diagram_SVV_t1g5n5_SVS()

Decay_amplitude_SVV flexiblesusy::calculate_diagram_SVV_t1g5n5_SVS ( double  mext1,
double  mext2,
double  mext3,
double  mLS4,
double  mLV5,
double  mLS6,
const std::complex< double > &  CpS1cS4cV5,
const std::complex< double > &  CpS4cS6V2,
const std::complex< double > &  CpS6V3V5,
double  scale 

Evaluates T1G5N5 diagram for process S -> VV.

[in]mext1mass of external field S[1]
[in]mext2mass of external field V[2]
[in]mext3mass of external field V[3]
[in]mLS4mass of internal field S[4]
[in]mLV5mass of internal field V[5]
[in]mLS6mass of internal field S[6]
[in]CpS1cS4cV5coupling Cp[S[1], -S[4], -V[5]][Mom[S[1]] - Mom[-S[4]] ]
[in]CpS4cS6V2coupling Cp[S[4], -S[6], V[2]][Mom[S[4]] - Mom[-S[6]]]
[in]CpS6V3V5coupling Cp[S[6], V[3], V[5]][g[lt2, lt3]]
value of the one-loop diagram

Definition at line 2696 of file one_loop_decay_diagrams.cpp.

References flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SVV::form_factor_11, flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SVV::form_factor_12, flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SVV::form_factor_21, flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SVV::form_factor_22, flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SVV::form_factor_g, flexiblesusy::Loop_library::get(), flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SVV::m_decay, flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SVV::m_vector_1, flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SVV::m_vector_2, and oneOver16PiSqr.

◆ calculate_diagram_SVV_t1g6n6_VSS()

Decay_amplitude_SVV flexiblesusy::calculate_diagram_SVV_t1g6n6_VSS ( double  mext1,
double  mext2,
double  mext3,
double  mLV4,
double  mLS5,
double  mLS6,
const std::complex< double > &  CpS1cS5cV4,
const std::complex< double > &  CpS5S6V3,
const std::complex< double > &  CpcS6V2V4,
double  scale 

Evaluates T1G6N6 diagram for process S -> VV.

[in]mext1mass of external field S[1]
[in]mext2mass of external field V[2]
[in]mext3mass of external field V[3]
[in]mLV4mass of internal field V[4]
[in]mLS5mass of internal field S[5]
[in]mLS6mass of internal field S[6]
[in]CpS1cS5cV4coupling Cp[S[1], -S[5], -V[4]][Mom[S[1]] - Mom[-S[5]] ]
[in]CpS5S6V3coupling Cp[S[5], S[6], V[3]][Mom[S[5]] - Mom[S[6]]]
[in]CpcS6V2V4coupling Cp[-S[6], V[2], V[4]][g[lt2, lt3]]
value of the one-loop diagram

Definition at line 2750 of file one_loop_decay_diagrams.cpp.

References flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SVV::form_factor_11, flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SVV::form_factor_12, flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SVV::form_factor_21, flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SVV::form_factor_22, flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SVV::form_factor_g, flexiblesusy::Loop_library::get(), flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SVV::m_decay, flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SVV::m_vector_1, flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SVV::m_vector_2, and oneOver16PiSqr.

◆ calculate_diagram_SVV_t1g7n7_SVV()

Decay_amplitude_SVV flexiblesusy::calculate_diagram_SVV_t1g7n7_SVV ( double  mext1,
double  mext2,
double  mext3,
double  mLS4,
double  mLV5,
double  mLV6,
const std::complex< double > &  CpS1cS4cV5,
const std::complex< double > &  CpS4V2cV6,
const std::complex< double > &  CpV3V5V6,
double  scale 

Evaluates T1G7N7 diagram for process S -> VV.

[in]mext1mass of external field S[1]
[in]mext2mass of external field V[2]
[in]mext3mass of external field V[3]
[in]mLS4mass of internal field S[4]
[in]mLV5mass of internal field V[5]
[in]mLV6mass of internal field V[6]
[in]CpS1cS4cV5coupling Cp[S[1], -S[4], -V[5]][Mom[S[1]] - Mom[-S[4]] ]
[in]CpS4V2cV6coupling Cp[S[4], V[2], -V[6]][g[lt2, lt3]]
[in]CpV3V5V6coupling Cp[V[3], V[5], V[6]][g[lt1, lt2] (-Mom[V[3]] + Mom[V[5]]) + g[lt1, lt3] (Mom[V[3]] - Mom[V[6]]) + g[lt2, lt3] (-Mom[V[5]]
  • Mom[V[6]])]
value of the one-loop diagram

Definition at line 2812 of file one_loop_decay_diagrams.cpp.

References flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SVV::form_factor_11, flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SVV::form_factor_12, flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SVV::form_factor_21, flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SVV::form_factor_22, flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SVV::form_factor_g, flexiblesusy::Loop_library::get(), flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SVV::m_decay, flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SVV::m_vector_1, flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SVV::m_vector_2, oneOver16PiSqr, and Sqr().

◆ calculate_diagram_SVV_t1g8n8_VSV()

Decay_amplitude_SVV flexiblesusy::calculate_diagram_SVV_t1g8n8_VSV ( double  mext1,
double  mext2,
double  mext3,
double  mLV4,
double  mLS5,
double  mLV6,
const std::complex< double > &  CpS1cS5cV4,
const std::complex< double > &  CpS5V3V6,
const std::complex< double > &  CpV2V4cV6,
double  scale 

Evaluates T1G8N8 diagram for process S -> VV.

[in]mext1mass of external field S[1]
[in]mext2mass of external field V[2]
[in]mext3mass of external field V[3]
[in]mLV4mass of internal field V[4]
[in]mLS5mass of internal field S[5]
[in]mLV6mass of internal field V[6]
[in]CpS1cS5cV4coupling Cp[S[1], -S[5], -V[4]][Mom[S[1]] - Mom[-S[5]] ]
[in]CpS5V3V6coupling Cp[S[5], V[3], V[6]][g[lt2, lt3]]
[in]CpV2V4cV6coupling Cp[V[2], V[4], -V[6]][g[lt1, lt2] (-Mom[V[2]]
  • Mom[V[4]]) + g[lt1, lt3] (Mom[V[2]] - Mom[-V[6]]) + g[lt2, lt3] (-Mom[V[4 ]] + Mom[-V[6]])]
value of the one-loop diagram

Definition at line 2877 of file one_loop_decay_diagrams.cpp.

References flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SVV::form_factor_11, flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SVV::form_factor_12, flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SVV::form_factor_21, flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SVV::form_factor_22, flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SVV::form_factor_g, flexiblesusy::Loop_library::get(), flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SVV::m_decay, flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SVV::m_vector_1, flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SVV::m_vector_2, oneOver16PiSqr, and Sqr().

◆ calculate_diagram_SVV_t1g9n9_VVS()

Decay_amplitude_SVV flexiblesusy::calculate_diagram_SVV_t1g9n9_VVS ( double  mext1,
double  mext2,
double  mext3,
double  mLV4,
double  mLV5,
double  mLS6,
const std::complex< double > &  CpS1cV4cV5,
const std::complex< double > &  CpcS6V2V4,
const std::complex< double > &  CpS6V3V5,
double  scale 

Evaluates T1G9N9 diagram for process S -> VV.

[in]mext1mass of external field S[1]
[in]mext2mass of external field V[2]
[in]mext3mass of external field V[3]
[in]mLV4mass of internal field V[4]
[in]mLV5mass of internal field V[5]
[in]mLS6mass of internal field S[6]
[in]CpS1cV4cV5coupling Cp[S[1], -V[4], -V[5]][g[lt2, lt3]]
[in]CpcS6V2V4coupling Cp[-S[6], V[2], V[4]][g[lt2, lt3]]
[in]CpS6V3V5coupling Cp[S[6], V[3], V[5]][g[lt2, lt3]]
value of the one-loop diagram

Definition at line 2943 of file one_loop_decay_diagrams.cpp.

References flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SVV::form_factor_g, flexiblesusy::Loop_library::get(), flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SVV::m_decay, flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SVV::m_vector_1, flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SVV::m_vector_2, and oneOver16PiSqr.

◆ calculate_diagram_SVV_t2g1n11_VS()

Decay_amplitude_SVV flexiblesusy::calculate_diagram_SVV_t2g1n11_VS ( double  mext1,
double  mext2,
double  mext3,
double  mIV4,
double  mLS5,
const std::complex< double > &  CpS1V2cV4,
const std::complex< double > &  CpcS5S5V3V4,
double  scale 

Evaluates T2G1N11 diagram for process S -> VV.

[in]mext1mass of external field S[1]
[in]mext2mass of external field V[2]
[in]mext3mass of external field V[3]
[in]mIV4mass of internal field V[4]
[in]mLS5mass of internal field S[5]
[in]CpS1V2cV4coupling Cp[S[1], V[2], -V[4]][g[lt2, lt3]]
[in]CpcS5S5V3V4coupling Cp[-S[5], S[5], V[3], V[4]][g[lt3, lt4]]
value of the one-loop diagram

Definition at line 3053 of file one_loop_decay_diagrams.cpp.

References flexiblesusy::anonymous_namespace{one_loop_decay_diagrams.cpp}::Den(), flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SVV::form_factor_g, flexiblesusy::Loop_library::get(), flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SVV::m_decay, flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SVV::m_vector_1, flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SVV::m_vector_2, oneOver16PiSqr, and Sqr().

◆ calculate_diagram_SVV_t2g2n12_VV()

Decay_amplitude_SVV flexiblesusy::calculate_diagram_SVV_t2g2n12_VV ( double  mext1,
double  mext2,
double  mext3,
double  mIV4,
double  mLV5,
const std::complex< double > &  CpS1V2cV4,
const std::complex< double > &  CpV3V4cV5V51,
const std::complex< double > &  CpV3V4cV5V52,
const std::complex< double > &  CpV3V4cV5V53,
double  scale,
double  finite 

Evaluates T2G2N12 diagram for process S -> VV.

[in]mext1mass of external field S[1]
[in]mext2mass of external field V[2]
[in]mext3mass of external field V[3]
[in]mIV4mass of internal field V[4]
[in]mLV5mass of internal field V[5]
[in]CpS1V2cV4coupling Cp[S[1], V[2], -V[4]][g[lt2, lt3]]
[in]CpV3V4cV5V51coupling Cp[V[3], V[4], -V[5], V[5]][g[lt1, lt2] g[ lt3, lt4]]
[in]CpV3V4cV5V52coupling Cp[V[3], V[4], -V[5], V[5]][g[lt1, lt4] g[ lt2, lt3]]
[in]CpV3V4cV5V53coupling Cp[V[3], V[4], -V[5], V[5]][g[lt1, lt3] g[ lt2, lt4]]
value of the one-loop diagram

Definition at line 3097 of file one_loop_decay_diagrams.cpp.

References flexiblesusy::anonymous_namespace{one_loop_decay_diagrams.cpp}::Den(), flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SVV::form_factor_g, flexiblesusy::Loop_library::get(), flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SVV::m_decay, flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SVV::m_vector_1, flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SVV::m_vector_2, oneOver16PiSqr, and Sqr().

◆ calculate_diagram_SVV_t3g1n13_VS()

Decay_amplitude_SVV flexiblesusy::calculate_diagram_SVV_t3g1n13_VS ( double  mext1,
double  mext2,
double  mext3,
double  mIV4,
double  mLS5,
const std::complex< double > &  CpS1V3cV4,
const std::complex< double > &  CpcS5S5V2V4,
double  scale 

Evaluates T3G1N13 diagram for process S -> VV.

[in]mext1mass of external field S[1]
[in]mext2mass of external field V[2]
[in]mext3mass of external field V[3]
[in]mIV4mass of internal field V[4]
[in]mLS5mass of internal field S[5]
[in]CpS1V3cV4coupling Cp[S[1], V[3], -V[4]][g[lt2, lt3]]
[in]CpcS5S5V2V4coupling Cp[-S[5], S[5], V[2], V[4]][g[lt3, lt4]]
value of the one-loop diagram

Definition at line 3138 of file one_loop_decay_diagrams.cpp.

References flexiblesusy::anonymous_namespace{one_loop_decay_diagrams.cpp}::Den(), flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SVV::form_factor_g, flexiblesusy::Loop_library::get(), flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SVV::m_decay, flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SVV::m_vector_1, flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SVV::m_vector_2, oneOver16PiSqr, and Sqr().

◆ calculate_diagram_SVV_t3g2n14_VV()

Decay_amplitude_SVV flexiblesusy::calculate_diagram_SVV_t3g2n14_VV ( double  mext1,
double  mext2,
double  mext3,
double  mIV4,
double  mLV5,
const std::complex< double > &  CpS1V3cV4,
const std::complex< double > &  CpV2V4cV5V51,
const std::complex< double > &  CpV2V4cV5V52,
const std::complex< double > &  CpV2V4cV5V53,
double  scale,
double  finite 

Evaluates T3G2N14 diagram for process S -> VV.

[in]mext1mass of external field S[1]
[in]mext2mass of external field V[2]
[in]mext3mass of external field V[3]
[in]mIV4mass of internal field V[4]
[in]mLV5mass of internal field V[5]
[in]CpS1V3cV4coupling Cp[S[1], V[3], -V[4]][g[lt2, lt3]]
[in]CpV2V4cV5V51coupling Cp[V[2], V[4], -V[5], V[5]][g[lt1, lt2] g[ lt3, lt4]]
[in]CpV2V4cV5V52coupling Cp[V[2], V[4], -V[5], V[5]][g[lt1, lt4] g[ lt2, lt3]]
[in]CpV2V4cV5V53coupling Cp[V[2], V[4], -V[5], V[5]][g[lt1, lt3] g[ lt2, lt4]]
value of the one-loop diagram

Definition at line 3182 of file one_loop_decay_diagrams.cpp.

References flexiblesusy::anonymous_namespace{one_loop_decay_diagrams.cpp}::Den(), flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SVV::form_factor_g, flexiblesusy::Loop_library::get(), flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SVV::m_decay, flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SVV::m_vector_1, flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SVV::m_vector_2, oneOver16PiSqr, and Sqr().

◆ calculate_diagram_SVV_t4g1n15_SS()

Decay_amplitude_SVV flexiblesusy::calculate_diagram_SVV_t4g1n15_SS ( double  mext1,
double  mext2,
double  mext3,
double  mLS4,
double  mLS5,
const std::complex< double > &  CpS1cS4cS5,
const std::complex< double > &  CpS4S5V2V3,
double  scale 

Evaluates T4G1N15 diagram for process S -> VV.

[in]mext1mass of external field S[1]
[in]mext2mass of external field V[2]
[in]mext3mass of external field V[3]
[in]mLS4mass of internal field S[4]
[in]mLS5mass of internal field S[5]
[in]CpS1cS4cS5coupling Cp[S[1], -S[4], -S[5]]
[in]CpS4S5V2V3coupling Cp[S[4], S[5], V[2], V[3]][g[lt3, lt4]]
value of the one-loop diagram

Definition at line 3223 of file one_loop_decay_diagrams.cpp.

References flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SVV::form_factor_g, flexiblesusy::Loop_library::get(), flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SVV::m_decay, flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SVV::m_vector_1, flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SVV::m_vector_2, and oneOver16PiSqr.

◆ calculate_diagram_SVV_t4g2n16_VV()

Decay_amplitude_SVV flexiblesusy::calculate_diagram_SVV_t4g2n16_VV ( double  mext1,
double  mext2,
double  mext3,
double  mLV4,
double  mLV5,
const std::complex< double > &  CpS1cV4cV5,
const std::complex< double > &  CpV2V3V4V51,
const std::complex< double > &  CpV2V3V4V52,
const std::complex< double > &  CpV2V3V4V53,
double  scale,
double  finite 

Evaluates T4G2N16 diagram for process S -> VV.

[in]mext1mass of external field S[1]
[in]mext2mass of external field V[2]
[in]mext3mass of external field V[3]
[in]mLV4mass of internal field V[4]
[in]mLV5mass of internal field V[5]
[in]CpS1cV4cV5coupling Cp[S[1], -V[4], -V[5]][g[lt2, lt3]]
[in]CpV2V3V4V51coupling Cp[V[2], V[3], V[4], V[5]][g[lt1, lt2] g[lt3 , lt4]]
[in]CpV2V3V4V52coupling Cp[V[2], V[3], V[4], V[5]][g[lt1, lt4] g[lt2 , lt3]]
[in]CpV2V3V4V53coupling Cp[V[2], V[3], V[4], V[5]][g[lt1, lt3] g[lt2 , lt4]]
value of the one-loop diagram

Definition at line 3266 of file one_loop_decay_diagrams.cpp.

References flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SVV::form_factor_g, flexiblesusy::Loop_library::get(), flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SVV::m_decay, flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SVV::m_vector_1, flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SVV::m_vector_2, and oneOver16PiSqr.

◆ calculate_diagram_SVV_t5g1n17_SS()

Decay_amplitude_SVV flexiblesusy::calculate_diagram_SVV_t5g1n17_SS ( double  mext1,
double  mext2,
double  mext3,
double  mIS4,
double  mLS5,
const std::complex< double > &  CpcS4V2V3,
const std::complex< double > &  CpS1S4cS5S5,
double  scale 

Evaluates T5G1N17 diagram for process S -> VV.

[in]mext1mass of external field S[1]
[in]mext2mass of external field V[2]
[in]mext3mass of external field V[3]
[in]mIS4mass of internal field S[4]
[in]mLS5mass of internal field S[5]
[in]CpcS4V2V3coupling Cp[-S[4], V[2], V[3]][g[lt2, lt3]]
[in]CpS1S4cS5S5coupling Cp[S[1], S[4], -S[5], S[5]]
value of the one-loop diagram

Definition at line 3306 of file one_loop_decay_diagrams.cpp.

References flexiblesusy::anonymous_namespace{one_loop_decay_diagrams.cpp}::Den(), flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SVV::form_factor_g, flexiblesusy::Loop_library::get(), flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SVV::m_decay, flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SVV::m_vector_1, flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SVV::m_vector_2, oneOver16PiSqr, and Sqr().

◆ calculate_diagram_SVV_t5g2n18_SV()

Decay_amplitude_SVV flexiblesusy::calculate_diagram_SVV_t5g2n18_SV ( double  mext1,
double  mext2,
double  mext3,
double  mIS4,
double  mLV5,
const std::complex< double > &  CpcS4V2V3,
const std::complex< double > &  CpS1S4cV5V5,
double  scale,
double  finite 

Evaluates T5G2N18 diagram for process S -> VV.

[in]mext1mass of external field S[1]
[in]mext2mass of external field V[2]
[in]mext3mass of external field V[3]
[in]mIS4mass of internal field S[4]
[in]mLV5mass of internal field V[5]
[in]CpcS4V2V3coupling Cp[-S[4], V[2], V[3]][g[lt2, lt3]]
[in]CpS1S4cV5V5coupling Cp[S[1], S[4], -V[5], V[5]][g[lt3, lt4]]
value of the one-loop diagram

Definition at line 3345 of file one_loop_decay_diagrams.cpp.

References flexiblesusy::anonymous_namespace{one_loop_decay_diagrams.cpp}::Den(), flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SVV::form_factor_g, flexiblesusy::Loop_library::get(), flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SVV::m_decay, flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SVV::m_vector_1, flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SVV::m_vector_2, oneOver16PiSqr, and Sqr().

◆ calculate_diagram_SVV_t6g1n19_SV()

Decay_amplitude_SVV flexiblesusy::calculate_diagram_SVV_t6g1n19_SV ( double  mext1,
double  mext2,
double  mext3,
double  mLS4,
double  mLV5,
const std::complex< double > &  CpcS4V2cV5,
const std::complex< double > &  CpS1S4V3V5,
double  scale 

Evaluates T6G1N19 diagram for process S -> VV.

[in]mext1mass of external field S[1]
[in]mext2mass of external field V[2]
[in]mext3mass of external field V[3]
[in]mLS4mass of internal field S[4]
[in]mLV5mass of internal field V[5]
[in]CpcS4V2cV5coupling Cp[-S[4], V[2], -V[5]][g[lt2, lt3]]
[in]CpS1S4V3V5coupling Cp[S[1], S[4], V[3], V[5]][g[lt3, lt4]]
value of the one-loop diagram

Definition at line 3384 of file one_loop_decay_diagrams.cpp.

References flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SVV::form_factor_g, flexiblesusy::Loop_library::get(), flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SVV::m_decay, flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SVV::m_vector_1, flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SVV::m_vector_2, and oneOver16PiSqr.

◆ calculate_diagram_SVV_t7g1n20_SV()

Decay_amplitude_SVV flexiblesusy::calculate_diagram_SVV_t7g1n20_SV ( double  mext1,
double  mext2,
double  mext3,
double  mLS4,
double  mLV5,
const std::complex< double > &  CpcS4V3cV5,
const std::complex< double > &  CpS1S4V2V5,
double  scale 

Evaluates T7G1N20 diagram for process S -> VV.

[in]mext1mass of external field S[1]
[in]mext2mass of external field V[2]
[in]mext3mass of external field V[3]
[in]mLS4mass of internal field S[4]
[in]mLV5mass of internal field V[5]
[in]CpcS4V3cV5coupling Cp[-S[4], V[3], -V[5]][g[lt2, lt3]]
[in]CpS1S4V2V5coupling Cp[S[1], S[4], V[2], V[5]][g[lt3, lt4]]
value of the one-loop diagram

Definition at line 3422 of file one_loop_decay_diagrams.cpp.

References flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SVV::form_factor_g, flexiblesusy::Loop_library::get(), flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SVV::m_decay, flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SVV::m_vector_1, flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SVV::m_vector_2, and oneOver16PiSqr.

◆ calculate_diagram_SVV_t8g10n30_VVV()

Decay_amplitude_SVV flexiblesusy::calculate_diagram_SVV_t8g10n30_VVV ( double  mext1,
double  mext2,
double  mext3,
double  mIV4,
double  mLV5,
double  mLV6,
const std::complex< double > &  CpS1V2cV4,
const std::complex< double > &  CpV3cV5cV6,
const std::complex< double > &  CpV4V5V6,
double  scale,
double  finite 

Evaluates T8G10N30 diagram for process S -> VV.

[in]mext1mass of external field S[1]
[in]mext2mass of external field V[2]
[in]mext3mass of external field V[3]
[in]mIV4mass of internal field V[4]
[in]mLV5mass of internal field V[5]
[in]mLV6mass of internal field V[6]
[in]CpS1V2cV4coupling Cp[S[1], V[2], -V[4]][g[lt2, lt3]]
[in]CpV3cV5cV6coupling Cp[V[3], -V[5], -V[6]][g[lt1, lt2] (-Mom[V[3] ] + Mom[-V[5]]) + g[lt1, lt3] (Mom[V[3]] - Mom[-V[6]]) + g[lt2, lt3] (-Mom[ -V[5]] + Mom[-V[6]])]
[in]CpV4V5V6coupling Cp[V[4], V[5], V[6]][g[lt1, lt2] (-Mom[V[4]] + Mom[V[5]]) + g[lt1, lt3] (Mom[V[4]] - Mom[V[6]]) + g[lt2, lt3] (-Mom[V[5]]
  • Mom[V[6]])]
value of the one-loop diagram

Definition at line 3649 of file one_loop_decay_diagrams.cpp.

References flexiblesusy::anonymous_namespace{one_loop_decay_diagrams.cpp}::Den(), flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SVV::form_factor_g, flexiblesusy::Loop_library::get(), flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SVV::m_decay, flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SVV::m_vector_1, flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SVV::m_vector_2, oneOver16PiSqr, and Sqr().

◆ calculate_diagram_SVV_t8g6n26_VFF()

Decay_amplitude_SVV flexiblesusy::calculate_diagram_SVV_t8g6n26_VFF ( double  mext1,
double  mext2,
double  mext3,
double  mIV4,
double  mLF5,
double  mLF6,
const std::complex< double > &  CpF5F6V4PL,
const std::complex< double > &  CpF5F6V4PR,
const std::complex< double > &  CpcF6cF5V3PL,
const std::complex< double > &  CpcF6cF5V3PR,
const std::complex< double > &  CpS1V2cV4,
double  scale 

Evaluates T8G6N26 diagram for process S -> VV.

[in]mext1mass of external field S[1]
[in]mext2mass of external field V[2]
[in]mext3mass of external field V[3]
[in]mIV4mass of internal field V[4]
[in]mLF5mass of internal field F[5]
[in]mLF6mass of internal field F[6]
[in]CpF5F6V4PLcoupling Cp[F[5], F[6], V[4]][LorentzProduct[gamma[lt3 ], PL]]
[in]CpF5F6V4PRcoupling Cp[F[5], F[6], V[4]][LorentzProduct[gamma[lt3 ], PR]]
[in]CpcF6cF5V3PLcoupling Cp[-F[6], -F[5], V[3]][LorentzProduct[gamma [lt3], PL]]
[in]CpcF6cF5V3PRcoupling Cp[-F[6], -F[5], V[3]][LorentzProduct[gamma [lt3], PR]]
[in]CpS1V2cV4coupling Cp[S[1], V[2], -V[4]][g[lt2, lt3]]
value of the one-loop diagram

Definition at line 3468 of file one_loop_decay_diagrams.cpp.

References flexiblesusy::anonymous_namespace{one_loop_decay_diagrams.cpp}::Den(), flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SVV::form_factor_g, flexiblesusy::Loop_library::get(), flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SVV::m_decay, flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SVV::m_vector_1, flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SVV::m_vector_2, oneOver16PiSqr, and Sqr().

◆ calculate_diagram_SVV_t8g7n27_VSS()

Decay_amplitude_SVV flexiblesusy::calculate_diagram_SVV_t8g7n27_VSS ( double  mext1,
double  mext2,
double  mext3,
double  mIV4,
double  mLS5,
double  mLS6,
const std::complex< double > &  CpS1V2cV4,
const std::complex< double > &  CpcS5cS6V3,
const std::complex< double > &  CpS5S6V4,
double  scale 

Evaluates T8G7N27 diagram for process S -> VV.

[in]mext1mass of external field S[1]
[in]mext2mass of external field V[2]
[in]mext3mass of external field V[3]
[in]mIV4mass of internal field V[4]
[in]mLS5mass of internal field S[5]
[in]mLS6mass of internal field S[6]
[in]CpS1V2cV4coupling Cp[S[1], V[2], -V[4]][g[lt2, lt3]]
[in]CpcS5cS6V3coupling Cp[-S[5], -S[6], V[3]][Mom[-S[5]] - Mom[-S[6] ]]
[in]CpS5S6V4coupling Cp[S[5], S[6], V[4]][Mom[S[5]] - Mom[S[6]]]
value of the one-loop diagram

Definition at line 3522 of file one_loop_decay_diagrams.cpp.

References flexiblesusy::anonymous_namespace{one_loop_decay_diagrams.cpp}::Den(), flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SVV::form_factor_g, flexiblesusy::Loop_library::get(), flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SVV::m_decay, flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SVV::m_vector_1, flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SVV::m_vector_2, oneOver16PiSqr, and Sqr().

◆ calculate_diagram_SVV_t8g8n28_VUU()

Decay_amplitude_SVV flexiblesusy::calculate_diagram_SVV_t8g8n28_VUU ( double  mext1,
double  mext2,
double  mext3,
double  mIV4,
double  mLU5,
double  mLU6,
const std::complex< double > &  CpS1V2cV4,
const std::complex< double > &  CpU5U6V4,
const std::complex< double > &  CpcU6cU5V3,
double  scale 

Evaluates T8G8N28 diagram for process S -> VV.

[in]mext1mass of external field S[1]
[in]mext2mass of external field V[2]
[in]mext3mass of external field V[3]
[in]mIV4mass of internal field V[4]
[in]mLU5mass of internal field U[5]
[in]mLU6mass of internal field U[6]
[in]CpS1V2cV4coupling Cp[S[1], V[2], -V[4]][g[lt2, lt3]]
[in]CpU5U6V4coupling Cp[U[5], U[6], V[4]][Mom[U[5]]]
[in]CpcU6cU5V3coupling Cp[-U[6], -U[5], V[3]][Mom[-U[6]]]
value of the one-loop diagram

Definition at line 3563 of file one_loop_decay_diagrams.cpp.

References flexiblesusy::anonymous_namespace{one_loop_decay_diagrams.cpp}::Den(), flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SVV::form_factor_g, flexiblesusy::Loop_library::get(), flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SVV::m_decay, flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SVV::m_vector_1, flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SVV::m_vector_2, oneOver16PiSqr, and Sqr().

◆ calculate_diagram_SVV_t8g9n29_VSV()

Decay_amplitude_SVV flexiblesusy::calculate_diagram_SVV_t8g9n29_VSV ( double  mext1,
double  mext2,
double  mext3,
double  mIV4,
double  mLS5,
double  mLV6,
const std::complex< double > &  CpS1V2cV4,
const std::complex< double > &  CpcS5V3cV6,
const std::complex< double > &  CpS5V4V6,
double  scale 

Evaluates T8G9N29 diagram for process S -> VV.

[in]mext1mass of external field S[1]
[in]mext2mass of external field V[2]
[in]mext3mass of external field V[3]
[in]mIV4mass of internal field V[4]
[in]mLS5mass of internal field S[5]
[in]mLV6mass of internal field V[6]
[in]CpS1V2cV4coupling Cp[S[1], V[2], -V[4]][g[lt2, lt3]]
[in]CpcS5V3cV6coupling Cp[-S[5], V[3], -V[6]][g[lt2, lt3]]
[in]CpS5V4V6coupling Cp[S[5], V[4], V[6]][g[lt2, lt3]]
value of the one-loop diagram

Definition at line 3604 of file one_loop_decay_diagrams.cpp.

References flexiblesusy::anonymous_namespace{one_loop_decay_diagrams.cpp}::Den(), flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SVV::form_factor_g, flexiblesusy::Loop_library::get(), flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SVV::m_decay, flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SVV::m_vector_1, flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SVV::m_vector_2, oneOver16PiSqr, and Sqr().

◆ calculate_diagram_SVV_t9g10n40_VVV()

Decay_amplitude_SVV flexiblesusy::calculate_diagram_SVV_t9g10n40_VVV ( double  mext1,
double  mext2,
double  mext3,
double  mIV4,
double  mLV5,
double  mLV6,
const std::complex< double > &  CpS1V3cV4,
const std::complex< double > &  CpV2cV5cV6,
const std::complex< double > &  CpV4V5V6,
double  scale,
double  finite 

Evaluates T9G10N40 diagram for process S -> VV.

[in]mext1mass of external field S[1]
[in]mext2mass of external field V[2]
[in]mext3mass of external field V[3]
[in]mIV4mass of internal field V[4]
[in]mLV5mass of internal field V[5]
[in]mLV6mass of internal field V[6]
[in]CpS1V3cV4coupling Cp[S[1], V[3], -V[4]][g[lt2, lt3]]
[in]CpV2cV5cV6coupling Cp[V[2], -V[5], -V[6]][g[lt1, lt2] (-Mom[V[2] ] + Mom[-V[5]]) + g[lt1, lt3] (Mom[V[2]] - Mom[-V[6]]) + g[lt2, lt3] (-Mom[ -V[5]] + Mom[-V[6]])]
[in]CpV4V5V6coupling Cp[V[4], V[5], V[6]][g[lt1, lt2] (-Mom[V[4]] + Mom[V[5]]) + g[lt1, lt3] (Mom[V[4]] - Mom[V[6]]) + g[lt2, lt3] (-Mom[V[5]]
  • Mom[V[6]])]
value of the one-loop diagram

Definition at line 3886 of file one_loop_decay_diagrams.cpp.

References flexiblesusy::anonymous_namespace{one_loop_decay_diagrams.cpp}::Den(), flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SVV::form_factor_g, flexiblesusy::Loop_library::get(), flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SVV::m_decay, flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SVV::m_vector_1, flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SVV::m_vector_2, oneOver16PiSqr, and Sqr().

◆ calculate_diagram_SVV_t9g6n36_VFF()

Decay_amplitude_SVV flexiblesusy::calculate_diagram_SVV_t9g6n36_VFF ( double  mext1,
double  mext2,
double  mext3,
double  mIV4,
double  mLF5,
double  mLF6,
const std::complex< double > &  CpF5F6V4PL,
const std::complex< double > &  CpF5F6V4PR,
const std::complex< double > &  CpcF6cF5V2PL,
const std::complex< double > &  CpcF6cF5V2PR,
const std::complex< double > &  CpS1V3cV4,
double  scale 

Evaluates T9G6N36 diagram for process S -> VV.

[in]mext1mass of external field S[1]
[in]mext2mass of external field V[2]
[in]mext3mass of external field V[3]
[in]mIV4mass of internal field V[4]
[in]mLF5mass of internal field F[5]
[in]mLF6mass of internal field F[6]
[in]CpF5F6V4PLcoupling Cp[F[5], F[6], V[4]][LorentzProduct[gamma[lt3 ], PL]]
[in]CpF5F6V4PRcoupling Cp[F[5], F[6], V[4]][LorentzProduct[gamma[lt3 ], PR]]
[in]CpcF6cF5V2PLcoupling Cp[-F[6], -F[5], V[2]][LorentzProduct[gamma [lt3], PL]]
[in]CpcF6cF5V2PRcoupling Cp[-F[6], -F[5], V[2]][LorentzProduct[gamma [lt3], PR]]
[in]CpS1V3cV4coupling Cp[S[1], V[3], -V[4]][g[lt2, lt3]]
value of the one-loop diagram

Definition at line 3705 of file one_loop_decay_diagrams.cpp.

References flexiblesusy::anonymous_namespace{one_loop_decay_diagrams.cpp}::Den(), flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SVV::form_factor_g, flexiblesusy::Loop_library::get(), flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SVV::m_decay, flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SVV::m_vector_1, flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SVV::m_vector_2, oneOver16PiSqr, and Sqr().

◆ calculate_diagram_SVV_t9g7n37_VSS()

Decay_amplitude_SVV flexiblesusy::calculate_diagram_SVV_t9g7n37_VSS ( double  mext1,
double  mext2,
double  mext3,
double  mIV4,
double  mLS5,
double  mLS6,
const std::complex< double > &  CpS1V3cV4,
const std::complex< double > &  CpcS5cS6V2,
const std::complex< double > &  CpS5S6V4,
double  scale 

Evaluates T9G7N37 diagram for process S -> VV.

[in]mext1mass of external field S[1]
[in]mext2mass of external field V[2]
[in]mext3mass of external field V[3]
[in]mIV4mass of internal field V[4]
[in]mLS5mass of internal field S[5]
[in]mLS6mass of internal field S[6]
[in]CpS1V3cV4coupling Cp[S[1], V[3], -V[4]][g[lt2, lt3]]
[in]CpcS5cS6V2coupling Cp[-S[5], -S[6], V[2]][Mom[-S[5]] - Mom[-S[6] ]]
[in]CpS5S6V4coupling Cp[S[5], S[6], V[4]][Mom[S[5]] - Mom[S[6]]]
value of the one-loop diagram

Definition at line 3759 of file one_loop_decay_diagrams.cpp.

References flexiblesusy::anonymous_namespace{one_loop_decay_diagrams.cpp}::Den(), flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SVV::form_factor_g, flexiblesusy::Loop_library::get(), flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SVV::m_decay, flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SVV::m_vector_1, flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SVV::m_vector_2, oneOver16PiSqr, and Sqr().

◆ calculate_diagram_SVV_t9g8n38_VUU()

Decay_amplitude_SVV flexiblesusy::calculate_diagram_SVV_t9g8n38_VUU ( double  mext1,
double  mext2,
double  mext3,
double  mIV4,
double  mLU5,
double  mLU6,
const std::complex< double > &  CpS1V3cV4,
const std::complex< double > &  CpU5U6V4,
const std::complex< double > &  CpcU6cU5V2,
double  scale 

Evaluates T9G8N38 diagram for process S -> VV.

[in]mext1mass of external field S[1]
[in]mext2mass of external field V[2]
[in]mext3mass of external field V[3]
[in]mIV4mass of internal field V[4]
[in]mLU5mass of internal field U[5]
[in]mLU6mass of internal field U[6]
[in]CpS1V3cV4coupling Cp[S[1], V[3], -V[4]][g[lt2, lt3]]
[in]CpU5U6V4coupling Cp[U[5], U[6], V[4]][Mom[U[5]]]
[in]CpcU6cU5V2coupling Cp[-U[6], -U[5], V[2]][Mom[-U[6]]]
value of the one-loop diagram

Definition at line 3800 of file one_loop_decay_diagrams.cpp.

References flexiblesusy::anonymous_namespace{one_loop_decay_diagrams.cpp}::Den(), flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SVV::form_factor_g, flexiblesusy::Loop_library::get(), flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SVV::m_decay, flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SVV::m_vector_1, flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SVV::m_vector_2, oneOver16PiSqr, and Sqr().

◆ calculate_diagram_SVV_t9g9n39_VSV()

Decay_amplitude_SVV flexiblesusy::calculate_diagram_SVV_t9g9n39_VSV ( double  mext1,
double  mext2,
double  mext3,
double  mIV4,
double  mLS5,
double  mLV6,
const std::complex< double > &  CpS1V3cV4,
const std::complex< double > &  CpcS5V2cV6,
const std::complex< double > &  CpS5V4V6,
double  scale 

Evaluates T9G9N39 diagram for process S -> VV.

[in]mext1mass of external field S[1]
[in]mext2mass of external field V[2]
[in]mext3mass of external field V[3]
[in]mIV4mass of internal field V[4]
[in]mLS5mass of internal field S[5]
[in]mLV6mass of internal field V[6]
[in]CpS1V3cV4coupling Cp[S[1], V[3], -V[4]][g[lt2, lt3]]
[in]CpcS5V2cV6coupling Cp[-S[5], V[2], -V[6]][g[lt2, lt3]]
[in]CpS5V4V6coupling Cp[S[5], V[4], V[6]][g[lt2, lt3]]
value of the one-loop diagram

Definition at line 3841 of file one_loop_decay_diagrams.cpp.

References flexiblesusy::anonymous_namespace{one_loop_decay_diagrams.cpp}::Den(), flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SVV::form_factor_g, flexiblesusy::Loop_library::get(), flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SVV::m_decay, flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SVV::m_vector_1, flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SVV::m_vector_2, oneOver16PiSqr, and Sqr().

◆ calculate_dirac_singlet_mass()

template<typename T >
double flexiblesusy::calculate_dirac_singlet_mass ( value,
std::complex< double > &  phase 

Calculates the mass of a Dirac fermion singlet from a (possibly complex) numerical value by taking the magnitude of the value.

The phase is set to exp(i theta), where theta is the phase angle of the complex value. If the value is pure real, then the phase will be set to 1. If the value is purely imaginary, then the phase will be set to $e^{i \pi}$.

valuenumerical value

Definition at line 1548 of file linalg2.hpp.

References arg(), and flexiblesusy::anonymous_namespace{ckm.cpp}::phase().

◆ calculate_majorana_singlet_mass()

template<typename T >
double flexiblesusy::calculate_majorana_singlet_mass ( value,
std::complex< double > &  phase 

Calculates the mass of a Majoran fermion singlet from a (possibly complex) numerical value by taking the magnitude of the value.

The phase is set to exp(i theta/2), where theta is the phase angle of the complex value. If the value is pure real, then the phase will be set to 1. If the value is purely imaginary, then the phase will be set to $e^{i \pi/2}$.

valuenumerical value

Definition at line 1528 of file linalg2.hpp.

References arg(), and flexiblesusy::anonymous_namespace{ckm.cpp}::phase().

◆ calculate_singlet_mass()

template<typename T >
double flexiblesusy::calculate_singlet_mass ( value)

Calculates the mass of a singlet from a (possibly complex) numerical value by taking the magnitude of the value.

valuenumerical value

Definition at line 1509 of file linalg2.hpp.

◆ cast_model()

template<class TargetModel , class InputModel >
TargetModel flexiblesusy::cast_model ( InputModel  abstract_model)

Definition at line 42 of file model.hpp.

References FATAL.

◆ cbegin()

◆ Cbrt()

double flexiblesusy::Cbrt ( double  x)

Definition at line 148 of file wrappers.hpp.

◆ cend()

◆ Cl2() [1/2]

double flexiblesusy::Cl2 ( double  x)

Clausen function $\mathrm{Cl}_2(\theta) = \mathrm{Im}(\mathrm{Li}_2(e^{i\theta}))$.

Clausen function Cl_2(x)

xreal angle
Alexander Voigt
Implemented as economized Padé approximation.

Definition at line 31 of file Cl2.cpp.

References log(), P, flexiblesusy::anonymous_namespace{Li.cpp}::PI, and Q.

Referenced by flexiblesusy::amm_loop_functions::two_loop::BarrZeeLoopFP(), flexiblesusy::threshold_loop_functions::anonymous_namespace{threshold_loop_functions.cpp}::cl2acos(), and flexiblesusy::threshold_loop_functions::anonymous_namespace{threshold_loop_functions.cpp}::phi_neg().

◆ Cl2() [2/2]

long double flexiblesusy::Cl2 ( long double  x)

Clausen function $\mathrm{Cl}_2(\theta) = \mathrm{Im}(\mathrm{Li}_2(e^{i\theta}))$ with long double precision.

Clausen function Cl_2(x)

xreal angle
Alexander Voigt

Implemented as an economized Padé approximation with a maximum error of approximately 3.26e-41 (for long double and quadruple precision).

Definition at line 110 of file Cl2.cpp.

References log(), P, flexiblesusy::anonymous_namespace{Li.cpp}::PI, and Q.

◆ close()

static int flexiblesusy::close ( Real  m1,
Real  m2,
Real  tol 

◆ closest_index()

template<typename Derived >
int flexiblesusy::closest_index ( double  mass,
const Eigen::ArrayBase< Derived > &  v 

Definition at line 32 of file eigen_utils.hpp.

Referenced by move_goldstone_to(), and remove_if_equal().

◆ ComplexLog() [1/2]

std::complex< double > flexiblesusy::ComplexLog ( const std::complex< double > &  z)

Definition at line 102 of file wrappers.cpp.

References fast_log().

◆ ComplexLog() [2/2]

std::complex< double > flexiblesusy::ComplexLog ( double  a)

Definition at line 97 of file wrappers.cpp.

References fast_log().

◆ concat() [1/5]

◆ concat() [2/5]

std::string flexiblesusy::concat ( const std::vector< std::string > &  strings,
char  separator 

concatenate strings with separator

Definition at line 49 of file string_utils.cpp.

References concat().

◆ concat() [3/5]

std::string flexiblesusy::concat ( const std::vector< std::string > &  strings,
const std::string &  separator 

concatenate strings with separator

Definition at line 34 of file string_utils.cpp.

References end().

◆ concat() [4/5]

template<class InputIterator >
std::string flexiblesusy::concat ( InputIterator  start,
InputIterator  end,
char  separator 

concatenate strings with separator

Definition at line 59 of file string_utils.hpp.

References concat(), and end().

◆ concat() [5/5]

template<class InputIterator >
std::string flexiblesusy::concat ( InputIterator  start,
InputIterator  end,
const std::string &  separator 

concatenate strings with separator

Definition at line 42 of file string_utils.hpp.

References end().

◆ concatenate()

template<class... Args>
detail::result_of::concatenate< Args... >::type flexiblesusy::concatenate ( Args &&...  args)

Definition at line 87 of file concatenate.hpp.

◆ conj()

◆ Conj() [1/11]

template<typename Derived >
auto flexiblesusy::Conj ( const Eigen::ArrayBase< Derived > &  x) -> decltype(x.conjugate())

Definition at line 163 of file wrappers.hpp.

◆ Conj() [2/11]

template<typename Derived >
auto flexiblesusy::Conj ( const Eigen::MatrixBase< Derived > &  x) -> decltype(x.conjugate())

Definition at line 169 of file wrappers.hpp.

◆ Conj() [3/11]

std::complex< double > flexiblesusy::Conj ( const std::complex< double > &  x)

Definition at line 159 of file wrappers.hpp.

References conj().

◆ Conj() [4/11]

std::complex< float > flexiblesusy::Conj ( const std::complex< float > &  x)

Definition at line 158 of file wrappers.hpp.

References conj().

◆ Conj() [5/11]

std::complex< long double > flexiblesusy::Conj ( const std::complex< long double > &  x)

Definition at line 160 of file wrappers.hpp.

References conj().

◆ Conj() [6/11]

double flexiblesusy::Conj ( double  x)

Definition at line 156 of file wrappers.hpp.

◆ Conj() [7/11]

float flexiblesusy::Conj ( float  x)

Definition at line 155 of file wrappers.hpp.

◆ Conj() [8/11]

◆ Conj() [9/11]

long double flexiblesusy::Conj ( long double  x)

Definition at line 157 of file wrappers.hpp.

◆ Conj() [10/11]

long long flexiblesusy::Conj ( long long  x)

Definition at line 154 of file wrappers.hpp.

◆ Conj() [11/11]

long flexiblesusy::Conj ( long  x)

Definition at line 153 of file wrappers.hpp.

◆ convert_symmetric_fermion_mixings_to_hk() [1/4]

void flexiblesusy::convert_symmetric_fermion_mixings_to_hk ( double &  ,
Eigen::Matrix< double, 1, 1 > &   

Definition at line 52 of file mixings.cpp.

◆ convert_symmetric_fermion_mixings_to_hk() [2/4]

void flexiblesusy::convert_symmetric_fermion_mixings_to_hk ( double &  m,
Eigen::Matrix< std::complex< double >, 1, 1 > &  z 
z1x1 mixing matrix

Definition at line 61 of file mixings.cpp.

◆ convert_symmetric_fermion_mixings_to_hk() [3/4]

template<int N>
void flexiblesusy::convert_symmetric_fermion_mixings_to_hk ( Eigen::Array< double, N, 1 > &  ,
Eigen::Matrix< double, N, N > &   

Definition at line 70 of file mixings.hpp.

◆ convert_symmetric_fermion_mixings_to_hk() [4/4]

template<int N>
void flexiblesusy::convert_symmetric_fermion_mixings_to_hk ( Eigen::Array< double, N, 1 > &  m,
Eigen::Matrix< std::complex< double >, N, N > &  z 

Converts the given vector of masses and the corresponding (real) mixing matrix to Haber-Kane convention (Phys. Rept. 117 (1985) 75-263): Masses are positive and mixing matrices can be complex.

mvector of masses
zmixing matrix

Definition at line 87 of file mixings.hpp.

◆ convert_symmetric_fermion_mixings_to_slha() [1/4]

void flexiblesusy::convert_symmetric_fermion_mixings_to_slha ( double &  ,
Eigen::Matrix< double, 1, 1 > &   

Definition at line 26 of file mixings.cpp.

◆ convert_symmetric_fermion_mixings_to_slha() [2/4]

void flexiblesusy::convert_symmetric_fermion_mixings_to_slha ( double &  m,
Eigen::Matrix< std::complex< double >, 1, 1 > &  z 
z1x1 mixing matrix

Definition at line 35 of file mixings.cpp.

References is_zero(), and WARNING.

◆ convert_symmetric_fermion_mixings_to_slha() [3/4]

template<int N>
void flexiblesusy::convert_symmetric_fermion_mixings_to_slha ( Eigen::Array< double, N, 1 > &  ,
Eigen::Matrix< double, N, N > &   

Definition at line 31 of file mixings.hpp.

◆ convert_symmetric_fermion_mixings_to_slha() [4/4]

template<int N>
void flexiblesusy::convert_symmetric_fermion_mixings_to_slha ( Eigen::Array< double, N, 1 > &  m,
Eigen::Matrix< std::complex< double >, N, N > &  z 

Converts the given vector of masses and the corresponding (complex) mixing matrix to SLHA convention: Matrix rows with non-zero imaginary parts are multiplied by i and the corresponding mass eigenvalue is multiplied by -1. As a result the mixing matrix will be real and the mass eigenvalues might be positive or negative. It is assumed that these mixings result from diagonalizing a symmetric fermion mass matrix in the convention of Haber and Kane, Phys. Rept. 117 (1985) 75-263. This conversion makes sense only if the original symmetric mass matrix is real-valued.

mvector of masses
zmixing matrix

Definition at line 54 of file mixings.hpp.

References is_zero().

◆ copy_problem_strings()

template<typename OutputIterator >
void flexiblesusy::copy_problem_strings ( const Observable_problems op,
OutputIterator  oi 

◆ Cos()

double flexiblesusy::Cos ( double  x)

Definition at line 42 of file wrappers.cpp.

Referenced by Sec().

◆ Cot()

double flexiblesusy::Cot ( double  a)

Definition at line 37 of file wrappers.cpp.

References Tan().

◆ create_process_string()

template<typename FieldIn , typename FieldOut1 , typename FieldOut2 >
std::string flexiblesusy::create_process_string ( std::array< int, FieldIn::numberOfFieldIndices > const  in,
std::array< int, FieldOut1::numberOfFieldIndices > const  out1,
std::array< int, FieldOut2::numberOfFieldIndices > const  out2 

Definition at line 152 of file decay.hpp.

◆ Csc()

double flexiblesusy::Csc ( double  x)

Definition at line 57 of file wrappers.cpp.

References Sin().

◆ Cube()

template<typename T >
constexpr T flexiblesusy::Cube ( a)

◆ cube()

template<class T >
T flexiblesusy::cube ( x)

Definition at line 63 of file mathdefs.hpp.

Referenced by flexiblesusy::threshold_loop_functions::D01f5(), flexiblesusy::threshold_loop_functions::D01f6(), flexiblesusy::threshold_loop_functions::D01f7(), flexiblesusy::threshold_loop_functions::D01f8(), flexiblesusy::threshold_loop_functions::D10f5(), flexiblesusy::threshold_loop_functions::D10f6(), flexiblesusy::threshold_loop_functions::D10f7(), flexiblesusy::threshold_loop_functions::D10f8(), flexiblesusy::threshold_loop_functions::D1f(), flexiblesusy::threshold_loop_functions::D1f1(), flexiblesusy::threshold_loop_functions::D1F2(), flexiblesusy::threshold_loop_functions::D1f2(), flexiblesusy::threshold_loop_functions::D1F3(), flexiblesusy::threshold_loop_functions::D1f3(), flexiblesusy::threshold_loop_functions::D1F4(), flexiblesusy::threshold_loop_functions::D1f4(), flexiblesusy::threshold_loop_functions::D1F5(), flexiblesusy::threshold_loop_functions::D1F6(), flexiblesusy::threshold_loop_functions::D1F7(), flexiblesusy::threshold_loop_functions::D1g(), flexiblesusy::threshold_loop_functions::D2F1(), flexiblesusy::threshold_loop_functions::D2F2(), flexiblesusy::threshold_loop_functions::D2F3(), flexiblesusy::threshold_loop_functions::D2F4(), flexiblesusy::threshold_loop_functions::D2F5(), flexiblesusy::threshold_loop_functions::D2F6(), flexiblesusy::threshold_loop_functions::D2F7(), flexiblesusy::threshold_loop_functions::DB0(), flexiblesusy::threshold_loop_functions::F2(), flexiblesusy::threshold_loop_functions::f5(), flexiblesusy::threshold_loop_functions::F5(), flexiblesusy::threshold_loop_functions::f7(), flexiblesusy::threshold_loop_functions::F7(), flexiblesusy::threshold_loop_functions::anonymous_namespace{threshold_loop_functions.cpp}::pow6(), and flexiblesusy::threshold_loop_functions::W().

◆ Delta()

int flexiblesusy::Delta ( int  i,
int  j 

Definition at line 62 of file wrappers.cpp.

◆ delta_AhAA_2loopQCD_for_quark_loop()

std::complex< double > flexiblesusy::delta_AhAA_2loopQCD_for_quark_loop ( double  mAh,
double  mq,
double  mu 

◆ delta_AhAA_2loopQCD_for_squark_loop()

std::complex< double > flexiblesusy::delta_AhAA_2loopQCD_for_squark_loop ( double  mAh,
double  msq,
double  mu 

Definition at line 267 of file decay_functions.cpp.

References Sqr().

◆ delta_hAA_2loopQCD_for_quark_loop()

std::complex< double > flexiblesusy::delta_hAA_2loopQCD_for_quark_loop ( double  mH,
double  mq,
double  mu 

◆ delta_hAA_2loopQCD_for_squark_loop()

std::complex< double > flexiblesusy::delta_hAA_2loopQCD_for_squark_loop ( double  mH,
double  msq,
double  mu 

Definition at line 239 of file decay_functions.cpp.

References Cube(), log(), Power4(), Sqr(), zeta2, and zeta3.

◆ derivative_backward()

template<int Order, class F , class A >
auto flexiblesusy::derivative_backward ( const F &  f,
eps = std::numeric_limits<A>::epsilon() 
) -> decltype(f(x))

Calculates the 1st derivative of $f(x)$ up to order Order using the backward finite difference. This function calls $f(x)$ (Order + 2) times.

xpoint at which derivative is to be calculated
epsmeasure for step size $h$
Template Parameters
Orderorder of accuracy (0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7)

Definition at line 161 of file derivative.hpp.

References f().

◆ derivative_backward_fx()

template<class F , class A >
auto flexiblesusy::derivative_backward_fx ( const F &  f,
decltype(f(x))  fx,
eps = std::numeric_limits<A>::epsilon() 
) -> decltype(f(x))

Calculates the backward derivative of $f(x)$ as

\[f'(x) =
\frac{f(x)-f(x-h)}{h} + O(h)\]

. This function calls $f$ once at $(x+h)$. The value of $f(x)$ has to be provided by the caller. The step size $h$ is calculated to be $h =
\sqrt{\epsilon} x$ for $x\neq 0$. For $x=0$, the step size is set to $h = \epsilon$.

xpoint at which derivative is to be calculated
fxvalue of $f(x)$

Definition at line 74 of file derivative.hpp.

References flexiblesusy::looplibrary::A(), and f().

◆ derivative_central()

template<int Order, class F , class A >
auto flexiblesusy::derivative_central ( const F &  f,
eps = std::numeric_limits<A>::epsilon() 
) -> decltype(f(x))

Calculates the 1st derivative of $f(x)$ up to order Order using the central finite difference. This function calls $f$ 2 * (Order + 1) times.

xpoint at which derivative is to be calculated
epsmeasure for step size $h$
Template Parameters
Orderorder of accuracy (0, 1, 2, 3)

Definition at line 179 of file derivative.hpp.

References flexiblesusy::looplibrary::A(), and f().

◆ derivative_forward()

template<int Order, class F , class A >
auto flexiblesusy::derivative_forward ( const F &  f,
eps = std::numeric_limits<A>::epsilon() 
) -> decltype(f(x))

Calculates the 1st derivative of $f(x)$ up to order Order using the forward finite difference. This function calls $f(x)$ (Order + 2) times.

xpoint at which derivative is to be calculated
epsmeasure for step size $h$
Template Parameters
Orderorder of accuracy (0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7)

Definition at line 143 of file derivative.hpp.

References derivative_one_sided(), and f().

◆ derivative_forward_fx()

template<class F , class A >
auto flexiblesusy::derivative_forward_fx ( const F &  f,
decltype(f(x))  fx,
eps = std::numeric_limits<A>::epsilon() 
) -> decltype(f(x))

Calculates the forward derivative of $f(x)$ as

\[f'(x) =
\frac{f(x+h)-f(x)}{h} + O(h)\]

. This function calls $f$ once at $(x+h)$. The value of $f(x)$ has to be provided by the caller. The step size $h$ is calculated to be $h =
\sqrt{\epsilon} x$ for $x\neq 0$. For $x=0$, the step size is set to $h = \epsilon$.

xpoint at which derivative is to be calculated
fxvalue of $f(x)$

Definition at line 49 of file derivative.hpp.

References flexiblesusy::looplibrary::A(), and f().

◆ derivative_one_sided()

template<int Order, int sign, class F , class A >
auto flexiblesusy::derivative_one_sided ( const F &  f,
eps = std::numeric_limits<A>::epsilon() 
) -> decltype(f(x))

Calculates the 1st derivative of $f(x)$ up to order Order using the one-sided finite difference. This function calls $f(x)$ (Order + 2) times.

xpoint at which derivative is to be calculated
epsmeasure for step size $h$
Template Parameters
Orderorder of accuracy (0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7)
signdirection (-1 = forward, +1 = backward derivative)
Ffunction type
Afunction parameter type

Definition at line 99 of file derivative.hpp.

References flexiblesusy::looplibrary::A(), f(), and sign().

Referenced by derivative_forward().

◆ dgbsv_()

void flexiblesusy::dgbsv_ ( const int &  N,
const int &  KL,
const int &  KU,
const int &  NRHS,
double *  AB,
const int &  LDAB,
int *  IPIV,
double *  B,
const int &  LDB,
int *  INFO 

◆ Diag()

template<class Derived >
Eigen::MatrixBase< Derived >::PlainObject flexiblesusy::Diag ( const Eigen::MatrixBase< Derived > &  m)

Definition at line 252 of file wrappers.hpp.

◆ diagonalize_hermitian() [1/5]

template<class Real , class Scalar , int N>
void flexiblesusy::diagonalize_hermitian ( const Eigen::Matrix< Scalar, N, N > &  m,
Eigen::Array< Real, N, 1 > &  w 

Returns eigenvalues of N-by-N hermitian matrix m via w. Elements of w are in ascending order.

Template Parameters
Realtype of real and imaginary parts of Scalar
Scalartype of elements of m and z
Nnumber of rows and columns in m and z
[in]mN-by-N matrix to be diagonalized
[out]warray of length N to contain eigenvalues

Definition at line 451 of file linalg2.hpp.

References diagonalize_hermitian_errbd().

◆ diagonalize_hermitian() [2/5]

template<class Real , class Scalar , int N>
void flexiblesusy::diagonalize_hermitian ( const Eigen::Matrix< Scalar, N, N > &  m,
Eigen::Array< Real, N, 1 > &  w,
Eigen::Matrix< Scalar, N, N > &  z 

Diagonalizes N-by-N hermitian matrix m so that

m == z * w.matrix().asDiagonal() * z.adjoint()

Elements of w are in ascending order.

Template Parameters
Realtype of real and imaginary parts of Scalar
Scalartype of elements of m and z
Nnumber of rows and columns in m and z
[in]mN-by-N matrix to be diagonalized
[out]warray of length N to contain eigenvalues
[out]zN-by-N unitary matrix

Definition at line 389 of file linalg2.hpp.

References diagonalize_hermitian_errbd().

Referenced by flexiblesusy::sfermions::diagonalize_sfermions_2x2().

◆ diagonalize_hermitian() [3/5]

template<class Real , class Scalar , int N>
void flexiblesusy::diagonalize_hermitian ( const Eigen::Matrix< Scalar, N, N > &  m,
Eigen::Array< Real, N, 1 > &  w,
Eigen::Matrix< Scalar, N, N > &  z,
Real w_errbd 

Same as diagonalize_hermitian(m, w, z) except that an approximate error bound for the eigenvalues is returned as well. The error bound is estimated following the method presented at http://www.netlib.org/lapack/lug/node89.html.

[out]w_errbdapproximate error bound for the elements of w

See the documentation of diagonalize_hermitian(m, w, z) for the other parameters.

Definition at line 409 of file linalg2.hpp.

References diagonalize_hermitian_errbd().

◆ diagonalize_hermitian() [4/5]

template<class Real , class Scalar , int N>
void flexiblesusy::diagonalize_hermitian ( const Eigen::Matrix< Scalar, N, N > &  m,
Eigen::Array< Real, N, 1 > &  w,
Eigen::Matrix< Scalar, N, N > &  z,
Real w_errbd,
Eigen::Array< Real, N, 1 > &  z_errbd 

Same as diagonalize_hermitian(m, w, z, w_errbd) except that approximate error bounds for the eigenvectors are returned as well. The error bounds are estimated following the method presented at http://www.netlib.org/lapack/lug/node89.html.

[out]z_errbdarray of approximate error bounds for z

See the documentation of diagonalize_hermitian(m, w, z, w_errbd) for the other parameters.

Definition at line 430 of file linalg2.hpp.

References diagonalize_hermitian_errbd().

◆ diagonalize_hermitian() [5/5]

template<class Real , class Scalar , int N>
void flexiblesusy::diagonalize_hermitian ( const Eigen::Matrix< Scalar, N, N > &  m,
Eigen::Array< Real, N, 1 > &  w,
Real w_errbd 

Same as diagonalize_hermitian(m, w) except that an approximate error bound for the eigenvalues is returned as well. The error bound is estimated following the method presented at http://www.netlib.org/lapack/lug/node89.html.

[out]w_errbdapproximate error bound for the elements of w

See the documentation of diagonalize_hermitian(m, w) for the other parameters.

Definition at line 470 of file linalg2.hpp.

References diagonalize_hermitian_errbd().

◆ diagonalize_hermitian_errbd()

template<class Real , class Scalar , int N>
void flexiblesusy::diagonalize_hermitian_errbd ( const Eigen::Matrix< Scalar, N, N > &  m,
Eigen::Array< Real, N, 1 > &  w,
Eigen::Matrix< Scalar, N, N > *  z = 0,
Real w_errbd = 0,
Eigen::Array< Real, N, 1 > *  z_errbd = 0 

◆ diagonalize_hermitian_internal()

template<class Real , class Scalar , int N>
void flexiblesusy::diagonalize_hermitian_internal ( const Eigen::Matrix< Scalar, N, N > &  m,
Eigen::Array< Real, N, 1 > &  w,
Eigen::Matrix< Scalar, N, N > *  z 

Definition at line 342 of file linalg2.hpp.

References hermitian_eigen().

Referenced by diagonalize_hermitian_errbd().

◆ diagonalize_symmetric() [1/10]

template<class Real , int N>
void flexiblesusy::diagonalize_symmetric ( const Eigen::Matrix< Real, N, N > &  m,
Eigen::Array< Real, N, 1 > &  s 

Returns singular values of N-by-N real symmetric matrix m via s such that (s >= 0).all(). Order of elements of s is unspecified.

Template Parameters
Realtype of elements of m and s
Nnumber of rows and columns of m
[in]mN-by-N real symmetric matrix to be decomposed
[out]sarray of length N to contain singular values
Use diagonalize_hermitian() unless sign of s[i] matters.

Definition at line 723 of file linalg2.hpp.

References diagonalize_symmetric_errbd().

◆ diagonalize_symmetric() [2/10]

template<class Real , int N>
void flexiblesusy::diagonalize_symmetric ( const Eigen::Matrix< Real, N, N > &  m,
Eigen::Array< Real, N, 1 > &  s,
Eigen::Matrix< std::complex< Real >, N, N > &  u 

Diagonalizes N-by-N real symmetric matrix m so that

m == u * s.matrix().asDiagonal() * u.transpose()

and (s >= 0).all(). Order of elements of s is unspecified.

Template Parameters
Realtype of real and imaginary parts
Nnumber of rows and columns of m
[in]mN-by-N real symmetric matrix to be decomposed
[out]sarray of length N to contain singular values
[out]uN-by-N complex unitary matrix
Use diagonalize_hermitian() unless sign of s[i] matters.

Definition at line 659 of file linalg2.hpp.

References diagonalize_symmetric_errbd().

◆ diagonalize_symmetric() [3/10]

template<class Real , int N>
void flexiblesusy::diagonalize_symmetric ( const Eigen::Matrix< Real, N, N > &  m,
Eigen::Array< Real, N, 1 > &  s,
Eigen::Matrix< std::complex< Real >, N, N > &  u,
Real s_errbd 

Same as diagonalize_symmetric(m, s, u) except that an approximate error bound for the singular values is returned as well. The error bound is estimated following the method presented at http://www.netlib.org/lapack/lug/node89.html.

[out]s_errbdapproximate error bound for the elements of s

See the documentation of diagonalize_symmetric(m, s, u) for the other parameters.

Definition at line 679 of file linalg2.hpp.

References diagonalize_symmetric_errbd().

◆ diagonalize_symmetric() [4/10]

template<class Real , int N>
void flexiblesusy::diagonalize_symmetric ( const Eigen::Matrix< Real, N, N > &  m,
Eigen::Array< Real, N, 1 > &  s,
Eigen::Matrix< std::complex< Real >, N, N > &  u,
Real s_errbd,
Eigen::Array< Real, N, 1 > &  u_errbd 

Same as diagonalize_symmetric(m, s, u, s_errbd) except that approximate error bounds for the singular vectors are returned as well. The error bounds are estimated following the method presented at http://www.netlib.org/lapack/lug/node89.html.

[out]u_errbdarray of approximate error bounds for u

See the documentation of diagonalize_symmetric(m, s, u, s_errbd) for the other parameters.

Definition at line 700 of file linalg2.hpp.

References diagonalize_symmetric_errbd().

◆ diagonalize_symmetric() [5/10]

template<class Real , int N>
void flexiblesusy::diagonalize_symmetric ( const Eigen::Matrix< Real, N, N > &  m,
Eigen::Array< Real, N, 1 > &  s,
Real s_errbd 

Same as diagonalize_symmetric(m, s) except that an approximate error bound for the singular values is returned as well. The error bound is estimated following the method presented at http://www.netlib.org/lapack/lug/node89.html.

[out]s_errbdapproximate error bound for the elements of s

See the documentation of diagonalize_symmetric(m, s) for the other parameters.

Definition at line 742 of file linalg2.hpp.

References diagonalize_symmetric_errbd().

◆ diagonalize_symmetric() [6/10]

template<class Real , int N>
void flexiblesusy::diagonalize_symmetric ( const Eigen::Matrix< std::complex< Real >, N, N > &  m,
Eigen::Array< Real, N, 1 > &  s 

Returns singular values of N-by-N complex symmetric matrix m via s such that (s >= 0).all(). Elements of s are in descending order.

Template Parameters
Realtype of real and imaginary parts
Nnumber of rows and columns in m and u
[in]mN-by-N complex symmetric matrix to be decomposed
[out]sarray of length N to contain singular values

Definition at line 588 of file linalg2.hpp.

References diagonalize_symmetric_errbd().

◆ diagonalize_symmetric() [7/10]

template<class Real , int N>
void flexiblesusy::diagonalize_symmetric ( const Eigen::Matrix< std::complex< Real >, N, N > &  m,
Eigen::Array< Real, N, 1 > &  s,
Eigen::Matrix< std::complex< Real >, N, N > &  u 

Diagonalizes N-by-N complex symmetric matrix m so that

m == u * s.matrix().asDiagonal() * u.transpose()

and (s >= 0).all(). Elements of s are in descending order.

Template Parameters
Realtype of real and imaginary parts
Nnumber of rows and columns in m and u
[in]mN-by-N complex symmetric matrix to be decomposed
[out]sarray of length N to contain singular values
[out]uN-by-N complex unitary matrix

Definition at line 527 of file linalg2.hpp.

References diagonalize_symmetric_errbd().

◆ diagonalize_symmetric() [8/10]

template<class Real , int N>
void flexiblesusy::diagonalize_symmetric ( const Eigen::Matrix< std::complex< Real >, N, N > &  m,
Eigen::Array< Real, N, 1 > &  s,
Eigen::Matrix< std::complex< Real >, N, N > &  u,
Real s_errbd 

Same as diagonalize_symmetric(m, s, u) except that an approximate error bound for the singular values is returned as well. The error bound is estimated following the method presented at http://www.netlib.org/lapack/lug/node96.html.

[out]s_errbdapproximate error bound for the elements of s

See the documentation of diagonalize_symmetric(m, s, u) for the other parameters.

Definition at line 547 of file linalg2.hpp.

References diagonalize_symmetric_errbd().

◆ diagonalize_symmetric() [9/10]

template<class Real , int N>
void flexiblesusy::diagonalize_symmetric ( const Eigen::Matrix< std::complex< Real >, N, N > &  m,
Eigen::Array< Real, N, 1 > &  s,
Eigen::Matrix< std::complex< Real >, N, N > &  u,
Real s_errbd,
Eigen::Array< Real, N, 1 > &  u_errbd 

Same as diagonalize_symmetric(m, s, u, s_errbd) except that approximate error bounds for the singular vectors are returned as well. The error bounds are estimated following the method presented at http://www.netlib.org/lapack/lug/node96.html.

[out]u_errbdarray of approximate error bounds for u

See the documentation of diagonalize_symmetric(m, s, u, s_errbd) for the other parameters.

Definition at line 568 of file linalg2.hpp.

References diagonalize_symmetric_errbd().

◆ diagonalize_symmetric() [10/10]

template<class Real , int N>
void flexiblesusy::diagonalize_symmetric ( const Eigen::Matrix< std::complex< Real >, N, N > &  m,
Eigen::Array< Real, N, 1 > &  s,
Real s_errbd 

Same as diagonalize_symmetric(m, s) except that an approximate error bound for the singular values is returned as well. The error bound is estimated following the method presented at http://www.netlib.org/lapack/lug/node96.html.

[out]s_errbdapproximate error bound for the elements of s

See the documentation of diagonalize_symmetric(m, s) for the other parameters.

Definition at line 607 of file linalg2.hpp.

References diagonalize_symmetric_errbd().

◆ diagonalize_symmetric_errbd() [1/2]

template<class Real , int N>
void flexiblesusy::diagonalize_symmetric_errbd ( const Eigen::Matrix< Real, N, N > &  m,
Eigen::Array< Real, N, 1 > &  s,
Eigen::Matrix< std::complex< Real >, N, N > *  u = 0,
Real s_errbd = 0,
Eigen::Array< Real, N, 1 > *  u_errbd = 0 

Definition at line 624 of file linalg2.hpp.

References diagonalize_hermitian_errbd().

◆ diagonalize_symmetric_errbd() [2/2]

template<class Real , int N>
void flexiblesusy::diagonalize_symmetric_errbd ( const Eigen::Matrix< std::complex< Real >, N, N > &  m,
Eigen::Array< Real, N, 1 > &  s,
Eigen::Matrix< std::complex< Real >, N, N > *  u = 0,
Real s_errbd = 0,
Eigen::Array< Real, N, 1 > *  u_errbd = 0 

Definition at line 479 of file linalg2.hpp.

References Pi, and svd_errbd().

Referenced by diagonalize_symmetric(), and reorder_diagonalize_symmetric_errbd().

◆ disna()

template<int M, int N, class Real >
void flexiblesusy::disna ( const char &  JOB,
const Eigen::Array< Real,(((M)<(N)) ?(M) :(N)), 1 > &  D,
Eigen::Array< Real,(((M)<(N)) ?(M) :(N)), 1 > &  SEP,
int &  INFO 

Template version of DDISNA from LAPACK.

Definition at line 68 of file linalg2.hpp.

References flexiblesusy::looplibrary::D(), epsilon, INFO, M, and MIN_.

◆ div_safe()

template<class Derived >
Derived flexiblesusy::div_safe ( const Eigen::DenseBase< Derived > &  a,
const Eigen::DenseBase< Derived > &  b 

Divides a by b element wise. If the quotient is not finite, it is set to zero.


Definition at line 67 of file eigen_utils.hpp.

References binary_map().

◆ end()

◆ EvalEigenXpr()

template<typename Idx , typename Function >
auto flexiblesusy::EvalEigenXpr ( Idx  i,
Function  f 
) -> decltype( EvalEigenXprImpl<Idx, Function, is_eigen_type<decltype(f(i))>::value>:: eval(i, f))

Definition at line 64 of file sum.hpp.

References f().

◆ Exp()

template<typename T >
T flexiblesusy::Exp ( z)

Definition at line 187 of file wrappers.hpp.

◆ f()

std::complex< double > flexiblesusy::f ( double  tau)

Definition at line 137 of file decay_functions.cpp.

References log(), Pi, and Sqr().

Referenced by flexiblesusy::depgen::delete_duplicates(), delta_AhAA_2loopQCD_for_quark_loop(), delta_hAA_2loopQCD_for_quark_loop(), derivative_backward(), derivative_backward_fx(), derivative_central(), derivative_forward(), derivative_forward_fx(), derivative_one_sided(), flexiblesusy::EvalEigenXprImpl< Idx, Function, isEigenType >::eval(), flexiblesusy::EvalEigenXprImpl< Idx, Function, true >::eval(), EvalEigenXpr(), flexiblesusy::_power< p, true, T >::f(), flexiblesusy::_power< p, false, T >::f(), flexiblesusy::Root_finder< dimension >::find_root(), flexiblesusy::detail::for_each(), for_each_in_tuple(), nlohmann::json_abi_v3_11_3::detail::dtoa_impl::get_cached_power_for_binary_exponent(), flexiblesusy::Constraint< Lattice >::get_scale(), flexiblesusy::Root_finder< dimension >::gsl_function(), flexiblesusy::GSL_multimin_fminimizer::GSL_multimin_fminimizer(), flexiblesusy::GSL_multiroot_fsolver::GSL_multiroot_fsolver(), flexiblesusy::Initial_guesser< Lattice >::init(), flexiblesusy::Matching< Lattice >::m(), make_raii_guard(), operator<<(), Pow(), print_error(), print_fatal(), print_info(), print_warning(), nlohmann::json_abi_v3_11_3::detail::replace_substring(), flexiblesusy::depgen::search_includes(), flexiblesusy::Fixed_point_iterator< dimension, Convergence_tester >::set_function(), flexiblesusy::Root_finder< dimension >::set_function(), flexiblesusy::Minimizer< dimension >::set_function(), nlohmann::json_abi_v3_11_3::detail::lexer< BasicJsonType, InputAdapterType >::strtof(), and sum().

◆ fast_log()

template<class T >
std::complex< T > flexiblesusy::fast_log ( const std::complex< T > &  z)

fast implementation of complex logarithm

Definition at line 160 of file numerics2.hpp.

References log().

Referenced by ComplexLog(), and softsusy::anonymous_namespace{numerics.cpp}::fB().

◆ field_as_string()

template<typename Field >
std::string flexiblesusy::field_as_string ( std::array< int, Field::numberOfFieldIndices > const &  idx)

Definition at line 137 of file decay.hpp.

References strip_field_namespace(), and to_string().

◆ final_state_symmetry_factor()

template<typename Field1 , typename Field2 >
double flexiblesusy::final_state_symmetry_factor ( typename cxx_diagrams::field_indices< Field1 >::type const &  idx1,
typename cxx_diagrams::field_indices< Field2 >::type const &  idx2 

Definition at line 268 of file decay.hpp.

◆ FiniteLog()

double flexiblesusy::FiniteLog ( double  a)

Definition at line 107 of file wrappers.cpp.

References log().

◆ float_range()

std::vector< double > flexiblesusy::float_range ( double  start,
double  stop,
std::size_t  number_of_steps 

returns range of floating point values between start (included) and stop (excluded)

Returns vector with number_of_steps floating point values between start (included) and stop (excluded). The endpoint is excluded.

startsmallest value (included)
stoplargest value (excluded)
number_of_stepsnumber of values
vector of floating point values

Definition at line 42 of file scan.cpp.

References stop.

Referenced by float_range_log(), and subdivide().

◆ float_range_log()

std::vector< double > flexiblesusy::float_range_log ( double  start,
double  stop,
std::size_t  number_of_steps 

returns range of floating point values between start (included) and stop (excluded) with logarithmic spacing

Returns vector with number_of_steps floating point values between start (included) and stop (excluded). The values are logarithmically distributed, i.e. the difference of the logarithm of two consecutive points is constant. The endpoint is excluded.

startsmallest value (included)
stoplargest value (excluded)
number_of_stepsnumber of values
vector of floating point values

Definition at line 67 of file scan.cpp.

References float_range(), log(), and stop.

Referenced by subdivide_log().

◆ for_each_in_tuple()

template<typename... Ts, typename F >
void flexiblesusy::for_each_in_tuple ( std::tuple< Ts... > const &  t,

applies f on each element of the tuple

Definition at line 46 of file for_each.hpp.

References f(), and flexiblesusy::detail::for_each().

◆ format_decay()

template<typename Container >
std::string flexiblesusy::format_decay ( double  br,
const Container &  pids,
const std::string &  name 

◆ fprime()

std::complex< double > flexiblesusy::fprime ( double  tau)

Definition at line 161 of file decay_functions.cpp.

References log(), Pi, Power3(), and Sqr().

Referenced by delta_AhAA_2loopQCD_for_quark_loop().

◆ fs_diagonalize_hermitian() [1/5]

template<class Real , class Scalar , int N>
void flexiblesusy::fs_diagonalize_hermitian ( const Eigen::Matrix< Scalar, N, N > &  m,
Eigen::Array< Real, N, 1 > &  w 

Returns eigenvalues of N-by-N hermitian matrix m via w. w is arranged so that abs(w[i]) are in ascending order.

Template Parameters
Realtype of real and imaginary parts of Scalar
Scalartype of elements of m and z
Nnumber of rows and columns in m and z
[in]mN-by-N matrix to be diagonalized
[out]warray of length N to contain eigenvalues

Definition at line 1474 of file linalg2.hpp.

References fs_diagonalize_hermitian_errbd().

◆ fs_diagonalize_hermitian() [2/5]

template<class Real , class Scalar , int N>
void flexiblesusy::fs_diagonalize_hermitian ( const Eigen::Matrix< Scalar, N, N > &  m,
Eigen::Array< Real, N, 1 > &  w,
Eigen::Matrix< Scalar, N, N > &  z 

Diagonalizes N-by-N hermitian matrix m so that

m == z.adjoint() * w.matrix().asDiagonal() * z    // convention of SARAH

w is arranged so that abs(w[i]) are in ascending order.

Template Parameters
Realtype of real and imaginary parts of Scalar
Scalartype of elements of m and z
Nnumber of rows and columns in m and z
[in]mN-by-N matrix to be diagonalized
[out]warray of length N to contain eigenvalues
[out]zN-by-N unitary matrix

Definition at line 1412 of file linalg2.hpp.

References fs_diagonalize_hermitian_errbd().

◆ fs_diagonalize_hermitian() [3/5]

template<class Real , class Scalar , int N>
void flexiblesusy::fs_diagonalize_hermitian ( const Eigen::Matrix< Scalar, N, N > &  m,
Eigen::Array< Real, N, 1 > &  w,
Eigen::Matrix< Scalar, N, N > &  z,
Real w_errbd 

Same as fs_diagonalize_hermitian(m, w, z) except that an approximate error bound for the eigenvalues is returned as well. The error bound is estimated following the method presented at http://www.netlib.org/lapack/lug/node89.html.

[out]w_errbdapproximate error bound for the elements of w

See the documentation of fs_diagonalize_hermitian(m, w, z) for the other parameters.

Definition at line 1432 of file linalg2.hpp.

References fs_diagonalize_hermitian_errbd().

◆ fs_diagonalize_hermitian() [4/5]

template<class Real , class Scalar , int N>
void flexiblesusy::fs_diagonalize_hermitian ( const Eigen::Matrix< Scalar, N, N > &  m,
Eigen::Array< Real, N, 1 > &  w,
Eigen::Matrix< Scalar, N, N > &  z,
Real w_errbd,
Eigen::Array< Real, N, 1 > &  z_errbd 

Same as fs_diagonalize_hermitian(m, w, z, w_errbd) except that approximate error bounds for the eigenvectors are returned as well. The error bounds are estimated following the method presented at http://www.netlib.org/lapack/lug/node89.html.

[out]z_errbdarray of approximate error bounds for z

See the documentation of fs_diagonalize_hermitian(m, w, z, w_errbd) for the other parameters.

Definition at line 1453 of file linalg2.hpp.

References fs_diagonalize_hermitian_errbd().

◆ fs_diagonalize_hermitian() [5/5]

template<class Real , class Scalar , int N>
void flexiblesusy::fs_diagonalize_hermitian ( const Eigen::Matrix< Scalar, N, N > &  m,
Eigen::Array< Real, N, 1 > &  w,
Real w_errbd 

Same as fs_diagonalize_hermitian(m, w) except that an approximate error bound for the eigenvalues is returned as well. The error bound is estimated following the method presented at http://www.netlib.org/lapack/lug/node89.html.

[out]w_errbdapproximate error bound for the elements of w

See the documentation of fs_diagonalize_hermitian(m, w) for the other parameters.

Definition at line 1493 of file linalg2.hpp.

References fs_diagonalize_hermitian_errbd().

◆ fs_diagonalize_hermitian_errbd()

template<class Real , class Scalar , int N>
void flexiblesusy::fs_diagonalize_hermitian_errbd ( const Eigen::Matrix< Scalar, N, N > &  m,
Eigen::Array< Real, N, 1 > &  w,
Eigen::Matrix< Scalar, N, N > *  z = 0,
Real w_errbd = 0,
Eigen::Array< Real, N, 1 > *  z_errbd = 0 

◆ fs_diagonalize_symmetric() [1/5]

template<class Real , class Scalar , int N>
void flexiblesusy::fs_diagonalize_symmetric ( const Eigen::Matrix< Scalar, N, N > &  m,
Eigen::Array< Real, N, 1 > &  s 

Returns singular values of N-by-N symmetric matrix m via s such that (s >= 0).all(). Elements of s are in ascending order.

Template Parameters
Realtype of real and imaginary parts of Scalar
Scalartype of elements of m
Nnumber of rows and columns in m and u
[in]mN-by-N symmetric matrix to be decomposed
[out]sarray of length N to contain singular values

Definition at line 1345 of file linalg2.hpp.

References fs_diagonalize_symmetric_errbd().

◆ fs_diagonalize_symmetric() [2/5]

template<class Real , class Scalar , int N>
void flexiblesusy::fs_diagonalize_symmetric ( const Eigen::Matrix< Scalar, N, N > &  m,
Eigen::Array< Real, N, 1 > &  s,
Eigen::Matrix< std::complex< Real >, N, N > &  u 

Diagonalizes N-by-N symmetric matrix m so that

m == u.transpose() * s.matrix().asDiagonal() * u
// convention of Haber and Kane, Phys. Rept. 117 (1985) 75-263

and (s >= 0).all(). Elements of s are in ascending order.

Template Parameters
Realtype of real and imaginary parts of Scalar
Scalartype of elements of m
Nnumber of rows and columns in m and u
[in]mN-by-N symmetric matrix to be decomposed
[out]sarray of length N to contain singular values
[out]uN-by-N complex unitary matrix

Definition at line 1283 of file linalg2.hpp.

References fs_diagonalize_symmetric_errbd().

◆ fs_diagonalize_symmetric() [3/5]

template<class Real , class Scalar , int N>
void flexiblesusy::fs_diagonalize_symmetric ( const Eigen::Matrix< Scalar, N, N > &  m,
Eigen::Array< Real, N, 1 > &  s,
Eigen::Matrix< std::complex< Real >, N, N > &  u,
Real s_errbd 

Same as fs_diagonalize_symmetric(m, s, u) except that an approximate error bound for the singular values is returned as well. The error bound is estimated following the method presented at http://www.netlib.org/lapack/lug/node96.html.

[out]s_errbdapproximate error bound for the elements of s

See the documentation of fs_diagonalize_symmetric(m, s, u) for the other parameters.

Definition at line 1303 of file linalg2.hpp.

References fs_diagonalize_symmetric_errbd().

◆ fs_diagonalize_symmetric() [4/5]

template<class Real , class Scalar , int N>
void flexiblesusy::fs_diagonalize_symmetric ( const Eigen::Matrix< Scalar, N, N > &  m,
Eigen::Array< Real, N, 1 > &  s,
Eigen::Matrix< std::complex< Real >, N, N > &  u,
Real s_errbd,
Eigen::Array< Real, N, 1 > &  u_errbd 

Same as fs_diagonalize_symmetric(m, s, u, s_errbd) except that approximate error bounds for the singular vectors are returned as well. The error bounds are estimated following the method presented at http://www.netlib.org/lapack/lug/node96.html.

[out]u_errbdarray of approximate error bounds for u

See the documentation of fs_diagonalize_symmetric(m, s, u, s_errbd) for the other parameters.

Definition at line 1324 of file linalg2.hpp.

References fs_diagonalize_symmetric_errbd().

◆ fs_diagonalize_symmetric() [5/5]

template<class Real , class Scalar , int N>
void flexiblesusy::fs_diagonalize_symmetric ( const Eigen::Matrix< Scalar, N, N > &  m,
Eigen::Array< Real, N, 1 > &  s,
Real s_errbd 

Same as fs_diagonalize_symmetric(m, s) except that an approximate error bound for the singular values is returned as well. The error bound is estimated following the method presented at http://www.netlib.org/lapack/lug/node96.html.

[out]s_errbdapproximate error bound for the elements of s

See the documentation of fs_diagonalize_symmetric(m, s) for the other parameters.

Definition at line 1364 of file linalg2.hpp.

References fs_diagonalize_symmetric_errbd().

◆ fs_diagonalize_symmetric_errbd()

template<class Real , class Scalar , int N>
void flexiblesusy::fs_diagonalize_symmetric_errbd ( const Eigen::Matrix< Scalar, N, N > &  m,
Eigen::Array< Real, N, 1 > &  s,
Eigen::Matrix< std::complex< Real >, N, N > *  u = 0,
Real s_errbd = 0,
Eigen::Array< Real, N, 1 > *  u_errbd = 0 

Definition at line 1256 of file linalg2.hpp.

References reorder_diagonalize_symmetric_errbd().

Referenced by fs_diagonalize_symmetric().

◆ fs_svd() [1/8]

template<class Real , int M, int N>
void flexiblesusy::fs_svd ( const Eigen::Matrix< Real, M, N > &  m,
Eigen::Array< Real,(((M)<(N)) ?(M) :(N)), 1 > &  s,
Eigen::Matrix< std::complex< Real >, M, M > &  u,
Eigen::Matrix< std::complex< Real >, N, N > &  v 

Singular value decomposition of M-by-N real matrix m such that

sigma.setZero(); sigma.diagonal() = s;
m == u.transpose() * sigma * v
// convention of Haber and Kane, Phys. Rept. 117 (1985) 75-263

and (s >= 0).all(). Elements of s are in ascending order. The above decomposition can be put in the form

m == u.transpose() * s.matrix().asDiagonal() * v

if M == N.

Template Parameters
Realtype of real and imaginary parts
Mnumber of rows in m
Nnumber of columns in m
[in]mM-by-N real matrix to be decomposed
[out]sarray of length min(M,N) to contain singular values
[out]uM-by-M complex unitary matrix
[out]vN-by-N complex unitary matrix
This is a convenience overload for the case where the type of u and v (complex) differs from that of m (real). Mathematically, real u and v are enough to accommodate SVD of any real m.

Definition at line 1198 of file linalg2.hpp.

References fs_svd().

◆ fs_svd() [2/8]

template<class Real , int M, int N>
void flexiblesusy::fs_svd ( const Eigen::Matrix< Real, M, N > &  m,
Eigen::Array< Real,(((M)<(N)) ?(M) :(N)), 1 > &  s,
Eigen::Matrix< std::complex< Real >, M, M > &  u,
Eigen::Matrix< std::complex< Real >, N, N > &  v,
Real s_errbd 

Same as fs_svd(m, s, u, v) except that an approximate error bound for the singular values is returned as well. The error bound is estimated following the method presented at http://www.netlib.org/lapack/lug/node96.html.

[out]s_errbdapproximate error bound for the elements of s

See the documentation of fs_svd(m, s, u, v) for the other parameters.

Definition at line 1219 of file linalg2.hpp.

References fs_svd().

◆ fs_svd() [3/8]

template<class Real , int M, int N>
void flexiblesusy::fs_svd ( const Eigen::Matrix< Real, M, N > &  m,
Eigen::Array< Real,(((M)<(N)) ?(M) :(N)), 1 > &  s,
Eigen::Matrix< std::complex< Real >, M, M > &  u,
Eigen::Matrix< std::complex< Real >, N, N > &  v,
Real s_errbd,
Eigen::Array< Real,(((M)<(N)) ?(M) :(N)), 1 > &  u_errbd,
Eigen::Array< Real,(((M)<(N)) ?(M) :(N)), 1 > &  v_errbd 

Same as fs_svd(m, s, u, v, s_errbd) except that approximate error bounds for the singular vectors are returned as well. The error bounds are estimated following the method presented at http://www.netlib.org/lapack/lug/node96.html.

[out]u_errbdarray of approximate error bounds for u
[out]v_errbdarray of approximate error bounds for vh

See the documentation of fs_svd(m, s, u, v, s_errbd) for the other parameters.

Definition at line 1242 of file linalg2.hpp.

References fs_svd().

◆ fs_svd() [4/8]

template<class Real , class Scalar , int M, int N>
void flexiblesusy::fs_svd ( const Eigen::Matrix< Scalar, M, N > &  m,
Eigen::Array< Real,(((M)<(N)) ?(M) :(N)), 1 > &  s 

Returns singular values of M-by-N matrix m via s such that (s >= 0).all(). Elements of s are in ascending order.

Template Parameters
Realtype of real and imaginary parts of Scalar
Scalartype of elements of m, u, and v
Mnumber of rows in m
Nnumber of columns in m
[in]mM-by-N matrix to be decomposed
[out]sarray of length min(M,N) to contain singular values

Definition at line 1145 of file linalg2.hpp.

References fs_svd_errbd().

◆ fs_svd() [5/8]

template<class Real , class Scalar , int M, int N>
void flexiblesusy::fs_svd ( const Eigen::Matrix< Scalar, M, N > &  m,
Eigen::Array< Real,(((M)<(N)) ?(M) :(N)), 1 > &  s,
Eigen::Matrix< Scalar, M, M > &  u,
Eigen::Matrix< Scalar, N, N > &  v 

Singular value decomposition of M-by-N matrix m such that

sigma.setZero(); sigma.diagonal() = s;
m == u.transpose() * sigma * v
// convention of Haber and Kane, Phys. Rept. 117 (1985) 75-263

and (s >= 0).all(). Elements of s are in ascending order. The above decomposition can be put in the form

m == u.transpose() * s.matrix().asDiagonal() * v

if M == N.

Template Parameters
Realtype of real and imaginary parts of Scalar
Scalartype of elements of m, u, and v
Mnumber of rows in m
Nnumber of columns in m
[in]mM-by-N matrix to be decomposed
[out]sarray of length min(M,N) to contain singular values
[out]uM-by-M unitary matrix
[out]vN-by-N unitary matrix

Definition at line 1077 of file linalg2.hpp.

References fs_svd_errbd().

Referenced by fs_svd().

◆ fs_svd() [6/8]

template<class Real , class Scalar , int M, int N>
void flexiblesusy::fs_svd ( const Eigen::Matrix< Scalar, M, N > &  m,
Eigen::Array< Real,(((M)<(N)) ?(M) :(N)), 1 > &  s,
Eigen::Matrix< Scalar, M, M > &  u,
Eigen::Matrix< Scalar, N, N > &  v,
Real s_errbd 

Same as fs_svd(m, s, u, v) except that an approximate error bound for the singular values is returned as well. The error bound is estimated following the method presented at http://www.netlib.org/lapack/lug/node96.html.

[out]s_errbdapproximate error bound for the elements of s

See the documentation of fs_svd(m, s, u, v) for the other parameters.

Definition at line 1098 of file linalg2.hpp.

References fs_svd_errbd().

◆ fs_svd() [7/8]

template<class Real , class Scalar , int M, int N>
void flexiblesusy::fs_svd ( const Eigen::Matrix< Scalar, M, N > &  m,
Eigen::Array< Real,(((M)<(N)) ?(M) :(N)), 1 > &  s,
Eigen::Matrix< Scalar, M, M > &  u,
Eigen::Matrix< Scalar, N, N > &  v,
Real s_errbd,
Eigen::Array< Real,(((M)<(N)) ?(M) :(N)), 1 > &  u_errbd,
Eigen::Array< Real,(((M)<(N)) ?(M) :(N)), 1 > &  v_errbd 

Same as fs_svd(m, s, u, v, s_errbd) except that approximate error bounds for the singular vectors are returned as well. The error bounds are estimated following the method presented at http://www.netlib.org/lapack/lug/node96.html.

[out]u_errbdarray of approximate error bounds for u
[out]v_errbdarray of approximate error bounds for vh

See the documentation of fs_svd(m, s, u, v, s_errbd) for the other parameters.

Definition at line 1121 of file linalg2.hpp.

References fs_svd_errbd().

◆ fs_svd() [8/8]

template<class Real , class Scalar , int M, int N>
void flexiblesusy::fs_svd ( const Eigen::Matrix< Scalar, M, N > &  m,
Eigen::Array< Real,(((M)<(N)) ?(M) :(N)), 1 > &  s,
Real s_errbd 

Same as fs_svd(m, s) except that an approximate error bound for the singular values is returned as well. The error bound is estimated following the method presented at http://www.netlib.org/lapack/lug/node96.html.

[out]s_errbdapproximate error bound for the elements of s

See the documentation of fs_svd(m, s) for the other parameters.

Definition at line 1163 of file linalg2.hpp.

References fs_svd_errbd().

◆ fs_svd_errbd()

template<class Real , class Scalar , int M, int N>
void flexiblesusy::fs_svd_errbd ( const Eigen::Matrix< Scalar, M, N > &  m,
Eigen::Array< Real,(((M)<(N)) ?(M) :(N)), 1 > &  s,
Eigen::Matrix< Scalar, M, M > *  u = 0,
Eigen::Matrix< Scalar, N, N > *  v = 0,
Real s_errbd = 0,
Eigen::Array< Real,(((M)<(N)) ?(M) :(N)), 1 > *  u_errbd = 0,
Eigen::Array< Real,(((M)<(N)) ?(M) :(N)), 1 > *  v_errbd = 0 

Definition at line 1040 of file linalg2.hpp.

References reorder_svd_errbd().

Referenced by fs_svd().

◆ FSThrow()

double flexiblesusy::FSThrow ( const std::string &  s)

Definition at line 717 of file wrappers.hpp.

◆ global_thread_pool()

Thread_pool & flexiblesusy::global_thread_pool ( )

returns instance to global thread pool

Definition at line 33 of file global_thread_pool.cpp.

◆ gm2calc_calculate_amu() [1/2]

double flexiblesusy::gm2calc_calculate_amu ( const GM2Calc_MSSMNoFV_data )

calculates amu using GM2Calc in the MSSMNoFV

Definition at line 241 of file gm2calc_interface.cpp.

◆ gm2calc_calculate_amu() [2/2]

double flexiblesusy::gm2calc_calculate_amu ( const GM2Calc_THDM_data )

calculates amu using GM2Calc in the THDM

Definition at line 253 of file gm2calc_interface.cpp.

◆ gm2calc_calculate_amu_uncertainty() [1/2]

double flexiblesusy::gm2calc_calculate_amu_uncertainty ( const GM2Calc_MSSMNoFV_data )

calculates uncertainty of amu using GM2Calc in the MSSMNoFV

Definition at line 246 of file gm2calc_interface.cpp.

◆ gm2calc_calculate_amu_uncertainty() [2/2]

double flexiblesusy::gm2calc_calculate_amu_uncertainty ( const GM2Calc_THDM_data )

calculates uncertainty of amu using GM2Calc in the THDM

Definition at line 258 of file gm2calc_interface.cpp.

◆ harmonic()

double flexiblesusy::harmonic ( int64_t  n)

harmonic number n

Harmonic number.

Definition at line 54 of file harmonic.cpp.

References flexiblesusy::anonymous_namespace{harmonic.cpp}::digamma(), and sum().

Referenced by flexiblesusy::anonymous_namespace{Li.cpp}::Li_unity_pos().

◆ hash_decay()

◆ hermitian_eigen()

template<class Real , class Scalar , int N>
void flexiblesusy::hermitian_eigen ( const Eigen::Matrix< Scalar, N, N > &  m,
Eigen::Array< Real, N, 1 > &  w,
Eigen::Matrix< Scalar, N, N > *  z 

Definition at line 53 of file linalg2.hpp.

Referenced by diagonalize_hermitian_internal().

◆ Hermitianize()

template<typename Derived >
void flexiblesusy::Hermitianize ( Eigen::PlainObjectBase< Derived > &  m)

Fills lower triangle of hermitian matrix from values in upper triangle.


Definition at line 293 of file wrappers.hpp.

References Conj().

◆ hgg_SM_loop_function()

std::complex< double > flexiblesusy::hgg_SM_loop_function ( double  x)

Definition at line 281 of file decay_functions.cpp.

References is_zero(), log(), Pi, and Sqr().

◆ hVV_4body()

double flexiblesusy::hVV_4body ( double *  q2,
size_t  ,
void *  params 

◆ Im() [1/3]

template<class Derived >
auto flexiblesusy::Im ( const Eigen::MatrixBase< Derived > &  x) -> decltype(x.imag().eval())

Definition at line 571 of file wrappers.hpp.

◆ Im() [2/3]

double flexiblesusy::Im ( const std::complex< double > &  x)

Definition at line 183 of file wrappers.cpp.

◆ Im() [3/3]

double flexiblesusy::Im ( double  )

Definition at line 178 of file wrappers.cpp.

◆ index_range()

template<class ObjectWithIndexBounds >
static decltype(boost::make_iterator_range( multiindex< typename meta::index_bounds< ObjectWithIndexBounds >::type::first, typename meta::index_bounds< ObjectWithIndexBounds >::type::second >::begin(), multiindex< typename meta::index_bounds< ObjectWithIndexBounds >::type::first, typename meta::index_bounds< ObjectWithIndexBounds >::type::second >::end())) flexiblesusy::index_range ( )

Definition at line 249 of file multiindex.hpp.

References begin(), and end().

◆ inv_fac()

double flexiblesusy::inv_fac ( int64_t  n)

◆ is_equal() [1/2]

template<typename T >
bool flexiblesusy::is_equal ( std::complex< T >  a,
std::complex< T >  b,
prec = std::numeric_limits<T>::epsilon() 

compares two complex numbers for (absolute) equality

Definition at line 83 of file numerics2.hpp.

References is_equal().

◆ is_equal() [2/2]

template<typename T >
bool flexiblesusy::is_equal ( a,
prec = std::numeric_limits<T>::epsilon() 

compares two numbers for (absolute) equality

Definition at line 75 of file numerics2.hpp.

References is_zero().

Referenced by flexiblesusy::threshold_loop_functions::D01f5(), flexiblesusy::threshold_loop_functions::D01f6(), flexiblesusy::threshold_loop_functions::D01f7(), flexiblesusy::threshold_loop_functions::D01f8(), flexiblesusy::threshold_loop_functions::D10f5(), flexiblesusy::threshold_loop_functions::D10f6(), flexiblesusy::threshold_loop_functions::D10f7(), flexiblesusy::threshold_loop_functions::D10f8(), flexiblesusy::threshold_loop_functions::D1f(), flexiblesusy::threshold_loop_functions::D1F1(), flexiblesusy::threshold_loop_functions::D1f1(), flexiblesusy::threshold_loop_functions::D1F2(), flexiblesusy::threshold_loop_functions::D1f2(), flexiblesusy::threshold_loop_functions::D1F3(), flexiblesusy::threshold_loop_functions::D1f3(), flexiblesusy::threshold_loop_functions::D1F4(), flexiblesusy::threshold_loop_functions::D1f4(), flexiblesusy::threshold_loop_functions::D1F5(), flexiblesusy::threshold_loop_functions::D1F6(), flexiblesusy::threshold_loop_functions::D1F7(), flexiblesusy::threshold_loop_functions::D1g(), flexiblesusy::threshold_loop_functions::D2F1(), flexiblesusy::threshold_loop_functions::D2F2(), flexiblesusy::threshold_loop_functions::D2F3(), flexiblesusy::threshold_loop_functions::D2F4(), flexiblesusy::threshold_loop_functions::D2F5(), flexiblesusy::threshold_loop_functions::D2F6(), flexiblesusy::threshold_loop_functions::D2F7(), flexiblesusy::threshold_loop_functions::f1(), flexiblesusy::threshold_loop_functions::F1(), flexiblesusy::threshold_loop_functions::f2(), flexiblesusy::threshold_loop_functions::F2(), flexiblesusy::threshold_loop_functions::f3(), flexiblesusy::threshold_loop_functions::F3(), flexiblesusy::threshold_loop_functions::f4(), flexiblesusy::threshold_loop_functions::F4(), flexiblesusy::threshold_loop_functions::f5(), flexiblesusy::threshold_loop_functions::F5(), flexiblesusy::threshold_loop_functions::f6(), flexiblesusy::threshold_loop_functions::F6(), flexiblesusy::threshold_loop_functions::f7(), flexiblesusy::threshold_loop_functions::F7(), flexiblesusy::threshold_loop_functions::f8(), flexiblesusy::threshold_loop_functions::F8(), flexiblesusy::threshold_loop_functions::F9(), flexiblesusy::threshold_loop_functions::fth1(), flexiblesusy::threshold_loop_functions::fth2(), flexiblesusy::threshold_loop_functions::fth3(), is_equal(), flexiblesusy::threshold_loop_functions::anonymous_namespace{threshold_loop_functions.cpp}::is_equal_rel(), is_equal_rel(), flexiblesusy::threshold_loop_functions::anonymous_namespace{threshold_loop_functions.cpp}::phi_neg(), and flexiblesusy::threshold_loop_functions::anonymous_namespace{threshold_loop_functions.cpp}::phi_pos().

◆ is_equal_fraction()

template<typename T >
std::enable_if_t<!std::is_unsigned< T >::value, bool > flexiblesusy::is_equal_fraction ( a,
prec = std::numeric_limits<T>::epsilon() 

compares two numbers for relative equality

Definition at line 94 of file numerics2.hpp.

References is_zero().

◆ is_equal_rel() [1/3]

template<class Derived >
bool flexiblesusy::is_equal_rel ( const Eigen::PlainObjectBase< Derived > &  a,
const Eigen::PlainObjectBase< Derived > &  b,
double  eps 

Returns true when two objects are element-wise equal up to a relative precision eps.

afirst object
bsecond object
epsmaximum relative difference
true when both objects are equal, false otherwise

Definition at line 89 of file eigen_utils.hpp.

Referenced by flexiblesusy::threshold_loop_functions::DB0(), is_equal_rel(), IsCloseRel(), flexiblesusy::fixed_point_iterator::Convergence_tester_relative< dimension >::operator()(), flexiblesusy::fixed_point_iterator::Convergence_tester_tadpole< dimension >::operator()(), softsusy::QedQcd::to(), and flexiblesusy::threshold_loop_functions::W().

◆ is_equal_rel() [2/3]

template<typename T >
std::enable_if_t<!std::is_unsigned< T >::value, bool > flexiblesusy::is_equal_rel ( a,
prec = std::numeric_limits<T>::epsilon() 

compares two numbers for relative equality, treating numbers with small differences as equal

Definition at line 105 of file numerics2.hpp.

References epsilon, and is_equal().

◆ is_equal_rel() [3/3]

template<typename T >
std::enable_if_t< std::is_unsigned< T >::value, bool > flexiblesusy::is_equal_rel ( a,
prec = std::numeric_limits<T>::epsilon() 

compares two numbers for relative equality, treating numbers with small differences as equal

Definition at line 127 of file numerics2.hpp.

References is_equal_rel().

◆ is_finite() [1/5]

bool flexiblesusy::is_finite ( const double *  v,
long  length 

returns true if all array elements are finite

Definition at line 24 of file numerics2.cpp.

◆ is_finite() [2/5]

bool flexiblesusy::is_finite ( const GSL_vector v)

Returns true if GSL_vector contains only finite elements, false otherwise.

Returns true if GSL_vector contains only finite elements (neither nan nor inf), false otherwise.

vGSL vector
true if vector contains only finite elements, false otherwise.

Definition at line 290 of file gsl_vector.cpp.

References flexiblesusy::GSL_vector::size().

◆ is_finite() [3/5]

bool flexiblesusy::is_finite ( const gsl_vector *  x)

Returns true if GSL vector contains only finite elements, false otherwise.

Returns true if GSL vector contains only finite elements (neither nan nor inf), false otherwise.

xGSL vector
true if vector contains only finite elements, false otherwise.

Definition at line 32 of file gsl_utils.cpp.

Referenced by flexiblesusy::Fixed_point_iterator< dimension, Convergence_tester >::fixed_point_iterator_iterate(), flexiblesusy::Minimizer< dimension >::gsl_function(), flexiblesusy::Root_finder< dimension >::gsl_function(), is_finite(), flexiblesusy::anonymous_namespace{Li.cpp}::Li_series(), and flexiblesusy::anonymous_namespace{Li.cpp}::Li_unity_neg().

◆ is_finite() [4/5]

template<typename T , std::size_t N>
bool flexiblesusy::is_finite ( const std::array< T, N > &  v)

returns true if all array elements are finite

Definition at line 152 of file numerics2.hpp.

References is_finite().

◆ is_finite() [5/5]

template<typename T , std::size_t N>
bool flexiblesusy::is_finite ( const T(&)  v[N])

returns true if all array elements are finite

Definition at line 144 of file numerics2.hpp.

References is_finite().

◆ is_integer()

◆ is_zero() [1/3]

template<typename T >
std::enable_if_t< std::is_unsigned< T >::value, bool > flexiblesusy::is_zero ( a,
prec = std::numeric_limits<T>::epsilon() 

compares a number for being close to zero

Definition at line 46 of file numerics2.hpp.

Referenced by flexiblesusy::SLHA_io::block_head(), convert_symmetric_fermion_mixings_to_slha(), flexiblesusy::threshold_loop_functions::DB0(), delta_AhAA_2loopQCD_for_quark_loop(), delta_hAA_2loopQCD_for_quark_loop(), flexiblesusy::threshold_loop_functions::f1(), flexiblesusy::threshold_loop_functions::F1(), flexiblesusy::threshold_loop_functions::f2(), flexiblesusy::threshold_loop_functions::F2(), flexiblesusy::threshold_loop_functions::f3(), flexiblesusy::threshold_loop_functions::F3(), flexiblesusy::threshold_loop_functions::f4(), flexiblesusy::threshold_loop_functions::F4(), flexiblesusy::threshold_loop_functions::f5(), flexiblesusy::threshold_loop_functions::F5(), flexiblesusy::threshold_loop_functions::f5_0_0(), flexiblesusy::threshold_loop_functions::f5_1_r2(), flexiblesusy::threshold_loop_functions::f6(), flexiblesusy::threshold_loop_functions::F6(), flexiblesusy::threshold_loop_functions::f6_0_0(), flexiblesusy::threshold_loop_functions::f6_1_r2(), flexiblesusy::threshold_loop_functions::f7(), flexiblesusy::threshold_loop_functions::F7(), flexiblesusy::threshold_loop_functions::f7_0_0(), flexiblesusy::threshold_loop_functions::f7_1_r2(), flexiblesusy::threshold_loop_functions::f8(), flexiblesusy::threshold_loop_functions::F8(), flexiblesusy::threshold_loop_functions::f8_0_0(), flexiblesusy::threshold_loop_functions::f8_1_r2(), flexiblesusy::threshold_loop_functions::F8_1_x2(), flexiblesusy::threshold_loop_functions::F9(), flexiblesusy::threshold_loop_functions::F9_1_x2(), flexiblesusy::ffv_loop_functions::one_loop::FA(), flexiblesusy::ffv_loop_functions::one_loop::FB(), flexiblesusy::ffv_loop_functions::one_loop::FC(), flexiblesusy::ffv_loop_functions::one_loop::FD(), flexiblesusy::ffv_loop_functions::one_loop::FE(), flexiblesusy::ffv_loop_functions::one_loop::FH(), flexiblesusy::ffv_loop_functions::one_loop::FI(), flexiblesusy::ffv_loop_functions::one_loop::FJ(), flexiblesusy::ffv_loop_functions::one_loop::FK(), flexiblesusy::ffv_loop_functions::one_loop::FL(), flexiblesusy::ffv_loop_functions::one_loop::FM(), flexiblesusy::ffv_loop_functions::one_loop::FN(), flexiblesusy::threshold_loop_functions::fth1(), flexiblesusy::threshold_loop_functions::fth2(), flexiblesusy::threshold_loop_functions::fth3(), hgg_SM_loop_function(), flexiblesusy::threshold_loop_functions::anonymous_namespace{threshold_loop_functions.cpp}::is_close(), flexiblesusy::threshold_loop_functions::anonymous_namespace{threshold_loop_functions.cpp}::is_equal(), is_equal(), is_equal_fraction(), is_zero(), flexiblesusy::cxx_diagrams::ScalarVertex::isZero(), flexiblesusy::cxx_diagrams::ChiralVertex::isZero(), flexiblesusy::cxx_diagrams::MomentumVertex::isZero(), flexiblesusy::cxx_diagrams::TripleVectorVertex::isZero(), flexiblesusy::cxx_diagrams::QuadrupleVectorVertex::isZero(), flexiblesusy::cxx_diagrams::MomentumDifferenceVertex::isZero(), flexiblesusy::cxx_diagrams::InverseMetricVertex::isZero(), flexiblesusy::threshold_loop_functions::anonymous_namespace{threshold_loop_functions.cpp}::Ixy(), flexiblesusy::threshold_loop_functions::anonymous_namespace{threshold_loop_functions.cpp}::Ixyz(), flexiblesusy::threshold_loop_functions::anonymous_namespace{threshold_loop_functions.cpp}::logx(), flexiblesusy::anonymous_namespace{ckm.cpp}::phase(), flexiblesusy::anonymous_namespace{pmns.cpp}::phase(), flexiblesusy::threshold_loop_functions::anonymous_namespace{threshold_loop_functions.cpp}::phi_uv(), flexiblesusy::Convergence_tester_DRbar< Model >::rel_scale_difference(), flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SVV::square(), taum1fprime(), flexiblesusy::PMNS_parameters::to_pdg_convention(), flexiblesusy::CKM_parameters::to_pdg_convention(), and flexiblesusy::threshold_loop_functions::W().

◆ is_zero() [2/3]

template<typename T >
std::enable_if_t<!std::is_unsigned< T >::value && !detail::is_complex< T >::value, bool > flexiblesusy::is_zero ( a,
prec = std::numeric_limits<T>::epsilon() 

compares a number for being close to zero

Definition at line 56 of file numerics2.hpp.

◆ is_zero() [3/3]

template<typename T >
std::enable_if_t< detail::is_complex< T >::value, bool > flexiblesusy::is_zero ( a,
typename T::value_type  prec = std::numeric_limits<typename T::value_type>::epsilon() 

compares a complex number for being close to zero

Definition at line 65 of file numerics2.hpp.

References is_zero().

◆ IsClose()

bool flexiblesusy::IsClose ( double  a,
double  b,
double  eps 

Definition at line 67 of file wrappers.cpp.

◆ IsCloseRel()

bool flexiblesusy::IsCloseRel ( double  a,
double  b,
double  eps 

Definition at line 72 of file wrappers.cpp.

References is_equal_rel().

◆ IsFinite() [1/3]

template<class Derived >
bool flexiblesusy::IsFinite ( const Eigen::DenseBase< Derived > &  m)

Definition at line 227 of file wrappers.hpp.

◆ IsFinite() [2/3]

bool flexiblesusy::IsFinite ( const std::complex< double > &  x)

Definition at line 82 of file wrappers.cpp.

◆ IsFinite() [3/3]

bool flexiblesusy::IsFinite ( double  x)

Definition at line 77 of file wrappers.cpp.

◆ KallenLambda()

template<typename T >
T flexiblesusy::KallenLambda ( x,

Definition at line 835 of file wrappers.hpp.

References Sqr().

Referenced by hVV_4body().

◆ KroneckerDelta()

int flexiblesusy::KroneckerDelta ( int  i,
int  j 

Definition at line 87 of file wrappers.cpp.

◆ lazy_which() [1/2]

template<typename If , typename Then >
auto flexiblesusy::lazy_which ( If &&  cif,
Then &&  cthen 
) -> decltype(cthen())

Definition at line 33 of file which.hpp.

Referenced by lazy_which().

◆ lazy_which() [2/2]

template<typename If , typename Then , typename... Elses>
auto flexiblesusy::lazy_which ( If &&  cif,
Then &&  cthen,
Elses &&...  celses 
) -> typename std::common_type<decltype(cthen()), decltype(celses())...>::type

Definition at line 39 of file which.hpp.

References lazy_which().

◆ Li()

std::complex< double > flexiblesusy::Li ( int64_t  n,
const std::complex< double > &  z 

Complex polylogarithm $\operatorname{Li}_n(z)$.

complex polylogarithm for arbitrary integer n

ndegree of the polylogarithm
zcomplex argument
Alexander Voigt

For n < 0 the implementation follows the approach presented in [Matthew Roughan: "The Polylogarithm Function in Julia", arXiv:2010.09860].

Definition at line 181 of file Li.cpp.

References flexiblesusy::anonymous_namespace{Li.cpp}::clog(), flexiblesusy::anonymous_namespace{Li.cpp}::inf, flexiblesusy::anonymous_namespace{Li.cpp}::is_even(), Li(), Li2(), Li3(), Li4(), Li5(), Li6(), flexiblesusy::anonymous_namespace{Li.cpp}::Li_rest(), flexiblesusy::anonymous_namespace{Li.cpp}::Li_series(), flexiblesusy::anonymous_namespace{Li.cpp}::Li_unity_neg(), flexiblesusy::anonymous_namespace{Li.cpp}::Li_unity_pos(), flexiblesusy::anonymous_namespace{Li.cpp}::nan, neg_eta(), norm(), flexiblesusy::anonymous_namespace{Li.cpp}::PI, and zeta().

Referenced by Li(), and PolyLog().

◆ Li2() [1/4]

std::complex< double > flexiblesusy::Li2 ( const std::complex< double > &  z_)

Complex dilogarithm $\mathrm{Li}_2(z)$.

complex dilogarithm

z_complex argument
Implementation translated from SPheno to C++
Werner Porod
translated to C++ by Alexander Voigt

Definition at line 271 of file Li2.cpp.

References epsilon, flexiblesusy::Complex< T >::im, Li2(), log(), norm_sqr(), flexiblesusy::anonymous_namespace{Li.cpp}::PI, and flexiblesusy::Complex< T >::re.

◆ Li2() [2/4]

std::complex< long double > flexiblesusy::Li2 ( const std::complex< long double > &  z_)

Complex dilogarithm $\mathrm{Li}_2(z)$ with long double precision.

complex dilogarithm

z_complex argument
Implementation translated from SPheno to C++
Werner Porod
translated to C++ and extended to long double precision by Alexander Voigt

Definition at line 347 of file Li2.cpp.

References epsilon, flexiblesusy::Complex< T >::im, Li2(), log(), norm_sqr(), flexiblesusy::anonymous_namespace{Li.cpp}::PI, and flexiblesusy::Complex< T >::re.

◆ Li2() [3/4]

double flexiblesusy::Li2 ( double  x)

◆ Li2() [4/4]

long double flexiblesusy::Li2 ( long double  x)

Real dilogarithm $\mathrm{Li}_2(z)$ with long double precision.

real dilogarithm

xreal argument
Alexander Voigt

Implemented as an economized Pade approximation with a maximum error of 2.13e-20 (long double precision) and 1.03e-38 (quadruple precision), respectively.

Definition at line 148 of file Li2.cpp.

References flexiblesusy::anonymous_namespace{Li2.cpp}::horner(), log(), P, flexiblesusy::anonymous_namespace{Li.cpp}::PI, and Q.

◆ Li3() [1/3]

std::complex< double > flexiblesusy::Li3 ( const std::complex< double > &  z_)

Complex trilogarithm $\operatorname{Li}_3(z)$.

complex trilogarithm

z_complex argument
Alexander Voigt

Definition at line 145 of file Li3.cpp.

References arg(), softsusy::c0(), flexiblesusy::Complex< T >::im, Li3(), log(), norm(), flexiblesusy::anonymous_namespace{Li.cpp}::PI, flexiblesusy::Complex< T >::re, zeta2, and zeta3.

◆ Li3() [2/3]

std::complex< long double > flexiblesusy::Li3 ( const std::complex< long double > &  z_)

Complex trilogarithm $\mathrm{Li}_3(z)$ with long double precision.

complex trilogarithm (long double precision)

z_complex argument
Alexander Voigt

Definition at line 231 of file Li3.cpp.

References arg(), softsusy::c0(), flexiblesusy::anonymous_namespace{Li3.cpp}::horner(), flexiblesusy::Complex< T >::im, log(), norm(), flexiblesusy::anonymous_namespace{Li.cpp}::PI, flexiblesusy::Complex< T >::re, zeta2, and zeta3.

◆ Li3() [3/3]

double flexiblesusy::Li3 ( double  x)

Real trilogarithm $\operatorname{Li}_3(x)$.

real trilogarithm

xreal argument
Alexander Voigt

Definition at line 104 of file Li3.cpp.

References flexiblesusy::anonymous_namespace{Li3.cpp}::li3_neg(), flexiblesusy::anonymous_namespace{Li3.cpp}::li3_pos(), log(), zeta2, and zeta3.

Referenced by delta_AhAA_2loopQCD_for_quark_loop(), delta_hAA_2loopQCD_for_quark_loop(), Li(), Li3(), and PolyLog().

◆ Li4() [1/3]

std::complex< double > flexiblesusy::Li4 ( const std::complex< double > &  z_)

Complex polylogarithm $\operatorname{Li}_4(z)$.

complex polylogarithm with n=4

z_complex argument
Alexander Voigt

Definition at line 184 of file Li4.cpp.

References arg(), flexiblesusy::anonymous_namespace{Li4.cpp}::horner(), flexiblesusy::Complex< T >::im, Li4(), log(), norm(), flexiblesusy::anonymous_namespace{Li.cpp}::PI, flexiblesusy::Complex< T >::re, and zeta4.

◆ Li4() [2/3]

std::complex< long double > flexiblesusy::Li4 ( const std::complex< long double > &  z_)

Complex polylogarithm $\mathrm{Li}_4(z)$ with long double precision.

complex polylogarithm with n=4 with long double precision

z_complex argument
Alexander Voigt

Definition at line 271 of file Li4.cpp.

References arg(), flexiblesusy::anonymous_namespace{Li4.cpp}::horner(), flexiblesusy::Complex< T >::im, log(), norm(), flexiblesusy::anonymous_namespace{Li.cpp}::PI, flexiblesusy::Complex< T >::re, and zeta4.

◆ Li4() [3/3]

double flexiblesusy::Li4 ( double  x)

◆ Li5() [1/2]

std::complex< double > flexiblesusy::Li5 ( const std::complex< double > &  z_)

Complex polylogarithm $\operatorname{Li}_5(z)$.

complex polylogarithm with n=5

z_complex argument
Alexander Voigt

Definition at line 42 of file Li5.cpp.

References arg(), softsusy::c0(), flexiblesusy::anonymous_namespace{Li5.cpp}::horner(), flexiblesusy::Complex< T >::im, log(), norm(), flexiblesusy::anonymous_namespace{Li.cpp}::PI, flexiblesusy::Complex< T >::re, and zeta5.

Referenced by Li().

◆ Li5() [2/2]

std::complex< long double > flexiblesusy::Li5 ( const std::complex< long double > &  z_)

Complex polylogarithm $\operatorname{Li}_5(z)$ with long double precision.

complex polylogarithm with n=5 with long double precision

z_complex argument
Alexander Voigt

Definition at line 133 of file Li5.cpp.

References arg(), softsusy::c0(), flexiblesusy::anonymous_namespace{Li5.cpp}::horner(), flexiblesusy::Complex< T >::im, log(), norm(), flexiblesusy::anonymous_namespace{Li.cpp}::PI, flexiblesusy::Complex< T >::re, and zeta5.

◆ Li6() [1/2]

std::complex< double > flexiblesusy::Li6 ( const std::complex< double > &  z_)

Complex polylogarithm $\operatorname{Li}_6(z)$.

complex polylogarithm with n=5

z_complex argument
Alexander Voigt

Definition at line 42 of file Li6.cpp.

References arg(), softsusy::c0(), flexiblesusy::anonymous_namespace{Li6.cpp}::horner(), flexiblesusy::Complex< T >::im, log(), norm(), flexiblesusy::anonymous_namespace{Li.cpp}::PI, and flexiblesusy::Complex< T >::re.

Referenced by Li().

◆ Li6() [2/2]

std::complex< long double > flexiblesusy::Li6 ( const std::complex< long double > &  z_)

Complex polylogarithm $\operatorname{Li}_6(z)$ with long double precision.

complex polylogarithm with n=5 with long double precision

z_complex argument
Alexander Voigt

Definition at line 138 of file Li6.cpp.

References arg(), softsusy::c0(), flexiblesusy::anonymous_namespace{Li6.cpp}::horner(), flexiblesusy::Complex< T >::im, log(), norm(), flexiblesusy::anonymous_namespace{Li.cpp}::PI, and flexiblesusy::Complex< T >::re.

◆ log()

template<typename T >
Complex< T > flexiblesusy::log ( const Complex< T > &  z)

Definition at line 54 of file complex.hpp.

References arg(), log(), and norm().

Referenced by softsusy::b0(), softsusy::b1(), softsusy::b22(), flexiblesusy::amm_loop_functions::two_loop::BarrZeeLoopFP(), flexiblesusy::amm_loop_functions::two_loop::BarrZeeLoopFPZ(), flexiblesusy::amm_loop_functions::two_loop::BarrZeeLoopFS(), flexiblesusy::amm_loop_functions::two_loop::BarrZeeLoopFSZ(), flexiblesusy::amm_loop_functions::two_loop::BarrZeeLoopS(), flexiblesusy::amm_loop_functions::two_loop::BarrZeeLoopV(), softsusy::c0(), softsusy::c00(), flexiblesusy::anonymous_namespace{decay_functions.cpp}::calc_A(), calc_DeltaAh(), calc_DeltaH(), Cl2(), flexiblesusy::anonymous_namespace{Li.cpp}::clog(), softsusy::d0(), flexiblesusy::threshold_loop_functions::D01f5(), flexiblesusy::threshold_loop_functions::D01f6(), flexiblesusy::threshold_loop_functions::D01f7(), flexiblesusy::threshold_loop_functions::D01f8(), flexiblesusy::threshold_loop_functions::D10f5(), flexiblesusy::threshold_loop_functions::D10f6(), flexiblesusy::threshold_loop_functions::D10f7(), flexiblesusy::threshold_loop_functions::D10f8(), softsusy::d1_b0(), flexiblesusy::threshold_loop_functions::D1f(), flexiblesusy::threshold_loop_functions::D1F1(), flexiblesusy::threshold_loop_functions::D1f1(), flexiblesusy::threshold_loop_functions::D1F2(), flexiblesusy::threshold_loop_functions::D1f2(), flexiblesusy::threshold_loop_functions::D1F3(), flexiblesusy::threshold_loop_functions::D1f3(), flexiblesusy::threshold_loop_functions::D1F4(), flexiblesusy::threshold_loop_functions::D1f4(), flexiblesusy::threshold_loop_functions::D1F5(), flexiblesusy::threshold_loop_functions::D1F6(), flexiblesusy::threshold_loop_functions::D1F7(), flexiblesusy::threshold_loop_functions::D1g(), flexiblesusy::threshold_loop_functions::D2F1(), flexiblesusy::threshold_loop_functions::D2F2(), flexiblesusy::threshold_loop_functions::D2F3(), flexiblesusy::threshold_loop_functions::D2F4(), flexiblesusy::threshold_loop_functions::D2F5(), flexiblesusy::threshold_loop_functions::D2F6(), flexiblesusy::threshold_loop_functions::D2F7(), flexiblesusy::threshold_loop_functions::DB0(), delta_AhAA_2loopQCD_for_quark_loop(), delta_hAA_2loopQCD_for_quark_loop(), delta_hAA_2loopQCD_for_squark_loop(), flexiblesusy::anonymous_namespace{harmonic.cpp}::digamma(), f(), flexiblesusy::threshold_loop_functions::f1(), flexiblesusy::threshold_loop_functions::F1(), flexiblesusy::threshold_loop_functions::f2(), flexiblesusy::threshold_loop_functions::F2(), flexiblesusy::threshold_loop_functions::f3(), flexiblesusy::threshold_loop_functions::F3(), flexiblesusy::threshold_loop_functions::f4(), flexiblesusy::threshold_loop_functions::F4(), flexiblesusy::threshold_loop_functions::f5(), flexiblesusy::threshold_loop_functions::F5(), flexiblesusy::threshold_loop_functions::f5_0_r2(), flexiblesusy::threshold_loop_functions::f5_1_r2(), flexiblesusy::threshold_loop_functions::f5_r1_r2(), flexiblesusy::threshold_loop_functions::f6(), flexiblesusy::threshold_loop_functions::F6(), flexiblesusy::threshold_loop_functions::f6_0_0(), flexiblesusy::threshold_loop_functions::f6_0_r2(), flexiblesusy::threshold_loop_functions::f6_1_r2(), flexiblesusy::threshold_loop_functions::f6_r1_r2(), flexiblesusy::threshold_loop_functions::f7(), flexiblesusy::threshold_loop_functions::F7(), flexiblesusy::threshold_loop_functions::f7_0_0(), flexiblesusy::threshold_loop_functions::f7_0_r2(), flexiblesusy::threshold_loop_functions::f7_1_r2(), flexiblesusy::threshold_loop_functions::f7_r1_r2(), flexiblesusy::threshold_loop_functions::f8(), flexiblesusy::threshold_loop_functions::F8(), flexiblesusy::threshold_loop_functions::f8_0_r2(), flexiblesusy::threshold_loop_functions::F8_0_x2(), flexiblesusy::threshold_loop_functions::f8_1_r2(), flexiblesusy::threshold_loop_functions::F8_1_x2(), flexiblesusy::threshold_loop_functions::f8_r1_r2(), flexiblesusy::threshold_loop_functions::F8_x1_x2(), flexiblesusy::threshold_loop_functions::F9(), flexiblesusy::threshold_loop_functions::F9_0_x2(), flexiblesusy::threshold_loop_functions::F9_1_x2(), flexiblesusy::threshold_loop_functions::F9_x1_x2(), flexiblesusy::ffv_loop_functions::one_loop::FA(), fast_log(), flexiblesusy::ffv_loop_functions::one_loop::FB(), flexiblesusy::ffv_loop_functions::one_loop::FC(), flexiblesusy::ffv_loop_functions::one_loop::FD(), flexiblesusy::ffv_loop_functions::one_loop::FE(), flexiblesusy::ffv_loop_functions::one_loop::FF(), flexiblesusy::ffv_loop_functions::one_loop::FH(), flexiblesusy::ffv_loop_functions::one_loop::FI(), FiniteLog(), flexiblesusy::Fixed_t::Fixed_t(), flexiblesusy::ffv_loop_functions::one_loop::FJ(), flexiblesusy::ffv_loop_functions::one_loop::FK(), flexiblesusy::ffv_loop_functions::one_loop::FL(), float_range_log(), flexiblesusy::ffv_loop_functions::one_loop::FM(), flexiblesusy::ffv_loop_functions::one_loop::FN(), fprime(), flexiblesusy::threshold_loop_functions::fth1(), flexiblesusy::threshold_loop_functions::fth2(), flexiblesusy::threshold_loop_functions::fth3(), flexiblesusy::Two_scale_increasing_precision::get_precision(), softsusy::anonymous_namespace{lowe.cpp}::getAsmt(), hgg_SM_loop_function(), flexiblesusy::threshold_loop_functions::anonymous_namespace{threshold_loop_functions.cpp}::I0y(), flexiblesusy::threshold_loop_functions::anonymous_namespace{threshold_loop_functions.cpp}::I1y(), flexiblesusy::threshold_loop_functions::anonymous_namespace{threshold_loop_functions.cpp}::Ixx(), flexiblesusy::threshold_loop_functions::anonymous_namespace{threshold_loop_functions.cpp}::Ixy(), Li2(), Li3(), Li4(), flexiblesusy::anonymous_namespace{Li4.cpp}::li4_one(), Li5(), Li6(), log(), Log(), flexiblesusy::threshold_loop_functions::anonymous_namespace{threshold_loop_functions.cpp}::logx(), flexiblesusy::threshold_loop_functions::anonymous_namespace{threshold_loop_functions.cpp}::phi_pos(), PolyLog(), softsusy::rea0(), flexiblesusy::anonymous_namespace{decay_functions.cpp}::RT_general(), flexiblesusy::Beta_function::run(), flexiblesusy::Coupling_monitor::run(), taum1fprime(), flexiblesusy::threshold_loop_functions::W(), and flexiblesusy::threshold_loop_functions::anonymous_namespace{threshold_loop_functions.cpp}::xlogx().

◆ Log()

double flexiblesusy::Log ( double  a)

Definition at line 92 of file wrappers.cpp.

References log().

◆ make_dynamic_array_view() [1/3]

template<typename ElementType >
constexpr Dynamic_array_view< ElementType > flexiblesusy::make_dynamic_array_view ( ElementType *  first,
ElementType *  last 

Definition at line 131 of file array_view.hpp.

◆ make_dynamic_array_view() [2/3]

template<typename ElementType >
constexpr Dynamic_array_view< ElementType > flexiblesusy::make_dynamic_array_view ( ElementType *  ptr,
std::ptrdiff_t  len 

Definition at line 125 of file array_view.hpp.

◆ make_dynamic_array_view() [3/3]

template<typename ElementType , std::size_t N>
constexpr Dynamic_array_view< ElementType > flexiblesusy::make_dynamic_array_view ( ElementType(&)  arr[N])

Definition at line 137 of file array_view.hpp.

◆ make_raii_guard()

template<typename F >
constexpr RAII_guard< F > flexiblesusy::make_raii_guard ( f)

Definition at line 69 of file raii.hpp.

References f().

◆ make_raii_save()

template<typename T >
constexpr RAII_save< T > flexiblesusy::make_raii_save ( T &  var)

Definition at line 46 of file raii.hpp.

◆ mathlink_format_problems() [1/3]

void flexiblesusy::mathlink_format_problems ( MLINK  link,
const BVP_solver_problems sp 

◆ mathlink_format_problems() [2/3]

void flexiblesusy::mathlink_format_problems ( MLINK  link,
const Observable_problems op 

◆ mathlink_format_problems() [3/3]

◆ mathlink_format_warnings() [1/2]

void flexiblesusy::mathlink_format_warnings ( MLINK  link,
const BVP_solver_problems sp 

format BVP solver warnings to MathLink output

Definition at line 38 of file bvp_solver_problems_format_mathlink.hpp.

◆ mathlink_format_warnings() [2/2]

◆ MatrixProjector() [1/3]

template<int M, int N, int i, int j, typename Scalar = double>
auto flexiblesusy::MatrixProjector ( ) -> Eigen::Matrix<Scalar,M,N>

matrix projector of size MxN into direction i, j

Definition at line 792 of file wrappers.hpp.

◆ MatrixProjector() [2/3]

template<int M, int N, typename Scalar = double>
auto flexiblesusy::MatrixProjector ( int  i,
int  j 
) -> Eigen::Matrix<Scalar,M,N>

matrix projector of size MxN into direction i, j

Definition at line 802 of file wrappers.hpp.

◆ MatrixProjector() [3/3]

Eigen::MatrixXd flexiblesusy::MatrixProjector ( int  M,
int  N,
int  i,
int  j 

unit matrix projector of size MxN into direction i, j

Definition at line 243 of file wrappers.cpp.

References M.

◆ Max() [1/2]

template<typename T >
T flexiblesusy::Max ( T &&  t)

Definition at line 430 of file wrappers.hpp.

Referenced by Max().

◆ Max() [2/2]

template<typename T0 , typename T1 , typename... Ts>
std::common_type< T0, T1, Ts... >::type flexiblesusy::Max ( T0 &&  val1,
T1 &&  val2,
Ts &&...  vs 

Definition at line 436 of file wrappers.hpp.

References Max().

◆ MaxAbsValue() [1/4]

template<class Derived >
auto flexiblesusy::MaxAbsValue ( const Eigen::ArrayBase< Derived > &  x) -> decltype(x.cwiseAbs().maxCoeff())

Definition at line 422 of file wrappers.hpp.

◆ MaxAbsValue() [2/4]

template<class Derived >
auto flexiblesusy::MaxAbsValue ( const Eigen::MatrixBase< Derived > &  x) -> decltype(x.cwiseAbs().maxCoeff())

Definition at line 416 of file wrappers.hpp.

◆ MaxAbsValue() [3/4]

double flexiblesusy::MaxAbsValue ( const std::complex< double > &  x)

Definition at line 118 of file wrappers.cpp.

References Abs().

◆ MaxAbsValue() [4/4]

double flexiblesusy::MaxAbsValue ( double  x)

Definition at line 113 of file wrappers.cpp.

References Abs().

◆ MaxRelDiff() [1/3]

template<class Derived >
auto flexiblesusy::MaxRelDiff ( const Eigen::PlainObjectBase< Derived > &  a,
const Eigen::PlainObjectBase< Derived > &  b 
) -> decltype(MaxRelDiff(a.data()[0], b.data()[0]))

Definition at line 390 of file wrappers.hpp.

References MaxRelDiff().

◆ MaxRelDiff() [2/3]

double flexiblesusy::MaxRelDiff ( const std::complex< double > &  a,
const std::complex< double > &  b 

Definition at line 134 of file wrappers.cpp.

◆ MaxRelDiff() [3/3]

double flexiblesusy::MaxRelDiff ( double  a,
double  b 

Definition at line 123 of file wrappers.cpp.

Referenced by MaxRelDiff().

◆ Min() [1/2]

template<typename T >
T flexiblesusy::Min ( T &&  t)

Definition at line 445 of file wrappers.hpp.

Referenced by Min().

◆ Min() [2/2]

template<typename T0 , typename T1 , typename... Ts>
std::common_type< T0, T1, Ts... >::type flexiblesusy::Min ( T0 &&  val1,
T1 &&  val2,
Ts &&...  vs 

Definition at line 451 of file wrappers.hpp.

References Min().

◆ move_goldstone_to()

template<typename DerivedArray , typename DerivedMatrix >
void flexiblesusy::move_goldstone_to ( int  idx,
double  mass,
Eigen::ArrayBase< DerivedArray > &  v,
Eigen::MatrixBase< DerivedMatrix > &  z 

The element of v, which is closest to mass, is moved to the position idx.

idxnew index of the mass eigenvalue
massmass to compare against
vvector of masses
zcorresponding mixing matrix

Definition at line 118 of file eigen_utils.hpp.

References closest_index(), sign(), and steps().

◆ neg_eta()

double flexiblesusy::neg_eta ( int64_t  n)

negative Dirichlet eta function

negative Dirichlet eta function for arbitrary integer n

Definition at line 81 of file eta.cpp.

References flexiblesusy::anonymous_namespace{eta.cpp}::is_even(), flexiblesusy::anonymous_namespace{eta.cpp}::NEG_ETA, and flexiblesusy::anonymous_namespace{eta.cpp}::NEG_ETA_NEG_N.

Referenced by Li(), and flexiblesusy::anonymous_namespace{Li.cpp}::Li_rest().

◆ norm()

template<typename T >
constexpr T flexiblesusy::norm ( const Complex< T > &  z)

◆ norm_sqr()

template<typename T >
constexpr T flexiblesusy::norm_sqr ( const Complex< T > &  z)

Definition at line 72 of file complex.hpp.

Referenced by Li2(), and operator/().

◆ normalize_to_interval() [1/2]

template<int M, int N>
void flexiblesusy::normalize_to_interval ( Eigen::Matrix< double, M, N > &  m,
double  min = -1.,
double  max = 1. 

Normalize each element of the given real matrix to be within the interval [min, max]. Values < min are set to min. Values > max are set to max.


Definition at line 147 of file eigen_utils.hpp.

References data.

◆ normalize_to_interval() [2/2]

template<int M, int N>
void flexiblesusy::normalize_to_interval ( Eigen::Matrix< std::complex< double >, M, N > &  m,
double  max_mag = 1. 

Normalize each element of the given complex matrix to have a magnitude within the interval [0, max]. If the magnitude of a matrix element is > max, then the magnitude is set to max. The phase angles are not modified.

max_magmaximum magnitude

Definition at line 170 of file eigen_utils.hpp.

References arg(), and data.

◆ number_of_active_flavours()

unsigned int flexiblesusy::number_of_active_flavours ( softsusy::QedQcd const &  qedqcd,
double  m 

◆ operator*() [1/17]

template<typename T >
constexpr Complex< T > flexiblesusy::operator* ( const Complex< T > &  a,
const Complex< T > &  b 

◆ operator*() [2/17]

template<typename T >
constexpr Complex< T > flexiblesusy::operator* ( const Complex< T > &  z,

Definition at line 132 of file complex.hpp.

◆ operator*() [3/17]

template<typename T >
std::complex< T > flexiblesusy::operator* ( const std::complex< T > &  lhs,
int  rhs 

Definition at line 672 of file wrappers.hpp.

◆ operator*() [4/17]

Decay_amplitude_FFS flexiblesusy::operator* ( Decay_amplitude_FFS const &  ,
std::complex< double >   

◆ operator*() [5/17]

Decay_amplitude_FFV flexiblesusy::operator* ( Decay_amplitude_FFV const &  ,
std::complex< double >   

◆ operator*() [6/17]

Decay_amplitude_SFF flexiblesusy::operator* ( Decay_amplitude_SFF const &  amp,
std::complex< double >  factor 

Definition at line 211 of file decay_amplitudes.cpp.

References operator*().

◆ operator*() [7/17]

Decay_amplitude_SSS flexiblesusy::operator* ( Decay_amplitude_SSS const &  amp2,
std::complex< double >  factor 

Definition at line 168 of file decay_amplitudes.cpp.

References operator*().

◆ operator*() [8/17]

Decay_amplitude_SSV flexiblesusy::operator* ( Decay_amplitude_SSV const &  amp2,
std::complex< double >  factor 

Definition at line 180 of file decay_amplitudes.cpp.

References operator*().

◆ operator*() [9/17]

Decay_amplitude_SVV flexiblesusy::operator* ( Decay_amplitude_SVV const &  amp2,
std::complex< double >  factors 

Definition at line 198 of file decay_amplitudes.cpp.

References operator*().

◆ operator*() [10/17]

template<typename T >
std::complex< T > flexiblesusy::operator* ( int  lhs,
const std::complex< T > &  rhs 

Definition at line 672 of file wrappers.hpp.

◆ operator*() [11/17]

◆ operator*() [12/17]

◆ operator*() [13/17]

◆ operator*() [14/17]

◆ operator*() [15/17]

Decay_amplitude_FFS flexiblesusy::operator* ( std::complex< double >  ,
Decay_amplitude_FFS const &   

◆ operator*() [16/17]

Decay_amplitude_FFV flexiblesusy::operator* ( std::complex< double >  ,
Decay_amplitude_FFV const &   

◆ operator*() [17/17]

template<typename T >
constexpr Complex< T > flexiblesusy::operator* ( x,
const Complex< T > &  z 

Definition at line 126 of file complex.hpp.

◆ operator+() [1/5]

template<typename T >
constexpr Complex< T > flexiblesusy::operator+ ( const Complex< T > &  a,
const Complex< T > &  b 

◆ operator+() [2/5]

template<typename T >
constexpr Complex< T > flexiblesusy::operator+ ( const Complex< T > &  z,

Definition at line 84 of file complex.hpp.

◆ operator+() [3/5]

template<typename T >
std::complex< T > flexiblesusy::operator+ ( const std::complex< T > &  lhs,
int  rhs 

Definition at line 674 of file wrappers.hpp.

◆ operator+() [4/5]

template<typename T >
std::complex< T > flexiblesusy::operator+ ( int  lhs,
const std::complex< T > &  rhs 

Definition at line 674 of file wrappers.hpp.

◆ operator+() [5/5]

template<typename T >
constexpr Complex< T > flexiblesusy::operator+ ( x,
const Complex< T > &  z 

Definition at line 90 of file complex.hpp.

◆ operator-() [1/6]

template<typename T >
constexpr Complex< T > flexiblesusy::operator- ( const Complex< T > &  a,
const Complex< T > &  b 

◆ operator-() [2/6]

template<typename T >
constexpr Complex< T > flexiblesusy::operator- ( const Complex< T > &  z)

Definition at line 114 of file complex.hpp.

◆ operator-() [3/6]

template<typename T >
constexpr Complex< T > flexiblesusy::operator- ( const Complex< T > &  z,

Definition at line 108 of file complex.hpp.

◆ operator-() [4/6]

template<typename T >
std::complex< T > flexiblesusy::operator- ( const std::complex< T > &  lhs,
int  rhs 

Definition at line 675 of file wrappers.hpp.

◆ operator-() [5/6]

template<typename T >
std::complex< T > flexiblesusy::operator- ( int  lhs,
const std::complex< T > &  rhs 

Definition at line 675 of file wrappers.hpp.

◆ operator-() [6/6]

template<typename T >
constexpr Complex< T > flexiblesusy::operator- ( x,
const Complex< T > &  z 

Definition at line 102 of file complex.hpp.

◆ operator/() [1/4]

template<typename T >
constexpr Complex< T > flexiblesusy::operator/ ( const Complex< T > &  z,

Definition at line 144 of file complex.hpp.

◆ operator/() [2/4]

template<typename T >
std::complex< T > flexiblesusy::operator/ ( const std::complex< T > &  lhs,
int  rhs 

Definition at line 673 of file wrappers.hpp.

◆ operator/() [3/4]

template<typename T >
std::complex< T > flexiblesusy::operator/ ( int  lhs,
const std::complex< T > &  rhs 

Definition at line 673 of file wrappers.hpp.

◆ operator/() [4/4]

template<typename T >
constexpr Complex< T > flexiblesusy::operator/ ( x,
const Complex< T > &  z 

Definition at line 138 of file complex.hpp.

References conj(), and norm_sqr().

◆ operator<<() [1/11]

ostream & flexiblesusy::operator<< ( ostream &  out,
const RGFlow< Lattice > &  f 

Definition at line 20 of file lattice_solver.cpp.

References f().

◆ operator<<() [2/11]

std::ostream & flexiblesusy::operator<< ( std::ostream &  ,
const FlexibleDecay_settings  

◆ operator<<() [3/11]

std::ostream & flexiblesusy::operator<< ( std::ostream &  ,
const LToLConversion_settings  

◆ operator<<() [4/11]

std::ostream & flexiblesusy::operator<< ( std::ostream &  ostr,
const Observable_problems op 

write observable problems to stream

Definition at line 26 of file observable_problems_format.cpp.

References copy_problem_strings().

◆ operator<<() [5/11]

std::ostream & flexiblesusy::operator<< ( std::ostream &  ostr,
const BVP_solver_problems problems 

◆ operator<<() [6/11]

template<typename ElementType >
std::ostream & flexiblesusy::operator<< ( std::ostream &  ostr,
const Dynamic_array_view< ElementType > &  av 

◆ operator<<() [7/11]

std::ostream & flexiblesusy::operator<< ( std::ostream &  ostr,
const GSL_vector vec 

Definition at line 208 of file gsl_vector.cpp.

References flexiblesusy::GSL_vector::size().

◆ operator<<() [8/11]

std::ostream & flexiblesusy::operator<< ( std::ostream &  ostr,
const Problems problems 

◆ operator<<() [9/11]

std::ostream & flexiblesusy::operator<< ( std::ostream &  ostr,
const Spectrum_generator_problems problems 

◆ operator<<() [10/11]

std::ostream & flexiblesusy::operator<< ( std::ostream &  ostr,
const Spectrum_generator_settings sgs 

◆ operator<<() [11/11]

◆ PolyLog() [1/2]

std::complex< double > flexiblesusy::PolyLog ( int  n,
const std::complex< double > &  z 

complex polylogarithm

Definition at line 158 of file wrappers.cpp.

References Li().

◆ PolyLog() [2/2]

double flexiblesusy::PolyLog ( int  n,
double  z 

real polylogarithm

Definition at line 145 of file wrappers.cpp.

References Li2(), Li3(), Li4(), log(), and PolyLog().

Referenced by PolyLog().

◆ Pow()

template<unsigned p, class T >
T flexiblesusy::Pow ( x)

Definition at line 53 of file mathdefs.hpp.

References f().

◆ Pow2()

template<class T >
T flexiblesusy::Pow2 ( x)

Definition at line 58 of file mathdefs.hpp.

◆ Pow3()

template<class T >
T flexiblesusy::Pow3 ( x)

Definition at line 59 of file mathdefs.hpp.

◆ Pow4()

template<class T >
T flexiblesusy::Pow4 ( x)

Definition at line 60 of file mathdefs.hpp.

◆ Pow5()

template<class T >
T flexiblesusy::Pow5 ( x)

Definition at line 61 of file mathdefs.hpp.

◆ Power()

template<typename Base , typename Exponent >
Base flexiblesusy::Power ( Base  base,
Exponent  exp 

Definition at line 475 of file wrappers.hpp.

◆ Power10()

template<typename Base >
constexpr Base flexiblesusy::Power10 ( Base  b)

Definition at line 529 of file wrappers.hpp.

References Power2(), and Power4().

Referenced by Power11().

◆ Power11()

template<typename Base >
constexpr Base flexiblesusy::Power11 ( Base  b)

Definition at line 535 of file wrappers.hpp.

References Power10().

◆ Power12()

template<typename Base >
constexpr Base flexiblesusy::Power12 ( Base  b)

Definition at line 541 of file wrappers.hpp.

References Power2(), and Power6().

◆ Power2()

template<typename Base >
constexpr Base flexiblesusy::Power2 ( Base  b)

◆ Power3()

◆ Power4()

◆ Power5()

template<typename Base >
constexpr Base flexiblesusy::Power5 ( Base  b)

Definition at line 499 of file wrappers.hpp.

References Power4().

Referenced by delta_hAA_2loopQCD_for_quark_loop().

◆ Power6()

template<typename Base >
constexpr Base flexiblesusy::Power6 ( Base  b)

Definition at line 505 of file wrappers.hpp.

References Power2().

Referenced by Power12(), and Power7().

◆ Power7()

template<typename Base >
constexpr Base flexiblesusy::Power7 ( Base  b)

Definition at line 511 of file wrappers.hpp.

References Power6().

◆ Power8()

template<typename Base >
constexpr Base flexiblesusy::Power8 ( Base  b)

Definition at line 517 of file wrappers.hpp.

References Power2(), and Power4().

Referenced by Power9().

◆ Power9()

template<typename Base >
constexpr Base flexiblesusy::Power9 ( Base  b)

Definition at line 523 of file wrappers.hpp.

References Power8().

◆ print_all_info()

void flexiblesusy::print_all_info ( std::ostream &  ostr)

◆ print_build_info()

◆ print_debug()

void flexiblesusy::print_debug ( std::function< void()> &&  ,
const char *  ,

Definition at line 98 of file logger.cpp.

◆ print_error()

void flexiblesusy::print_error ( std::function< void()> &&  f,
const char *  ,

Definition at line 116 of file logger.cpp.

References f().

◆ print_fatal()

void flexiblesusy::print_fatal ( std::function< void()> &&  f,
const char *  filename,
int  line 

Definition at line 125 of file logger.cpp.

References f(), and flexiblesusy::depgen::filename().

◆ print_flexiblesusy_version()

void flexiblesusy::print_flexiblesusy_version ( std::ostream &  ostr)

Definition at line 50 of file build_info.cpp.


Referenced by flexiblesusy::Command_line_options::print_version().

◆ print_info()

void flexiblesusy::print_info ( std::function< void()> &&  f,
const char *  ,

Definition at line 101 of file logger.cpp.

References f().

◆ print_system_info()

void flexiblesusy::print_system_info ( std::ostream &  ostr)

Definition at line 235 of file build_info.cpp.


Referenced by print_all_info().

◆ print_verbose()

void flexiblesusy::print_verbose ( std::function< void()> &&  ,
const char *  ,

Definition at line 85 of file logger.cpp.

◆ print_version_info()

void flexiblesusy::print_version_info ( std::ostream &  ostr)

◆ print_warning()

void flexiblesusy::print_warning ( std::function< void()> &&  f,
const char *  ,

Definition at line 107 of file logger.cpp.

References f().

◆ PrintDEBUG()

template<typename... Ts>
double flexiblesusy::PrintDEBUG ( Ts &&...  vs)

print debug information to cerr

Definition at line 327 of file wrappers.hpp.

References DEBUG_MSG, and flexiblesusy::anonymous_namespace{wrappers.hpp}::PrintTo().

◆ PrintERROR()

template<typename... Ts>
double flexiblesusy::PrintERROR ( Ts &&...  vs)

print error to cerr

Definition at line 336 of file wrappers.hpp.

References ERROR, and flexiblesusy::anonymous_namespace{wrappers.hpp}::PrintTo().

◆ PrintFATAL()

template<typename... Ts>
double flexiblesusy::PrintFATAL ( Ts &&...  vs)

print error to cerr and stop program

Definition at line 345 of file wrappers.hpp.

References FATAL, and flexiblesusy::anonymous_namespace{wrappers.hpp}::PrintTo().

◆ PrintINFO()

template<typename... Ts>
double flexiblesusy::PrintINFO ( Ts &&...  vs)

print an information message

Definition at line 354 of file wrappers.hpp.

References INFO, and flexiblesusy::anonymous_namespace{wrappers.hpp}::PrintTo().

◆ PrintVERBOSE()

template<typename... Ts>
double flexiblesusy::PrintVERBOSE ( Ts &&...  vs)

print verbose information to cerr

Definition at line 363 of file wrappers.hpp.

References flexiblesusy::anonymous_namespace{wrappers.hpp}::PrintTo(), and VERBOSE_MSG.

◆ PrintWARNING()

template<typename... Ts>
double flexiblesusy::PrintWARNING ( Ts &&...  vs)

print warning to cerr

Definition at line 372 of file wrappers.hpp.

References flexiblesusy::anonymous_namespace{wrappers.hpp}::PrintTo(), and WARNING.

◆ Quad()

template<typename T >
constexpr T flexiblesusy::Quad ( a)

Definition at line 547 of file wrappers.hpp.

References Power2().

◆ Re() [1/3]

template<class Derived >
auto flexiblesusy::Re ( const Eigen::MatrixBase< Derived > &  x) -> decltype(x.real().eval())

Definition at line 559 of file wrappers.hpp.

◆ Re() [2/3]

double flexiblesusy::Re ( const std::complex< double > &  x)

Definition at line 168 of file wrappers.cpp.

◆ Re() [3/3]

◆ RelDiff()

template<typename T >
T flexiblesusy::RelDiff ( a,
eps = std::numeric_limits<T>::epsilon() 

Definition at line 579 of file wrappers.hpp.

◆ remove_if_equal()

template<class Real , int Nsrc, int Ncmp>
Eigen::Array< Real, Nsrc - Ncmp, 1 > flexiblesusy::remove_if_equal ( const Eigen::Array< Real, Nsrc, 1 > &  src,
const Eigen::Array< Real, Ncmp, 1 > &  cmp 

Returns all elements from src, which are not close to the elements in cmp. The returned vector will have the length (src.size() - cmp.size()).

srcsource vector
cmpvector with elements to compare against
vector with elements of src not close to cmp

Definition at line 198 of file eigen_utils.hpp.

References closest_index().

◆ reorder_diagonalize_symmetric() [1/5]

template<class Real , class Scalar , int N>
void flexiblesusy::reorder_diagonalize_symmetric ( const Eigen::Matrix< Scalar, N, N > &  m,
Eigen::Array< Real, N, 1 > &  s 

Returns singular values of N-by-N symmetric matrix m via s such that (s >= 0).all(). Elements of s are in ascending order.

Template Parameters
Realtype of real and imaginary parts of Scalar
Scalartype of elements of m
Nnumber of rows and columns in m and u
[in]mN-by-N symmetric matrix to be decomposed
[out]sarray of length N to contain singular values

Definition at line 1012 of file linalg2.hpp.

References reorder_diagonalize_symmetric_errbd().

◆ reorder_diagonalize_symmetric() [2/5]

template<class Real , class Scalar , int N>
void flexiblesusy::reorder_diagonalize_symmetric ( const Eigen::Matrix< Scalar, N, N > &  m,
Eigen::Array< Real, N, 1 > &  s,
Eigen::Matrix< std::complex< Real >, N, N > &  u 

Diagonalizes N-by-N symmetric matrix m so that

m == u * s.matrix().asDiagonal() * u.transpose()

and (s >= 0).all(). Elements of s are in ascending order.

Template Parameters
Realtype of real and imaginary parts of Scalar
Scalartype of elements of m
Nnumber of rows and columns in m and u
[in]mN-by-N symmetric matrix to be decomposed
[out]sarray of length N to contain singular values
[out]uN-by-N complex unitary matrix

Definition at line 950 of file linalg2.hpp.

References reorder_diagonalize_symmetric_errbd().

◆ reorder_diagonalize_symmetric() [3/5]

template<class Real , class Scalar , int N>
void flexiblesusy::reorder_diagonalize_symmetric ( const Eigen::Matrix< Scalar, N, N > &  m,
Eigen::Array< Real, N, 1 > &  s,
Eigen::Matrix< std::complex< Real >, N, N > &  u,
Real s_errbd 

Same as reorder_diagonalize_symmetric(m, s, u) except that an approximate error bound for the singular values is returned as well. The error bound is estimated following the method presented at http://www.netlib.org/lapack/lug/node96.html.

[out]s_errbdapproximate error bound for the elements of s

See the documentation of reorder_diagonalize_symmetric(m, s, u) for the other parameters.

Definition at line 970 of file linalg2.hpp.

References reorder_diagonalize_symmetric_errbd().

◆ reorder_diagonalize_symmetric() [4/5]

template<class Real , class Scalar , int N>
void flexiblesusy::reorder_diagonalize_symmetric ( const Eigen::Matrix< Scalar, N, N > &  m,
Eigen::Array< Real, N, 1 > &  s,
Eigen::Matrix< std::complex< Real >, N, N > &  u,
Real s_errbd,
Eigen::Array< Real, N, 1 > &  u_errbd 

Same as reorder_diagonalize_symmetric(m, s, u, s_errbd) except that approximate error bounds for the singular vectors are returned as well. The error bounds are estimated following the method presented at http://www.netlib.org/lapack/lug/node96.html.

[out]u_errbdarray of approximate error bounds for u

See the documentation of reorder_diagonalize_symmetric(m, s, u, s_errbd) for the other parameters.

Definition at line 991 of file linalg2.hpp.

References reorder_diagonalize_symmetric_errbd().

◆ reorder_diagonalize_symmetric() [5/5]

template<class Real , class Scalar , int N>
void flexiblesusy::reorder_diagonalize_symmetric ( const Eigen::Matrix< Scalar, N, N > &  m,
Eigen::Array< Real, N, 1 > &  s,
Real s_errbd 

Same as reorder_diagonalize_symmetric(m, s) except that an approximate error bound for the singular values is returned as well. The error bound is estimated following the method presented at http://www.netlib.org/lapack/lug/node96.html.

[out]s_errbdapproximate error bound for the elements of s

See the documentation of reorder_diagonalize_symmetric(m, s) for the other parameters.

Definition at line 1031 of file linalg2.hpp.

References reorder_diagonalize_symmetric_errbd().

◆ reorder_diagonalize_symmetric_errbd() [1/2]

template<class Real , int N>
void flexiblesusy::reorder_diagonalize_symmetric_errbd ( const Eigen::Matrix< Real, N, N > &  m,
Eigen::Array< Real, N, 1 > &  s,
Eigen::Matrix< std::complex< Real >, N, N > *  u = 0,
Real s_errbd = 0,
Eigen::Array< Real, N, 1 > *  u_errbd = 0 

◆ reorder_diagonalize_symmetric_errbd() [2/2]

template<class Real , int N>
void flexiblesusy::reorder_diagonalize_symmetric_errbd ( const Eigen::Matrix< std::complex< Real >, N, N > &  m,
Eigen::Array< Real, N, 1 > &  s,
Eigen::Matrix< std::complex< Real >, N, N > *  u = 0,
Real s_errbd = 0,
Eigen::Array< Real, N, 1 > *  u_errbd = 0 

◆ reorder_svd() [1/5]

template<class Real , class Scalar , int M, int N>
void flexiblesusy::reorder_svd ( const Eigen::Matrix< Scalar, M, N > &  m,
Eigen::Array< Real,(((M)<(N)) ?(M) :(N)), 1 > &  s 

Returns singular values of M-by-N matrix m via s such that (s >= 0).all(). Elements of s are in ascending order.

Template Parameters
Realtype of real and imaginary parts of Scalar
Scalartype of elements of m, u, and vh
Mnumber of rows in m
Nnumber of columns in m
[in]mM-by-N matrix to be decomposed
[out]sarray of length min(M,N) to contain singular values

Definition at line 869 of file linalg2.hpp.

References reorder_svd_errbd().

◆ reorder_svd() [2/5]

template<class Real , class Scalar , int M, int N>
void flexiblesusy::reorder_svd ( const Eigen::Matrix< Scalar, M, N > &  m,
Eigen::Array< Real,(((M)<(N)) ?(M) :(N)), 1 > &  s,
Eigen::Matrix< Scalar, M, M > &  u,
Eigen::Matrix< Scalar, N, N > &  vh 

Singular value decomposition of M-by-N matrix m such that

sigma.setZero(); sigma.diagonal() = s;
m == u * sigma * vh    // LAPACK convention

and (s >= 0).all(). Elements of s are in ascending order. The above decomposition can be put in the form

m == u * s.matrix().asDiagonal() * vh

if M == N.

Template Parameters
Realtype of real and imaginary parts of Scalar
Scalartype of elements of m, u, and vh
Mnumber of rows in m
Nnumber of columns in m
[in]mM-by-N matrix to be decomposed
[out]sarray of length min(M,N) to contain singular values
[out]uM-by-M unitary matrix
[out]vhN-by-N unitary matrix

Definition at line 801 of file linalg2.hpp.

References reorder_svd_errbd().

◆ reorder_svd() [3/5]

template<class Real , class Scalar , int M, int N>
void flexiblesusy::reorder_svd ( const Eigen::Matrix< Scalar, M, N > &  m,
Eigen::Array< Real,(((M)<(N)) ?(M) :(N)), 1 > &  s,
Eigen::Matrix< Scalar, M, M > &  u,
Eigen::Matrix< Scalar, N, N > &  vh,
Real s_errbd 

Same as reorder_svd(m, s, u, vh) except that an approximate error bound for the singular values is returned as well. The error bound is estimated following the method presented at http://www.netlib.org/lapack/lug/node96.html.

[out]s_errbdapproximate error bound for the elements of s

See the documentation of reorder_svd(m, s, u, vh) for the other parameters.

Definition at line 822 of file linalg2.hpp.

References reorder_svd_errbd().

◆ reorder_svd() [4/5]

template<class Real , class Scalar , int M, int N>
void flexiblesusy::reorder_svd ( const Eigen::Matrix< Scalar, M, N > &  m,
Eigen::Array< Real,(((M)<(N)) ?(M) :(N)), 1 > &  s,
Eigen::Matrix< Scalar, M, M > &  u,
Eigen::Matrix< Scalar, N, N > &  vh,
Real s_errbd,
Eigen::Array< Real,(((M)<(N)) ?(M) :(N)), 1 > &  u_errbd,
Eigen::Array< Real,(((M)<(N)) ?(M) :(N)), 1 > &  v_errbd 

Same as reorder_svd(m, s, u, vh, s_errbd) except that approximate error bounds for the singular vectors are returned as well. The error bounds are estimated following the method presented at http://www.netlib.org/lapack/lug/node96.html.

[out]u_errbdarray of approximate error bounds for u
[out]v_errbdarray of approximate error bounds for vh

See the documentation of reorder_svd(m, s, u, vh, s_errbd) for the other parameters.

Definition at line 845 of file linalg2.hpp.

References reorder_svd_errbd().

◆ reorder_svd() [5/5]

template<class Real , class Scalar , int M, int N>
void flexiblesusy::reorder_svd ( const Eigen::Matrix< Scalar, M, N > &  m,
Eigen::Array< Real,(((M)<(N)) ?(M) :(N)), 1 > &  s,
Real s_errbd 

Same as reorder_svd(m, s) except that an approximate error bound for the singular values is returned as well. The error bound is estimated following the method presented at http://www.netlib.org/lapack/lug/node96.html.

[out]s_errbdapproximate error bound for the elements of s

See the documentation of reorder_svd(m, s) for the other parameters.

Definition at line 888 of file linalg2.hpp.

References reorder_svd_errbd().

◆ reorder_svd_errbd()

template<class Real , class Scalar , int M, int N>
void flexiblesusy::reorder_svd_errbd ( const Eigen::Matrix< Scalar, M, N > &  m,
Eigen::Array< Real,(((M)<(N)) ?(M) :(N)), 1 > &  s,
Eigen::Matrix< Scalar, M, M > *  u = 0,
Eigen::Matrix< Scalar, N, N > *  vh = 0,
Real s_errbd = 0,
Eigen::Array< Real,(((M)<(N)) ?(M) :(N)), 1 > *  u_errbd = 0,
Eigen::Array< Real,(((M)<(N)) ?(M) :(N)), 1 > *  v_errbd = 0 

Definition at line 751 of file linalg2.hpp.

References svd_errbd().

Referenced by fs_svd_errbd(), and reorder_svd().

◆ reorder_vector() [1/2]

template<class Derived >
void flexiblesusy::reorder_vector ( Eigen::Array< double, Eigen::MatrixBase< Derived >::RowsAtCompileTime, 1 > &  v,
const Eigen::MatrixBase< Derived > &  matrix 

reorders vector v according to ordering of the magitude of the diagonal elements in matrix

vvector with elementes to be reordered
matrixmatrix with diagonal elements with reference ordering

Definition at line 246 of file eigen_utils.hpp.

References reorder_vector().

◆ reorder_vector() [2/2]

template<class Real , int N>
void flexiblesusy::reorder_vector ( Eigen::Array< Real, N, 1 > &  v,
const Eigen::Array< Real, N, 1 > &  v2 

reorders vector v according to ordering in vector v2

vvector with elementes to be reordered
v2vector with reference ordering

Definition at line 222 of file eigen_utils.hpp.

References sort().

Referenced by reorder_vector().

◆ Round()

int flexiblesusy::Round ( double  a)

Definition at line 173 of file wrappers.cpp.

◆ RT()

double flexiblesusy::RT ( double  x)

Eq.(2.31) of hep-ph/0503172, including edge cases.

Definition at line 114 of file decay_functions.cpp.

References flexiblesusy::anonymous_namespace{decay_functions.cpp}::RT_general().

◆ Sec()

double flexiblesusy::Sec ( double  x)

Definition at line 52 of file wrappers.cpp.

References Cos().

◆ Sign() [1/2]

int flexiblesusy::Sign ( double  x)

Definition at line 188 of file wrappers.cpp.

Referenced by SignedAbsSqrt().

◆ Sign() [2/2]

int flexiblesusy::Sign ( int  x)

Definition at line 193 of file wrappers.cpp.

◆ sign()

◆ SignedAbsSqrt() [1/2]

template<typename Derived >
auto flexiblesusy::SignedAbsSqrt ( const Eigen::ArrayBase< Derived > &  a) -> typename Derived::PlainObject

component-wise signed square root of absolute

Definition at line 600 of file wrappers.hpp.

References SignedAbsSqrt().

◆ SignedAbsSqrt() [2/2]

double flexiblesusy::SignedAbsSqrt ( double  a)

signed square root of absolute

Definition at line 198 of file wrappers.cpp.

References AbsSqrt(), and Sign().

Referenced by SignedAbsSqrt().

◆ Sin()

double flexiblesusy::Sin ( double  x)

Definition at line 47 of file wrappers.cpp.

Referenced by Csc().

◆ slha_format_problems_and_warnings()

template<typename OutputIterator >
void flexiblesusy::slha_format_problems_and_warnings ( const Observable_problems op,
OutputIterator  oi 

◆ sort()

◆ sort_decays_list()

std::vector< Decay > flexiblesusy::sort_decays_list ( const Decays_list decays_list)

sort decays w.r.t. their width

Sort decays of every particle according to their width

Definition at line 91 of file decay.cpp.

References flexiblesusy::Decays_list::size(), and flexiblesusy::amm_loop_functions::two_loop::anonymous_namespace{amm_loop_functions.cpp}::sort().

◆ Sqr() [1/4]

template<typename Derived >
auto flexiblesusy::Sqr ( const Eigen::ArrayBase< Derived > &  a) -> typename Derived::PlainObject

component-wise square

Definition at line 644 of file wrappers.hpp.

References Sqr().

◆ Sqr() [2/4]

template<typename Derived >
auto flexiblesusy::Sqr ( const Eigen::MatrixBase< Derived > &  a) -> typename Derived::PlainObject

matrix square

Definition at line 652 of file wrappers.hpp.

◆ Sqr() [3/4]

template<typename T >
constexpr std::complex< T > flexiblesusy::Sqr ( const std::complex< T > &  a)

Definition at line 631 of file wrappers.hpp.

Referenced by flexiblesusy::Convergence_tester_DRbar< Model >::accuracy_goal_reached(), calc_Deltaqq(), calculate_diagram_SFF_t1g1n1_FFS(), calculate_diagram_SFF_t1g3n3_FFV(), calculate_diagram_SFF_t1g4n4_SVF(), calculate_diagram_SFF_t1g5n5_VSF(), calculate_diagram_SFF_t2g1n7_SS(), calculate_diagram_SFF_t2g2n8_SV(), calculate_diagram_SFF_t3g1n9_FFS(), calculate_diagram_SFF_t3g2n10_FFV(), calculate_diagram_SFF_t4g1n11_FFS(), calculate_diagram_SFF_t4g2n12_FFV(), calculate_diagram_SFF_t5g10n22_VVV(), calculate_diagram_SFF_t5g1n13_SFF(), calculate_diagram_SFF_t5g2n14_SSS(), calculate_diagram_SFF_t5g3n15_SUU(), calculate_diagram_SFF_t5g4n16_SSV(), calculate_diagram_SFF_t5g5n17_SVV(), calculate_diagram_SFF_t5g6n18_VFF(), calculate_diagram_SFF_t5g7n19_VSS(), calculate_diagram_SFF_t5g8n20_VUU(), calculate_diagram_SFF_t5g9n21_VSV(), calculate_diagram_SSS_t10g10n52_VVV(), calculate_diagram_SSS_t10g1n43_SFF(), calculate_diagram_SSS_t10g2n44_SSS(), calculate_diagram_SSS_t10g3n45_SUU(), calculate_diagram_SSS_t10g4n46_SSV(), calculate_diagram_SSS_t10g5n47_SVV(), calculate_diagram_SSS_t10g6n48_VFF(), calculate_diagram_SSS_t10g7n49_VSS(), calculate_diagram_SSS_t10g8n50_VUU(), calculate_diagram_SSS_t10g9n51_VSV(), calculate_diagram_SSS_t1g1n1_FFF(), calculate_diagram_SSS_t1g4n4_SSV(), calculate_diagram_SSS_t1g5n5_SVS(), calculate_diagram_SSS_t1g6n6_VSS(), calculate_diagram_SSS_t1g7n7_SVV(), calculate_diagram_SSS_t1g8n8_VSV(), calculate_diagram_SSS_t1g9n9_VVS(), calculate_diagram_SSS_t2g1n11_SS(), calculate_diagram_SSS_t2g2n12_SV(), calculate_diagram_SSS_t3g1n13_SS(), calculate_diagram_SSS_t3g2n14_SV(), calculate_diagram_SSS_t5g1n17_SS(), calculate_diagram_SSS_t5g2n18_SV(), calculate_diagram_SSS_t8g10n32_VVV(), calculate_diagram_SSS_t8g1n23_SFF(), calculate_diagram_SSS_t8g2n24_SSS(), calculate_diagram_SSS_t8g3n25_SUU(), calculate_diagram_SSS_t8g4n26_SSV(), calculate_diagram_SSS_t8g5n27_SVV(), calculate_diagram_SSS_t8g6n28_VFF(), calculate_diagram_SSS_t8g7n29_VSS(), calculate_diagram_SSS_t8g8n30_VUU(), calculate_diagram_SSS_t8g9n31_VSV(), calculate_diagram_SSS_t9g10n42_VVV(), calculate_diagram_SSS_t9g1n33_SFF(), calculate_diagram_SSS_t9g2n34_SSS(), calculate_diagram_SSS_t9g3n35_SUU(), calculate_diagram_SSS_t9g4n36_SSV(), calculate_diagram_SSS_t9g5n37_SVV(), calculate_diagram_SSS_t9g6n38_VFF(), calculate_diagram_SSS_t9g7n39_VSS(), calculate_diagram_SSS_t9g8n40_VUU(), calculate_diagram_SSS_t9g9n41_VSV(), calculate_diagram_SSV_t10g10n50_VVV(), calculate_diagram_SSV_t10g1n41_SFF(), calculate_diagram_SSV_t10g2n42_SSS(), calculate_diagram_SSV_t10g3n43_SUU(), calculate_diagram_SSV_t10g4n44_SSV(), calculate_diagram_SSV_t10g5n45_SVV(), calculate_diagram_SSV_t10g6n46_VFF(), calculate_diagram_SSV_t10g7n47_VSS(), calculate_diagram_SSV_t10g8n48_VUU(), calculate_diagram_SSV_t10g9n49_VSV(), calculate_diagram_SSV_t1g1n1_FFF(), calculate_diagram_SSV_t1g6n6_VSS(), calculate_diagram_SSV_t1g7n7_SVV(), calculate_diagram_SSV_t2g1n11_VS(), calculate_diagram_SSV_t2g2n12_VV(), calculate_diagram_SSV_t3g1n13_SS(), calculate_diagram_SSV_t3g2n14_SV(), calculate_diagram_SSV_t5g1n16_SS(), calculate_diagram_SSV_t5g2n17_SV(), calculate_diagram_SSV_t8g10n30_VVV(), calculate_diagram_SSV_t8g6n26_VFF(), calculate_diagram_SSV_t8g7n27_VSS(), calculate_diagram_SSV_t8g9n29_VSV(), calculate_diagram_SSV_t9g10n40_VVV(), calculate_diagram_SSV_t9g1n31_SFF(), calculate_diagram_SSV_t9g2n32_SSS(), calculate_diagram_SSV_t9g3n33_SUU(), calculate_diagram_SSV_t9g4n34_SSV(), calculate_diagram_SSV_t9g5n35_SVV(), calculate_diagram_SSV_t9g6n36_VFF(), calculate_diagram_SSV_t9g7n37_VSS(), calculate_diagram_SSV_t9g8n38_VUU(), calculate_diagram_SSV_t9g9n39_VSV(), calculate_diagram_SVV_t10g10n50_VVV(), calculate_diagram_SVV_t10g1n41_SFF(), calculate_diagram_SVV_t10g2n42_SSS(), calculate_diagram_SVV_t10g3n43_SUU(), calculate_diagram_SVV_t10g4n44_SSV(), calculate_diagram_SVV_t10g5n45_SVV(), calculate_diagram_SVV_t10g6n46_VFF(), calculate_diagram_SVV_t10g7n47_VSS(), calculate_diagram_SVV_t10g8n48_VUU(), calculate_diagram_SVV_t10g9n49_VSV(), calculate_diagram_SVV_t1g10n10_VVV(), calculate_diagram_SVV_t1g1n1_FFF(), calculate_diagram_SVV_t1g7n7_SVV(), calculate_diagram_SVV_t1g8n8_VSV(), calculate_diagram_SVV_t2g1n11_VS(), calculate_diagram_SVV_t2g2n12_VV(), calculate_diagram_SVV_t3g1n13_VS(), calculate_diagram_SVV_t3g2n14_VV(), calculate_diagram_SVV_t5g1n17_SS(), calculate_diagram_SVV_t5g2n18_SV(), calculate_diagram_SVV_t8g10n30_VVV(), calculate_diagram_SVV_t8g6n26_VFF(), calculate_diagram_SVV_t8g7n27_VSS(), calculate_diagram_SVV_t8g8n28_VUU(), calculate_diagram_SVV_t8g9n29_VSV(), calculate_diagram_SVV_t9g10n40_VVV(), calculate_diagram_SVV_t9g6n36_VFF(), calculate_diagram_SVV_t9g7n37_VSS(), calculate_diagram_SVV_t9g8n38_VUU(), calculate_diagram_SVV_t9g9n39_VSV(), delta_AhAA_2loopQCD_for_quark_loop(), delta_AhAA_2loopQCD_for_squark_loop(), delta_hAA_2loopQCD_for_quark_loop(), delta_hAA_2loopQCD_for_squark_loop(), f(), fprime(), hgg_SM_loop_function(), hVV_4body(), KallenLambda(), Sqr(), flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SSV::square(), flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SVV::square(), flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_SFF::square(), flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_FFS::square(), flexiblesusy::Decay_amplitude_FFV::square(), and taum1fprime().

◆ Sqr() [4/4]

template<typename T , class = std::enable_if_t<std::is_arithmetic<T>::value,T>>
constexpr T flexiblesusy::Sqr ( a)

Definition at line 637 of file wrappers.hpp.

◆ sqr()

template<class T >
T flexiblesusy::sqr ( x)

Definition at line 62 of file mathdefs.hpp.

Referenced by flexiblesusy::threshold_loop_functions::D01f5(), flexiblesusy::threshold_loop_functions::D01f6(), flexiblesusy::threshold_loop_functions::D01f7(), flexiblesusy::threshold_loop_functions::D01f8(), flexiblesusy::threshold_loop_functions::D10f5(), flexiblesusy::threshold_loop_functions::D10f6(), flexiblesusy::threshold_loop_functions::D10f7(), flexiblesusy::threshold_loop_functions::D10f8(), flexiblesusy::threshold_loop_functions::D1f(), flexiblesusy::threshold_loop_functions::D1F1(), flexiblesusy::threshold_loop_functions::D1f1(), flexiblesusy::threshold_loop_functions::D1F2(), flexiblesusy::threshold_loop_functions::D1f2(), flexiblesusy::threshold_loop_functions::D1F3(), flexiblesusy::threshold_loop_functions::D1f3(), flexiblesusy::threshold_loop_functions::D1F4(), flexiblesusy::threshold_loop_functions::D1f4(), flexiblesusy::threshold_loop_functions::D1F5(), flexiblesusy::threshold_loop_functions::D1F6(), flexiblesusy::threshold_loop_functions::D1F7(), flexiblesusy::threshold_loop_functions::D1g(), flexiblesusy::threshold_loop_functions::D2F1(), flexiblesusy::threshold_loop_functions::D2F2(), flexiblesusy::threshold_loop_functions::D2F3(), flexiblesusy::threshold_loop_functions::D2F4(), flexiblesusy::threshold_loop_functions::D2F5(), flexiblesusy::threshold_loop_functions::D2F6(), flexiblesusy::threshold_loop_functions::D2F7(), flexiblesusy::threshold_loop_functions::DB0(), flexiblesusy::threshold_loop_functions::delta_xyz(), flexiblesusy::sfermions::diagonalize_sfermions_2x2(), flexiblesusy::threshold_loop_functions::f1(), flexiblesusy::threshold_loop_functions::F1(), flexiblesusy::threshold_loop_functions::f2(), flexiblesusy::threshold_loop_functions::F2(), flexiblesusy::threshold_loop_functions::f3(), flexiblesusy::threshold_loop_functions::F3(), flexiblesusy::threshold_loop_functions::f4(), flexiblesusy::threshold_loop_functions::F4(), flexiblesusy::threshold_loop_functions::f5(), flexiblesusy::threshold_loop_functions::F5(), flexiblesusy::threshold_loop_functions::f5_0_0(), flexiblesusy::threshold_loop_functions::f5_0_r2(), flexiblesusy::threshold_loop_functions::f5_1_1(), flexiblesusy::threshold_loop_functions::f5_1_r2(), flexiblesusy::threshold_loop_functions::f5_r1_r2(), flexiblesusy::threshold_loop_functions::f6(), flexiblesusy::threshold_loop_functions::F6(), flexiblesusy::threshold_loop_functions::f6_0_0(), flexiblesusy::threshold_loop_functions::f6_0_1(), flexiblesusy::threshold_loop_functions::f6_0_r2(), flexiblesusy::threshold_loop_functions::f6_1_r2(), flexiblesusy::threshold_loop_functions::f6_r1_r2(), flexiblesusy::threshold_loop_functions::f7(), flexiblesusy::threshold_loop_functions::F7(), flexiblesusy::threshold_loop_functions::f7_0_0(), flexiblesusy::threshold_loop_functions::f7_0_1(), flexiblesusy::threshold_loop_functions::f7_0_r2(), flexiblesusy::threshold_loop_functions::f7_1_r2(), flexiblesusy::threshold_loop_functions::f7_r1_r2(), flexiblesusy::threshold_loop_functions::f8(), flexiblesusy::threshold_loop_functions::F8(), flexiblesusy::threshold_loop_functions::f8_0_0(), flexiblesusy::threshold_loop_functions::f8_0_1(), flexiblesusy::threshold_loop_functions::f8_0_r2(), flexiblesusy::threshold_loop_functions::F8_0_x2(), flexiblesusy::threshold_loop_functions::f8_1_1(), flexiblesusy::threshold_loop_functions::F8_1_1(), flexiblesusy::threshold_loop_functions::f8_1_r2(), flexiblesusy::threshold_loop_functions::F8_1_x2(), flexiblesusy::threshold_loop_functions::f8_r1_r2(), flexiblesusy::threshold_loop_functions::F8_x1_x2(), flexiblesusy::threshold_loop_functions::F9(), flexiblesusy::threshold_loop_functions::F9_0_x2(), flexiblesusy::threshold_loop_functions::F9_1_1(), flexiblesusy::threshold_loop_functions::F9_1_x2(), flexiblesusy::threshold_loop_functions::F9_x1_x2(), flexiblesusy::threshold_loop_functions::fth1(), flexiblesusy::threshold_loop_functions::fth2(), flexiblesusy::threshold_loop_functions::fth3(), flexiblesusy::CKM_parameters::get_wolfenstein(), flexiblesusy::threshold_loop_functions::anonymous_namespace{threshold_loop_functions.cpp}::I1y(), flexiblesusy::threshold_loop_functions::Iabc(), flexiblesusy::threshold_loop_functions::anonymous_namespace{threshold_loop_functions.cpp}::Ixx(), flexiblesusy::threshold_loop_functions::anonymous_namespace{threshold_loop_functions.cpp}::lambda_2(), flexiblesusy::threshold_loop_functions::anonymous_namespace{threshold_loop_functions.cpp}::phi_pos(), flexiblesusy::anonymous_namespace{ckm.cpp}::pow4(), flexiblesusy::threshold_loop_functions::anonymous_namespace{threshold_loop_functions.cpp}::pow6(), flexiblesusy::threshold_loop_functions::anonymous_namespace{threshold_loop_functions.cpp}::pow8(), flexiblesusy::threshold_loop_functions::anonymous_namespace{threshold_loop_functions.cpp}::quad(), flexiblesusy::CKM_parameters::set_from_wolfenstein(), standard_unitary_matrix(), standard_VCKM(), flexiblesusy::PMNS_parameters::to_pdg_convention(), flexiblesusy::CKM_parameters::to_pdg_convention(), and flexiblesusy::threshold_loop_functions::W().

◆ Sqrt() [1/3]

template<typename Derived >
auto flexiblesusy::Sqrt ( const Eigen::ArrayBase< Derived > &  a) -> typename Derived::PlainObject

component-wise square root

Definition at line 622 of file wrappers.hpp.

References Sqrt().

◆ Sqrt() [2/3]

template<class T , typename = std::enable_if_t<std::is_floating_point<T>::value,T>>
T flexiblesusy::Sqrt ( a)

Definition at line 609 of file wrappers.hpp.

Referenced by Sqrt().

◆ Sqrt() [3/3]

template<class T , typename = std::enable_if_t<std::is_integral<T>::value,T>>
double flexiblesusy::Sqrt ( a)

Definition at line 615 of file wrappers.hpp.

◆ square_amplitude()

template<typename Amplitude >
double flexiblesusy::square_amplitude ( const Amplitude &  a)

Definition at line 167 of file decay_amplitudes.hpp.

◆ squared_color_generator()

template<typename FieldIn , typename FieldOut1 , typename FieldOut2 >
constexpr double flexiblesusy::squared_color_generator ( )

Definition at line 171 of file decay.hpp.

◆ standard_unitary_matrix()

CM33 flexiblesusy::standard_unitary_matrix ( Real  s12,
Real  s13,
Real  s23,
Real  delta 

Definition at line 8 of file SM.cpp.

References conj(), P, and sqr().

Referenced by standard_VCKM().

◆ standard_VCKM() [1/2]

CM33 flexiblesusy::standard_VCKM ( Real  gamma)

Definition at line 35 of file SM.cpp.

References modVub_cent, and standard_VCKM().

◆ standard_VCKM() [2/2]

CM33 flexiblesusy::standard_VCKM ( Real  gamma,
Real  Vub 

Definition at line 21 of file SM.cpp.

References sqr(), and standard_unitary_matrix().

Referenced by standard_VCKM().

◆ strip_field_namespace()

std::string flexiblesusy::strip_field_namespace ( std::string const &  s)

Definition at line 109 of file decay.cpp.

Referenced by field_as_string().

◆ subdivide()

std::vector< double > flexiblesusy::subdivide ( double  start,
double  stop,
std::size_t  number_of_divisions 

returns range of (number_of_divisions + 1) floating point values between (including) start and (including) stop

Returns vector with (number_of_divisions + 1) floating point values between (including) start and (including) stop.

startsmallest value (included)
stoplargest value (included)
number_of_divisionsnumber of divisions
vector of floating point values

Definition at line 94 of file scan.cpp.

References float_range(), and stop.

◆ subdivide_log()

std::vector< double > flexiblesusy::subdivide_log ( double  start,
double  stop,
std::size_t  number_of_divisions 

returns range of (number_of_divisions + 1) floating point values between (including) start and (including) stop with logarithmic spacing

Returns vector with (number_of_divisions + 1) floating point values between (including) start and (including) stop with logarithmic spacing.

startsmallest value (included)
stoplargest value (included)
number_of_divisionsnumber of divisions
vector of floating point values

Definition at line 119 of file scan.cpp.

References float_range_log(), and stop.

◆ sum()

◆ svd() [1/5]

template<class Real , class Scalar , int M, int N>
void flexiblesusy::svd ( const Eigen::Matrix< Scalar, M, N > &  m,
Eigen::Array< Real,(((M)<(N)) ?(M) :(N)), 1 > &  s 

Returns singular values of M-by-N matrix m via s such that (s >= 0).all(). Elements of s are in descending order.

Template Parameters
Realtype of real and imaginary parts of Scalar
Scalartype of elements of m, u, and vh
Mnumber of rows in m
Nnumber of columns in m
[in]mM-by-N matrix to be decomposed
[out]sarray of length min(M,N) to contain singular values

Definition at line 313 of file linalg2.hpp.

References svd_errbd().

◆ svd() [2/5]

template<class Real , class Scalar , int M, int N>
void flexiblesusy::svd ( const Eigen::Matrix< Scalar, M, N > &  m,
Eigen::Array< Real,(((M)<(N)) ?(M) :(N)), 1 > &  s,
Eigen::Matrix< Scalar, M, M > &  u,
Eigen::Matrix< Scalar, N, N > &  vh 

Singular value decomposition of M-by-N matrix m such that

sigma.setZero(); sigma.diagonal() = s;
m == u * sigma * vh    // LAPACK convention

and (s >= 0).all(). Elements of s are in descending order. The above decomposition can be put in the form

m == u * s.matrix().asDiagonal() * vh

if M == N.

Template Parameters
Realtype of real and imaginary parts of Scalar
Scalartype of elements of m, u, and vh
Mnumber of rows in m
Nnumber of columns in m
[in]mM-by-N matrix to be decomposed
[out]sarray of length min(M,N) to contain singular values
[out]uM-by-M unitary matrix
[out]vhN-by-N unitary matrix

Definition at line 246 of file linalg2.hpp.

References svd_errbd().

Referenced by svd_eigen().

◆ svd() [3/5]

template<class Real , class Scalar , int M, int N>
void flexiblesusy::svd ( const Eigen::Matrix< Scalar, M, N > &  m,
Eigen::Array< Real,(((M)<(N)) ?(M) :(N)), 1 > &  s,
Eigen::Matrix< Scalar, M, M > &  u,
Eigen::Matrix< Scalar, N, N > &  vh,
Real s_errbd 

Same as svd(m, s, u, vh) except that an approximate error bound for the singular values is returned as well. The error bound is estimated following the method presented at http://www.netlib.org/lapack/lug/node96.html.

[out]s_errbdapproximate error bound for the elements of s

See the documentation of svd(m, s, u, vh) for the other parameters.

Definition at line 266 of file linalg2.hpp.

References svd_errbd().

◆ svd() [4/5]

template<class Real , class Scalar , int M, int N>
void flexiblesusy::svd ( const Eigen::Matrix< Scalar, M, N > &  m,
Eigen::Array< Real,(((M)<(N)) ?(M) :(N)), 1 > &  s,
Eigen::Matrix< Scalar, M, M > &  u,
Eigen::Matrix< Scalar, N, N > &  vh,
Real s_errbd,
Eigen::Array< Real,(((M)<(N)) ?(M) :(N)), 1 > &  u_errbd,
Eigen::Array< Real,(((M)<(N)) ?(M) :(N)), 1 > &  v_errbd 

Same as svd(m, s, u, vh, s_errbd) except that approximate error bounds for the singular vectors are returned as well. The error bounds are estimated following the method presented at http://www.netlib.org/lapack/lug/node96.html.

[out]u_errbdarray of approximate error bounds for u
[out]v_errbdarray of approximate error bounds for vh

See the documentation of svd(m, s, u, vh, s_errbd) for the other parameters.

Definition at line 289 of file linalg2.hpp.

References svd_errbd().

◆ svd() [5/5]

template<class Real , class Scalar , int M, int N>
void flexiblesusy::svd ( const Eigen::Matrix< Scalar, M, N > &  m,
Eigen::Array< Real,(((M)<(N)) ?(M) :(N)), 1 > &  s,
Real s_errbd 

Same as svd(m, s) except that an approximate error bound for the singular values is returned as well. The error bound is estimated following the method presented at http://www.netlib.org/lapack/lug/node96.html.

[out]s_errbdapproximate error bound for the elements of s

See the documentation of svd(m, s) for the other parameters.

Definition at line 331 of file linalg2.hpp.

References svd_errbd().

◆ svd_eigen()

template<class Real , class Scalar , int M, int N>
void flexiblesusy::svd_eigen ( const Eigen::Matrix< Scalar, M, N > &  m,
Eigen::Array< Real,(((M)<(N)) ?(M) :(N)), 1 > &  s,
Eigen::Matrix< Scalar, M, M > *  u,
Eigen::Matrix< Scalar, N, N > *  vh 

Definition at line 39 of file linalg2.hpp.

References svd().

Referenced by svd_internal().

◆ svd_errbd()

template<class Real , class Scalar , int M, int N>
void flexiblesusy::svd_errbd ( const Eigen::Matrix< Scalar, M, N > &  m,
Eigen::Array< Real,(((M)<(N)) ?(M) :(N)), 1 > &  s,
Eigen::Matrix< Scalar, M, M > *  u = 0,
Eigen::Matrix< Scalar, N, N > *  vh = 0,
Real s_errbd = 0,
Eigen::Array< Real,(((M)<(N)) ?(M) :(N)), 1 > *  u_errbd = 0,
Eigen::Array< Real,(((M)<(N)) ?(M) :(N)), 1 > *  v_errbd = 0 

Definition at line 193 of file linalg2.hpp.

References epsilon, INFO, M, MIN_, and svd_internal().

Referenced by diagonalize_symmetric_errbd(), reorder_svd_errbd(), and svd().

◆ svd_internal()

template<class Real , class Scalar , int M, int N>
void flexiblesusy::svd_internal ( const Eigen::Matrix< Scalar, M, N > &  m,
Eigen::Array< Real,(((M)<(N)) ?(M) :(N)), 1 > &  s,
Eigen::Matrix< Scalar, M, M > *  u,
Eigen::Matrix< Scalar, N, N > *  vh 

Definition at line 183 of file linalg2.hpp.

References svd_eigen().

Referenced by svd_errbd().

◆ Symmetrize()

template<typename Derived >
void flexiblesusy::Symmetrize ( Eigen::PlainObjectBase< Derived > &  m)

Fills lower triangle of symmetric matrix from values in upper triangle.


Definition at line 684 of file wrappers.hpp.

◆ Tan()

double flexiblesusy::Tan ( double  a)

Definition at line 32 of file wrappers.cpp.

Referenced by Cot().

◆ taum1fprime()

std::complex< double > flexiblesusy::taum1fprime ( double  tau)

Definition at line 146 of file decay_functions.cpp.

References is_zero(), log(), Pi, Power3(), and Sqr().

Referenced by delta_hAA_2loopQCD_for_quark_loop().

◆ to_double()

◆ to_eigen_vector()

template<int Size>
Eigen::Matrix< double, Size, 1 > flexiblesusy::to_eigen_vector ( const gsl_vector *  v)

Definition at line 47 of file gsl_utils.hpp.

◆ to_GSL_vector()

template<typename Derived >
GSL_vector flexiblesusy::to_GSL_vector ( const Eigen::DenseBase< Derived > &  v)

◆ to_int()

int flexiblesusy::to_int ( const char *  s)

◆ to_long()

long flexiblesusy::to_long ( const char *  s)

Definition at line 53 of file string_conversion.cpp.

References end().

◆ to_string() [1/13]

std::string flexiblesusy::to_string ( char  a)

Definition at line 30 of file string_format.cpp.

Referenced by flexiblesusy::anonymous_namespace{flexibledecay_settings.cpp}::assert_ge(), flexiblesusy::anonymous_namespace{spectrum_generator_settings.cpp}::assert_ge(), flexiblesusy::anonymous_namespace{spectrum_generator_settings.cpp}::assert_gt(), flexiblesusy::anonymous_namespace{flexibledecay_settings.cpp}::assert_le(), flexiblesusy::anonymous_namespace{spectrum_generator_settings.cpp}::assert_le(), flexiblesusy::anonymous_namespace{spectrum_generator_settings.cpp}::assert_lt(), flexiblesusy::GSL_vector::assign(), flexiblesusy::Dynamic_array_view< ElementType >::check_range(), flexiblesusy::observable_problems::copy_problem_strings(), delta_AhAA_2loopQCD_for_quark_loop(), softsusy::QedQcd::extractPoleMb(), field_as_string(), flexiblesusy::detail::format_matrix(), flexiblesusy::detail::format_matrix_imag(), flexiblesusy::detail::format_vector(), flexiblesusy::detail::format_vector_imag(), flexiblesusy::anonymous_namespace{threshold_corrections.cpp}::get_digit(), flexiblesusy::Problems::get_problem_strings(), flexiblesusy::GSL_vector::GSL_vector(), flexiblesusy::GSL_vector::range_check(), flexiblesusy::SLHA_io::read_entry(), softsusy::QedQcd::runto_safe(), flexiblesusy::depgen::search_includes(), flexiblesusy::anonymous_namespace{threshold_corrections.cpp}::set_digit(), flexiblesusy::Root_finder< dimension >::solver_type_name(), flexiblesusy::Minimizer< dimension >::solver_type_to_gsl_pointer(), flexiblesusy::Root_finder< dimension >::solver_type_to_gsl_pointer(), softsusy::QedQcd::to(), to_string(), flexiblesusy::NoConvergenceError::what_detailed(), flexiblesusy::NoGFermiConvergenceError::what_detailed(), flexiblesusy::NoSinThetaWConvergenceError::what_detailed(), flexiblesusy::NonPerturbativeRunningError::what_detailed(), flexiblesusy::NonPerturbativeRunningError::what_parameter(), and flexiblesusy::Coupling_monitor::write_comment_line().

◆ to_string() [2/13]

std::string flexiblesusy::to_string ( const std::complex< double > &  a)

Definition at line 43 of file string_format.cpp.

References to_string().

◆ to_string() [3/13]

std::string flexiblesusy::to_string ( double  a)

Definition at line 41 of file string_format.cpp.

◆ to_string() [4/13]

std::string flexiblesusy::to_string ( signed char  a)

Definition at line 36 of file string_format.cpp.

◆ to_string() [5/13]

std::string flexiblesusy::to_string ( signed int  a)

Definition at line 38 of file string_format.cpp.

◆ to_string() [6/13]

std::string flexiblesusy::to_string ( signed long  a)

Definition at line 39 of file string_format.cpp.

◆ to_string() [7/13]

std::string flexiblesusy::to_string ( signed long long  a)

Definition at line 40 of file string_format.cpp.

◆ to_string() [8/13]

std::string flexiblesusy::to_string ( signed short  a)

Definition at line 37 of file string_format.cpp.

◆ to_string() [9/13]

std::string flexiblesusy::to_string ( unsigned char  a)

Definition at line 31 of file string_format.cpp.

◆ to_string() [10/13]

std::string flexiblesusy::to_string ( unsigned int  a)

Definition at line 33 of file string_format.cpp.

◆ to_string() [11/13]

std::string flexiblesusy::to_string ( unsigned long  a)

Definition at line 34 of file string_format.cpp.

◆ to_string() [12/13]

std::string flexiblesusy::to_string ( unsigned long long  a)

Definition at line 35 of file string_format.cpp.

◆ to_string() [13/13]

std::string flexiblesusy::to_string ( unsigned short  a)

Definition at line 32 of file string_format.cpp.

◆ ToMatrix() [1/2]

template<class Scalar , int M>
Eigen::Matrix< Scalar, M, M > flexiblesusy::ToMatrix ( const Eigen::Array< Scalar, M, 1 > &  a)

Definition at line 724 of file wrappers.hpp.

◆ ToMatrix() [2/2]

template<class Scalar , int M, int N>
Eigen::Matrix< Scalar, M, N > flexiblesusy::ToMatrix ( const Eigen::Matrix< Scalar, M, N > &  a)

Definition at line 730 of file wrappers.hpp.

◆ ToString() [1/13]

std::string flexiblesusy::ToString ( char  a)

Definition at line 209 of file wrappers.cpp.

◆ ToString() [2/13]

std::string flexiblesusy::ToString ( const std::complex< double > &  a)

Definition at line 221 of file wrappers.cpp.

◆ ToString() [3/13]

std::string flexiblesusy::ToString ( double  a)

Definition at line 220 of file wrappers.cpp.

◆ ToString() [4/13]

std::string flexiblesusy::ToString ( signed char  a)

Definition at line 215 of file wrappers.cpp.

◆ ToString() [5/13]

std::string flexiblesusy::ToString ( signed int  a)

Definition at line 217 of file wrappers.cpp.

◆ ToString() [6/13]

std::string flexiblesusy::ToString ( signed long  a)

Definition at line 218 of file wrappers.cpp.

◆ ToString() [7/13]

std::string flexiblesusy::ToString ( signed long long  a)

Definition at line 219 of file wrappers.cpp.

◆ ToString() [8/13]

std::string flexiblesusy::ToString ( signed short  a)

Definition at line 216 of file wrappers.cpp.

◆ ToString() [9/13]

std::string flexiblesusy::ToString ( unsigned char  a)

Definition at line 210 of file wrappers.cpp.

◆ ToString() [10/13]

std::string flexiblesusy::ToString ( unsigned int  a)

Definition at line 212 of file wrappers.cpp.

◆ ToString() [11/13]

std::string flexiblesusy::ToString ( unsigned long  a)

Definition at line 213 of file wrappers.cpp.

◆ ToString() [12/13]

std::string flexiblesusy::ToString ( unsigned long long  a)

Definition at line 214 of file wrappers.cpp.

◆ ToString() [13/13]

std::string flexiblesusy::ToString ( unsigned short  a)

Definition at line 211 of file wrappers.cpp.

◆ Total() [1/3]

template<typename Derived >
auto flexiblesusy::Total ( const Eigen::DenseBase< Derived > &  a) -> typename Derived::Scalar

sum of elements

Definition at line 764 of file wrappers.hpp.

◆ Total() [2/3]

std::complex< double > flexiblesusy::Total ( const std::complex< double > &  a)

sum of all arguments

Definition at line 228 of file wrappers.cpp.

◆ Total() [3/3]

double flexiblesusy::Total ( double  a)

sum of all arguments

Definition at line 223 of file wrappers.cpp.

◆ UnitStep()

template<typename T >
constexpr int flexiblesusy::UnitStep ( x)

step function (0 for x < 0, 1 otherwise)

Definition at line 817 of file wrappers.hpp.

◆ UnitVector() [1/3]

template<int N, int i, typename Scalar = double>
constexpr auto flexiblesusy::UnitVector ( ) -> Eigen::Matrix<Scalar,N,1>

unit vector of length N into direction i

Definition at line 773 of file wrappers.hpp.

◆ UnitVector() [2/3]

template<int N, typename Scalar = double>
constexpr auto flexiblesusy::UnitVector ( int  i) -> Eigen::Matrix<Scalar,N,1>

unit vector of length N into direction i

Definition at line 780 of file wrappers.hpp.

◆ UnitVector() [3/3]

Eigen::VectorXd flexiblesusy::UnitVector ( int  N,
int  i 

unit vector of length N into direction i

Definition at line 234 of file wrappers.cpp.

◆ ZeroSqrt() [1/2]

template<typename Derived >
Derived flexiblesusy::ZeroSqrt ( const Eigen::ArrayBase< Derived > &  m)

sqrt(x) for x >= 0; 0 for x < 0

Definition at line 829 of file wrappers.hpp.

References ZeroSqrt().

◆ ZeroSqrt() [2/2]

double flexiblesusy::ZeroSqrt ( double  x)

sqrt(x) for x >= 0; 0 for x < 0

Definition at line 251 of file wrappers.cpp.

Referenced by ZeroSqrt().

◆ zeta()

double flexiblesusy::zeta ( int64_t  n)

Variable Documentation

◆ al

const double flexiblesusy::al = 1 / 137.035

Definition at line 28 of file consts.hpp.

◆ almZ

const double flexiblesusy::almZ = 1.0/129

Definition at line 29 of file consts.hpp.

◆ alsmt

const double flexiblesusy::alsmt = 0.108979

Definition at line 37 of file consts.hpp.

◆ always_false

template<typename... T>
constexpr bool flexiblesusy::always_false = false

Definition at line 26 of file always_false.hpp.

◆ B1_cent

const double flexiblesusy::B1_cent = 0.87

Definition at line 76 of file consts.hpp.

◆ B1K

const double flexiblesusy::B1K = 0.6

Definition at line 92 of file consts.hpp.

◆ B1s_cent

const double flexiblesusy::B1s_cent = B1_cent

Definition at line 85 of file consts.hpp.

◆ B2_cent

const double flexiblesusy::B2_cent = 0.82

Definition at line 77 of file consts.hpp.

◆ B2K

const double flexiblesusy::B2K = 0.66

Definition at line 93 of file consts.hpp.

◆ B2s_cent

const double flexiblesusy::B2s_cent = B2_cent

Definition at line 86 of file consts.hpp.

◆ B3_cent

const double flexiblesusy::B3_cent = 1.02

Definition at line 78 of file consts.hpp.

◆ B3K

const double flexiblesusy::B3K = 1.05

Definition at line 94 of file consts.hpp.

◆ B3s_cent

const double flexiblesusy::B3s_cent = B3_cent

Definition at line 87 of file consts.hpp.

◆ B4_cent

const double flexiblesusy::B4_cent = 1.16

Definition at line 79 of file consts.hpp.

◆ B4K

const double flexiblesusy::B4K = 1.03

Definition at line 95 of file consts.hpp.

◆ B4s_cent

const double flexiblesusy::B4s_cent = B4_cent

Definition at line 88 of file consts.hpp.

◆ B5_cent

const double flexiblesusy::B5_cent = 1.91

Definition at line 80 of file consts.hpp.

◆ B5K

const double flexiblesusy::B5K = 0.73

Definition at line 96 of file consts.hpp.

◆ B5s_cent

const double flexiblesusy::B5s_cent = B5_cent

Definition at line 89 of file consts.hpp.

◆ BsBdscale

const double flexiblesusy::BsBdscale = 1.21

Definition at line 83 of file consts.hpp.

◆ c_m_s

const double flexiblesusy::c_m_s = 299792458

Definition at line 15 of file consts.hpp.

◆ cm

const double flexiblesusy::cm = 1e13 / (hbarc_MeVfm*MeV)

Definition at line 18 of file consts.hpp.

◆ deg

const double flexiblesusy::deg = pi / 180

Definition at line 23 of file consts.hpp.

◆ deltaqq_QCDxQED

constexpr double flexiblesusy::deltaqq_QCDxQED = 691/24. - 6*zeta3 - Sqr(Pi)

Definition at line 61 of file decay_functions.hpp.

◆ epsilon

const Real flexiblesusy::epsilon = std::numeric_limits<Real>::epsilon()

Definition at line 18 of file mathdefs.hpp.

Referenced by flexiblesusy::amm_loop_functions::two_loop::BarrZeeLoopFP(), flexiblesusy::SLHA_io::block_head(), flexiblesusy::threshold_loop_functions::DB0(), diagonalize_hermitian_errbd(), disna(), flexiblesusy::threshold_loop_functions::F1(), flexiblesusy::threshold_loop_functions::F2(), flexiblesusy::threshold_loop_functions::F3(), flexiblesusy::threshold_loop_functions::F4(), flexiblesusy::threshold_loop_functions::F5(), flexiblesusy::threshold_loop_functions::F6(), flexiblesusy::threshold_loop_functions::F7(), flexiblesusy::threshold_loop_functions::F8(), flexiblesusy::threshold_loop_functions::fth1(), flexiblesusy::threshold_loop_functions::fth2(), flexiblesusy::threshold_loop_functions::fth3(), flexiblesusy::threshold_loop_functions::anonymous_namespace{threshold_loop_functions.cpp}::I0y(), flexiblesusy::threshold_loop_functions::anonymous_namespace{threshold_loop_functions.cpp}::is_equal_rel(), is_equal_rel(), flexiblesusy::anonymous_namespace{ckm.cpp}::is_zero(), softsusy::anonymous_namespace{lowe.cpp}::is_zero(), flexiblesusy::anonymous_namespace{pmns.cpp}::is_zero(), flexiblesusy::threshold_loop_functions::anonymous_namespace{threshold_loop_functions.cpp}::Ixy(), flexiblesusy::threshold_loop_functions::anonymous_namespace{threshold_loop_functions.cpp}::Ixyz(), Li2(), flexiblesusy::threshold_loop_functions::anonymous_namespace{threshold_loop_functions.cpp}::logx(), flexiblesusy::looplibrary::Collier::set_mu2_uv(), flexiblesusy::looplibrary::Looptools::set_mu2_uv(), svd_errbd(), and flexiblesusy::threshold_loop_functions::W().


const Real flexiblesusy::EPSTOL = 1.0e-11

underflow accuracy

Definition at line 109 of file lattice_constraint.cpp.

Referenced by flexiblesusy::Lattice_RKRGE::evolve_to().

◆ fBd_cent

const double flexiblesusy::fBd_cent = 200*MeV

Definition at line 74 of file consts.hpp.

◆ fBd_err

const double flexiblesusy::fBd_err = 30*MeV

Definition at line 75 of file consts.hpp.

◆ fBs_cent

const double flexiblesusy::fBs_cent = fBd_cent*BsBdscale

Definition at line 84 of file consts.hpp.

◆ fiveLoop

constexpr double flexiblesusy::fiveLoop = 1.018360064207223307e-11

Definition at line 51 of file wrappers.hpp.

◆ FK

const double flexiblesusy::FK = 160*MeV

Definition at line 98 of file consts.hpp.

◆ format_effectivecouplings

const char *const flexiblesusy::format_effectivecouplings = "%9d %9d %9d %16.8E # %s\n"

SLHA line formatter for the EFFECTIVECOUPLINGS block.

Definition at line 46 of file slha_format.cpp.

◆ format_total_width

const char *const flexiblesusy::format_total_width = "%9d %16.8E # %s\n"

SLHA line formatter for the DECAY block.

Definition at line 44 of file slha_format.cpp.

◆ fourLoop

constexpr double flexiblesusy::fourLoop = 1.608129755454920543e-09

Definition at line 50 of file wrappers.hpp.

◆ g1mZ

const double flexiblesusy::g1mZ = sqrt(5.0/3) * gYmZ

Definition at line 31 of file consts.hpp.

◆ g2mZ

const double flexiblesusy::g2mZ = sqrt(4*pi * almZ/sinSqThetaW)

Definition at line 32 of file consts.hpp.

◆ g3mt

const double flexiblesusy::g3mt = sqrt(4*pi * alsmt)

Definition at line 39 of file consts.hpp.

◆ GeV

const double flexiblesusy::GeV = 1e-3 * TeV

Definition at line 12 of file consts.hpp.

◆ GF

const double flexiblesusy::GF = 1.16639e-5 / sqr(GeV)

Definition at line 36 of file consts.hpp.

◆ Gyear

const double flexiblesusy::Gyear = 1e9*year

Definition at line 21 of file consts.hpp.

◆ gYmZ

const double flexiblesusy::gYmZ = sqrt(4*pi * almZ/(1-sinSqThetaW))

Definition at line 30 of file consts.hpp.

◆ hbarc_MeVfm

const double flexiblesusy::hbarc_MeVfm = 197.3269602

Definition at line 16 of file consts.hpp.

◆ ips

const double flexiblesusy::ips = hbarc_MeVfm / (1e6*c_m_s) * GeV

Definition at line 17 of file consts.hpp.

◆ ln2

constexpr double flexiblesusy::ln2 = 0.69314718055994531

Definition at line 57 of file wrappers.hpp.

◆ mass_formatter

const char *const flexiblesusy::mass_formatter = " %9d %16.8E # %s\n"

SLHA line formatter for the MASS block entries.

Definition at line 24 of file slha_format.cpp.

◆ mb

const double flexiblesusy::mb = 4.6*GeV

Definition at line 107 of file consts.hpp.

Referenced by softsusy::QedQcd::setMbMb(), and softsusy::QedQcd::setPoleMb().

◆ mb_MSbar

const double flexiblesusy::mb_MSbar = 4.23*GeV

Definition at line 109 of file consts.hpp.

◆ mb_MSbar_mW

const double flexiblesusy::mb_MSbar_mW = 2.906*GeV

Definition at line 66 of file consts.hpp.

◆ mb_pole

const double flexiblesusy::mb_pole = 4.6*GeV

Definition at line 108 of file consts.hpp.

◆ mBd

const double flexiblesusy::mBd = 5.279*GeV

Definition at line 70 of file consts.hpp.

◆ mbMW

const double flexiblesusy::mbMW = 2.906*GeV

Definition at line 51 of file consts.hpp.

◆ mBs

const double flexiblesusy::mBs = 5.370*GeV

Definition at line 71 of file consts.hpp.

◆ mc

◆ mcMW

const double flexiblesusy::mcMW = 0.667*GeV

Definition at line 49 of file consts.hpp.

◆ md

const double flexiblesusy::md = 5.4*MeV

Definition at line 102 of file consts.hpp.

Referenced by softsusy::QedQcd::setMd2GeV().

◆ md_MSbar

const double flexiblesusy::md_MSbar = 6*MeV

Definition at line 113 of file consts.hpp.

◆ md_MSbar_mW

const double flexiblesusy::md_MSbar_mW = 3.7*MeV

Definition at line 68 of file consts.hpp.

◆ mdMW

const double flexiblesusy::mdMW = 3.7 *MeV

Definition at line 45 of file consts.hpp.

◆ me

const double flexiblesusy::me = 0.51099892*MeV

Definition at line 57 of file consts.hpp.

◆ MeV

const double flexiblesusy::MeV = 1e-3 * GeV

Definition at line 13 of file consts.hpp.

◆ mixing_matrix_formatter

const char *const flexiblesusy::mixing_matrix_formatter = " %2d %2d %16.8E # %s\n"

SLHA line formatter for the mixing matrix entries = NMIX, UMIX, VMIX, ...

SLHA line formatter for the mixing matrix entries ;.

Definition at line 26 of file slha_format.cpp.

◆ mK

const double flexiblesusy::mK = 497.648*MeV

Definition at line 99 of file consts.hpp.

◆ mmu

const double flexiblesusy::mmu = 105.658369*MeV

Definition at line 59 of file consts.hpp.

◆ modVub_cent

const Real flexiblesusy::modVub_cent = 4.31e-3

Definition at line 10 of file SM.hpp.

Referenced by standard_VCKM().

◆ ms

const double flexiblesusy::ms = 100*MeV

Definition at line 106 of file consts.hpp.

Referenced by softsusy::QedQcd::setMs2GeV().

◆ ms_MSbar

const double flexiblesusy::ms_MSbar = 115*MeV

Definition at line 111 of file consts.hpp.

◆ ms_MSbar_mW

const double flexiblesusy::ms_MSbar_mW = 0.072*GeV

Definition at line 67 of file consts.hpp.

◆ msMW

const double flexiblesusy::msMW = 0.072*GeV

Definition at line 47 of file consts.hpp.

◆ mt_MSbar

const double flexiblesusy::mt_MSbar = 167*GeV

Definition at line 40 of file consts.hpp.

◆ mtau

const double flexiblesusy::mtau = 1776.99*MeV

Definition at line 61 of file consts.hpp.

Referenced by softsusy::QedQcd::setPoleMtau().

◆ mtMW

const double flexiblesusy::mtMW = 175.3 *GeV

Definition at line 53 of file consts.hpp.

◆ muMW

const double flexiblesusy::muMW = 1.7 *MeV

Definition at line 43 of file consts.hpp.

◆ mW

const double flexiblesusy::mW = 80.419 * GeV

Definition at line 33 of file consts.hpp.

◆ mZ

const double flexiblesusy::mZ = 91.1876 * GeV

Definition at line 34 of file consts.hpp.

◆ number_formatter

const char *const flexiblesusy::number_formatter = " %16.8E # %s\n"

SLHA number formatter.

Definition at line 30 of file slha_format.cpp.

◆ obsinfo_formatter

const char *const flexiblesusy::obsinfo_formatter = " %5d %5d %s\n"

SLHA line formatter for the OBSINFO block entries.

Definition at line 40 of file slha_format.cpp.

◆ oneLoop

constexpr double flexiblesusy::oneLoop = 6.332573977646110963e-03

Definition at line 47 of file wrappers.hpp.

◆ oneOver16Pi

constexpr double flexiblesusy::oneOver16Pi = 0.019894367886486917

Definition at line 45 of file wrappers.hpp.

◆ oneOver16PiSqr

constexpr double flexiblesusy::oneOver16PiSqr = 6.332573977646110963e-03

Definition at line 46 of file wrappers.hpp.

Referenced by calculate_diagram_SFF_t1g1n1_FFS(), calculate_diagram_SFF_t1g2n2_SSF(), calculate_diagram_SFF_t1g3n3_FFV(), calculate_diagram_SFF_t1g4n4_SVF(), calculate_diagram_SFF_t1g5n5_VSF(), calculate_diagram_SFF_t1g6n6_VVF(), calculate_diagram_SFF_t2g1n7_SS(), calculate_diagram_SFF_t2g2n8_SV(), calculate_diagram_SFF_t3g1n9_FFS(), calculate_diagram_SFF_t3g2n10_FFV(), calculate_diagram_SFF_t4g1n11_FFS(), calculate_diagram_SFF_t4g2n12_FFV(), calculate_diagram_SFF_t5g10n22_VVV(), calculate_diagram_SFF_t5g1n13_SFF(), calculate_diagram_SFF_t5g2n14_SSS(), calculate_diagram_SFF_t5g3n15_SUU(), calculate_diagram_SFF_t5g4n16_SSV(), calculate_diagram_SFF_t5g5n17_SVV(), calculate_diagram_SFF_t5g6n18_VFF(), calculate_diagram_SFF_t5g7n19_VSS(), calculate_diagram_SFF_t5g8n20_VUU(), calculate_diagram_SFF_t5g9n21_VSV(), calculate_diagram_SSS_t10g10n52_VVV(), calculate_diagram_SSS_t10g1n43_SFF(), calculate_diagram_SSS_t10g2n44_SSS(), calculate_diagram_SSS_t10g3n45_SUU(), calculate_diagram_SSS_t10g4n46_SSV(), calculate_diagram_SSS_t10g5n47_SVV(), calculate_diagram_SSS_t10g6n48_VFF(), calculate_diagram_SSS_t10g7n49_VSS(), calculate_diagram_SSS_t10g8n50_VUU(), calculate_diagram_SSS_t10g9n51_VSV(), calculate_diagram_SSS_t1g10n10_VVV(), calculate_diagram_SSS_t1g1n1_FFF(), calculate_diagram_SSS_t1g2n2_SSS(), calculate_diagram_SSS_t1g3n3_UUU(), calculate_diagram_SSS_t1g4n4_SSV(), calculate_diagram_SSS_t1g5n5_SVS(), calculate_diagram_SSS_t1g6n6_VSS(), calculate_diagram_SSS_t1g7n7_SVV(), calculate_diagram_SSS_t1g8n8_VSV(), calculate_diagram_SSS_t1g9n9_VVS(), calculate_diagram_SSS_t2g1n11_SS(), calculate_diagram_SSS_t2g2n12_SV(), calculate_diagram_SSS_t3g1n13_SS(), calculate_diagram_SSS_t3g2n14_SV(), calculate_diagram_SSS_t4g1n15_SS(), calculate_diagram_SSS_t4g2n16_VV(), calculate_diagram_SSS_t5g1n17_SS(), calculate_diagram_SSS_t5g2n18_SV(), calculate_diagram_SSS_t6g1n19_SS(), calculate_diagram_SSS_t6g2n20_VV(), calculate_diagram_SSS_t7g1n21_SS(), calculate_diagram_SSS_t7g2n22_VV(), calculate_diagram_SSS_t8g10n32_VVV(), calculate_diagram_SSS_t8g1n23_SFF(), calculate_diagram_SSS_t8g2n24_SSS(), calculate_diagram_SSS_t8g3n25_SUU(), calculate_diagram_SSS_t8g4n26_SSV(), calculate_diagram_SSS_t8g5n27_SVV(), calculate_diagram_SSS_t8g6n28_VFF(), calculate_diagram_SSS_t8g7n29_VSS(), calculate_diagram_SSS_t8g8n30_VUU(), calculate_diagram_SSS_t8g9n31_VSV(), calculate_diagram_SSS_t9g10n42_VVV(), calculate_diagram_SSS_t9g1n33_SFF(), calculate_diagram_SSS_t9g2n34_SSS(), calculate_diagram_SSS_t9g3n35_SUU(), calculate_diagram_SSS_t9g4n36_SSV(), calculate_diagram_SSS_t9g5n37_SVV(), calculate_diagram_SSS_t9g6n38_VFF(), calculate_diagram_SSS_t9g7n39_VSS(), calculate_diagram_SSS_t9g8n40_VUU(), calculate_diagram_SSS_t9g9n41_VSV(), calculate_diagram_SSV_t10g10n50_VVV(), calculate_diagram_SSV_t10g1n41_SFF(), calculate_diagram_SSV_t10g2n42_SSS(), calculate_diagram_SSV_t10g3n43_SUU(), calculate_diagram_SSV_t10g4n44_SSV(), calculate_diagram_SSV_t10g5n45_SVV(), calculate_diagram_SSV_t10g6n46_VFF(), calculate_diagram_SSV_t10g7n47_VSS(), calculate_diagram_SSV_t10g8n48_VUU(), calculate_diagram_SSV_t10g9n49_VSV(), calculate_diagram_SSV_t1g10n10_VVV(), calculate_diagram_SSV_t1g1n1_FFF(), calculate_diagram_SSV_t1g2n2_SSS(), calculate_diagram_SSV_t1g3n3_UUU(), calculate_diagram_SSV_t1g4n4_SSV(), calculate_diagram_SSV_t1g5n5_SVS(), calculate_diagram_SSV_t1g6n6_VSS(), calculate_diagram_SSV_t1g7n7_SVV(), calculate_diagram_SSV_t1g8n8_VSV(), calculate_diagram_SSV_t1g9n9_VVS(), calculate_diagram_SSV_t2g1n11_VS(), calculate_diagram_SSV_t2g2n12_VV(), calculate_diagram_SSV_t3g1n13_SS(), calculate_diagram_SSV_t3g2n14_SV(), calculate_diagram_SSV_t4g1n15_SV(), calculate_diagram_SSV_t5g1n16_SS(), calculate_diagram_SSV_t5g2n17_SV(), calculate_diagram_SSV_t6g1n18_SV(), calculate_diagram_SSV_t8g10n30_VVV(), calculate_diagram_SSV_t8g6n26_VFF(), calculate_diagram_SSV_t8g7n27_VSS(), calculate_diagram_SSV_t8g9n29_VSV(), calculate_diagram_SSV_t9g10n40_VVV(), calculate_diagram_SSV_t9g1n31_SFF(), calculate_diagram_SSV_t9g2n32_SSS(), calculate_diagram_SSV_t9g3n33_SUU(), calculate_diagram_SSV_t9g4n34_SSV(), calculate_diagram_SSV_t9g5n35_SVV(), calculate_diagram_SSV_t9g6n36_VFF(), calculate_diagram_SSV_t9g7n37_VSS(), calculate_diagram_SSV_t9g8n38_VUU(), calculate_diagram_SSV_t9g9n39_VSV(), calculate_diagram_SVV_t10g10n50_VVV(), calculate_diagram_SVV_t10g1n41_SFF(), calculate_diagram_SVV_t10g2n42_SSS(), calculate_diagram_SVV_t10g3n43_SUU(), calculate_diagram_SVV_t10g4n44_SSV(), calculate_diagram_SVV_t10g5n45_SVV(), calculate_diagram_SVV_t10g6n46_VFF(), calculate_diagram_SVV_t10g7n47_VSS(), calculate_diagram_SVV_t10g8n48_VUU(), calculate_diagram_SVV_t10g9n49_VSV(), calculate_diagram_SVV_t1g10n10_VVV(), calculate_diagram_SVV_t1g1n1_FFF(), calculate_diagram_SVV_t1g2n2_SSS(), calculate_diagram_SVV_t1g3n3_UUU(), calculate_diagram_SVV_t1g4n4_SSV(), calculate_diagram_SVV_t1g5n5_SVS(), calculate_diagram_SVV_t1g6n6_VSS(), calculate_diagram_SVV_t1g7n7_SVV(), calculate_diagram_SVV_t1g8n8_VSV(), calculate_diagram_SVV_t1g9n9_VVS(), calculate_diagram_SVV_t2g1n11_VS(), calculate_diagram_SVV_t2g2n12_VV(), calculate_diagram_SVV_t3g1n13_VS(), calculate_diagram_SVV_t3g2n14_VV(), calculate_diagram_SVV_t4g1n15_SS(), calculate_diagram_SVV_t4g2n16_VV(), calculate_diagram_SVV_t5g1n17_SS(), calculate_diagram_SVV_t5g2n18_SV(), calculate_diagram_SVV_t6g1n19_SV(), calculate_diagram_SVV_t7g1n20_SV(), calculate_diagram_SVV_t8g10n30_VVV(), calculate_diagram_SVV_t8g6n26_VFF(), calculate_diagram_SVV_t8g7n27_VSS(), calculate_diagram_SVV_t8g8n28_VUU(), calculate_diagram_SVV_t8g9n29_VSV(), calculate_diagram_SVV_t9g10n40_VVV(), calculate_diagram_SVV_t9g6n36_VFF(), calculate_diagram_SVV_t9g7n37_VSS(), calculate_diagram_SVV_t9g8n38_VUU(), and calculate_diagram_SVV_t9g9n39_VSV().

◆ oneOverSqrt2

constexpr double flexiblesusy::oneOverSqrt2 = 0.70710678118654752

Definition at line 58 of file wrappers.hpp.

◆ pi

constexpr double flexiblesusy::pi = Pi

Definition at line 16 of file mathdefs.hpp.

◆ Pi

◆ r2

constexpr double flexiblesusy::r2 = 1.4142135623730950

Definition at line 17 of file mathdefs.hpp.

Referenced by flexiblesusy::threshold_loop_functions::f1(), flexiblesusy::threshold_loop_functions::f2(), flexiblesusy::threshold_loop_functions::f3(), flexiblesusy::threshold_loop_functions::f4(), flexiblesusy::threshold_loop_functions::f5(), flexiblesusy::threshold_loop_functions::f5_0_0(), flexiblesusy::threshold_loop_functions::f5_0_r2(), flexiblesusy::threshold_loop_functions::f5_1_1(), flexiblesusy::threshold_loop_functions::f5_1_r2(), flexiblesusy::threshold_loop_functions::f5_r1_r2(), flexiblesusy::threshold_loop_functions::f6(), flexiblesusy::threshold_loop_functions::f6_0_0(), flexiblesusy::threshold_loop_functions::f6_0_1(), flexiblesusy::threshold_loop_functions::f6_0_r2(), flexiblesusy::threshold_loop_functions::f6_1_1(), flexiblesusy::threshold_loop_functions::f6_1_r2(), flexiblesusy::threshold_loop_functions::f6_r1_r2(), flexiblesusy::threshold_loop_functions::f7(), flexiblesusy::threshold_loop_functions::f7_0_0(), flexiblesusy::threshold_loop_functions::f7_0_1(), flexiblesusy::threshold_loop_functions::f7_0_r2(), flexiblesusy::threshold_loop_functions::f7_1_1(), flexiblesusy::threshold_loop_functions::f7_1_r2(), flexiblesusy::threshold_loop_functions::f7_r1_r2(), flexiblesusy::threshold_loop_functions::f8(), flexiblesusy::threshold_loop_functions::f8_0_0(), flexiblesusy::threshold_loop_functions::f8_0_1(), flexiblesusy::threshold_loop_functions::f8_0_r2(), flexiblesusy::threshold_loop_functions::f8_1_1(), flexiblesusy::threshold_loop_functions::f8_1_r2(), and flexiblesusy::threshold_loop_functions::f8_r1_r2().

◆ scale_formatter

const char *const flexiblesusy::scale_formatter = "%9.8E"

SLHA scale formatter.

Definition at line 34 of file slha_format.cpp.

◆ sec

const double flexiblesusy::sec = c_m_s * 1e15 / (hbarc_MeVfm*MeV)

Definition at line 19 of file consts.hpp.

◆ sigmambMW

const double flexiblesusy::sigmambMW = 0.047*GeV

Definition at line 52 of file consts.hpp.

◆ sigmamcMW

const double flexiblesusy::sigmamcMW = 0.027*GeV

Definition at line 50 of file consts.hpp.

◆ sigmamdMW

const double flexiblesusy::sigmamdMW = 0.9 *MeV

Definition at line 46 of file consts.hpp.

◆ sigmame

const double flexiblesusy::sigmame = 0.00000004*MeV

Definition at line 58 of file consts.hpp.

◆ sigmammu

const double flexiblesusy::sigmammu = 0.000009*MeV

Definition at line 60 of file consts.hpp.

◆ sigmamsMW

const double flexiblesusy::sigmamsMW = 0.017*GeV

Definition at line 48 of file consts.hpp.

◆ sigmamtau

const double flexiblesusy::sigmamtau = 0.275*MeV

Definition at line 62 of file consts.hpp.

◆ sigmamtMW

const double flexiblesusy::sigmamtMW = 5.1 *GeV

Definition at line 54 of file consts.hpp.

◆ sigmamuMW

const double flexiblesusy::sigmamuMW = 0.5 *MeV

Definition at line 44 of file consts.hpp.

◆ single_element_formatter

const char *const flexiblesusy::single_element_formatter = " %5d %16.8E # %s\n"

SLHA line formatter for the one-element entries = HMIX, GAUGE, MSOFT, ...

SLHA line formatter for the one-element entries ;.

Definition at line 36 of file slha_format.cpp.

◆ sinSqThetaW

const double flexiblesusy::sinSqThetaW = 0.23117

Definition at line 27 of file consts.hpp.

◆ spinfo_formatter

const char *const flexiblesusy::spinfo_formatter = " %5d %s\n"

SLHA line formatter for the SPINFO block entries.

Definition at line 38 of file slha_format.cpp.

◆ tensor_formatter

const char *const flexiblesusy::tensor_formatter = " %8d %8d %8d %16.8E # %s\n"

SLHA line formatter for entries with three indices.

Definition at line 32 of file slha_format.cpp.

◆ TeV

const double flexiblesusy::TeV = 1

Definition at line 11 of file consts.hpp.

◆ threeLoop

constexpr double flexiblesusy::threeLoop = 2.539456721913701978e-07

Definition at line 49 of file wrappers.hpp.


Real flexiblesusy::TOLERANCE = 1.0e-3

Definition at line 108 of file lattice_constraint.cpp.

Referenced by flexiblesusy::Lattice_RKRGE::evolve_to().

◆ True

constexpr bool flexiblesusy::True = true

Definition at line 52 of file wrappers.hpp.

◆ twoLoop

constexpr double flexiblesusy::twoLoop = 4.010149318236068752e-05

Definition at line 48 of file wrappers.hpp.

◆ vector_formatter

const char *const flexiblesusy::vector_formatter = " %5d %16.8E # %s\n"

SLHA line formatter for vector entries.

Definition at line 28 of file slha_format.cpp.

◆ vv

const double flexiblesusy::vv = sqrt(2*sqr(mZ)/(sqr(g2mZ)+sqr(gYmZ)))

Definition at line 35 of file consts.hpp.

◆ wilson_formatter

const char *const flexiblesusy::wilson_formatter = " %8s %8s %1d%1d %1d %16.8E # %s\n"

FLHA line formatter for FWCOEF, IMFCOEF block entries.

Definition at line 42 of file slha_format.cpp.

◆ year

const double flexiblesusy::year = 365*24*60*60*sec

Definition at line 20 of file consts.hpp.

◆ zeta2

constexpr double flexiblesusy::zeta2 = 1.6449340668482264

◆ zeta3

◆ zeta4

constexpr double flexiblesusy::zeta4 = 1.0823232337111382

◆ zeta5

constexpr double flexiblesusy::zeta5 = 1.0369277551433699

Definition at line 56 of file wrappers.hpp.

Referenced by calc_Deltaqq(), and Li5().